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How do you hold/use your PlayStation Controller?


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Left hand is pretty standard. It holds at the bottom, with index over L1 and birdman over L2. Right hand drifts a lot, between RS and buttons. I try to hit all button with the tip of my thumb, but I roll my fingers over the buttons when necessary (Pier Solar, e.g.). Because I move my right hand so much, I often inadvertently hit R2, which is a pain in a lot of games(and the R2 button seems more sensitive on the PS4 controller).

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OK, so I just picked up a controller to test this out.


My right and left index fingers both lie exactly between R1/R2 and L1/L2 respectively so I can move each one very minutely and hit either button


My right thumb lies directly on top of the right stick when I use the stick; when I;m not using the stick it lies diagonally across the face buttons, in between X and O and again between ◻ and △. That way I can roll my thumb to any button very quickly.


My left thumb lies the exact same way as my right, but mirrored (in between the left and down arrows and between the up and right arrows)

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I used to spin on Call Of Duty so knowing how to play claw was a credential. I use my right index finger for  :cross:  :square:  :triangle:  :circle: with my middle finger resting on either  :r1: or  :r2: depending on what I'm playing and thumbs for both :l3:  :r3: obviously. This really did help me out in the long run haha.

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Left pointer finger on the right analog stick.

Right pointer finger on the left d-pad arrow.

Right pinky finger on the up d-pad arrow.

Ankle on the right triggers.

Nose on the left triggers.

Right eye-ball for X and Square.

Left kneecap for Triangle and Circle.


I either sneeze or cough depending on my need for Start or Select.


And all that is still more comfortable than the atrocious claw method described earlier. I tried it for a split second and it made me look like Forrest Gump solving a Rubix Cube.

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I only use my thumbs and index fingers to play, i rest the controller on my other fingers, holding it pretty lightly. My index fingers rest between the bumper and trigger, so I move them a little up or down for every press. My thumbs are mostly on both sticks in games where you can control the camera. In some games you only need button presses every so often. Like in Dark Souls, you roll and use the occasional item, so a quick tap-spam will do. Most of the time I spam buttons until I see the action start. If I need multiple buttons, like in Final Fantasy 14, I rest my thumb on all face buttons. The tip of my thumb is in between the square and triangle buttons, and the flesh of my thumb is in between cross and circle. So pretty diagonally. That may seem uncomfortable, but I hold my controller very lightly, my palms aren't even touching the controller. It gives me fast access to every button. So I guess my thumbs and fingers are in the 'ready position' most of the time.


The only games I have some trouble with are games where you actually have to use both the bumper and trigger at the same time. Those are rare and often it's a mini-game instead of the entire game. I have to use my middle fingers for the triggers then, and that messes up the way I hold my controller, so then I have to press my palms inward a little to hold it more securely, forcing my hands in an unnatural position.


There are probably way faster or more efficient techniques, but this is how I naturally hold it and it's comfortable enough for long play sessions. I never have cramps or pain. Relaxed hands are fast hands (for those of you who play bass: same advice applies haha).

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Holy crap, you have that crazy claw-like position - I tried holding my controller like that just now and was like "ummm" xD


For me my right thumb is used for Triangle, Circle, Square, X, and the right analogue stick (lower part of my thumb presses X and circle, upper part of it presses triangle, square, and the analogue stick).

The same sort of thing goes with my left thumb on the left side of the controller.

My index fingers rest on R2 and L2 at all times and they move up to R1 and L1 whenever I need to use them. If I need to use like both R1 and R2 at the same time I put my index finger on R1 and middle finger on R2.


That's exactly how I hold my controller lol  :lol:

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I had to pick it up to check :P  About halfway between being tilted upwards and facing towards me. It rests on my ring finger and pinkie, index fingers rests on L1 & L2 and my middle finger rests on L2/R2. My thumbs rest on the analogue sticks with no cover on the D-pad or :triangle: , :cross: , :circle:  or  :square: .


I didn't like the camera when I was playing Shadow of the Colossus and the GTA games on PS2 so I got used to moving the camera and character at the same time with the sticks, and it's stuck with me, even in games where I don't need to move the camera.

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Left toe on right analog, right earlobe on square, eyeball on the power button and left pinky inside dickhole for added comfort and control during FPS note: I switch to right middle finger in the anus for puzzle games. Everything else other than that is pretty standard.

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Left toe on right analog, right earlobe on square, eyeball on the power button and left pinky inside dickhole for added comfort and control during FPS note: I switch to right middle finger in the anus for puzzle games. Everything else other than that is pretty standard.

Lmaoo I was thinking was this really post really needed the whole time. Also for some reason me and some other guy who commented in the beginning had our posts taken down probably because we were being sarcastic..\_(+_+)_/

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