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Is this playable on PS5?

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5 hours ago, poetic_justice_ said:

Unity is playable on PS5. However, the core game has issues that are making it the least enjoyable Assassin's Creed I've played since the awful DLC for Revelations. I really enjoyed Black Flag, but this is horrible.


Can you expand on those issues? This is the next AC game up for me but I'm really starting to get worn out again. After years away from the franchise I've recently played AC3, BF and Rogue and the ridiculous amount of collectables is really doing my head in. AC3 and BF weren't so bad as I collect as I go through the story, but Rogues story was so short I've spent hours after completing it just picking up fecking collectables.


Can you also confirm, is the DLC included with the PS+ version of the game?

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18 hours ago, TrannosaurusBex said:


Can you expand on those issues? This is the next AC game up for me but I'm really starting to get worn out again. After years away from the franchise I've recently played AC3, BF and Rogue and the ridiculous amount of collectables is really doing my head in. AC3 and BF weren't so bad as I collect as I go through the story, but Rogues story was so short I've spent hours after completing it just picking up fecking collectables.


Can you also confirm, is the DLC included with the PS+ version of the game?

The main piece of DLC, Dead Kings, is free to download regardless of what version you have

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On 12/15/2022 at 6:07 AM, TrannosaurusBex said:


Can you expand on those issues? This is the next AC game up for me but I'm really starting to get worn out again. After years away from the franchise I've recently played AC3, BF and Rogue and the ridiculous amount of collectables is really doing my head in. AC3 and BF weren't so bad as I collect as I go through the story, but Rogues story was so short I've spent hours after completing it just picking up fecking collectables.


Can you also confirm, is the DLC included with the PS+ version of the game?


Unfortunately, it sounds like Unity will be a repeat of your experience with Rogue, particularly in regard to collectibles. I haven't played Rogue, but Unity takes away Black Flag's very fun naval warfare and underwater diving to replace it with.... drumroll, please... tiered lockpicking! And there was much rejoicing. yay.


Unity also introduces a new hemorrhoid, I mean, collectible, the Nostradamus Enigma. There are 18 of them, one for each of the Zodiac signs. However, their nonsensical, non-rhyming, poorly worded quatrain "poetry"  has nothing to do with their respective Zodiac signs. Their "symbols" look nothing like their associated Zodiac symbol either. I have no idea why they're in the game. These enigmas are to AC collectibles what herpes is to kissing: undesirable in every circumstance. 


Unity's story is moderate in length. I found it convoluted, dull, and full of flat stereotypes (Irish tough guy, spoiled rich kid, headstrong young female who always follows her heart no matter what men tell her, an intellectual villain who can't stop monologuing, etc.). The writers tried to create tension through unique Assassin/Templar relationships and new Assassin/Templar conflicts, but the plot never becomes engaging. I didn't care what happened to any of the characters, and the story adds almost nothing new to Assassin's Creed lore. Apart from introducing the concept of mages - humans who have high numbers of Precursor DNA in their bodies - there is nothing new, and even with the introduction of mages, the plot does nothing.


Arno's handler: "Hey, we think we found a mage. Initiate, play as Arno and confirm this person is a mage."

Inititate (Gamer playing as Arno): [confirms mage existence]

Arno's handler: "Wow, that's great. Yep, that is a mage. Nice work."



Arno is a boring protagonist. The one event that makes his character interesting happens at the end of the game, and then the game ends. I wish the event would have happened in the middle of the story, allowing Arno to grow as a character during the second half. This was a massive missed opportunity.


The parkour is terrible. It is two steps backward from the streamlined flow of Black Flag. Arno has super glue hands and feet causing him to adhere to almost everything in his environment. Arno proceeds to get himself stuck on little things; he comes to a screeching halt sliding over a table because there is a book. He freezes in place while running across a bench because there is a plate of fruit. He refuses to sabotage an alarm bell directly in front of him because his feet are glued to a curb. For a guy who can literally leap up the walls of Notre Dame, Arno cannot walk down one step to stab the enemy directly in front of him. He climbs through air over a window opening rather than enter the window, sometimes even while holding L2.


