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actually depends, if I have work that day, around 5 hourish... during rest day or off... 10+ hours I think ^_^ yeah.. I don't have what they call social life IRL...


If you could magically(yes it needs to be done by magic) purchase any PSN game for free right now, what game would it be? (of course excluding DLC, Season Pass etc)

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The Last of Us. Do I need to say more? (and yes, I know that some people played it and didn't like it. Also to people that play only Multiplayer and played TLOU without playing the singleplayer, you're a disgrace to even buy this game and only play the multiplayer. Okay, rant over, onto the question.)


Favorite Game of all time?

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Yes I remember it vividly, friend came down from NY to have our weekly Lost party, we had it set to record, it didn't, and I wanted to take the Tivo out back and beat it mercilessly. Of course now I just use Netflix, hulu+, etc. PSVue was nice, but even with 30/4 connection, switching between channels took seconds. Shame. It's still new though.

Happiest day in the past week

Edited by Dav9834
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