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Your Next Game - The Lottery 5 (event closed)

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Metal Gear Sackboy


I confess that Metal Gear has never appealed to me;  I have tried out one or two of the games but concluded that they are not really my kind of thing.  On that basis, I wasn't really looking forward to playing the MGS DLC for LBP (that's so many acronyms!) but I'm actually pleasantly surprised :)


The level designs are really cool and not too challenging, managed to ace them pretty much in one run and then just do a mop up afterwards for the prize bubbles.  I really like the boss too, think that personally it is better than the main game boss and the Kraken in the PotC DLC.


Just got a couple of trophies to tidy up in the DLC, I guess I opted to play that over the main game as I felt my frustration levels rising whilst trying to ace some levels.  Planning on maybe taking it slow with these, trying to do one or two worlds a day whilst mixing in other games.


As I'm not feeling 100% today and it's really hot here (this has the potential to equal grouchy Rachel) I am opting to play Contrast a little later ^_^  Whilst looking at the trophy list, I realized the guide is made by our resident hair swishing god, Quikdrawjoe :D


Trophy Progress: 63/70

Percentage: 85%

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Let's celebrate folks. I got my 12th :platinum: trophy an hour ago.

The cursed creatures were easier than the human enemies and chapter 22 was a bit hard but only the last point where you have to beat this guy whos name I forgot. He killed me like 7 or 8 times.


Now I only need three more trophies for 100% which are the two speedruns and the Brutal playthrough. I don't know if I'll do this right away or play something else first. Maybe I'll start Uncharted 2 befor doing the last few trophies. Maybe you guys can suggest a game I could play.


I'm very glad that I took part in this event cause I don't know when I would have started Uncharted otherwise. It's a very good game and I recommend it everyone who hasn't played it.

Have fun with your games and hopefully you get your new platinums.

Super huge congratulations for scoring the :platinum: , Markus!!! I'm really happy for you. :)

I echo Rach's endorsement that Uncharted 2 is awesome. It does everything UC1 does AND adds a few new, really cool features, so it's like UC1+++. It's almost impossible not to love UC2.

I'm loving all of the conversations that are happening. ^_^ I left to have a coffee and watch a few videos and came back to find 15 notifications and lots of my likes have regenerated. woohoo! Stuff to do! :D

Edunstar84 - Keep at it, dude. The game gets a lot better as it goes. Cool upgrades and customizable, double-digit combos make you feel like a badass chick. B)

Rach - I thought the MGS DLC was pretty slick, too. Military theme is a very masculine change for LBP and I thought the trademark "!" alert and sound were nice touches. :)

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Let's celebrate folks. I got my 12th :platinum: trophy an hour ago.

The cursed creatures were easier than the human enemies and chapter 22 was a bit hard but only the last point where you have to beat this guy whos name I forgot. He killed me like 7 or 8 times.


Now I only need three more trophies for 100% which are the two speedruns and the Brutal playthrough. I don't know if I'll do this right away or play something else first. Maybe I'll start Uncharted 2 befor doing the last few trophies. Maybe you guys can suggest a game I could play.


I'm very glad that I took part in this event cause I don't know when I would have started Uncharted otherwise. It's a very good game and I recommend it everyone who hasn't played it.

Have fun with your games and hopefully you get your new platinums.


Congrats on the plat and I'll celebrate with you.  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:


I agree with all the others that recommend playing Uncharted 2. If you liked the first one, you'll probably love UC2 even more. It does everything bigger and better and took the franchise to another level. It's my favorite in the series so far (haven't played UC4 though).

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Just got back from shopping and my 4 new games are all cleaned and in their spot alphabetically in my massive collection of dust collectors. Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 for $8 was a nice find. :)

I've been reading over the walkthrough that Rach linked me, to get a sense of my attack plan for another playthrough of Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland. Now that I know the game runs 18-23 hours, I'd like to limit the amount of future playthroughs before I can score the :platinum: and 100%.

Lastly, I know it's Sunday, but damn, 1 post by 6pm? :(


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Trophy update guys!

