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Trophy Thoughts???


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Silly, fantastic mayhem! Easily doable, but would require up to 4 controllers locally, or 3 people online.


As it is right now, I can’t find any hosted match, and no one is joining me as I host a match. I fear this game won’t ever be populated. And having no cross-play is baffling to me, it would help SO much finding matches.


Anyway, hit me up if you’d like some fun playing this gem I’ve never touched before but knew for years!

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2 minutes ago, MaxieM0us3 said:

Silly, fantastic mayhem! Easily doable, but would require up to 4 controllers locally, or 3 people online.


As it is right now, I can’t find any hosted match, and no one is joining me as I host a match. I fear this game won’t ever be populated. And having no cross-play is baffling to me, it would help SO much finding matches.


Anyway, hit me up if you’d like some fun playing this gem I’ve never touched before but knew for years!

yeah, ill get back with ya when i get the game that is...IF i get the game

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7 minutes ago, Xillynoc said:

From what I've seen of this game, the platinum is gonna require you to boost almost every trophy. Fun as hell though

Yet, I wanna play the way it’s meant to be played before considering it. But as right now, I can’t find an online match, and no one joined my session. Plus, I have no one on PlayStation who would want to play it.

Edited by MaxieM0us3
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It seems like it’s an overall issue with “Host Timed Out” when searching quick match. Heck, people can’t even join each other.


I hope the devs do fix this anytime soon. I don’t want to have to boost trophies all by myself… I want to play the game the way it’s meant to be played.

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12 hours ago, MaxieM0us3 said:

It seems like it’s an overall issue with “Host Timed Out” when searching quick match. Heck, people can’t even join each other.


I hope the devs do fix this anytime soon. I don’t want to have to boost trophies all by myself… I want to play the game the way it’s meant to be played.

This was posted on their Twitter profile, they are aware of the issue and are looking into it.


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unfortunately not enough people have it or play it to consistantly to find a match online. you will need a party of 4 people to get the killing spree and 10 kills in a row without dying trophies and the 99 kills trophy has to be online. every other trophy can be obtained through local co-op with 4 controllers specifically for the warp knife weapon kill trophy. and makes the other trophies quicker to boost if you have more targets to shoot at. you will probably need at least one person to help you with the 2 deflection/block related trophies as these would almost be impossible with one hand. i made my girlfriend help me with this and she acted as one of my 4 online party members.

if you really cant find enough people to help just create a fake email, then use that to create a quick psn account and sign up for the 14 free psn plus trial. unfortunately you will need a credit card to do this... but after everything is done you can just cancel the membership/auto renewal. 

i tested this with my main account, my 2 "false" accounts and again my girlfriend helped. when you go to add a controller log it into one of your "false" accounts and bam you just made yourself a boosting partner. 

if you try to go to the online menu with a controller as a "guest" controlled character it will error out everytime and wont let you play online. this is why you must actually log into the multiple real accounts through your main account in-game as you connect the controller in the lobby. and yes... ps plus is a requirement, it will not let you play online if the "false" account doesnt have ps plus. even if the host and the player controlling everything does. pretty stupid in my opinion but whatever. anyways hope this helps someone out there. 

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On 12/5/2021 at 9:08 PM, immortal_mike said:

For me guest account also did not work, but I did it with another 3 PSN accounts (my account plus 3 others).


Only my account (aka host) has PS Plus, the other accounts do not have PS Plus at all, still it worked.

The trophies for killing without dying are not popping for me. How did you do it?

Edited by shlomaniac
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8 hours ago, shlomaniac said:

The trophies for killing without dying are not popping for me. How did you do it?

There is a weird glitch while playing online right now. When killing people, they might get in a matter of minutes all the “get X kills in a row without dying” trophies, Ace, Royale Ace, Double Kill and Triple Kill without actually filling the criteria. This is how such accidental glitch I got these in a matter of two minutes, I was so confused.

Edited by MaxieM0us3
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4 hours ago, MaxieM0us3 said:

There is a weird glitch while playing online right now. When killing people, they might get in a matter of minutes all the “get X kills in a row without dying” trophies, Ace, Royale Ace, Double Kill and Triple Kill without actually filling the criteria. This is how such accidental glitch I got these in a matter of two minutes, I was so confused.

This worked except ace royal ace and triple kill.

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  • 9 months later...

For anyone who's trying to get the platinum in 2023 you can get all of the achievements locally with a second controller

For the kill in a row trophies you can get them by just killing your second account 10 times in a row in different rounds without dying and it should give you them 
(Idk if anyone else has this but Im pretty sure the game has notifications for trophies turned off cause mine never popped up)

You get all of them quite easily but multitasking by going for the 77 sniper kills and 99 total kills.
The only one that might be a problem is the Davai kill 3 people in a round with a blink dagger. You can get this locally by using 4 controllers or inviting another friend with 2 controllers.

its a fun game but extremely buggy and crashes often hope i helped you get ur plat ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 07/04/2023 at 2:16 PM, knucll said:

For anyone who's trying to get the platinum in 2023 you can get all of the achievements locally with a second controller

For the kill in a row trophies you can get them by just killing your second account 10 times in a row in different rounds without dying and it should give you them 
(Idk if anyone else has this but Im pretty sure the game has notifications for trophies turned off cause mine never popped up)

You get all of them quite easily but multitasking by going for the 77 sniper kills and 99 total kills.
The only one that might be a problem is the Davai kill 3 people in a round with a blink dagger. You can get this locally by using 4 controllers or inviting another friend with 2 controllers.

its a fun game but extremely buggy and crashes often hope i helped you get ur plat 1f44d.png

Yea you can get the row trophies with your second account, i just forgot to mention it on the trophy guide haha

Edited by AlexEquillex_
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