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Killing my Backlog Slowly

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And the first game is done. 




3L862d47.png Hider of Legend

Starting PCG: 65.37

Current PCG: 65.36


Total Play time: 45 mins

 Completed 4/6 trophies 57% rank D



30 Game Overs

S rank the extra mini game/ find your brother




This is not my first foray into Kemco's non-RPG line. It is about the same as the other I played, Mom hid my game. It is a very minimalist puzzle game. You ate the pudding and now have to use the environment to hid from your sister.  You will have a few background items to manipulate and a bit of trial and error will result in the somewhat whacky solutions like below. 


Picture 13924063



Yes that is me hiding under a pile of books I threw on the floor. Another you hide behind a thought bubble, or can hide off screen. The solutions can be absolutely ridiculous.  These are good games for a quick session if you do not have alot of time, or more family friendly. Sometimes you need those reserve game when younger kids may be around. I have had that happen and a game like this is what I turned to. Nothing that could be misconstrued, there is a nice simpleness to it. 


It was nice to knock out a title, day one. It does give me the boost to move on to the next. Which according to my list as of now is , A Memoir Blue. Bought it on a whim because the artwork looked good. Hopefully it plays well too. 

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Game Complete: 


Le687dc.png A Memoir Blue


15L112eda.png Home Sweet Home



Starting PCG: 65.37

Before Starting Game: 65.43

Current PCG: 65.37


Total Play time: 70 mins

 Completed 5/15 trophies 39% rank D




Game # 2 was a great addition and one that will take some time to process. The publisher was one that has made some great indie gems, Donut County, Flower, Gone Home, Edith Fitch. All great game that I played. A few others that people liked as well that I have not like Maquette. This tale like the others has some real deep themes behind the simple gameplay. While this game is a simple point and click/ mini game adventure. The story though is worth it. A heartbreaking tale of a daughter who feels forgotten while her single mother struggles to keep them going. It is again the reminder to always make time for them. While the story is great and worth the play, the art involved is what got me interested in the first place. 


Picture 13927187


Picture 13927188


As you can see you get different styles for past and present but both are wonderfully done. Do not let the high completion rate keep you away from a great tale. It may make you think or feel differently than you have before and that is the sign of a good title. 


Next up is a guilty pleasure series game, Aery: A New Frontier. 


Update: I also added all the games that are in the first tier the the OP. Tier one is the ten hours or less bundle. 

Edited by kingofbattle8174
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1 hour ago, IntroPhenom said:

Given that you're keeping a close eye on your completion percentage, should you consider finishing each game (100%) before moving on? If you don't, you may be revisiting many, many titles, and that might lead to boredom, among other things.

I thought about it but as as the games get longer, I think it will bog down my progress. Once I reach a certain tier, maybe the 30 or 40 hr tier I will start going for clean up on the side. 

1 hour ago, James_Tonto said:

Good thing your backlog seems pretty small and manageable. You seem to be making a good start.

I do think I have a good start going. I still have a good chunk to sort through. Some more may be getting in that first tier still. 

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I spent a good few working on some titles and got hem on my backlog and completed a few titles. 


Started and Completed 100%


Aery: A New Frontier





I usually give pretty decent marks for these games. I have enjoyed them in the past. This one started off looking like it was going to be even better. The enviroments looked bigger than before and it seemed to have good artwork at first glance. 


Picture 13937989


It should have been pretty sold but I ended up not liking it at all compared to earlier games. One: it became a linear journey as only one collectable is active at a time, usually with in spitting distance of the last one. It took away any sense of exploration. In the first mission, I did miss it as I did not realize this yet and somehow made it all the way to the end and was stuck there with no way to backtrack. When I tried I ended, up underneath the environment and stuck completely. Parts of the background disappear also at times, with while in space being the most noticeable. You also move through these areas slower than a snail and with the music might make you nod off before reaching the next objective. The story was also predicable and seemed to be written by a grade school kid. Take a hard pass people.