So just done a few hours of MP and got a few trophies, can't really say much about the game yet since i only played the MP so far. But i can at least say that the physics is something to laugh about. And the controls are really sloppy and it feels like there is like a 1 second delay between the game and your controller. Anyway i at least liked the sound track when i started up the game so there is at least something i like about the game :awesome:


Trophy Progress: 7/44

Percentage: 11%

Nice to see you finally received your game! :D

Have fun! :)

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Trophy update guys!



So just done a few hours of MP and got a few trophies, can't really say much about the game yet since i only played the MP so far. But i can at least say that the physics is something to laugh about. And the controls are really sloppy and it feels like there is like a 1 second delay between the game and your controller. Anyway i at least liked the sound track when i started up the game so there is at least something i like about the game :awesome:


Trophy Progress: 7/44

Percentage: 11%


Glad to hear you're enjoying your game making progress  ^_^


No LittleBig update from me today, spent most of the day laying in bed feeling unwell and reading my book.  

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Slim pickings on the posts today, but I'll still throw another bone on the pile. :P

After coming home from shopping, I contemplated starting a new game. I was thinking about:

- Sniper Ghost Warrior

- LittleBigPlanet 2

- LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham

I chose Sniper Ghost Warrior because it was the odd one out (the game that didn't start with L and, oddly, was an EU copy; the only one in my 250+ game collection). I played through the first couple of missions and wasn't the slightest bit impressed. I was kind of happy no trophies had unlocked by that point because it allowed me to download the PS app on my phone and deleted the 0% from my profile. :ninja:

For those wondering, it's like a realistic, present day Crysis, only without the Nano Suit. Painfully slow moving levels and unforgiving AI (aka. Take 25 minutes to move 100m and get killed in 1 second, by 2 bullets, fired from some guy that's a 1/4 mile away and saw you with his eagle vision, even though you were literally crawling 0.01mph on your belly in the thick bushes behind the trees). :rolleyes:

Better luck next time, Sniper Ghost Warrior. Back on the shelf you go.

Edited by effdeegee
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How's the hard drive space lookin'?

I'm not sure. How do I check? There are four games I've finished and not played yet. Tales of Xillia 1, Child of Light, Mirrors Edge and Infamous. I guess I can delete those and maybe something else? Would that actually work?

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I'm not sure. How do I check? There are four games I've finished and not played yet. Tales of Xillia 1, Child of Light, Mirrors Edge and Infamous. I guess I can delete those and maybe something else? Would that actually work?


- 2nd from the left "Settings"

- 6 down "System Settings"

- 2nd from the bottom "System Information"

- bottom "Free Space"

I'd wait to see how your free space is doing before deleting stuff. It might be unnecessary.

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I don't know if I'd even be able to choose between 250+ games in terms of deciding what to play, I have a hard enough time choosing something out of my own backlog and that's less than 100 (http://psnprofiles.com/forums/topic/37958-rachels-wall-of-shame/)


Today was kind of a wash out for me in terms of playing anything, felt unwell and it reached 96 degrees here (and the air con is pitiful) so spent most of the day lazing on the bed and reading my book.  On a positive note though, I have finished my book so getting the next one in the series tomorrow from the library.


Going to chip away at LittleBigPlanet this week and get those aces and prize bubbles done;  I have a feeling my husband might have preordered Odin Sphere for me so I'll probably be absorbed into that too ^_^

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It is kind of rough deciding on what to play next. Once you hit a certain number (maybe around 90-115), it goes from being "Wow, I have so much to choose from! :) " to "OMG, I have way too much to choose from... :( ." It really does become more of an overwhelming wall of choice.

It's weird to think that I could stop buying games immediately and still have the ability to play a new game, every single week, for the next 5 years straight, without spending a dollar. :S


I know that feel. I still have games that are shrink wrapped...

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No, just no.





I'll start RS next week, i've been sick the last few days and busy this weekend.


