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PSNP Interviews: TurtlePM - Submit Your Questions!

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Hello and welcome back to Member Interviews! Our next interviewee is none other than @TurtlePM! Send some questions in and make him feel like a shell-ebrity. ;)




Questions can be submitted starting now until February 14th, 2023 (an easy date to remember!). Turtle has provided the community with a snippet about himself to help with coming up with questions.


About Me

Hey people,


My name is Pedro, I've lived in Portugal (Oporto) since I was born in 1991 (32yo next month). My elder brother owned a Mega Drive back then, so I might say I've played video games since forever. ? My first videogame was Sonic 1 - then Rolo to the Rescue, Zombies ate my Neighbors, Road Rash II, Castle of Illusion, Streets of Rage, Micro Machines 2 and TMNT Hyperstone Heist - these are the titles I owned and played the most. 


When I was (around) 9, Santa gave me a Fat Playstation 1 with Crash Bandicoot 2 and since then, I've bought all Playstation systems until now. I used to buy Playstation Magazines (since September 2000, issue 62, with Spider-man on the cover) to play the demos and read all about new games. PS2 era was uninteresting. I bought The Getaway in around 2003, but I was growing up, still playing some games, and nothing was really that nostalgic, per say. Even my PSP system was hacked since day one just to play when I had nothing to do (something like Smartphones these days). I was more into movies and collecting DVDs than playing video games - that's why I ended up studying Theater. 


The PS3 era was the most interesting of them all: bought (for the first and only time) the Slim version with my own money (from illegal DVD copies sold at school, obviously). I loved the cases of the games and started appreciating my personal collection of PS1 and PS3 (again, no love for PS2). Therefore, around 2011, I seriously start collecting for my PS collection, both PS1 games I never had the chance to play when I was young - I went to the attic to recollect my old magazines to see what I was missing; and PS3 games when they were on sale. Trophy hunting started later, when I started a fresh account in 2013 and took things more seriously...


Finally, in 2016 I got my first job. I started in a local video game store where I remember saying to my mom: first payday goes to a PS4 - and it did, with a free game of my choosing (got GTA 5 because it was the most difficult game to price drop that time). And it made all sense to me: I had to talk about PS4 games with my customers, I had to know what was I talking about, specially everything that nobody wanted to play (like Shovel Knight or 2Dark).


Today I'm at a furniture department in El Corte Inglês (mostly known in Spain and Portugal) where I love my team ? still getting new games (more than I play), still getting some platinums when time allows...


That's about it ?




Interview setup 

The setup for all PSNP interviews will be as follows:


  1. After the new interviewee have been revealed, the PSNP community will have 10 days to ask their questions. While the community is coming up with questions, the interviewee has the time to work on the 17 standard questions
  2. After those 10 days, those questions, along with the standard questions, will be sent to the interviewee.
  3. The interviewee will have another 7 days to answer as many of the questions as they want.
  4. Once the interviewee has finished answering the questions, I will post the whole interview in a new thread.


How to be an interviewee

As we've had a lot of interest, new applications are temporarily closed, but I'll open the interview signup thread back up after more names have been cleared.





List of questions

Standard Questions

  1. How did you come up with your PSN name?
  2. What games convinced you to get your PlayStation 3, Playstation Vita, PlayStation 4, and Playstation 5?
  3. What are your top 5 game series and why?
  4. What are your top 5 games and why?
  5. Which unreleased game(s) are you looking forward to the most and why?
  6. Do you have any other hobbies outside of gaming?
  7. Top 5 TV shows, Movies, and/or anime, why, and would you recommend them to people?
  8. Top 5 favorite music bands/group/artists/composers/OST?
  9. Your favorite platinum and why?
  10. Your least favorite platinum and why?
  11. Have you ever been tempted to switch over to the Xbox/Nintendo/PC gaming ecosystems?
  12. If you could have one game from any gaming generation be remade or re-released, which one would it be and why?
  13. How far are you willing to go for a platinum?
  14. If you could give Sony direct feedback on business decisions in the last year, and the latest console generation, what would you tell them?
  15. What is your favorite thing about PSNP?
  16. What is your least favorite thing about PSNP?
  17. Is there anyone in the PSNP Community you would like to give a shout-out to and if so, why?


PSNP Community Questions (updated periodically)

  1. What other consoles do you own and would you consider collecting for them?

  2. Will the list of unobtainable trophies you made be updated or revived?

  3. Thoughts on your collection?

  4. Will you write more guides?

  5. Thoughts on alternative history?

  6. Best thing about Portugal?

  7. Worst thing about Portugal?

  8. Do you still like turtles?

  9. If you were a tree, what kind would you be?

  10. Dogs or cats?

  11. Waffles or pancakes?

  12. Is bacon awesome?

  13. What upcoming title has you most excited?

  14. If you could change one thing about trophies, what would it be?

  15. If you could create a super console that played every game ever, would you do it?

  16. Did you move onto any other consoles during your hiatus with PS2 or has it always been only Playstation for you?

  17. You mentioned you studied theatre - did you ever plan to make a career out of it, and is movie watching/collecting still something you're into?

  18. Why did you choose those trophies for your cabinet?
  19. Do you have any scars? If so, how did you get them?
  20. Is there a film from your country you'd recommend to people?
  21. What's your least favourite game of your favourite series (and why)?
  22. What first got you into guide writing, and would you recommend any of the games you wrote guides for?
  23. Do you find there's a lot of pressure/struggle to stay within the top 100 of your country's leaderboard?
  24. You also seem like a bit of a completionist. Are there any games you've given up on out of frustration and don't think you'll return to?
  25. Have you ever stolen anything?
  26. Do you want to be able to fly?
  27. What's your favourite food?
  28. Who is the strongest protagonist of a game you've 100%ed? (not including god games like the Sims 4)
  29. If you could offer some general advice on what it's like and what to expect about living in Portugal, what would you say? My wife and I are planning to retire to Portugal... we're currently several months into the visa application process which will eventually provide a path to Portuguese citizenship for our entire family. We're very excited!

  30. Are there any notable or up-and-coming Portuguese game developers people might not be aware of?

  31. With Sonic being your first game, how do you feel about the direction of the series several years later? Do you still like Sonic?

  32. What is a game that no one has heard of, but everyone should play?

  33. What RPG archetype is your personal favorite (tank, healer, fighter, rogue, etc) and which of these roles do you take on in your real life job?

Edited by Charizarzar
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  • You mentioned you studied theatre - did you ever plan to make a career out of it, and is movie watching/collecting still something you're into?
  • Why did you choose those trophies for your cabinet?
  • Do you have any scars? If so, how did you get them?
  • Is there a film from your country you'd recommend to people?
  • What's your least favourite game of your favourite series (and why)?
  • What first got you into guide writing, and would you recommend any of the games you wrote guides for?
  • Do you find there's a lot of pressure/struggle to stay within the top 100 of your country's leaderboard?
  • You also seem like a bit of a completionist. Are there any games you've given up on out of frustration and don't think you'll return to?
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1. If you could offer some general advice on what it's like and what to expect about living in Portugal, what would you say? My wife and I are planning to retire to Portugal... we're currently several months into the visa application process which will eventually provide a path to Portuguese citizenship for our entire family. We're very excited!

2. Are there any notable or up-and-coming Portuguese game developers people might not be aware of?

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With Sonic being your first game, how do you feel about the direction of the series several years later? Do you still like Sonic?


What is a game that no one has heard of, but everyone should play?


What RPG archetype is your personal favorite (tank, healer, fighter, rogue, etc) and which of these roles do you take on in your real life job?

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