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Financial Year Backlog Challenge Thing

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Ratchet & Clank


Let me start with your last remark: I'm not discouraged by this game at all. I really liked it, but what I liked about it, I already wrote in earlier posts so in this last one it's mostly the negative. I'd still give this game a good grade though and I'd recommend it to others.


Orxon? Hoven? Arena? What the hell are you talking about? :-) Qwark boot camp is missing too, all I had in training was a short tutorial course on the first planet and a short jumping track near the Hall Of Heroes.


I'm not checking out the other Ratchet game immediately (what with, you know, being in a certain event and all) but they're on my list of games to check out if I find the time and have enough space in my backlog. From what I've seen, I might just do the Future games though because the originals might all have become too dated. I was almost tempted to get into the series a while ago but then they announced the PS4 title and I thought I'd just wait for that one. I actually already have Quest For Booty, one of the games that came with the PS3 when I got it from a friend. Never played it though.


Really, the only thing the sheepinator has going against it is that it can't be used against bosses but it makes being zerg rushed by enemies a joke.

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Orxon? Hoven? Arena? What the hell are you talking about? :-) Qwark boot camp is missing too, all I had in training was a short tutorial course on the first planet and a short jumping track near the Hall Of Heroes.


I'm not checking out the other Ratchet game immediately (what with, you know, being in a certain event and all) but they're on my list of games to check out if I find the time and have enough space in my backlog. From what I've seen, I might just do the Future games though because the originals might all have become too dated. I was almost tempted to get into the series a while ago but then they announced the PS4 title and I thought I'd just wait for that one. I actually already have Quest For Booty, one of the games that came with the PS3 when I got it from a friend. Never played it though.


Really, the only thing the sheepinator has going against it is that it can't be used against bosses but it makes being zerg rushed by enemies a joke.

Orxon is the old home planet of the Blarg, which they completely polluted to a degree that allows almost no life forms to survive on that planet and it's the reason why they wanted to create a new planet. I'm assuming they are still trying to do that in the new game since it's basically the main plot in the original to try and stop them from doing that. It's a really ugly planet with really long Clank-only sections as well as some other stuff once you get that gasmask like thing.


Hoven is one of the more interesting planets. It's an ice planet where you get to shoot a large blarg ship out of the sky using one of those mountable turrets. Can't exactly remember its purpose in the story, but I'm sure it was important. :P


The Qwark boot camp, I can't remember the name of the planet, was also relatively fun, you went there to meet captain Qwark and ask him to help you defeat chairman Drek. It's a long army-like obstacle course kind of thing.


I think the wood chuck planet was also removed. That's one of the planet that the Blarg wanted to use as part of their new planet and I believe the second planet you go to. That was also one of the nicer planets and you got the suck cannon there.


Arenas are, In my opinion, one of the things that makes the R&C franchise great. In most games there is one, starting from R&C 2 since the first game had no arena but if they could remove so many planets, they also could have added an arena planet or something, in my opinion. Anyways, normally the story sends you there to beat some basic challenges like defeating 10 waves of enemies ending in a boss fight and you have some extra challenges to do for bolts and other new stuff. Ratchet Gladiator is basically 50% arena battles. :D In R&C 3 there are also obstacle courses, which are quite fun. Sadly, the arenas in the future trilogy are dumbed down to just those normal challenges and generally less fun challenges. In my opinion at least.


Actually, the only really dated game is the first one. The second might feel dated but all the necessary features are there, like the new health system, upgradable weapons, and so on. The third game basically has every feature that the newer games have, excluding graphics but if you get the HD trilogy it still looks pretty neat. 

Also, I'd highly advise you not to try the future trilogy before playing the other games or at least R&C 3 since a lot of the story is gonna be highly confusing. Also, the villain of A Crack in Time is someone who is established in the earlier trilogy, so that's another reason to play at least R&C 3 before starting the future trilogy. 

You also shouldn't play Quest for Booty before playing Tools of Destruction because the story in the future trilogy itself is pretty deep and the game basically spoils something that happens at the end of ToD. The game was meant as a short bridge between ToD and ACiT and is therefore only a short game, like Nexus, which I still have to play. :P


I'm still pretty interested in what they did to the story to remove all those planets... Well, I'm gonna see in like 4 years or something when the next big Sony console is out and the PS4 becomes affordable. Or maybe I'm gonna watch the movie, who knows. :P

Edited by xFalionx
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So I bought 2/3 of the Rocket League DLC from my winnings from Parker's giveaway which has earned me another 4 trophies so far.  The struggle was real against Rookie bots though, I don't know how it's possible but they were actually more difficult to play against than another person.

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There's no real news from me.. I finished the last quest of Rainbow Moon main story, but haven't been able to defeat the final boss.. after losing to the 1st of the 3 battles I upgraded my gear, but didn't tried yet, and I'm only lvl63, but read that I should be at least lvl70 to beat the final boss..


I was somewhere between 65-68 when I beat him. You'll need the best weapons and armor avaliable, the next buff potions for everyone: haste (speed up), protection (defense up), and the potion that doubles your HP (don't remember its name, but it's the most important of all, if you want to survive), and the generous supply of the healing items - the strongest potions for the single heal, keep a few of the Mighty Flasks handy (by this time the stronger version of these flasks was avaliable for me in stores, so you may want to go with that instead), herbs, etc. Give the damage, stat enhancing, and anti-ailiments (Namoris is able to inflict some status effects, but I don't remember which) skills to your attackers. If you have extra Pearls, enhance Attack and Speed. Always defend on the last turn, or you'll die.

Now, this setup is for the third and final battle, but it should be able to last you through the first and second as well. You'll be able to save between them anyway, so just restock if you ran out.

Again, I ended up pretty much soloing everything with Baldren, as he was the only one getting the Pearls through the whole game and crazy overpowered compared to the other party members. He was the only one capable of surviving the whole turn of Namoris' attacks, even with the double HP potion. So when he ended up with the boss one on one, the whole fight went like this - boss attacks, Baldren heals with a 4000 HP Potion or an Elixir, uses Shield Bash lots of times and defends on the last turn. Repeat a lot.   