So next week i'll be able to see how shit this game really is :awesome:


By shit you mean LEGEND-WAIT FOR IT-DARY :awesome:


Alright, you bunch of spammers, it's time for everybody's favourite games show "The 20 Day Number Crunch!" :awesome:

I'll just get right into it before my fellow stat nerds explode in their pants. :P

POSTS (% of 423 total)

1. Mesopithecus - 84 (19.86%)

2. effdeegee - 55 (13.00%)

3. Quikdrawjoe - 54 (12.77%)

4. MarkusT1992 - 29 (6.86%)

5. NerdRage04 - 29 (6.86%)

6. HcG Clawz - 21 (4.96%)

7. Edunstar84 - 20 (4.73%)

8. Cassiopria - 10 (2.36%)

9. Chemergy - 8 (1.89%)

10. ee28max - 7 (1.65%)


1. effdeegee - 187

2. Mesopithecus - 153

3. Quikdrawjoe - 106

4. MarkusT1992 - 73

5. NerdRage04 - 51

6. HcG Clawz - 39

7. Edunstar84 - 31

8. Chemergy - 15

9. Cassiopria - 10

10. ee28max - 2


1. effdeegee - 224

2. Mesopithecus - 175

3. Edunstar84 - 57

4. MarkusT1992 - 55

5. NerdRage04 - 26

6. HcG Clawz - 24

7. Cassiopria - 16

8. ee28max - 4

9. Chemergy - 1

10. Quikdrawjoe - 0


1. Mesopithecus - 58/70

2. MarkusT1992 - 47/54

3. Quikdrawjoe - 11/43

4. effdeegee - 8/29

5. NerdRage04 - 6/79

6. Edunstar84 - 5/51

7. Cassiopria - 0

8. Chemergy - 0

9. ee2max - 0

10. HcG Clawz - 0

I'd just like to add a few things, if I may:

- I was planning on doing spectator stats for this instalment, but the workload was just too damn overwhelming. This instalment is already on the brink of being the busiest one yet, and it's only the halfway point.

- If you have a single digit by your name, in any of the non trophy categories, it makes me a sad panda.

- Screw the dinks on the internet that create images embedded in a file name the length of The Bible; very tedious to delete on an iPhone.

- This post took me 2:50:00 to create, between 2:45am and 5:35am, so I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for reading, folks! Have a nice day! :)<3


Would also like to note the #HAIRSWISH DOMINATION of every category


Clearly 2 front runners when it comes to their games. Great job. Now who is gonna finish it up and get the Plat first? I'm gonna guess Markus purely because he only has to finish his crushing playthrough which doesn't take too long. Sad to see 4 people with no trophies at all though. This has got to be the worst season for no shows


Was going to say unless I darkhorse come from behind underdog real life story made into a movie victory but that didn't happen.   :(


Official Mr. PSNP Like Hoarder confirmed?


Sly set my limit of likes to 3 per year.  


Joe only has 50+ posts? It's cause he mass quoting. C'mon Joe!


As I make another giant mass quote :(


I could have sworn that I clicked on "Your Next Game - The Lottery 5" but apparently I've somehow stumbled into a LBP H4H thread. Strange.  :dunno:


This is all Delboy's fault...


If you think about it; 10 players and 420 posts, everyone should have 42 posts. That makes Joe one of the most active ones, even with the multi quotes.

Sorry I didn't do spectator stats. You should know you're one of the top 2 or 3 loyal viewers. :wub:


Just imagine if I actually posted on the weekends :drool:


No worries on the stats. I just enjoy seeing everyone's progress and how much they are liking or even hating their game. Really looking forward to Clawz starting on Razing Storm next week.  :popcorn:


Thanks for calling us spectators and viewers by the way. Much more flattering terms than "Lottery stalkers" or something.  :P


Ok Mr. Official PSNP Thread Stalker :awesome:


I know I felt dirty posting it.  On the other hand how cool would it be to see how many of the lottery games platinums the spectators manage to get as well?  I didn't buy Razing Storm for the graphics you know  :D


btw: have you hearted me yet?   xD


You didn't?  I'ma let you finish but Razing Storm has some of the best graphics of all time :awesome:


Still need to multi-quote page 23-24 and post my game update

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I'm out of likes again!?! :jaymon:

The hour coming up is where The Lottery technically hits 20 days in.

440 replies and 9,100 views in 20 days; not bad, folks. Not bad at all. ^_^ Would've been quite a bit more had I not been absent for like 4 days.


 What's the highest ever?


Let's celebrate folks. I got my 12th :platinum: trophy an hour ago.

The cursed creatures were easier than the human enemies and chapter 22 was a bit hard but only the last point where you have to beat this guy whos name I forgot. He killed me like 7 or 8 times.