The cover system is broken. Despite on screen prompts "X: Cover", Arno will not enter cover. Or, he will enter cover, not on the wall you are facing, but the wall OPPOSITE where you are facing, placing himself directly in line of enemy sight and eliminating any possibility of stealth. The "loss of stealth" cascade is beyond ridiculous. Eagle-eyed snipers who take off half your health (even end game, fully maxed health bars) in a single shot. You attack one enemy only to be spotted by another enemy. You kill the alerted enemy, only to have two more enemies respond, some through solid walls that prevent them from actually seeing or hearing you. Nevertheless, the Force is with them, and they sense a disturbance. Eventually, an entire fortress wakes up because one enemy you weren't aware existed saw you kill another enemy.


Yet the solution to this loss of stealth is often comical; take cover on the other side of a doorway or wall and do cover kills. Often the enemies will line up in a row and charge through the door, allowing you to eliminate them one by one with cover kills. In one instance, I ended up with a pile of seven bodies because the AI is so dumb.


Certain levels are so dark you cannot see. Even with the tv or monitor lighting cranked to maximum, it is difficult to discern what direction you are facing, where enemies are, or where the path is. Eagle vision is essential during these dark levels, b


The co-op missions and heists were not adjusted to scale for single players (typical Ubisoft). Mission design is terrible. Don't get me started on The Tournament. Watch Granite Gaming on YouTube for how to beat the co-op parkour of "The Tournament" as a single player. Whoever designed this level should be blacklisted from level design on AAA titles. This guy needs to fly to Australia and go work with Bennett Fody on the sequel to Getting Over It. There is no way any play testers tried The Tournament and said, "Oh, this is great for single players! Yeah, I want more of this!"



Each medicine costs 2500 to replenish, yet many heists only pay 5000. You end up looting enemy bodies, not because you need money, but because you need medicine. Each looting cycle takes 3-4 seconds. Multiply that dozens of times over multiple heists or co-op missions, and gameplay becomes a slog. 


Combat sucks. Gone are the days of disarming enemies and killing them with their own weapons. Gone are the days when you could pick up an enemy sword or long weapon that was better than the one you owned and wield it. Certain enemy attacks become unavoidable in multi-enemy combat, and 90% of the combat is multi-enemy combat. Solution: Smoke Bombs. I spammed so many Smoke Bombs, Arno might as well have been a teenage stoner hotboxing in the high school parking lot five minutes before class. Arno also freezes in combat; pressing Square to Attack or Circle to parry does nothing. After a few seconds, he becomes responsive again.


On a positive note, the graphics, effects, and research on revolutionary France is breathtaking. The visual arts, backgrounds, and historical researchers poured their heart and soul into recreating 1789 Paris (unfortunately, the writing, character animation, lighting, and creative direction departments were all taking the piss during this same time). The challenges have been made much more accessible to casual players, which is also positive.


On a PS5, my game crashed three times. The worst crash occurred during Memory 12, sequence 3, the final mission. Having to restart the final mission when I was already through the challenges was irritating.


AC Unity is not fun, not interesting, buggy, grindy (hundreds of collectibles, dozens of doors/locks, many of which you can't open until you complete Memory 9 and fully upgrade to Master Lockpick), and all around tedious. Unity is a poop stain on the Assassin's Creed name. It took the progress and fun from Black Flag and said, "Nah, we don't need that," then reverted to AC Brotherhood PS3-level parkour with PS2-era story writing. I really wanted this game to succeed, especially after Black Flag, but it is a multi-million dollar fail. Yes, the Dead Kings DLC is free, mostly because Ubisoft realized Unity is so bad, free DLC is the closest Ubisoft could come to an apology without actually admitting a mistake. Watching Amber Heard testify that her dog stepped on a bee is more entertaining than playing AC Unity.