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I was somewhere between 65-68 when I beat him. You'll need the best weapons and armor avaliable, the next buff potions for everyone: haste (speed up), protection (defense up), and the potion that doubles your HP (don't remember its name, but it's the most important of all, if you want to survive), and the generous supply of the healing items - the strongest potions for the single heal, keep a few of the Mighty Flasks handy (by this time the stronger version of these flasks was avaliable for me in stores, so you may want to go with that instead), herbs, etc. Give the damage, stat enhancing, and anti-ailiments (Namoris is able to inflict some status effects, but I don't remember which) skills to your attackers. If you have extra Pearls, enhance Attack and Speed. Always defend on the last turn, or you'll die.

Now, this setup is for the third and final battle, but it should be able to last you through the first and second as well. You'll be able to save between them anyway, so just restock if you ran out.

Again, I ended up pretty much soloing everything with Baldren, as he was the only one getting the Pearls through the whole game and crazy overpowered compared to the other party members. He was the only one capable of surviving the whole turn of Namoris' attacks, even with the double HP potion. So when he ended up with the boss one on one, the whole fight went like this - boss attacks, Baldren heals with a 4000 HP Potion or an Elixir, uses Shield Bash lots of times and defends on the last turn. Repeat a lot.   


Thanks for the tips, I was to farm the material that grants Auto-Haste on my gear (still using a super outdated helmed on Baldren and Dozeru because of that..), and was thinking in seeing if it's possible to get the material for Auto-Inflate (2x HP boost).


I have the magic for both Haste and Protect. And ya, I saw the store update, there's an improved version of the Mighty Flasks there now.


As for Status ailment protection, I'm running Poison, Worsened and Dizzy resist passive abilities since the moment that I got them.. kind of annoying to keep having to use 1 split-turn to clear them every turn..


As for Pearls, I have about 1000 for Trisha and Dozeru and 3000 for Baldren, but at the same time I have all possible bonus points on all stats except HP and MP (never saw a real reason to waste Pearls on those 2 stats)..


Also, from what you said, I think that I will really just go farm the materials for Auto-Haste, and gold as well (almost got broken while updating my gear..), since I will need to update my potion stock, specially those single person potions (my stock is only of potions to heal up to 1000 HP), Mighty Flasks (my stock if from the weaker ones) and Inflate Potions (only got 1 from the lottery..).


PS: I think no one would get very far in this game if they didn't learned to Defend on the last split-turn.. the damage reduction from it it's completely insane! (and pretty much any boss and a lot of random encounters would kill the party really quickly if we didn't used Defend after every split-turn.. at least that's my experience..).


On a side note, I'm happy that the 3 games that we are allowed to get aren't fixed! I'm starting to think in changing FFXV for KH2.8, simply because of the announcement of a season pass for FFXV, really don't like that kind of business model, specially on a game that took this kind of time to make, I was expecting a full game.. until they announce the actual content of the season pass, I will not buy the game..

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Actually, the only really dated game is the first one. The second might feel dated but all the necessary features are there, like the new health system, upgradable weapons, and so on. The third game basically has every feature that the newer games have, excluding graphics but if you get the HD trilogy it still looks pretty neat. 

Also, I'd highly advise you not to try the future trilogy before playing the other games or at least R&C 3 since a lot of the story is gonna be highly confusing. Also, the villain of A Crack in Time is someone who is established in the earlier trilogy, so that's another reason to play at least R&C 3 before starting the future trilogy. 

You also shouldn't play Quest for Booty before playing Tools of Destruction because the story in the future trilogy itself is pretty deep and the game basically spoils something that happens at the end of ToD. The game was meant as a short bridge between ToD and ACiT and is therefore only a short game, like Nexus, which I still have to play. :P


I'm still pretty interested in what they did to the story to remove all those planets... Well, I'm gonna see in like 4 years or something when the next big Sony console is out and the PS4 becomes affordable. Or maybe I'm gonna watch the movie, who knows. :P


I'll keep it all in mind for when I can buy games again ;) the new Ratchet & Clank was pretty neat but not so super amazeballs awesome that I immediately want to play the rest. In due time...


And once you finally play on PS4 you'll notice how PS3 stuff, unless very well done towards the end of the era, will feel impossibly dated very quickly. And even the late stuff is not immune. The graphics in the new R&C are brilliant, I don't think I would take going back to PS2 HD graphics kindly...


As for the PS4 price, I've always found it's worth it. Then again I did not "pay" full price for it but I traded in a shitload of X360 games, I think I had only little over €100 left to pay afterwards. I really had a problem with buying games (HUGE backlog on the X360), now in my PlayStation era I try to keep it under control. For X360, I had rows and rows of discs... Such a waste, which is why these days I just trade on my discs, save for a rare few exceptions (mostly Assassin's Creed). I actually never bought a new gen console this soon, I used to wait some years when it would become affordable... And now suddenly Ubisoft announced the new title in the Assassin's Creed series was new gen only. So I had to have one by October 2014 :D Didn't regret it for even a second.




Little update: I finished Ratchet & Clank yesterday, and today I managed to find someone who wanted that and was willing to trade Mirror's Edge Catalyst for it, which I have not yet played. So there's a new title for me. I won't start it right away though. Maybe tomorrow but I also want to just chill with something on (Black Flag perhaps) and I still have DOOM... We'll see what happens.


I'll post a bigger update with new stats for the OP once I know what I will have played today.

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And once you finally play on PS4 you'll notice how PS3 stuff, unless very well done towards the end of the era, will feel impossibly dated very quickly. And even the late stuff is not immune. The graphics in the new R&C are brilliant, I don't think I would take going back to PS2 HD graphics kindly...


