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The $10 to $50 PlayStation gift card giveaway - Ends July 15th 2024


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Posted (edited)

Two weeks later and I have achieved none of my goals. Why not you may ask? Well for the last Abby giveaway i did the story of the last guardian, as such I wanted to finish that game before moving on. however some of you may be aware of a certain RNG based trophy in that game, need I say any more.

Edited by jpwbjpwb
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A Space for the Unbound is done.  Nice adventure game with a pretty good story.  I might have overlooked playing it if not for this giveway.  Definitely worth checking out for people that like adventure/story focused games.


I'll probably be trying to start on Pyre sometime this week.  Thinking about trying to finish up my platinum for Eiyuden Chronicle first, though.

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Posted (edited)

Just finished Dragon Age: Inquisition and combo Where's Dreadwolf!


Had a lot of fun with this trilogy. Still have the Trespasser DLC left to finish, but I think I can rank Inquisition second best just before Origins. Lots of fun additions to gameplay and a lot more colorful in its environments and characters, yet felt something missing that Origins had. Maybe just that old school Bioware charm fading over the years. Still very much recommended, great RPG's. Looking forward to Dreadwolf now that I'm all caught up!


I don't see anymore games on the Tier 5 list could be playing right now (either don't have em', don't like or played already), so I'll relax for the time being. I'll keep a lookout in case more games are added to the list!

Edited by xtrminator05
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Finished A Space For the Unbound. Very lovely game. Chapter 3 was a little bit to long for my taste but overall nice game. Loved the visuals, EEs and the music. Story was okay.  Overall a nice game.


I stopped playing Disco Elysium after 10 minutes. I don't like it. Art style is still awesome tho and will check on the soundtack too


Dodgeball Academia will be my next game and after that Dredge

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I'm not really sure if I'll complete or even play Nier lol, so please Abby change me to the Tier 3, I'll play Call of The Sea since I found it a few days ago, and it catched my eye.


Thanks again for holding the giveaway : )

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I have now done the required trophy on Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I also already have rise of the tombrraider pre competition for the combo on that game I think that makes Shadow worth 5 points not 2because of the combo based on your example around the kingdon games where you said you would get 4 points if doing the second game while already having the first.

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All done with Dredge.  I liked that game.  Will be picking up the DLC for it eventually.


Since I have access to it through PS+, I guess I'm going to try and play Sable too.  I'll probably play something else before starting it, though.  Still have plenty of time to squeeze it in before the end date.

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I have the Telltale Batman games done, first and second, Tales From The Borderlands Telltale done, Assassin's Creed III done, but all old and done a while ago - rules way too long to read and analyse it all - some games take time, years too for me 'cause slow and take my time, so starting certain ones now for some, you would never get it done by the time the time is up...  Just posting these anyway because whatever, whether they count or not, rules just too long for me take in properly.

Edited by J-S_93
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I've just completed Dragon Age: Inquisition, and with the addition of Dragon Age 2 that I've completed over 10 years ago (feel so old!), I should have the Where's Dreadwolf combo. Going for Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden next. Hopefully I can finish it before July 15th.

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On 5/12/2024 at 4:35 PM, StraightVege said:

I've chosen to target these three games/trophies in Tier 4:


Soulstice - "We can choose to Fight" (4)

Rise of the Tomb Raider - "The Price of Truth" (2)

Disco Elysium - "Venture into the HARDCORE" (5)


From what I understand, this will also combo for "The Tomb Raider" (5), since I've already played Shadow of the Tomb Raider previously. I'll post an update when this task is finally accomplished.


Done: We can choose to Fight, The Price of Truth, and Venture into the HARDCORE have been obtained!


One game of interest to me yet remains in tier 4, however—Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition (3), and since there's still plenty of time left, please add it to my entry. If I can't secure "Welcome, Citizen!" within three weeks as a Darkest Dungeon veteran, then I might as well retire from gaming. 😤


Of course, I'll post another update after I manage it. See ya later!

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finished a space for the unbound


what a nice game. I see we can enter diffrent tiers? So when i would finish endling: extinction is forevr i could go for that tier as well?

Because i have it from ps+.... but that its for now from me. Had Fun again.


Play now on PSVR2. I maybe come back for a break.

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Finished Headliner: NoviNews. Yesterday.


It was a fast game to finish, but the games does unlock a new character and basically tells you that the game is meant to play multiple times. It was very interesting game.


Now I am going to start Road 96


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