Edited by poetic_justice_
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35 minutes ago, poetic_justice_ said:

I haven't played Rogue, but Unity takes away Black Flag's very fun naval warfare and underwater diving to replace it with.... drumroll, please... tiered lockpicking! And there was much rejoicing. [...] Watching Amber Heard testify that her dog stepped on a bee is more entertaining than playing AC Unity.

Damn dude, tell us how you really feel (having played only a few hours of Unity so far to knock out co-op I fully agree with your entire rant)

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1 hour ago, poetic_justice_ said:



Unity also introduces a new hemorrhoid, I mean, collectible, the Nostradamus Enigma. 


However, their nonsensical, non-rhyming, poorly worded quatrain "poetry"  has nothing to do with their respective Zodiac signs.


These enigmas are to AC collectibles what herpes is to kissing: undesirable in every circumstance. 



That's really poetic.



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2 hours ago, Xillynoc said:

Damn dude, tell us how you really feel


The previous post asked him to elaborate. So, he did! ?


I personally enjoyed the game, but he does present some pretty valid arguments against it.


Ubisoft went through a phase where they were clearly biting more than they could chew.


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@poetic_justice_ It is Sage not Mage and where was the Irish tough guy you are speaking of? Do you mean the guy that calls Arno, "Piss Pot", that's not Irish its a West Country accent, an English dialect commonly heard in Dorset, Devon, Cornwall and Somerset areas of the South West of the UK.  I think it was the same Voice Actor whom played Edward Thatch aka Blackbeard in Black Flag. 


Unity was plagued with problems from day 1 though, it was the first game on the PS4 and the new console couldn't handle the amount of graphics that the game had for the "crowds" in it, thus was a glitchy mess, I didn't care for the Co-Op element to it either, AC has always been a Single Player game for me and I didn't have a Plus account at the time when I first played this.  In comparison I loved Rogue and it was my first Platinum.

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18 hours ago, poetic_justice_ said:


Unfortunately, it sounds like Unity will be a repeat of your experience with Rogue, particularly in regard to collectibles. I haven't played Rogue, but Unity takes away Black Flag's very fun naval warfare and underwater diving to replace it with.... drumroll, please... tiered lockpicking! And there was much rejoicing. yay.


Unity also introduces a new hemorrhoid, I mean, collectible, the Nostradamus Enigma. There are 18 of them, one for each of the Zodiac signs. However, their nonsensical, non-rhyming, poorly worded quatrain "poetry"  has nothing to do with their respective Zodiac signs. Their "symbols" look nothing like their associated Zodiac symbol either. I have no idea why they're in the game. These enigmas are to AC collectibles what herpes is to kissing: undesirable in every circumstance. 


Unity's story is moderate in length. I found it convoluted, dull, and full of flat stereotypes (Irish tough guy, spoiled rich kid, headstrong young female who always follows her heart no matter what men tell her, an intellectual villain who can't stop monologuing, etc.). The writers tried to create tension through unique Assassin/Templar relationships and new Assassin/Templar conflicts, but the plot never becomes engaging. I didn't care what happened to any of the characters, and the story adds almost nothing new to Assassin's Creed lore. Apart from introducing the concept of mages - humans who have high numbers of Precursor DNA in their bodies - there is nothing new, and even with the introduction of mages, the plot does nothing.


Arno's handler: "Hey, we think we found a mage. Initiate, play as Arno and confirm this person is a mage."

Inititate (Gamer playing as Arno): [confirms mage existence]

Arno's handler: "Wow, that's great. Yep, that is a mage. Nice work."



Arno is a boring protagonist. The one event that makes his character interesting happens at the end of the game, and then the game ends. I wish the event would have happened in the middle of the story, allowing Arno to grow as a character during the second half. This was a massive missed opportunity.


The parkour is terrible. It is two steps backward from the streamlined flow of Black Flag. Arno has super glue hands and feet causing him to adhere to almost everything in his environment. Arno proceeds to get himself stuck on little things; he comes to a screeching halt sliding over a table because there is a book. He freezes in place while running across a bench because there is a plate of fruit. He refuses to sabotage an alarm bell directly in front of him because his feet are glued to a curb. For a guy who can literally leap up the walls of Notre Dame, Arno cannot walk down one step to stab the enemy directly in front of him. He climbs through air over a window opening rather than enter the window, sometimes even while holding L2.