And I'll never stop being amazed how different everyone sees graphics. Maybe, being mainly a retro gamer before becoming a trophy hunter tainted my eyes in this regard, but I may easily gape at the "pretty picture" in the games that are decades old. I remember staring at the backgrounds of fourth Alone in the Dark a couple of years ago and shine Carnby's flashlight at everything, because it looked pretty. I've wasted lots of time in Baten Kaitos games just looking. Folklore was a launch title for PS3, and I still hold it as one of the most beautiful games on the console. 

While I perfectly understand that PS2 graphics, even after the HD treatment, will look dated to most, my mind still becomes baffled at this.

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And I'll never stop being amazed how different everyone sees graphics. Maybe, being mainly a retro gamer before becoming a trophy hunter tainted my eyes in this regard, but I may easily gape at the "pretty picture" in the games that are decades old. I remember staring at the backgrounds of fourth Alone in the Dark a couple of years ago and shine Carnby's flashlight at everything, because it looked pretty. I've wasted lots of time in Baten Kaitos games just looking. Folklore was a launch title for PS3, and I still hold it as one of the most beautiful games on the console.

While I perfectly understand that PS2 graphics, even after the HD treatment, will look dated to most, my mind still becomes baffled at this.


I think 64-bit graphics and up actually get hit harder with this. I can easily boot up my SNES and play Castlevania, or Donkey Kong Country, or Star Fox and think nothing of it. But give me 3D graphics that are five years old... Though I think some stuff still stands out, I still enjoyed playing the Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie games on X360. But even though I loved playing Jak & Daxter again, it felt super weird looking at polished PS2 graphics... Though it probably doesn't help that I played it right after playing three good-looking PS4 games (GTA V, Alien Isolation, The Order 1886) and a high-end PS3 game (Portal 2).


Gaming update:


Seeing as apparently I had deleted the Black Flag game installs and updates again, I checked my Library and decided to finally continue on Broken Age. I really liked this game when I started it, I just got distracted by other games. I only played through Part 1 of the girl's story, so I have about 3/4 of the game to go.


So okay, I just finished the first half of the game (that is to say, act 1) and SERIOUSLY WHAT THE MOTHER OF SHITFUCKS! What a twist... I wonder if I would have seen it coming if I hadn't had such a long break in between playing parts, but I thought this was amazing. I'm not going to say any more so people aren't being spoilered (if you have played this and want to reply, please use spoilers around your text) but just take from this that I love this game now. Everybody should give it a go, it's on PS4 and Vita and it was on PS+ in October 2015.


Probably going to finish it this weekend now that I'm on a roll again. Not tonight though since I'm starting to get a bit tired and I want my head clear for Act 2. I'll just play a bit of Black Flag, maybe try out Mirror's Edge Catalyst if I'm up for it. (if these posts seem to read weird, it's because I just have posts like this open when I'm gaming, writing my thoughts as I play along, and not just looking back at the end of the day)



Back into Black Flag, for the first time in almost two years... Did a bit of freeroaming, sending ships to make money for me, capturing more ships, capturing a fort, unlocking taverns... It strikes me again just how big this game is compared to other Assassin's Creed games. Yes, much is water, but it's a large world nontheless, one which I love to cross.


Assassin's Creed games are part of the rare breed of games to which I just keep coming back, which has become a lot rarer for games to do after the SNES era. I just love the feel of the games. Yes, I was not happy with many a choice made by Ubisoft but in the end, it's still perhaps the game series closest to my heart. I do so very much hope that Assassin's Creed 2017 will be an amazing piece of work...


I still think the lighting is a bit off in Black Flag's new gen edition though. The hair just looks weird, especially if Edward is not walking in direct sunlight.



Managed to trade Ratchet & Clank for Mirror's Edge Catalyst. I was hesitant to pay for this after the average reviews, and because I did not love the first game. I still liked it, sure, but there was a lot wrong with it as well.


The visuals in this game are nice but not amazing, kind of what is to be expected of a new gen Mirror's Edge I guess. I was barely interested in the story (what story?) the first time around and I can already see that it's not going to pull me in this time. Yeah, I don't care about your 'hip' skater dude, game, just let me run and I'll be fine.


That gets me to the controls, which are maybe even a step backwards from the previous game (I'm not sure because it's been so long). It's all average but for how long this game has been in development, I expected a better overhaul, not too sensitive complicated controls once more. I also don't care for having loading screens on death. If I recall correctly, the last game did not really have any loading of note when you died, you just got right back into the game at the last checkpoint. Dying will be annoying now you have a 10-20 second loading screen...


Let's see how it goes. For now, I'm moderately entertained.



Edit: You haven't posted these stats SFSG but they're not the most recent any more, so you can safely read on... :-)



Ratchet&Clank (played through story)

(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4)

Broken Age (continued on story)

(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4, continued 2016/8/5)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)

(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (started)

(obtained and started on 2016/8/5)



DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):





traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst


BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 23 games



PS4 12 games and 19 free games   -0

PS3 10 games and 29 free games   -0

VITA 0 games and 10 free games    -0

SNES 23 games                            -0







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And once you finally play on PS4 you'll notice how PS3 stuff, unless very well done towards the end of the era, will feel impossibly dated very quickly. And even the late stuff is not immune. The graphics in the new R&C are brilliant, I don't think I would take going back to PS2 HD graphics kindly...


As for the PS4 price, I've always found it's worth it. Then again I did not "pay" full price for it but I traded in a shitload of X360 games, I think I had only little over €100 left to pay afterwards. I really had a problem with buying games (HUGE backlog on the X360), now in my PlayStation era I try to keep it under control. For X360, I had rows and rows of discs... Such a waste, which is why these days I just trade on my discs, save for a rare few exceptions (mostly Assassin's Creed). I actually never bought a new gen console this soon, I used to wait some years when it would become affordable... And now suddenly Ubisoft announced the new title in the Assassin's Creed series was new gen only. So I had to have one by October 2014 :D Didn't regret it for even a second.