100% completed.




After that I saw that I only had one trophy left and the requirements were pretty funny, which was to get 30 different game overs. Each level failure is unique, with some hving multiple ways of failing. After beating the game I had 26/52. Easy peasy, go to first few levels try to lose and 5 mins later boom 100%. 



Story Completed.






Clear Arcade Mode Once.



As you well know, this is the new PS+ for June. I have never played Super Smash so it took me a min going in to learn how it works. I see that the only way to win is to get ring outs. The cast is great. My first win was with Danny Phantom. I spent some more time experimenting with different modes. I was not able to find an online match though, so even with it being free, it was still a dead lobby. The game is great fun though and in the next few weeks I will sink some time to knock off some more trophies.  I had more time to kill so I then moved on to 






I won



It is an ok fighting game, reminds me of Tekken mostly. Arcade was a joke, but also had a dead multiplayer, with that being the main purpose of the game. I fooled around some more with some other titles, with one hitting my PCG hard with all the trophies that in Life is Strange. Made it to the first decision point and called it quits for the night maybe. I might do some clean up later. 

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Complete Story mode with one character



This is one of the most interesting games I have come across. Yes, it is another fighting game but is more of a parody and challenge than some of its peers. So how can it be both. Well I say challenge because there are only two buttons a jump and kick. Kicking while jumping is your attack and how you move your character forward, while pressing kick while on the ground is your retreat. Each round lasts 20 secs and you have to beat the opponent five times. Oh and it is one hit deaths. If time runs out, whoever is closer to middle of the screen is the winner. That is about the basics. 


Now for the parody. Each character is a joke of sorts. Some are spoofs of classic fighting tropes. Some are pop culture references. My first one, was raised in West Philly, but had to move to West Coast after getting in trouble. He also likes to chase girls and aspires to be a rapper. Hmm, that sounds very familiar. ?. Even the loading screens are no exception, in place of hints are " quotes that are really dad jokes, like Where does a cow go for fun? The Mooovies.  Oh so funny. 


The rest of the game is a grind. Beat the story as each character, Play a bunch of local games and a big online grind, which I think you can play against yourself on different systems. Helpful since this is an older game. I got eh Vita version with PS + but I do not for PS4, so I would have to buy the other to cross play myself though. Atleast is only like 3.99 so not a huge investment when it comes to that time. 


So next up is a game that I did not like the first time I played it but lets see if my mind is changes this time around. It is Caravan Stories. 

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So I have a Dilemma. In terms of how the game tracks story, it is already done, by leaving the tutorial area and beginning the proper game. How can that be so that is in the guide 100+ hours long. Well that is because all of the trophies are recommended to be completed in the beginning area. This actually save time in the long run. When I explain about this game you will understand why.


Caravan Stories is a mobile release. It is part an RPG with autoplay mechanics. Meaning once in battle, the game plays itself with you only able to guide which enemy to concentrate on and unleashing specials. Specials have a time limit between casting, so you mostly sit and watch the battles. The other part of the game is resource collection. Plenty of games like that out there. Make stuff to collect gems and such for you when you have enough use it to make more stuff. These things become part of how to progress the RPG side further on. The warning signs are everywhere that this game is micro transaction hell once you get sucked in. I lost count on how times I introduced to a new game mechanic to be told that just this one time I would get it with out having to use in game currency or gems. I played many mobile and facebook games back in the day, I refuse to pay these stupid transactions anymore to get things moving faster than a snail pace. Oh and the game also has a stamina feature. Like alot of other mobile games this gives you limited play time before it refreshes and either you wait the 8 to 12 hours or pay for more stamina. The last game I got involved in that has this was A Wizarding World game for my IPad. It goes smoothly, but almost on purpose you run out of stamina right as you get snatched up by a Devil Snare. I removed it right then and there. For this game as I read in the guide, is in between battles. Once you progress further into the game past the tutorial area, stamina is lost after each battle. Now for most games so what, then just rest. but in this game, where one of the last trophies is to complete 10,000 battles, that would put a major dent in getting this completed in a decent amount of time. You would either spend months to do it or pour in lots of money to keep the game autoplaying. What is interesting is that this 10,000 kill trophy is only on the NA version, it is not on the JP stack. Maybe Americans are more prone to spend for these things so include the trophy to entice them. 


