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Bad jokes / dad jokes thread

Oobedoob S Benubi

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@MosesRockefeller and @Super-Fly Spider-Guy demanded this thread, so they can vent their dad jokes ;)


Seriously though, tried searching in the forum for threads with 'joke' in the title and nothing came up (except "this game / multiplayer / trophy list is a joke" threads), so I decided to create a thread. We have threads for sharing funny pictures and threads for other stuff, a joke thread will probably survive.


Personally, though I'm not a dad, I do like 'bad' jokes a lot. As much of what I know is punning in my own language it doesn't really translate, but some can be fun regardless.


What's green and goes down the mountain?


Skiwifruit! (kiwifruit is actually just called kiwi here but I decided to change it a bit to prevent confusion with the bird)


What's orange and keeps yelling "I'm an orange, I'm an orange!"?


A tangerine with a big mouth.


What's black and white and sits in a tree?


A flock of cows.


Recently a plant was discovered that's so deadly, if you stand underneath it without any form of protection then you'll be dead within fifteen minutes.


It's a water lily.



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There are some stupid anti-jokes in german but they don't translate very well but here are at least two:

What is green and triangular?


A green triangle


What is black and triangular?


The shadow of the green triangle


A man always drops his smartphone but it has no scratch so far. How is this possible?


He activated flight mode


Edited by Crimson Idol
spoiler not quotes, you idiot!
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9 minutes ago, Zangril said:

What do you call a priest that becomes a lawyer?


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A father in law



I told a priest during confession that I believed my father was not actually my real father.


He said, "Why do you think that, my son?"


A retired priest was often still visiting his clergy, after a while they realised he was having sex with the clergywomen.


He was nun-active.


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4 hours ago, Maxie the Mouse said:

Dad joke, huh?



Also, since when did I demand this thread? I don't even recall alluding to anything, but fuck it, I'll take it.


So I'm in TAFE today, and I had Billie with me, on my shoulders right. And I'm talking to her, because helping her learn words and speak and all that parenting jazz and I say "This is where I come every morning when I leave you and you get upset and then I come back like 8 or 9 hours later and you're good. It's cool here. They have like great heaters and air cons. Heh, get it? 'Cause it's cool." then I turn to these two people sitting down near the elevator looking at me clearly trying not to laugh at me and I'm just like, shit. 


Nah, but on a really hot day, it's dope going to a place with a great air con for a fair few hours. And in winter, you can rock up in a singlet and thongs (well, a tshirt and thongs anyways) and the heater will make you so warm you'd think you're in a walking doona. Good shit.




Only other dumb joke I can instantly think of is when Force Awakens came out and they get Phasma and she's like "My troops will storm this place" and I sat there pissing myself and then Jessie turns to me and she's like the fuck am I laughing about, and I go "That's why they're called *storm* troopers" and now I basically say it every time someone says something dumb. Good times.


I'm not funny.

Edited by Super-Fly Spider-Guy
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@Super-Fly Spider-Guy I was alluding to the whole dad-jokes discussion in a different thread @MosesRockefeller and I had after I noted that you didn't make an obligatory switch pun ;)





Two skeletons walk into a bar, one skeleton says to the bartender:


two beers and a mop, please!


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1 hour ago, StrickenBiged said:

My dad always used to tell this one:


A son and father are talking ahead of the son's wedding day. The father is giving him some advice for his married sex-life. The father says:

"Now son, sex once you're married goes through 3 distinct phases. First, you'll be having Honeymoon sex, where you have sex all over the house every-which-way you can imagine. It's great. But shortly thereafter, and as a consequence, you will be having Quiet sex, because there will be kids running around and you need to keep it to the bedroom and it's not so great. Once the kids have left home and gone to college you get to the Oral sex phase..."

"That doesn't sound so bad Dad! I'm guessing that's quite fun!"

"It's quite frequent. We pass one another in the hallway and she says 'Fuck you' and I say 'Fuck you too'".

Your dad has a lot better sense of humor than mine. That's not a dad joke, that's actually pretty clever. :) My dad's jokes are almost never dirty, and they are all groan-inducing. 


Also, as a married father of a toddler, I can say reality is even worse! We skipped the Honeymoon Sex and went straight to the Quiet Sex, which is even more interesting because 75% of the year my mother-in-law lives with us. It's great because she helps with the kid and with housework, but as a consequence we're pretty much living like monks. It's so quiet that it's not happening at all! :P


Sadly I'm better at spur-of-the-moment jokes so I don't have any to share at the moment, but I enjoyed most of the ones already shared. Keep up the good (bad) work! 

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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  • 4 weeks later...

after a streak of off topic posts, finally on topic...


on the first 3 years of marriage:

- the first year, the husband talks and the wife listens...

- the second year, the wife talks and the husband listens...

- the third year, they both talk and the neighbours listen...


longer joke here:

there was a kindergarten teacher asking her students how their summer holidays were...she asked for people to come up to the front of the class and share their experiences but added "but your story has to have a point to it...a moral"....


first kid comes up: "i was helping my grandfather at his farm this summer and was carrying all of the eggs we had collected from the chickens that morning...i tripped, dropped them on the ground, and they all broke...i started to cry...my grandfather came up, patted me on the head, and said 'son, it's best to not put all of your eggs in one basket'"...


teacher: "great story...thanks for sharing...anybody else?"...


second kid comes up: "i was helping my grandfather at his farm this summer and was carrying all of the milk bottles we had collected from the cows that morning...i tripped, dropped them on the ground, and they all broke...i started to cry...my grandfather came up and said 'son, there's no point in crying over spilt milk'"...


teacher: "another good one...we've got time for one more story...would anyone else like to share?"


third kid comes up: "my grandfather was a soldier in World War II...one day he got stuck by himself and had a dozen germans rushing towards him...he only had 2 bullets left in his gun and a bottle of whiskey...he killed two enemies with headshots from his final two rounds, chugged the bottle of whiskey, smashed it on a rock, and then slit the last 10 german's throats with the broken bottle"...*pauses, and smiles proudly*...


teacher: "that's an interesting story but what is the moral behind it?"...


third kid: "don't f**k with my grandfather"...


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What did the ocean say to the coast?


Nothing. It just waved.


How do you make tissue paper dance?


Put a little boogie in it.


What do you get when you cross a sheep and a kangaroo?


A woolly jumper.


Silver and Copper are sitting at a bar. Gold walks in. Silver turns and says...


AU. Get lost.


A man walks into a doctor's and says, "Help me! I think I'm going mad! For some reason I keep believing I'm a pair of curtains."


The doctor says, "Pull yourself together!"


I have a literally endless supply of these. I'm practically addicted to learning bad jokes that make people groan.

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