Little update: I finished Ratchet & Clank yesterday, and today I managed to find someone who wanted that and was willing to trade Mirror's Edge Catalyst for it, which I have not yet played. So there's a new title for me. I won't start it right away though. Maybe tomorrow but I also want to just chill with something on (Black Flag perhaps) and I still have DOOM... We'll see what happens.


I'll post a bigger update with new stats for the OP once I know what I will have played today.

I guess I can understand that since it's almost impossible for me to play most PS1 games since I grew up with a N64 and later a PS2. :D I feel the early 3D graphics were a pretty big downgrade after the beautiful 2D graphics of the SNES, especially with the PS1's barely 10 polygon models like in FF7, I just keep thinking how beautiful that game would look in 2D. But the later stages of the PS1 like from FF8 onwards were bearable, if not in certain situations even pretty. But in general I'd consider anything 2D from NES onwards and anything 3D from PS2 onwards to be enjoyable without having to think about graphics, but then again I'm stunned when I look at certain PS3 titles, which really make me question how the graphical fidelity can vary that much on the same hardware. I mean, just compare Oblivion with R&C: A Crack in Time or the Assassins Creed games. It's like they were released on different consoles. It's almost the difference between PS1 and PS2. It's really stunning to see how much developers can actually squeeze out of old hardware when they are actually trying, unlike most AA studios nowadays...

Edit: This just made me remember the time when I just got my Game Cube with LoZ: Twilight Princess and I was completely in awe as I thought how realistic this stuff looks. Which is kind of ironic since when I look at it now it's nothing but outdated graphics. :D But they are still pretty nonetheless, it seems Nintendo has a knack for that kind of thing.


Also, the R&C games all have a style that is pretty resilient to aging. And while the first 5 games might look kinda dated, they still look better than most early PS3 games. :D And then there's the future trilogy. I had to upgrade my HDD for those since they were so incredibly big. I think one of them was like 28GB which, of course, took 60GB of free space to download and install because of the dated PS3 tech... Anyways, they look extremely beautiful and are probably the games with the most impressive graphics that I've seen with my own eyes yet.  


Well, I'm mostly not saving up for a PS4 yet since I didn't even start to exhaust either the Vita or the PS3 library, since I started getting back into Sony about one and a half years ago with my Vita and got my PS3 last December. So buying a PS4 that's only gonna get cheaper over time now to get games that will only get cheaper over time just seems like a waste of money. And I've gotta conserve that stuff since I don't get to spend very much of it. That's one of the reasons I entered the challenge. It's basically a "regular year in my life challenge" with a few extra restrictions. That way I get a few people who share my problems for once. :P It's kind of a big deal since literally everybody I know has tons of money to throw out for games and they literally get to buy any game they are interested in at launch, while I pretty much never go for new games since they are just too expansive. I mean, since I already have tons of games I'd like to buy I usually just take the cheapest ones I can find from my list and just play them that way. A nice example are the AC games, I got the first 5 games together on disc for 20€, while I could have gotten a third, if not a fourth of a new game for the exact same price as those five games together. And it's not like the newer games would be better than those older ones. Actually, it's quite the contrary since nowadays most interesting features are just planned for release on DLC before the game is even out...


Well, anyways there's still lots of stuff for me on my PS3 and Vita so I'm not really in a hurry to buy a PS4. :) And since I don't even look at most new releases, especially when they are exclusive to consoles I don't own or recent PC games since my potato can't run them, I usually don't have a problem with not owning a PS4. But certain things like Gravity Rush 2, which started out on the Vita only getting a PS4 release really make me upset. But then others like the Persona 5 PS3 release make me incredibly happy. :D


Also, another edit since I started writing this before you posted your most recent post.  That Mirrors Edge loading screen would really annoy me. Especially since I know how many times I died in the first game. :P I don't even wanna imagine something like Super Meat Boy with a 10-20 sec loading screen after every death. I think that's what hell must be like.  :lol:


And I'll never stop being amazed how different everyone sees graphics. Maybe, being mainly a retro gamer before becoming a trophy hunter tainted my eyes in this regard, but I may easily gape at the "pretty picture" in the games that are decades old. I remember staring at the backgrounds of fourth Alone in the Dark a couple of years ago and shine Carnby's flashlight at everything, because it looked pretty. I've wasted lots of time in Baten Kaitos games just looking. Folklore was a launch title for PS3, and I still hold it as one of the most beautiful games on the console. 

While I perfectly understand that PS2 graphics, even after the HD treatment, will look dated to most, my mind still becomes baffled at this.

Yeah, like I stated above I only really have a problem with early 3D graphics since I can't stop myself from thinking how beautiful those games would have looked with some nice crisp 2D sprites instead of early low-poly models with a pretty limited color selection. It kind of makes me wish I had a PS1 while growing up since I'd at least have nostalgia for the graphics. But certain games like Spyro: Year of the dragon are totally fine with me, probably because that's one of those games that I was able to play because of the at that time pretty standardized backwards compatibility. :D

Edited by xFalionx
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I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since my last update, time certainly flies when you're gaming & working your ass off. Anyway, I'm gonna try to update everyone on how my gaming adventures have been, no big list this time, not enough time for me to find and update that along with this update.


