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NMS Discoveries, Hints and Tips Thread


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Are space stations easy to identify and dock with? I have spent a large amount of time on planets, but would love to eventually see and make offers on star ships.



You will see that Yellow hexagon while in space. Just fly into the center of the blue glow and the ship will auto-land inside for you.

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I have only warped two times and I just got my first atlas pass, then I think the "tutorial" is done. However, I have yet to encounter a space station; I have seen lots of cargo ships. Are space stations easy to identify and dock with? I have spent a large amount of time on planets, but would love to eventually see and make offers on star ships.


I thought station waypoints automatically appear when you enter a new system, and I'm not in a position right now to verify. But in case they don't, one of the first things you want to do when entering a new system is click :l3: while in your ship to scan the system for interesting things. If that's not something you do already. See below your post for what the icon looks like.

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I had my first battle against level 5 sentinels last night, wanted to check if my ship could handle and i succeeded. I also found my first solar system that was previously discovered by someone else including some species inside one of the planets with different names was fun :D


Edited by Mah2c
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Not so much a tip, but now that the online services are more stable if you go to the star map while in space, and choose Scan For Recent Discoveries (or whatever it's called), it will bring up your nearest last discovered planetary system. From there, you can warp to it, then scan again for your nearest discoveries, repeating as many times as you need to. You should be able to piece together your previous route that way.

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Found a planet that's extreme because the Sentinels attack on sight. You don't realize just how ubiquitous the Sentinels are until they're in your face every time you need to fiddle with your inventory. Planet's also a bit hot, but nothing a Theta Coolant Layer can't handle. Oh, and carnivorous deer for some reason. 11.9 sols in, and I've been constantly marching across the surface like some interstellar anabasis instead of hiding somewhere and waiting. I've been calling my ship remotely to land at every landing pad I find so the walk isn't so long whenever I do get done.


Also, I've named the planet Saberhagen, for reasons that become obvious to anyone who has read a Fred Saberhagen novel.

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na its not working :( it fills the circle but nothing happens .    thx for trying to help :( .  i guess i start new game in few weeks ...  after a longer time not playing game like this i often start new game anyways instead of continueing ..... but the "break" was so forced .


V. 1.05 patch notes.


Check your save again. The latest patch supposedly fixed it so you can try to recover a corrupted save. Might be worth a try.

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V. 1.05 patch notes.


Check your save again. The latest patch supposedly fixed it so you can try to recover a corrupted save. Might be worth a try.


i already started over .  i tried it with 1.04 but it didnt work so i started new game .   I guess corrupted save file loading fix is more for PC than ps4 ... but its fine , as long it is not happening again

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Got the Platinum, I upgraded my Hyperdrive to 1500 light years per jump (Theta), I finished the Atlas Path and I'm 3/4 way to the centre of the galaxy. Now I am just enjoying the scenery along the way (especially the non-yellow star systems)


Love the game. I would have loved it more if it was what Hello Games touted it to be, but hopefully much that was ripped out of the game will be put back in via free DLCs. I hope.


Still, good game. 

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Hey everyone


No internet at the moment as I'm in the process of moving house. Have still been playing the game offline though. Weird how that works, but hey ho. 


Spent a lot of time on upgrading my slots. I have a full 48 slots on my Exosuit now, and a ship with 39 slots. I've been relying on finding crashed ships in the wild, rather than buying any. The process is easy:


1. Go to planet,

2. Fly around until you see an outpost with a tall communications tower (not a single, large, satellite dish, those are observatories),

3. Enter the Transmission Tower, interact with the console, and solve the maths sequence puzzle. You will be rewarded with the location of a crashed ship.

4. Investigate ship. If it has more slots, you're going to want to take it. But, before you do, make sure to junk all the upgrades in your current ship for the resources, many of which will be quite rare. Those resources will also allow you to afford repairs and upgrades to the new ship if you want to. 

5. More all your stuff to the new ship, and accept it. 

6. If you're planning on doing this many times in succession, only repair the Launch Thruster and Pulse Drive, which are required for flight. Other repairs are a waste of resources.




It takes a while, but is far, far cheaper than buying ships from aliens. 


The ships you find will be +/- 1 slot compared to your current ship, so don't take the -1 ships or you'll be going backwards.


Each transmission tower will be good for 2-3 crashed ship locations (just return to the tower and do another puzzle). After you have exhausted all the crash sites which that tower can see, then you will start to get locations repeating themselves, with no crashed ship (assuming you took the ship). Go and find another tower at this point. EDIT - this no longer applies. Used to be that you could re-use a Gek Transmission Tower a few times to get new locations, but they patched this out in v1.07. Each Transmission Tower can only be used once for all species now. 