My dilemma is that do I consider it complete? If I move on, I lock myself out of getting these last trophies a bit easier. The game links to your PSN so even if I delete the data it does not start me over. When I started the game up yesterday, I deleted my save to restart but when I began playing I was still Drax the Orc. So even if I moved on now, there is no guarantee I can go back later. If someone want to chime in, let me know what you think. 


So anyways moving on: 


I have a few games running concurrently. 


Game one: Next on the list is A Street Cat Tale. I have played some of it just need an NPC ending.


Game 2: Life is Strange. Booted it up the other day, I will keep going through the story


Game 3: Ape Escape. I upgraded my PS + and this is the first game I am going to play. 

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Story Completed: A Street Cat's Tale






What we have today is a Simulation experience where you play as a young kitten on the streets of an urban area. Your mom has been run over by car and now you are on your own. You need to  make it through the 12 days, at which I guess you are old or experienced enough to live on your own. You have a hunger and heath bar. The hunger bar goes down rapidly and you need to eat consistently. Don't eat for too long and you lose health. You can also lose health by eating the wrong things, like glass or bones. You can also get run over which as you can guess puts real big dents in your health. You have a home base of sorts as well and by resting to move onto the next day it does replenish some health and hunger. By upgrading the house, this amount goes up as well as having a greater amount of health and hunger. That covers the sim side. There is also a relationship side to is as well. There about 8 or 9 NPC's to talk to. Some are other animals, and some are humans. They have quests to perform, but only after you raise the affection level for them, by bringing them objects they like as gifts. By maxing out a characters quest line and then surviving the 12 days is how you get the various endings. There is also one for dying and surviving the 12 days without maxing out an NPC. If you plan it out right, you can do maybe two characters in one 12 day run. Each character is different and maybe one only talks to you in the morning or is only present at all after dark. Some give items that are useful to other characters. The 12 days are short though and after you max out a quest line you can just rest continuously until the 12 days are up, so even if you just go one character a run it should not take long. If you re a big cat game player and are waiting for Stray to it the market, this may fill the void until then. A good filler game, nothing too strenuous. 


Game 1: Life is Strange. Booted it up the other day, I will keep going through the story


Game 2: Ape Escape. I upgraded my PS + and this is the first game I am going to play. 


Game 3: next Backlog game Armello. 

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Not much I can say here as I don’t know any of the games you reviewed. 

If I can make a suggestion, I would advise just playing the stuff you really have fun with and leave behind the stuff that you feel is going to make you frustrated. 

With over 400 games, there’s probably no feasible way you’re going to finish them all.

Edited by AJ_Radio
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32 minutes ago, AJ_Radio said:

Not much I can say here as I don’t know any of the games you reviewed. 

If I can make a suggestion, I would advise just playing the stuff you really have fun with and leave behind the stuff that you feel is going to make you frustrated. 

With over 400 games, there’s probably no feasible way you’re going to finish them all.

I do agree with that advise. I started Armello, and was just not feeling it. Right now just knocking out random trophies for now.

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Story Completed:




44Lea5821.png Play has No Limits


What a weekend. It was packed with stuff. It think I need a weekend from my weekend to be honest. Saturday, went to a carnival then hung out with family. Sunday, Father's day, got spoiled with an awesome gift, and time to get used to the new system. I do like that all I had to do was plug in my external hard drive and my games are ready to go. I transferred a few of my saves so far via cloud and now I am ready to go. Now they all want to argue on what happens to the old system. Monday, in the morning we used our annual membership to walk around the zoo, had lunch and then my wife asked for some couple time ,so she wanted to see the new Top Gun. Which was awesome in the theater. I finished off the night by completing the last levels of this nice intro game to the PS5.