  • First off, after 4 and a half years I finally platinum'd Skyrim! I've spent so much time wandering the map & trying to build up my houses in that game (all 3 are done, with a "theme" that separates them from each other) that I only decided to go for the platinum this year. I also finished the main questline to Dawnguard & started the Dragonborn DLC (finally).
  • Managed to snag key fragment #3 in Hyperdimension Neptunia, finishing off Leanbox and leaving only Lowee remaining. If what I've heard about how bad this game is was true, then I truly can't wait to try the next 3 games that I have waiting to be downloaded. It certainly has some flaws (the graphics take awhile to adjust to, and the combat is VERY hard to adjust to) but I've really enjoyed my time with it, makes me wonder what my opinion would be if Re:Birth 1 was my first game instead.
  • Went back to Tales of Graces f after a 3 month hiatus, and completed chapter 4 after some grinding and party lineup changes (apparently the AI is alot better at using Asbel then I am, so Cheria has become my new main character to use). Spent most of Regatta Day playing through this game, remembering why I loved this game as much as Xillia 1 & 2 (the games that got me into the Tales series) and hopefully I won't get stuck on another fight and leave the game like I did before.
  • All of my relationships with the vocaloids of Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd have been maxed out :), unfortunately, I'm still a Looooooong ways away from platinuming this game. With so many things left to buy and alot of DP grinding left in front of me, I won't be platinuming this before I get my first pickup at the end of the month in Project Diva X.
  • Made more progress in Driveclub, completed a couple of the DLC's and I'm also 1 trophy away from the platinum.
  • In non-trophy/non-backlog related news, I'm now into round 3 of the Lakers Road to the FInals challenge in NBA 2k16 after dominating the Jazz in 5 games (woulda been 4 if I didn't rage quit halfway through the first game). In terms of games that I haven't considered part of my backlog, I was apart of a successful boosting session last night in Who Wants to be a Millionaire, managing to get the Party Time trophy (host a 4 player private match) AND the Straight A+ trophy, after some slick Google searching and lucky guess on question 14/15 in our final game of the session.

I'll update the big list again at some point (maybe later this month when I'm on my break), but for now I think I'll stick with smaller updates like this just so I can keep up with everyone else and be apart of the discussions that everyone else has been in.

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Lots and lots of stuff


Yeah, as I said in my post to NetEntity, the SNES gets a pass from me as well even though I can't stand early era 3D graphics now (though much from the N64 still gets a pass due to it being the N64). I got Zelda: Twilight Princess as well for the GameCube, looked awesome. That was my first "pre-order" actually...


I'd say the PS4 has a good library itself these days, you're really missing out on some fun stuff if you keep to last gen. Not trying to push you or anything but, well, I've already posted my own arguments for getting one :) Depending on your gaming wishes there are plenty different games you can only enjoy new gen - two Assassin's Creeds (and one 'remastered'), Ratchet & Clank, Arkham Knight, The Crew, Tropico 5, Bloodborne, Unravel, Rise Of The Tomb Raider, GTA V in first person, Fallout 4, DOOM, Just Cause 3... The list goes on and on and on, and that's just what I personally have played and enjoyed! (Well save for Rise, naturally)


If you've been a good boy and clicked on all those PS4 PS+ games, then you have a nice little library of PS4 games already now :)


I used to not look at new releases either. Then came a new Zelda, which I had to have. Then it was silent for a while. Then L.A. Noire. Then came Assassin's Creed, the first of which I got on the cheap when Revelations had just been released. Played for a few hours on a saturday, then rushed to the game store before it was closed for the weekend so I could get II and Brotherhood. That was a fun weekend :D Ever since then, I've been pre-ordering the collector's editions of Assassin's Creed. For a good while that was the only thing I pre-ordered. Then, the game store I frequent thought of something new - trade in some of your older games for the used store price so you could get selected pre-orders a lot cheaper. I really only pre-order if there's collector's editions with good stuff in there but thanks to that pre-order sale idea I've pre-ordered a lot - Shadow Of Mordor, Alien Isolation, GTA V twice (X360 and PS4)...


Then came looking for collector's editions of things other than Assassin's Creed - Arkham Knight, Just Cause 3 and Child Of Light have been the only ones up to now but right now I'm finding myself with pre-orders of No Man's Sky, South Park and Horizon Zero Dawn. I used to only buy games on the cheap but I'm getting more and more into the mindset of "if it's awesome, it's worth it" and it helps that I'm now not a student any more but have been getting a monthly paycheck for five years now, so I know how much I can spend on gaming if I keep my other expenses in check.. I'm still only pre-ordering collector's editions, but it's of games which I really want to play even if a couple of years ago I would have just waited for it to drop half of its price tag. It helps that I'm now in the mindset of trading games which I am done with, this makes sure that not only can I get a bit of worth back of that game I paid so much for, but I can also play other new games at no extra cost. In the end, that makes my pre-orders still cheap overall. If you need proof for this, just look at the trading I did in the last week - The Crew for Trackmania Turbo, then Trackmania Turbo for Ratchet & Clank, then Ratchet & Clank for Mirror's Edge Catalyst... Here's hoping that when I'm done with that, I find someone who wants it for Far Cry Primal so I can get in the mood for Horizon Zero Dawn.

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Halo 2, man.


Holy shit man, this game is one of the reasons games in general are fantastic.


Everything the first game did right, this game does better. Sure, with movies and books, sequels can come along and tell a new story and keep you interested, but not only is it uncommon that a sequel is as good as it's predecessor, it's a rarity that they outshine the original in every single aspect. 


Halo 1 is a decent shooter with some vehicle sections and shit and an average story but good enough that you're interested for the follow up.

Halo 2 is a decent shooter with better controls, a MUCH better story, better visuals, better weapons, better missions, better level design, better pacing, better character development, better soundtracks even, and 2 key words to why it's so good.


Dual. Wielding. 


Dual wielding isn't exactly something brand new. But this is by far the best dual wielding game I've ever played. Everyone else always fucks something up, you can only old 2 of the same gun for example in Call of Duty. This one is so fucking perfect it's literally something I would bring up when promoting the game. You can pick one gun and pick up an entirely different gun or have 2 of the same or throw one away, most of the guns in the game support dual wielding aside from the bigger ones. Like, I'm aware it doesn't sound that special in this write up, but it's so fucking good when you're playing it. I definitely see the appeal of Halo 10 years ago now, the first one, eh, it's okay, but if the increase in quality between 1 and 2 is anything to go off, 3 should be a fucking masterpiece.


Story wise though, this is the thing. The first one has , here, this is what I got from the story.


