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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Perhaps not the most popular game but I spent many, many happy hours on it and would thoroughly welcome a current-gen sequel. Sadly, as the development team behind it went out of business, I very much doubt that will happen. I remain hopeful for Portal 3 at some point though 


On the flip side of that question, which gaming franchise has had its day and should be put out to pasture?

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Since cookies aren't really dishes, Tiramisu (ironic coming from me :awesome:) got to be my second choice, I guess?


What color usually makes you uncomfortable to see in games/real life, etc?

Edited by Timanthon
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Yellow. I just can't get along with how... bright... it is. It also makes me associate it with cheap things, for some reason. Possibly because all of the cheap supermarkets over here use yellow in their logos


What is the best birthday that you can remember?

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Tyrion Lannister atm. 

edit: and no, I haven't seen latest season yet. trying my best to avoid spoilers.


Show you watched the most as kid?

Are you insane? Why would you  say that you are trying to avoid spoilers for GoT on the internet? I would be surprised if you still haven't gotten a message named "Free Games" but instead  has the complete death count of the characters that are still alive. All joking aside you will like season 5.

Digimon and Courage the cowardly dog!

Favorite Anime?

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Whenever FIFA and the sponsors have taken and sold their allocation of freebies.  -_-  The lottery for tickets officially starts on 10th of June (so this time next week). http://www.uefa.com/uefaeuro-finals/ticketing/index.html


Which country could be the surprise package in Euro 2016?

Edited by AndyLish79
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Someone who enjoys gaming, be it on a phone, a tablet, a console or a PC.


When do the tickets for Euro 2016 go on sale?

Screw you own ninja I will respond even though you did as well!! :D I am 100% sure you can register for them right now.

Serbia, I have family there and if they qualify that would be the biggest surprise of all.

Who will win Euro 2016?

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