Astro has a cool history. Started off as a tech demo for the VR, got so popular they made a full game for him. Which that game is one of the best on the VR to be honest. Now he is both a tech demo and a full game for PS5. This game lives up to the games before and then some. The game is just as bright and colorful as the earlier games and still has the same charm. If you have played the earlier games then most of the game should now be too taxing as the strategies are about the same. In each level though is a new minigame, that uses the remote in a new way. In one you use the touch pad to move your self in a ball, another as a monkey and each trigger controls a different arm. Triggers are feedback sensitive so how hard or long you press them could change what happens on screen. The feedback from the remote is also changes with the environments, which is a nice touch. What is really cool though is all the Easter eggs hidden throughout the game. All over the place are other robots acting out as video game icons. Some are easy to recognize, others I had no clue but were fun to see. There was Crash, Fat Princess, Dante, along with Kratos and his son to name a few. 


Now that the levels are done, like other Astro games it is all about collectables, which in this case it is mostly fun, not too much grind. There are not that many per level, but there is also the claw machine like previous games. Not sure yet how much extra coins will be needed to get everything from there. There are few randoms too but you need some of the collectables to perform the actions. 


So what is next? Well I am still working on Armello. I got through the prologue and was just about through the game as the winner when it froze and I had to restart.  I may be able to pull out a win, if not games are short. I had to do some youtube university to really get a handle on how to play. Now that I get it better. I may get this in a game or two, luck dependent. 

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It has been a good couple of days. Last night I completed 2 more games and I followed up with a third today. One I have working on for a bit and have mentioned it. The others are some Vita stinkers. 


First up: 




7S929d3e.png End of the Tale



I was so sad when they ended the Vita support. So when I saw that a few more games were dropped after, this one looked like the best of the bunch. It may be but that is still not saying much. For a simple platformer it has its problems. One it is super short. Only four levels with one being just a save point and the last boss. The only boss as matter of fact. More on him later. Like other Sometimes you games, there are translation errors but not as bad as others games released by this company.   The story though,  was just dumb and made no sense. It is so bad that the ending is just 4th wall breaking scene where they cop out to admitting the story sucks but hope you had a good time anyways. Like seriously, WTF. There are plenty of glitches as well. The most famous being that if you die gems do not reset unless you exit out of the game completely. In a game where you will die a handful of times, it will get irritating. I also came across a glitch many times that you get stuck running in place. Again by exiting out, it resets the glitch. Lastly the boss was semi annoying. Mostly because of the exploding mushrooms. They have ranges where even if you look safe, you take damage. Rolling negates damage any other time in the game, not with mushrooms. In each instance there is usually only one safe spot, maybe on the opposite side of the screen, or lots if times there is no safe spot and you lose health. Now if like me, you got through the game with out any additional powerups, that means two hits and it is try again. A crappy annoying boss for a poor title, where there is clean up of getting powerups and buying from the store. Oh and collecting 500 gems, you know those things that dont reset when you die.


So on to clunker # 2. 




6S25e880.png Casual Ending


This is the last game I have from the sale right before the Vita support went away. Lets just say it is not saving the best for last. So in the game you play as a clerk in a grocery store scanning items. I like to think of it as the bastard illegitimate clone of Papers Please. and as great as that game is, this one falls flat. @DrBloodmoney pointed out how great the challange was in Papers, and even if it was work made a great experience. In this game, you are in a crappy store and it feels like work. After a few days, I began to memorize produce stock codes, and that is not cool. I don't need to know the codes for imaginary bananas. That and the whole packet thing is weird. So each customer gets asked if they want a packet and give them one if they do. If you do not you earn a demerits. Three demerits and it comes out of your pay. I mean I get stores have KPI's but not giving a customer smoke who wants one? That what you penalize me for? Other than that it does not even utilize the touch screen, the game is so bare bones. There is still a regular mode to get through which through cloud saves you can save time and do in one go from what I have read. At least I have one good game to review on. 




