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So what’s the verdict, now that the game is out? Mechanically, the game does a lot to return to the pre-"RPG Saga" formula (thanks for the term, @Copanele!), retaining only some features from the Action RPG installments

Lol, glad it has been approved 😂😂


So...like never before...I read half of your post and decided to stop. Because of this:


Open combat is greatly de-emphasized in this game. There are no heavy attacks, shield bashes, or equipping of javelins/lances/bows (🥲). Basim has a dagger and a sword that can be used in a fight when he gets detected by guards and uses the simple “parry or attack” system of older games.


Mirage doesn’t have the ridiculously massive skill tree of Valhalla. The three categories can broadly be described as “assassination and blade”, “tools and pickpocketing”, and “Enkidu/detection”. 

This stuff strangely hyped me up so much for the game that I will play it myself thennnn continue my reading :D And I know, I know, it won't even get close to the originals, it will still have a "by the Ubisoft numbers" feel....but MAN DO I WANT A SMALL AND CONTAINED AC GAME!


Can't wait!


Also Cats!



(on the other hand...not looking forward to the game as a service assassin's creed...I can already smell the failure baking in the Animus :( ) 

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5 hours ago, Copanele said:

So...like never before...I read half of your post and decided to stop. Because of this:

This stuff strangely hyped me up so much for the game that I will play it myself thennnn continue my reading :D 


I'm so happy that the early part of my post was able to get you excited for Mirage! I'm really interested in hearing the AC: Mirage thoughts of other veterans of the franchise! While I did shed an emoji tear over no longer having Bows because I'm a huge simp for them, the fact that they removed the combat focus of the other RPG Saga games is a huge boon to Mirage. We don't play Assassin's Creed games for looter-shooter weapon rarities and brute forcing our way through an objective, we play them so we can do the stabby-stab from the shadows! 😂 


5 hours ago, Copanele said:

And I know, I know, it won't even get close to the originals, it will still have a "by the Ubisoft numbers" feel....but MAN DO I WANT A SMALL AND CONTAINED AC GAME!


Can't wait!


Seriously!!! Yes, the game is unable to fully escape the "Ubisoft-by-numbers" vibe, and it isn't 100% what veteran fans of the series wanted for a "return to its roots" game, but even something that achieved a good percentage of Early Games Vibes made me so happy! It gives me... skeptical hope (is that even a thing? lol) that Ubisoft can actually refocus on what made the games great.


Granted, Jade and Hex are far enough into development that if they aren't already trying to move away from "RPG Saga" mechanics to something closer to Mirage, there isn't time to change direction for those games. I've wanted an AC game set in Japan for ages and the setting of Hex sounds fucking awesome as well, so fingers crossed that they aren't more "RPG Saga". 


5 hours ago, Copanele said:

Also Cats!



Are you also a cat person? I say 'also' because I think it's pretty clear by now that I am a huge cat person. 😂 They hold my heart hostage.


5 hours ago, Copanele said:

(on the other hand...not looking forward to the game as a service assassin's creed...I can already smell the failure baking in the Animus :( ) 



Edited by pelagia14
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Platinum #107 | Man of Medan (The Dark Pictures Anthology)


Developer: Supermassive Games, 2019
Country: England
Time Played: 29h
Platinum Earned: 13 October 2023
Rating: 4/10




The Dark Pictures is an anthology of horror games that focus on branching narratives, a cinematic interactive experience, the casts' relationships with each other, and the option to play the stories via co-op.


Man of Medan is the first game in the anthology. It follows a group of college-aged friends and their hired boat captain as a planned holiday diving trip in the waters of French Polynesia goes horribly wrong. A run-in with modern-day pirates and rumors of a gold treasure result in the kidnapped group being trapped on a ghostly abandoned ship full of terrors. Your decisions will determine if they each meet a grisly end or manage to escape the ship.






TROPHY WARNING: The platinum trophy requires at least one online co-op playthrough to get specific collectible items only available in that mode. 