So there's this guy MAster Chief and he crashed on a Halo and there's these fuckers called the Covenant and they're the bad dudes and they're trying to activate the Halo which by the way is a ring shaped Death Star cranked up to 11, and then there's some other fuckers call the Flood who are activating it too or one of them is activating I don't fucking know, anyway, it's basically you vs those assholes to stop either one activating the Halo. Imagine the Rebels spending 8 hours walking around the Death Star all so they can find the self destruct button, it's basically that.


Story wise in Halo 2 there's a guy who fucked up on the enemy's side who wants redemption for his failures and is coming after you, the baddies have found another Halo, and you're on your way to stop it. Okay, it might be a Return of the Jedi situation where the bad guys are pretty well doing the same shit again, but like, when you're playing it, you can actually follow what's happening and want to know more. I desperately wanted Halo 1's story to be good but it was so generic. This one is kind of generic too so far thinking about it now (I'm about half way through) but like, it's told better I guess. It just feels more like it's happening, instead of just me watching it happen in the first one, if that makes sense?


Anyway, I paid just over 10 bucks for the Master Chief collection a while back, you can get it for less if you really look, and holy shit is it by far the best value deal you can get for Xbox One (sorry Rare Replay), and quite possibly all of this gen so far. Keen to see where Halo 2 goes.

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Texp about the PS4 and preorder stuff


Yeah, the PS4 library is certainly good and it will only get better once thinks like Final Fantasy 15 release. :)

There's lots of games that I'd like to play on the PS4, though not so many of your list. :P The ones from you list that interest me the most are R&C and Fallout 4 since my PC can't handle that anymore. :D For the other ones the main reason why they wouldn't interest me as much is mostly that either I don't know much about them or I didn't play their prequels yet. I'm probably gonna play the 3 Dark Souls games before Bloodborne, didn't finish all of the PS3 AC games yet (I'm currently somewhere in the middle of brotherhood) and I don't really care about the first person or visuals of the PS4 GTAV. 

As for the games that I'm dying to play other than the above, that would be Gravity Rush 2, FF15, Kingdom Hearts 3, Mirrors Edge Catalyst, Stardew Valley (why can't that be released for Vita? It would be such a perfect fit...). Actually, I think that's it unless I'm unconsciously hiding some of them from my conscious mind... But I guess if I really took some time to look at the PS4 library I would probably find my fair share but the problem of money still remains. I'm a student and I can't really get a job until I'm done with all of this crap because I've gotta play babysitter for my younger brothers in my free time, otherwise my parents would throw me out. That means saving up anywhere from 300€ to 400€ is a huge ordeal, especially since my parents love to decide, when they run out of money because they are spoiling those little brats I mentioned earlier, that I should "lend" them some of my savings which usually never find their way back into my pockets... That's why I usually spend my money as quickly as possible when I get some. Other than that my parents aren't really that bad, by the way. I guess they just want to make my little brother feel like we're richer than we look like.


Also, sadly I don't have PS+. I'd like to get it but 50€ a year for games that I may or may not want is too much of a gamble for me. But then again I've seen titles on there that I wanted to play that would add up to more than 50€ in a year. Anyways, I don't think I'll be getting PS+ anytime soon since I guess that would qualify as a gaming expense. Maybe SFSG can elaborate on that.


I used to love collectors editions when I was younger. But nowadays they just kind of feel like a waste of money, so I can't really enjoy them fully. Like to a level that if I were to get one as a gift I'd probably sell that and get the normal game plus another one for that. I do still have my World of Warcraft: Cataclysm collectors edition, though. :)


Also, where do you go to trade those games all the time, like do you trade with your friends or is there a website or something? I've never heard of anyone doing that actually. :P But I don't think it would be my kind of thing since I'm kind of a collector. I love looking at my physical games or scrolling through my Steam library and just, I don't know, feeling that I've actually got some things.


Halo 2 wall of text


I never owned a Microsoft console but I did get to play some Halo Reach when I was testing the Xbox360 they got for Christmas two years ago since I had to make sure that every game that came with it worked and that it's basically ready for them to plug it in and start playing whatever they want. This was also when I realized that it's pretty comfy to play shooters on a controller instead of keyboard and mouse. :)

The short amount of stuff that I did get to see was pretty fun and that dualwielding thing for guns sounds interesting. I think I've never seen that in a game before. (The ability to hold 2 different guns at the same time I mean, not 2 of the same kind.)




Also, I might have won a game of my choosing by showing off my cryptography skills in the Song Vote thread. :D I'm still waiting for a reply from Dav after spending 4 solid hours on cracking his code. 

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Hi guys :)


I'm happy to say i have a milestone to tell about...


I've achieved all mp trophies in Crysis 3 by now xD ... dlc trophies were easy cuz boosting was necessary... but main game trophies were harder cuz there was a dozen people messing around :S ... but i have a lot to do in SP left...


And as mentioned earlier i started with Bioshock today <3 ... on Survivor with Vita Chambers off... i'm a good trophy hunter, 1 playtrough will be enough for 100%  xD completed the 1st chapter so far...


Good progress with Dragon's Crown - only 1 trophy left before the Platinum :D ... sadly i think this is the hardest... i need to damage something or someone with 100.000 points... only achieved 75.000 so far :( ... the game is super grindy (even though just SP) so i'm not fond of completing more dungeons in search of better equipment, but alas! there's no other way...