3See2f4c.pngThe Winter Wolf


Now besides Astro, this game has been all I have been doing for some time. I wasn't sure what it was when I bought it, even when I loaded it up I went in blind. The prologue introduced me to what others call a Digital Strategy Board game. and that is fitting. Armello is a fantasy strategy game, like Risk, GOT and Grimm Fairy tales all blended together. There are four players and the king in the center of the map. The other 3 players and the king along with all other enemies are all AI controlled. There used to be a PVP it looks like but no way to access. Luckily all the trophies can be completed in single player. So anyways, like a tabletop game, you move around the board, each space is even hexagonal like most games of this type. You can complete quests, kill the other players and other actions while trying to win the game in 9 days. The whole game takes 9 days because the kind is infected with a corrupting disease and get crazier on each day and loses a HP point as well. There are four ways to win, the easiest being the one to complete the most quests and kill other players, while not losing points as well. 


That is really the bare bones version. There is alot that goes in to it. I actually went to Youtube University to really get a good handle on all the rules and how to win. Even after the intro, I did not have a good grasp of it. I learned some good tips to get me off on a better foot to start games. Luckily though since each one is only 9 days long, if things are not going your way, restarting does not feel like a chore. You are going to be playing this game alot anyways going for 100% It involves beating the game as each character, and each win type along with some other RNG dependent goals. The game though is fun to play and for a early PS4 title still looks good. You can see the level of care that went into the game. They even animated the status cards, and did a great job of it. It you like a good strategy game, this would fit the bill. It also is on sale quite a bit often. I think I picked it up for 3.99. It was well worth it though. 


Next up will be dependent. I am near my data cap limit so it will be what I have on my hard drive until the turn of the month. 



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31L3fbe22.pngDelivered Us the Moon



My first story completed off of PS Plus. I would classify this as a half 3rd person adventure and half 1st person walking sim game, since there are sections of each throughout the game. More online with how a walking sim is story wise with some comparisons to Soma and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. It takes place in the near future with an Earth near death and out of resources. Our last hope was to mine Helium 3 from the moon and transmit it back to Earth like a signal that can be used as energy. ( Not sure how that works). One day the moon goes off line and there is no contact as well. Years pass before a person can be sent up to investigate and bring the colony back online. Failure would be the last opportunity for the last humans on Earth. A pretty dire scenario like the end of the world in Soma. You get up there and it is abandoned. There are not signs of life. By reading left behind files and watching small recording of scenes that play out like Rapture, you get a sense of what happened to the colonists. 

 So that is what it was about but how does it play. The answer not bad for a game of this type. Good responsiveness overall except for the 0 grav near the beginning which had me sideways or upside-down at times. It was a pain to right myself again. It is a good game to look at as well. Not impressive by any means though, as I was awed by Astro so it seems blander. But being a grey moon scape could be part of the problem. There is no real difficulty, only a few sections have hazards that may make you reset once or twice to figure out how to do it. If you follow a guide you could maybe do it in one go, but there is a chapter select clean up should not be a problem. 


Rating, give it a try if you have the time. 



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2L8d0112.png The End


Welcome to the last game that is listed as under 2 hrs to complete the story. It was not a bad experience either. I picked it up when it went free on the PS store when it released. I have not played the base game but it is on my radar. I have had it on my shelf for years. Now with this event it can finally get completed. First things first though, what did I learn from this experience. Well for a free game, it was nice bonus. So what is this game? A prequel of sorts to the main story told as a bedtime story. 