The cover system is broken. Despite on screen prompts "X: Cover", Arno will not enter cover. Or, he will enter cover, not on the wall you are facing, but the wall OPPOSITE where you are facing, placing himself directly in line of enemy sight and eliminating any possibility of stealth. The "loss of stealth" cascade is beyond ridiculous. Eagle-eyed snipers who take off half your health (even end game, fully maxed health bars) in a single shot. You attack one enemy only to be spotted by another enemy. You kill the alerted enemy, only to have two more enemies respond, some through solid walls that prevent them from actually seeing or hearing you. Nevertheless, the Force is with them, and they sense a disturbance. Eventually, an entire fortress wakes up because one enemy you weren't aware existed saw you kill another enemy.


Yet the solution to this loss of stealth is often comical; take cover on the other side of a doorway or wall and do cover kills. Often the enemies will line up in a row and charge through the door, allowing you to eliminate them one by one with cover kills. In one instance, I ended up with a pile of seven bodies because the AI is so dumb.


Certain levels are so dark you cannot see. Even with the tv or monitor lighting cranked to maximum, it is difficult to discern what direction you are facing, where enemies are, or where the path is. Eagle vision is essential during these dark levels, b


The co-op missions and heists were not adjusted to scale for single players (typical Ubisoft). Mission design is terrible. Don't get me started on The Tournament. Watch Granite Gaming on YouTube for how to beat the co-op parkour of "The Tournament" as a single player. Whoever designed this level should be blacklisted from level design on AAA titles. This guy needs to fly to Australia and go work with Bennett Fody on the sequel to Getting Over It. There is no way any play testers tried The Tournament and said, "Oh, this is great for single players! Yeah, I want more of this!"



Each medicine costs 2500 to replenish, yet many heists only pay 5000. You end up looting enemy bodies, not because you need money, but because you need medicine. Each looting cycle takes 3-4 seconds. Multiply that dozens of times over multiple heists or co-op missions, and gameplay becomes a slog. 


Combat sucks. Gone are the days of disarming enemies and killing them with their own weapons. Gone are the days when you could pick up an enemy sword or long weapon that was better than the one you owned and wield it. Certain enemy attacks become unavoidable in multi-enemy combat, and 90% of the combat is multi-enemy combat. Solution: Smoke Bombs. I spammed so many Smoke Bombs, Arno might as well have been a teenage stoner hotboxing in the high school parking lot five minutes before class. Arno also freezes in combat; pressing Square to Attack or Circle to parry does nothing. After a few seconds, he becomes responsive again.


On a positive note, the graphics, effects, and research on revolutionary France is breathtaking. The visual arts, backgrounds, and historical researchers poured their heart and soul into recreating 1789 Paris (unfortunately, the writing, character animation, lighting, and creative direction departments were all taking the piss during this same time). The challenges have been made much more accessible to casual players, which is also positive.


On a PS5, my game crashed three times. The worst crash occurred during Memory 12, sequence 3, the final mission. Having to restart the final mission when I was already through the challenges was irritating.


AC Unity is not fun, not interesting, buggy, grindy (hundreds of collectibles, dozens of doors/locks, many of which you can't open until you complete Memory 9 and fully upgrade to Master Lockpick), and all around tedious. Unity is a poop stain on the Assassin's Creed name. It took the progress and fun from Black Flag and said, "Nah, we don't need that," then reverted to AC Brotherhood PS3-level parkour with PS2-era story writing. I really wanted this game to succeed, especially after Black Flag, but it is a multi-million dollar fail. Yes, the Dead Kings DLC is free, mostly because Ubisoft realized Unity is so bad, free DLC is the closest Ubisoft could come to an apology without actually admitting a mistake. Watching Amber Heard testify that her dog stepped on a bee is more entertaining than playing AC Unity.