Oh, and also i decided to go for some online trophies in Rayman Legends... a good game (though i'm a noob in Jump 'n' Run) and was surprised to get a gold medal in a daily challenge... when i went to bed i was one of the last guys for silver, but 8 hours later i was one of the very last for gold :blink::D ... hopefully the same thing happens again... in the current challenge i have only bronze but who knows maybe i get a silver trophy tomorrow xD



New Status


Currently Playing


Grand Theft Auto 5 - 38/59 (51%)

Dragon's Crown (PSV) - 47/49 (97%)

Crysis 3 - 34/61 (55%)

Rayman Legends - 29/51 (47%)

Bioshock - 6/66 (7%)


Games completed so far


Dante's Inferno - 55/55


Probably buying


Virtue's Last Reward




Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition + Bioshock Infinite 3€ ( xD)


Expenses DLC


None so far

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Oh, and also i decided to go for some online trophies in Rayman Legends... a good game (though i'm a noob in Jump 'n' Run) and was surprised to get a gold medal in a daily challenge... when i went to bed i was one of the last guys for silver, but 8 hours later i was one of the very last for gold :blink::D ... hopefully the same thing happens again... in the current challenge i have only bronze but who knows maybe i get a silver trophy tomorrow xD


Good luck with Legends. The Awesomness grind took me 5 months of everyday play to finish. A great chore that was, even with me getting gold (with some silvers thrown in) in every challenge.

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Good luck with Legends. The Awesomness grind took me 5 months of everyday play to finish. A great chore that was, even with me getting gold (with some silvers thrown in) in every challenge.


Ups, another challenge took to lightly it seems :blink::facepalm::D


I won't say i can't or won't do this but it will take some time... as i'm not that eager to play this every day... unlike GTA or Bioshock xD

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Also, sadly I don't have PS+. I'd like to get it but 50€ a year for games that I may or may not want is too much of a gamble for me. But then again I've seen titles on there that I wanted to play that would add up to more than 50€ in a year. Anyways, I don't think I'll be getting PS+ anytime soon since I guess that would qualify as a gaming expense. Maybe SFSG can elaborate on that.

It doesn't count (as far as I'm aware).. and I forgot to mention that I extended my PS+ subscription for more 1 year, since it would end next month, and there's quite a lot of backlog for me to play from it..

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Also, sadly I don't have PS+. I'd like to get it but 50€ a year for games that I may or may not want is too much of a gamble for me. But then again I've seen titles on there that I wanted to play that would add up to more than 50€ in a year. Anyways, I don't think I'll be getting PS+ anytime soon since I guess that would qualify as a gaming expense. Maybe SFSG can elaborate on that.


I bought my 2 years access for 72€ :D


I usually look 1 or 2 months before it ended on discount for 50€ psn card or even 1 yar ps+ card... really lucky with the 2 years card i guess :)


Oh and as stated by Han already, + membership doesn't count as expenses here... among others i think it's because it's needed for ps4 online play.

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It doesn't count (as far as I'm aware).. and I forgot to mention that I extended my PS+ subscription for more 1 year, since it would end next month, and there's quite a lot of backlog for me to play from it..

I bought my 2 years access for 72€ :D


I usually look 1 or 2 months before it ended on discount for 50€ psn card or even 1 yar ps+ card... really lucky with the 2 years card i guess :)


Oh and as stated by Han already, + membership doesn't count as expenses here... among others i think it's because it's needed for ps4 online play.


Well, depending on how I feel about it then, I might just get myself some PS+ love once my birthday comes around next month.

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PS4, PS+, collector's editions, trading


Well I must say that buying games goes better since I've stopped being a student, I never had current games or consoles during that time.


In the OP is a bit about PS+ games don't count for this event. Therefor getting or renewing PS+ will not count either since the mayority of people get PS+ on a yearly basis or less, which is not as long as this event takes so we're probably almost all renewing our subscription at some point during this event. I'm just putting that money in the 'expenses' pile and that's it.


I love collector's editions, mainly the ones with art books, a statuette and a map. There was a time when I had all the maps on the wall but the walls are filled with shelves for LEGO and statuettes now :) I tink some of these statuettes are amazing and I'll gladly pay a bit more to get one from a game I really want. Loving that The Coon statuette from Fractured Butthole...


Yeah I trade on a site, there's a few different ones over here but there's probably sites like that for just about every country out there. I just filter adverts on people close by and ask them if they want to trade instead of sell, or often people already put in the advert that they're willing to trade. More and more people are realising that selling and using that cash to buy another game is actually more expensive than just trading them, I know a few people with whom I've traded a few games.


Little update:

I just played a bit of Broken Age, nothing much to tell. One thing bugs me though. I started on the boy's story but partway through I couldn't continue, I thought I had checked everything. I gave up and looked online but apparently I have to find the missing clue in the girl's story, which is messed up because they aren't even together. I didn't have to switch during the first act, why start now? I stopped the game at that point, figured I had time to post a little update here before I go to the cinema.


I also went to the game store and I sold some games I was done with, for a bit more than I paid for them actually. Instead of money, I asked for store credit. I now have fully paid off No Man's Sky just by trading in games, the remainder went in South Park and VR.

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Well I'm back from my trip thing, and damn did I get some action on my PS Vita. I got to work on there and managed to snag 2 platinums in less than a week (I usually take about 1-2 months to get 1 platinum so this is really somethin' here).


Anyways here's the stuff I did:


- Started up Unit 13 on the PS Vita again, played the crap out of it for 4 days, and I managed to 5-star every single mission in that game. Got that game's platinum as #34 :)

- Played more Limbo on the Vita, got all the eggs and finished the game, and did that hidden level too, so I've just got the 5 death or less playthrough for 100%

- Played a few more missions of Dead Nation, gets kinda boring going solo, and the matchmaking in that game is terrible so I'll slowly progress

- Played some Killzone: Mercenary multiplayer, I got a few trophies

- Went back to Sound Shapes and did my 13 remaining Death Mode levels, admittedly less rage than I thought I'd have since I went into it knowing the game would kick my ass in 10 different pieces. I was patient though and managed to do it, and I breezed through Beat School, so that's another platinum (#35) :)

- Naval Strike DLC for Battlefield 4 started, and wow carrier assault is amazing, I love it


Edit: Here's the pasting part:



Battlefield 4 (PS4)

Dying Light (PS4)

Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)

Destiny (PS4)



Mirror's Edge Catalyst (sometime within this year probably)



Rocket League (PS4) - 64% 40-platinum.png

Unit 13 (PS Vita) - 100% 40-platinum.png

Sound Shapes (PS Vita) - 38% 40-platinum.png



0 dollars and 0 cents



Batman: Arkham Knight Season Pass: $9.99






Trophy Level 21 (62%)

Trophies 4053

Platinums 32

Average completion 44.09%

Edited by lumphy101
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Gaming update:

So, I started DOOM again. I really liked this while playing it - remember: I never really played DOOM and generally I don't like FPS. I thought DOOM was all about the gore but now I'm playing it, I get it: it's a power fantasy, just like "be the Batman". It's not about being scared about the demons, it's about the demons being scared of you.


