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Should I just forget about doing Classic Summoner Rif(Team Builder)t & just continue to play Dominion & ARAM? It doesn't matter whatever my skilled lv is i can never win my lane or have my kills higher than my deaths.

I dont wish to join this thread, but I was plat 3 on two accounts and ended up quitting. Then went on my silver 1 friend account got him to plat 1 then stopped entirely, got diamond in joust smite, then I just stopped moba's entirely.


I'll be glad to help if you have any questions, but through pm, cus I dont trust this thread :)


Edit : Nevermind, this guy's toxic PM's don't interest me.

Edited by Tomoko Kuroki
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League of legend is not just winning lanes anymore. It's more of a teamwork base. i know them from progressing from division to division in rank. You could be having more kills than death. But i don't know if you heard about this but it happen sometimes."Win lane, Lose game." it's not about how good you play. it's how good your sportsmanship with your teammates and try to win. i main jug so i am force to communicate with my team. the late game phase is strong.

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When it comes down  to  5vs5 mostly in the middle it's hell LIVE, so if 3 champions are away somewhere else you two other firendly champions are going to get owned. I tried to push any lane past the corner for my minions to advance than i go jump into Hell LIVE.


@ Tomoko Kuroki when you call someone toxic without even hearing them you may already be a toxic player as well, but heck i doiubt your a toxic player, you just have such a bad history when it comes down to online play, your judging of others is inaccurate. IRL I'm taking anger management so i can handle not being verbally abusive when someone attacks my weakness straight on.


I guess my off topic question was hostile. I just ask him if he's older than me since he's getting $$ from coaching lol players i don't see why people hide their age heck most of us live with our parents still  it's just the era we live in.

Edited by TheLightChaos
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Alright let me just finalize this:


Whats the point of smurf accounts? There are many legitimate reasons for a smurf account. 

1. You simply wish to restart and play from beginning. Some people either do not like the direction their account was going or they just do not like the account they currently play on. Maybe you just hit level 30 and you still don't know a role such as jungle and you want to make another account to learn that role or new champs? I've done this.

2. Your main account queue is too long. Diamond-Master-Challenger players have this issue hence multiple accounts.

3. You want to play with someone who just started. Say you wish to play with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your best friend who you just got into league, and they're starting from one. Putting them versus level 30 platinum players is quite unfair so you make a new account to play with them. I've done this.

4. You made another account on another server. I've done this on NA and EUW. 

5. Your main account is banned/suspended/chat restricted and you've made another one. A lot of people do that, mostly the toxic community you seem to find.




Riot rules allow smurf accounts. It is not against the rules. Contacting Riot Support is making yourself look like an idiot. That's like saying to them "I'm bad at the game please make other players all bad as well"

Smurfs are not all toxic players. When I smurf I'm hardly toxic towards anyone else I play against. Smurfing is only common in levels 1-10. Usually afterwards the better players are matched with other smurfs due to the MMR ratings that they get, so you cannot tell me you play against smurfs everyday since you're not below level 10. The people you play against are simply more skilled than you and are the same level as you. Just because someone is better than you doesn't mean it is a smurf.

Smurfs spend money to buy champions and skins usually to get them faster so that gives Riot Games more money and improves the game.

Smurfs do not matter in fun modes like ARAM or Dominion. Those are game modes that cannot be intended to be treated seriously as reasons for someone to smurf. A Smurfs goal is often to get to the Ranked ladder and play ranked solo/duo queue or 5v5s.


Most of us here are already ranked and have many seasons under our belts, at least speaking for myself. I've seen many things and played on multiple accounts, and I will never see smurf accounts as an issue. 



Smurfs are not bad for the community. 

You suck at the game and instead of working on it you excuse yourself by saying that you lose because enemy team has higher levels/smurfs. If you find these people that difficult to beat then it seems you need to get better and not create dumb excuses for yourself. 


Thank you for reading.




Patch 5.3 Is out boys http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-53-notes

I agree with you

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So apparently you can ask Riot about the total amount of money you've spend on RP. So i send a ticket yesterday, just out of curiosity and i've spent 706.50€!!!! 



Now please excuse me, i'm going to cry in a corner while thinking about the things i could've done with that money....


I spent over $1000 or close to on Mapelstory which is off topic awkwardly, but Riot so far i spent around 200$ recently I bought the New Jinx skin & Zyra for SR purposes.

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The CLGvsTSM game... holy fk... Wanted CLG to win so bad... ;( Threw the game so hard .-. 


Gotta get used to that, I've been a CLG fan for a while now :P Typical CLG vs TSM game, I'm hoping that the second game later this split will go CLGs way :^)

Edited by UD177
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Heck Jaxs skillshots just kills anyone if his build is that good(blood thrister ouch). I try to avoid him if i can.


Jax doesn't have any skillshots, his Q is a targeted jump towards an ally, enemy, minion or ward, his W is a onhit buff on his next auto attack and an AA reset and his E makes him immune to Auto Attack damage as well as stuns upon reactivation and his R is a buff to his MR and Armour stats. Bloodthirster isn't good on Jax either he does better with attack speed than raw ad and lifesteal, hence why people usually only get Trinity Force and sometimes Blade of the Ruined King.



Personally I've been a big Jax Top player last season before he became super popular and later nerfed in Patch 4.11. I'm yet to win with him this season in Ranked but I really liked the buffs in patch 4.21 to his E and R.

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Jax doesn't have any skillshots. Bloodthirster isn't good on Jax either he does better with attack speed than raw ad and lifesteal


:rolleyes: duh Than my whole team fed a newbie jaxs, i haven't yet try him so I didn't know what build is good, but i rarely have Trinity Force on anyone.

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:rolleyes: duh Than my whole team fed a newbie jaxs, i haven't yet try him so I didn't know what build is good, but i rarely have Trinity Force on anyone.


Don't say duh, you're the one that said Jax had skillshots lol...


Trinity Force is a really good item for champions who benefit off Onhit effects and typically build by champs who scale well in the mid game, as well as all the stats it offers.

Common examples: Corki, Kog'Maw, Jax, Darius, Shyvana, Vi, Ezreal, Gnar, Hecarim, AD Bruiser Fizz, Irelia, Lucian, Nasus, Poppy, Shen, Skarner, Udyr, Vayne, Volibear, Wukong,  and Xin Zhao

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The Jax isn't even using Bloodthirster, he was using Trinity Force, Randuin's Omen, and Thornmail


True but the match I witness when jax was against myself & my team  he had, Randuin's Omen x2  Bloodthirster. blade ruined of king, att sp shoes (homeguard) & last whisper. he went 24-7-10 in SR.

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True but the match I witness when jax was against myself & my team  he had, Randuin's Omen x2  Bloodthirster. blade ruined of king, att sp shoes (homeguard) & last whisper. he went 24-7-10 in SR.


When you say witness, do you mean you sat there and watched as he slaughtered your team with a lamp, or you joined your team getting slaughtered by a lamp?

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