Damn, I appreciate the time and effort you must have put in to that post! ?


Maybe I'll just skip this one then and take a break to wait for the patch for Syndicate to work properly on PS5.


The one I really want to play is Origins but I wanted to do them all in order instead of skipping ahead 5 games.

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On 12/17/2022 at 4:22 AM, alexandra-jane09 said:

@poetic_justice_ It is Sage not Mage and where was the Irish tough guy you are speaking of? Do you mean the guy that calls Arno, "Piss Pot", that's not Irish its a West Country accent, an English dialect commonly heard in Dorset, Devon, Cornwall and Somerset areas of the South West of the UK.  I think it was the same Voice Actor whom played Edward Thatch aka Blackbeard in Black Flag. 


Unity was plagued with problems from day 1 though, it was the first game on the PS4 and the new console couldn't handle the amount of graphics that the game had for the "crowds" in it, thus was a glitchy mess, I didn't care for the Co-Op element to it either, AC has always been a Single Player game for me and I didn't have a Plus account at the time when I first played this.  In comparison I loved Rogue and it was my first Platinum.

Not being from the UK, thank you for the accent clarification. Yes, Bellac, Old "Oy, Pisspot!" Bellec. I wouldn't know a West Country accent from an Irish one. 


Mark Bonnar, a Scottish actor, is the voice of Blackbeard. Roger Anthony Lemke, a Canadian actor, voiced Bellec. They are both great.


https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/video-games/Assassins-Creed-IV-Black-Flag/Blackbeard/#:~:text=Mark Bonnar is the voice,Hirota is the Japanese voice.


https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Anthony_Lemke#:~:text=Roger Anthony Lemke is a,Bellec in Assassin's Creed%3A Unity.


As for the term 'sage', you cared enough to remember the proper name! Good on you. The plot was so underwhelming, I forgot what they were called. 

On 12/17/2022 at 4:33 AM, AK-1138 said:

Playable? Yes.


Enjoyable? No.


Why? Because it's Unity, and Unity is 1f4a9.png


A brilliant, sad, and concise summary. 


On 12/17/2022 at 6:39 PM, TrannosaurusBex said:

Maybe I'll just skip this one then and take a break to wait for the patch for Syndicate to work properly on PS5.


The one I really want to play is Origins but I wanted to do them all in order instead of skipping ahead 5 games.

Sadly, I would recommend skipping Unity. The environment team nailed their job, but the rest of the game's development failed to deliver. Certain co-op missions are fun, but the single-player campaign is like eating a loaf of bread with no water, especially retrieving all 422 collectibles.


I too wanted to play the AC games in chronological order. That order can be found here: https://psnprofiles.com/series/15-assassins-creed However, I am willing to give Rogue Remastered a shot while waiting for the PS5 stabilization patch for Syndicate, if such a patch is coming. You don't have a trophy card, so I don't know if AC Liberation is an option for you, given that you've completed Rogue.

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On 24. 12. 2022 at 4:43 AM, poetic_justice_ said:

Not being from the UK, thank you for the accent clarification. Yes, Bellac, Old "Oy, Pisspot!" Bellec. I wouldn't know a West Country accent from an Irish one. 


yeah, but it actually doesn't metter what accent they have, because they are all supposed to be French, why a French studio didn't manage to hire french (sounding) voice actors for a game that takes place in France is beyond me :D

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On 12/31/2022 at 6:24 PM, MrRys28 said:


yeah, but it actually doesn't metter what accent they have, because they are all supposed to be French, why a French studio didn't manage to hire french (sounding) voice actors for a game that takes place in France is beyond me :D

Well, the accent mattered to alexandra-jane09, who knew where all the different English accents come from, so that was cool.


Valid point otherwise. It was quite odd to receive a quest from an NPC who explained the details with a British accent, only to accept the quest and have the same NPC begin speaking French in a completely different voice seconds later. 



Edited by poetic_justice_
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