I managed to get through Hell the first time around and then did not have time to play for a while because of the last event I was in. Really wanted to pick it up again before it became another game I forgot about, so here we are. For those who've played it, this means today I started at the beginning of the Argus Energy Tower Destroyed level.


... And, after slaughtering a lot of demons, I find myself in a corridor, being met by a big armour refill and a big health refill. [...] I'm going into a massive fight, aren't I?

Well hello there, ugly mothaf*ckers!


Well, I'm right back into the mess. It's hard for me to like FPS games but this one manages with flying colors. Just a note: if I get through this story then it will only be the second FPS game I've played through on PS4, the first being Wolfenstein: The New Order.


... Okay, so now it's about thirteen, maybe fourteen hours since I started this post, and I just finished the campaign of DOOM. When I started on this game I was playing a chapter a day since I was doing an event with other games in it, but now I just wanted to keep on playing. I played the first six levels (out of thirteen) about a month ago and I played the rest now.


Awesome game, loved it. I wouldn't give it a perfect score by all means but I'd definitely give it a high one. Probably enjoyed this game more than I enjoyed Wolfenstein. I'm not ashamed to say that I played on the "I don't wanna die" difficulty setting, the game still gave me some trouble a couple of times. Had to restart the room right after stepping on the train a few times, had a similar experience with a room somewhere in the first Hell chapter but I don't know where any more.


I may post some final thoughts later on but for that to work I'm going to have to let it sink in for a while, since I hadn't played for a month and just canonballed the bulk of the game.


I only played DOOM today, so this is it for my update. Tomorrow, I might continue on Broken Age - if I'm in the mood. I've got No Man's Sky coming up so I might just do a screen-free evening tomorrow.




New stats. These are the most recent, SFSG.
Also, I put an enter after the first spoiler and I have the last update date not in bold any more. See if you can auto-paste this spoiler now with it still working in the OP.

Ratchet&Clank (played through story)
(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4)

DOOM (continued and finished story)

(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished 2016/8/7)



Broken Age (continued on story)
(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4, continued 2016/8/5)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)
(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (started)
(obtained and tried out on 2016/8/5)

DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):
traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst



No Man's Sky

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Horizon Zero Dawn
BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01
PS4 12 games and 19 free games
PS3 10 games and 29 free games
VITA 0 games and 10 free games
SNES 23 games
PS4 11 games and 19 free games   -1
PS3 10 games and 29 free games   -0
VITA 0 games and 10 free games    -0
SNES 23 games                            -0

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Billy, Lumpy, and the clown prince of PSNP, have been updated. Oh, and I should update myself, since I played Spidey, which I forgot until I wrote the bit below this.




So I replayed Amazing Spider-Man 2 last night. Beat the whole thing on super hero (super hard) mode in one sitting in like 4 or 5 hours going casual with a bunch of free roaming. This game man, I mean, I have a certain distaste for the amazing Reboot-Man as it is, but holy hell was that game bad. I mean, not bad, but like, the worst aside from ASM 1, but like, being the worst in a great series isn't the worst thing. 

I'll write more later maybe, who knows, either way, I only have like 5 minutes of break left yo.

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Update! Games completed:


Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 2: The Siege of Spinner Cay

Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan

Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood

Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 5: Rise of the Pirate God

The Walking Dead: Michonne

PS Vita:

Norn9: Var Commons

Smart As...

Been playing more Star Ocean. Finishing up the third (and hopefully last) run through the Maze. Then it's on to the Universe playthrough.

Also earned the plat for Norn9: Var Commons. I'd heard it was the least good of the otome games released on Vita, but I was pleasantly surprised by how charming it was. Also surprised how much I adored Otomaru Heishi, his was easily my favorite route. Probably because he's a socially unaware idiot who isn't bothered by the little things, which I can relate to. All of Nanami's routes were really interesting, but pretty dark and dysfunctional. That probably says something unfortunate about me personally, that they were my favorite. Masamune's was the only route I found boring.

I finally got the plat in Smart As... as well, so I can delete it and download something new to play. Also started up my import copy of Tales of Innocence R. Turns out my Japanese is reeeeeeally rusty. The kana are coming back to me pretty quick, but as far as story/skits I'm having to go almost solely on audio, I only remember a handful of kanji :( Luckily Tales games aren't known for amazing stories and I've got the gist of what's going on. The menus are pretty easy to figure out too. The gameplay is good so far, reminds me of Vesperia a bit.

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Billy, Lumpy, and the clown prince of PSNP, have been updated.


I don't know what happened there but I'm starting to get scared xD


I think there's something amiss with how you copy and paste... Suddenly the enter is gone, there an enter above DOOM and there's font and color code in there...


Try this one for size, I've added the title above it so you can just replace the whole thing. It might be safest to do this in BBCode Mode.


Edit: never mind, read on for more recent stats.


BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016


Ratchet&Clank (played through story)

(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4)

DOOM (continued and finished story)

(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished 2016/8/7)



Broken Age (continued on story)

(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4, continued 2016/8/5)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)

(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (started)

(obtained and tried out on 2016/8/5)



DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):





traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst



No Man's Sky

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Horizon Zero Dawn


BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 23 games



PS4 11 games and 19 free games   -1

PS3 10 games and 29 free games   -0

VITA 0 games and 10 free games    -0

SNES 23 games                               -0







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