If you're having trouble finding towers, then you can use a Bypass Chip with the orange laser waypoint thingies which are easily seen when flying on a planet. Ask for the location of a "Transmission" and hope that it detects a "transmission tower".




What I'm having trouble with is finding better multi-tools. I've had a 12 slot multi-tool for ages now and, on the rare occasions where I find another one, it's always got fewer slots. Maybe just a run of bad luck, but I'd really like a reliable method of finding better multi-tools if anyone has one?

Edited by StrickenBiged
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Hey guys, so last night i finally reached my ultimate goal, but like i foresaw, is it really the center of the universe? did we really reach it? i guess this game ends with a galactic twist that says did we really finished the game? or did we just reach the beginning ?



Had fun and the platinum is here.

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Hey guys, so last night i finally reached my ultimate goal, but like i foresaw, is it really the center of the universe? did we really reach it? i guess this game ends with a galactic twist that says did we really finished the game? or did we just reach the beginning ?


Well, no, you didn't reach the center, all you did was get warped to a different part of the galaxy, but without seeing your star map I don't know if you're closer or not to the center. Once you do reach the center though, you'll realize just how close you were to the truth.

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Well, no, you didn't reach the center, all you did was get warped to a different part of the galaxy, but without seeing your star map I don't know if you're closer or not to the center. Once you do reach the center though, you'll realize just how close you were to the truth.

Yeah I figure it as much, but the 10 Atlas stones at least on most wikis stands for the end of the Atlas help journey, however it does say that will keep going and going, so that's why the game may indeed not ever end :P

But I did get to the center, I recorded and I'll upload soon :)

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Finally found my second planet with Extreme weather (high toxicity). Going to hang out here and get the trophy, and try to find all fauna too. Luckily it's an interesting planet, with lots of coast, water, inland areas and caves. While I'm here I think I'll work on maximising my ship inventory slots (my current ship has 43/48 slots) and multi-tool (currently on 20/24). 


Anyone know if you've still got to do the 8 hours on one planet after patch 1.07? I ask because they mentioned fixing the Extreme Survival milestone in the patch notes, but there were no details beyond that, so I wonder what "fixed" actually means. 

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They fixed a bug that was keeping certain people from reaching the 32 sol requirement, which may or may not be 8 real world hours, since each planet's definition of a sol is ostensibly supposed to be different. I've never actually bothered to time this, nor do I read every single scrap of printed info anyone has ever said on this game, so no one quote me later on to gleefully point out how wrong I was, because I'm not going to bother with it. The requirement is still 32 sols, however long it takes to reach that.

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So it turns out that Patch 1.07 still requires you to do the extreme survivor trophies on one planet. 


Looks like I'm hanging out on the extremely toxic Blightown 2.0 for another four hours or so. It's getting a little drole; I've found all the species and places of interest are very spaced out on this watery, acidic hell hole. 

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In case it's not been mentioned here already.  In the Atlas stations (where you get the stones) walk over all the little lights in the big circle around where you land, most of them will give you new alien words.


I'm done with the surivor trophy now, Ship kills just seems to be down to me arriving at the scene of a battle a couple more times.  It's that damn fauna that's going to be the death of me I swear.

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Just some general advice, the extreme survival trophy is better if you find an interesting world and space it out over 3 days. I think staying in your ship freezes the timer, leaving atmosphere resets. I say this to those who get bored or are bored with this game. DO NOT leave yourself in any area outside and go to sleep for 8 hours, your life support will drain and kill you many times over (unless someone managed to do it?)


I'm glad I found the planet I did... lots of fauna to explore, EXTREMELY rich in almost every element you can name, sans Copper and Aluminum and a Freezing Hazard that barely dented my Zinc stores to prevent the conditions from being more than a minor annoyance. I just occupied myself with mining, creating structures with the Plasma Launcher, tunneling, and seeing how long I could survive outside the ship and observing the pretty cool scheme/color palette.


It's kind of funny how I came across the planet (whatever it's name is). I was at home resting from injury and I thought it'd be awesome if I could run into a hazardous planet. I didn't think I'd run into on demand, so I just started... and found it at the first little planet I went to in the current system I was in, hehe. Weird. But very cool and fun. Wish I had photos/video.

In case it's not been mentioned here already.  In the Atlas stations (where you get the stones) walk over all the little lights in the big circle around where you land, most of them will give you new alien words.


I'm done with the surivor trophy now, Ship kills just seems to be down to me arriving at the scene of a battle a couple more times.  It's that damn fauna that's going to be the death of me I swear.


You know attacking the ships that stream in and out of the Trading Posts and buildings where you meet Advanced Life Forms (some sort of trading hub, I guess? Is there a name?) brought me to that trophy in a very short amount of time... default ship no upgrades. In atmosphere combat is so, so, so easy. Too easy.

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