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Hey guys! Also, looking for someone to play with.


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Hi everyone! I'm a long time user of the website, but this is my first post on the forums. I've finally decided to introduce myself and also look for people to play multiplayer games with.


I'm 23 years old, and I live in Kyiv, Ukraine. I've been playing video-games for pretty much as long as I can remember, starting with Dive Bomber on ZX Spectrum. Mostly I've been playing on PC and sometimes PSone and PS2, but decided to switch to consoles completely around the time PS3 came out. Right now I'm on my second PS3 and I also play on Vita. I plan on buying PS4 whenever inFamous Second Son bundle comes out, so it's safe to say I'm a long-time PlayStation user. I mostly like RPGs and third-person adventure stuff, but I'm open to pretty much everything. That's about it for introduction part.


Next, I wanted to see if there's anyone who'd be interested in playing some MP games with me. I don't have a mic for PS3, and communication quality is usually quite low, so I prefer to communicate through Skype parallel to the game. Right now I'm playing TLoU and ACIV multiplayer, and I'm tired of people aimlessly running around. I'm also missing out on a lot of social features, because no one I know owns a PS3, so my friend list consists of 3-4 random people I met in matches.


If anyone is interested, my PSN name is Dmytro-S, I play after 5 UK time (7 in Ukraine) almost every day. As I've mentioned before, right now I play TLoU and ACIV (mostly for Platinum reasons), occasional GTAO session ('cause it's fun) and whatever current PS Plus offering is. So I'd be glad to play Soul Sacrifice or Borderlands 2 with someone.


Thanks to everyone who read this to the end, hit me up on PSN if you want to play (make sure to mention something like "I'm from PSNP, interested in playing with Skype") and have a great day!

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Welcome! Enjoy your stay! I've gotten through 1 journey on TLOU Multiplayer (assuming that's what your going for). It's not too bad; a little of a grind...but not terrible. Just save gift package giving for later challenges (ones you lose 100% population) and you'll survive your first try easy.

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Welcome :) I am shocked you are a PS gamer as I was in Kyiv  a year or so ago and wanted to buy a Ukrainian PS3 game and I couldn't find one anywhere. I found lots of X360 and Wii games (bootlegged of course) also tons of PS1 and PS2 games (once again bootlegged) but no PS3 games :(

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