Picture 13979441


Even as a low res game, it still looks good, and has some great humor and references. One of the scenes is straight lifted from the Princess Bride, another story told as a bedside tale. Still one of my top films of my childhood. I know, Inconceivable. The story itself is the Kind chasing after a summon crystal that has been stolen, and after recruiting a few faithful followers, goes after the big bad. The End. 


Picture 9599933


I have wanted this mug for many years. Anyways, so what is the game? A classic side scroll action game. If you lived through the 90's and played in an arcade, you played tons of these. Waves of enemies come from both sides of the screens and kill them all, maybe moving up a section in the level before more waves of enemies. Rinse and repeat, but new enemies require slightly different tactics. 


Picture 13979442


The actual levels looked like this. Again not bad for a free title but still charming and entertaining. So how hard was it, story mode was not at all. When I play Colossus Down last year, that challenged me, This one once you learn how to mange the perks and magic strategies it becomes pretty easy.  There is a trophy for dying ten times but I had to spam that at the end because I got close a few times but never died during the game. What is funny is that they had about 12 different game over dialogues before they began to repeat. 


The rest of the game has some random trophies to collect, but mostly it is a challenge mode of 30 or so dreams where each one has a different condition such as using no magic during the challenge. Onto the grind stack it goes. 


So what next? Well I have two choices lined up, Virginia or Steven Jackson Sorcery. I think it will be the latter, as it is a new title and maybe me playing it will interest someone else to try it. 


Oh I also finished my grind title Astro Bot, so I will need a new grind game. Will need to consider that, I only have a few games on my PS5, so it could be Armello, Street Cat, King Tale, Deliver us the Moon, or a quick vita one like Need a Packet just to get it off the hard drive.  or maybe on other game that I have completed. Got an opinion, let me know. See you next time everyone. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

This was not the game I was planning on completing this weekend but I was on the PS4 instead of in my office so I downloaded a few titles to try out. @rjkclarke will especially enjoy since he is a big fan and I did notice this game is not on his profile. For everyone else, Don't look away, and Don't Blink while reading this review of: 




2Lbbfc79.png Saving the world with a Disco Ball



So this review will have some spoilers as it is a sequel to one of the shows most popular episodes, Blink. If you have never seen this episode, you need to watch it. You can even if you have never seen any episode of the Doctor Who. It is a great introductory episode really to the series because The Doctor is not even the main protagonist. It does give some great insight into what the show is about, and is a great mystery. It also introduces one the best creatures ever created for the series. If you just want a short synopsis of Blink, I added a YouTube short below. 










As I said, the game follows up the story of Blink some years after the episode concludes. It is a mobile phone game, but not in the way you think. The whole game takes place on a mobile phone, where you use the chat interface and look for clues in the emails, chats and web browser. There are other puzzles to solve and some FMV movies near the end with some returning cast members of various episodes. Photos are in a spoiler tag as the game screens to have some spoilers about the actual story. 



Picture 14034528


Picture 14034527




So, as you can see you are following the trail of Lawrence, the brother of Kat, who was the original woman to disappear in Blink. He has now vanished and you are in possession of his phone. You are contacted by Osgood, a scientist that works for UNIT. UNIT is a sort of UN Spec OPS that handles alien stuff. It has been around since the 3rd doctor in various forms, with the Osgood character being introduced during a David Tennant,/ Matt Smith Crossover. She guides you through the adventure, as you are pondering what happened to Lawrence, as he had come onto UNIT's radar. What follows is a good but sad story that fits into how a lot of the Doctors tales end up. It concludes but you do not always have that happy ending.


There are also lots of good Easter eggs for fans. An enjoyable tale that can be finished in a few hours. It is worth the trip, if you do not mind the few jump scares along the way. 

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6Lc8dac8.png Promise


Next game completed and it has some of the sweetest trophy art I have seen in some time. The game itself has about the same art style, which is one I really like. It sort of close to the Midnight games, or Hollow Knight. Some compare it to Limbo but that game has a much  more subdued palate. 