Now I only need three more trophies for 100% which are the two speedruns and the Brutal playthrough. I don't know if I'll do this right away or play something else first. Maybe I'll start Uncharted 2 befor doing the last few trophies. Maybe you guys can suggest a game I could play.


I'm very glad that I took part in this event cause I don't know when I would have started Uncharted otherwise. It's a very good game and I recommend it everyone who hasn't played it.

Have fun with your games and hopefully you get your new platinums.


 Congratulations! I think you're the first one to get the plat in their game so far. :P


Metal Gear Sackboy


I confess that Metal Gear has never appealed to me;  I have tried out one or two of the games but concluded that they are not really my kind of thing.  On that basis, I wasn't really looking forward to playing the MGS DLC for LBP (that's so many acronyms!) but I'm actually pleasantly surprised :)


The level designs are really cool and not too challenging, managed to ace them pretty much in one run and then just do a mop up afterwards for the prize bubbles.  I really like the boss too, think that personally it is better than the main game boss and the Kraken in the PotC DLC.


Just got a couple of trophies to tidy up in the DLC, I guess I opted to play that over the main game as I felt my frustration levels rising whilst trying to ace some levels.  Planning on maybe taking it slow with these, trying to do one or two worlds a day whilst mixing in other games.


As I'm not feeling 100% today and it's really hot here (this has the potential to equal grouchy Rachel) I am opting to play Contrast a little later ^_^  Whilst looking at the trophy list, I realized the guide is made by our resident hair swishing god, Quikdrawjoe :D


Trophy Progress: 63/70

Percentage: 85%


 MGS DLC was a lot better than the main game imo because everything was easier (except for that damn Quickfire Artist) :awesome:


Trophy update guys!



So just done a few hours of MP and got a few trophies, can't really say much about the game yet since i only played the MP so far. But i can at least say that the physics is something to laugh about. And the controls are really sloppy and it feels like there is like a 1 second delay between the game and your controller. Anyway i at least liked the sound track when i started up the game so there is at least something i like about the game :awesome:


Trophy Progress: 7/44

Percentage: 11%

Uh oh, Clawz is falling in love xD


A Lost Update 2.0 (Sword Art Online:  Lost Song)


So over the weekend I managed to reach the 3rd island after getting stuck on the desert island because I missed one of the most obvious chests of all time.  I also spent 30 minutes fighting a level 500 boss-like enemy (Fafnir look alike) that was roaming the 1st island.  Thanks to him though I reached level 200 and really boosted my skills.  I'm grinding on the 3rd island currently to reach level 230 on all 3 characters (Krito, Sinon, Yuuki) so that I'm not underleveled.  Couple of annoying things that bother is the fact that there are high level enemies surrounded by a mob of normal level enemies that I would love to farm except for that high level enemy.  In the 1st island it was a level 500 black knight (reason why I was on the 1st island in the first place), on the 2nd island it's a highly aggressive level 600 dragon that chases you all over the map (the worst so far) and on the 3rd island it's a level 700 ice golem.  Maybe I should go to 2nd island and try that level 600 dragon for farming (you get a boost to experience the higher level the enemy is above your level).  Also, the allied AI are so stupid, they literally charge in blindly and then never dodge or guard against the boss attacks so they're always dying which is frustrating when I want to fight a high level boss that can 2 hit even me.  


I did pick up a few of the miscellaneous trophies and a few more story trophies.  Trophy wise I need to blast through the story so I can get to the post game (a lot of things unlock there) and start the grinding. 


Trophy progress:  18/43

Percentage:  32%


EDIT:  I also earned the Gauntlet platinum over the weekend when I got carried through Endless mode.  Which means SAO is on track to be my 25th platinum.  :awesome:

Edited by Quikdrawjoe
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Good job on your platinum Joe! Endless mode is scary, it. Is mostly the hell levels that are scary! Instadeath target lock is a biiiiitch.


Yeah, we had some close moments where a wizard locked on with no coins left from the outside of a locked area.

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Slim pickings on the posts today, but I'll still throw another bone on the pile. :P

After coming home from shopping, I contemplated starting a new game. I was thinking about:

- Sniper Ghost Warrior

- LittleBigPlanet 2

- LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham.

Where's Bisoshock? :P

Also, if your really having such a hard time choosing a game, do another 30 day Challenge.

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