Picture 14040868


While Hollow Knight is more of a metroidvania, this adventure is a more linear puzzle/platformer. More in line with Little Nightmares in terms of difficulty maybe a bit easier. In this game your hero is a lonely guy who thinks no one will ever love him. That is until he meets The One. Long story short, she dies in an accident and he is needs to save her soul. It is somehow broken into pieces though and he has to collect them for this Grim Reaper type along with other wayward soul collectables. He gets some cool shifting abilities so he can see the shadow and normal realms, which you have to do to solve the puzzles and platform sections as you go. Most only take a few trials to figure out. Aside from the story I mentioned the collectable souls, each soul has its own trophy and that is about it. There is a chapter select but it breaks it down to almost every save point. It will make clean up painless for when I go back to it. 


Next up, Finish up Stray. 

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Picture 14047987





Journey/ Rebirth


I am still processing this game but it was just a joy to play through. It has some of the same elements like Abzu or Flower, but I think this one tops them both. The game is great to look at, even though it is an older game just done in shades of red, tan and brown mostly. The art is crisp looking and striking with music that really sets the mood. I enjoyed doing it solo as it made it a more peaceful experience but it would be interesting to see how a co-op would work. What it was about is what I am figuring out. Now I did see it a a circle of life story but as I watched one interpretation this morning, I missed some of the deeper symbolisms. Now it makes even more sense but still messed up. It is an experience though and as I said last night games like this is why I wany to enjoy what my backlog has to offer, because you never know what is lying in wait for you there. 



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13L693e60.png Score



Welcome to my next completion. Sketchbook is a visual novel of sorts. It is divided into a bunch of short chapters, each dealing with the ups and downs as this young lady looks for meaningful relationships and self worth. It is all done is a sketchpad art style. The motions though are on a loop as the indie rock music plays. There are also smaller black and white sketches that show up showing a more inner dialogue. 


Picture 14049010




In each chapter you have selection of words or groups of words with a timer to select the choice. From what I can tell during the chapter there is no difference of selecting one word over the other. After the chapter though there is a short poem of sorts that gives you more understanding of the chapter, so it ends up being a mad lib to fill in these blanks. During the chapters though you really have no reference of choosing one over the other. 


Picture 14049012





Each chapter will net you a trophy but as I completed it I saw there was one remaining. I did some research and the trophy is for not selecting any choices for the whole game, dont even touch the controller and let it autoplay except to change chapters. The end of chapters look like this instead. 


Picture 14049014


What a dumb concept though, why reward players for not playing the game. As we speak I am letting it play while I type out this review. In all a let down after my last game was so good. Perhaps the next one will be better. 


Next up should be Voltron VR but I need the connector piece to hook it up to my PS5. 


These are the other next up choices. 


Church in the darkness
Beyond Eyes
Slender the Arrival
Just Die Already
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have finished off a few titles and decided to go for some good titles. Backlog is retooled by meta critic number, so same process just by different way. All of the ones listed are 90 and above. 


Batman Arkham City


The Last of Us

Bioshock Infinate

God of War

Metal Gear Solid V
The Witcher 3
Crash Warped
Rayman Legends
Final Fantasy VIII
Jak and Daxter

Broken Age

Persona 5
Persona 4 Golden
Steve Jackson's Sorcery



The Winner of my choosing is Persona 5, to finally return to. I am excited to go back. I dont remember much so I think I will just start over. I was not far in anyways. 



Game to finish off is Journey. Some trophies I did do yesterday, mostly the randoms. I did actually come across a few people, so I am glad to see that I may be not have to try too hard to get the 10. Now getting one to say all the way through may be a different story. 

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First hour now completed. 

Now that I have gone through it again, the reason for you moving to this town makes no sense. Maybe it is just me being American but it seems way out of proportion. 

I mean I save a person from getting assaulted, can I get some compassion? Instead I get “your a scum bag, better not screw up or go to juvie”. So cold hearted. 

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