Man of Medan was another Spooktober game for me, and I was pretty let down by how not scary the game was for a solo gaming experience. The game is overflowing with cheap jump scares and very little else in terms of scares or 'horror', unless you are playing the game via online co-op only. The only thing that might squick someone out is towards the end of the game - for several seconds, a single scene somewhat references the Chestburster scene from 1979's Alien movie. The almost claustrophobic corridors of the derelict former military ship certainly make for a spooky environment, but the game's clunky and cumbersome movement controls will often leave you feeling annoyed rather than on edge when walking through various corridors. 


Also, I'm really sorry but these 'terrified' death faces were rendered so awkwardly that they just made me laugh instead:

TR9o6oG.jpg abjXidm.jpg




There are a few ways to experience the game's story:

  • Play Alone [Solo]
    • Theatrical Cut: The default or 'intended' solo experience. Most sections of the game have two playable characters, and you only get to control the "Player 1" characters for each scene. The "Mario" experience.
    • Curator's Cut: Only unlocked after a Theatrical Cut playthrough, it lets you play as the "second player" in most chapters which lets you make different decisions and get a few new scenes as a result. The "Luigi" experience.
  • Don't Play Alone [Co-op]
    • Movie Night: Couch Co-op for up to 5 people. Before the story starts you choose which players will control which characters. When the controllable POV character changes, the game will pause to allow you to swap the controller to someone else.
    • Shared Story: Online Co-op for 2 people. One person plays the Theatrical Cut POV and the other plays the Curator Cut POV (with occasional reversals where it makes sense). Both POV Cuts play out simultaneously.
      • If you want an actually spooky experience, I would argue that this mode MUST be your first playthrough of the game.



I found the game a lot less spooky once I got to the end of the narrative and learned the backstory that explains everything. Since Shared Story has the two players experiencing the different Cuts simultaneously, the difference in what each POV sees is the real highlight that makes things a bit spooky. 




Okay, so the whole reason that Shared Story is the ONLY way you should initially play through the game is that the ghost ship isn't actually a ghost ship. The ship has a hallucinogenic gas that makes people see whatever most terrifies them, and the characters normally hallucinate at different moments. Thus, Player A might see a ghostly apparition at the end of the corridor, whereas Player B in that same corridor sees nothing. Or while Player A was navigating through Area A of the ship, Player B over in Area B ran into a ghoul that attacked and tried to kill them. The asynchronous experience would lead to the two players sharing mysterious and/or frightening events over voice chat, and thus each person conjures up scary imagery of what the other player must have seen. Nothing can beat the scares of our mind, after all.


However, once you know that there isn't anything supernatural on the ship and it's all hallucinations, everything outside of the pirate gang no longer holds any threat. Alex doesn't actually have a rat bursting from his chest, he's hallucinating. A horrifying hag-like creature isn't trying to attack him, it's Fliss. Many of the 'supernatural attacks' are just empty air, and when that isn't the case it is almost always "Player 2" that Player 1's POV is hallucinating into a monster. There aren't a lot of scenes with the pirate gang once you are aboard the ship, and after an initial playthrough you've either already had characters be killed by the pirates or figured out how to survive the pirates, so outside of the potential for a new scene here and there the element of suspense is gone.


Since Man of Medan is currently available on PS Catalog, luckily I was able to use my husband's PS5 alongside my own to play online co-op for the collectibles. (Alas, the husband does not like anything that is scary/horror.) This gave me the unique experience of seeing how the simultaneous nature of the online multiplayer experience creates cool asynchronous jump scares and scary moments for the two players. As a side note, I wouldn't recommend doing this yourself unless you are really dedicated, because you will need to have two TVs/monitors and make use of two PS5 controllers during QTE scenes, sometimes at the same time. 




So, I should probably talk about the 5 playable characters you spend the entire game with! There are two brothers, Alex and Brad. Alex is dating Julia. Julia's brother Conrad joined the trip. They hired Fliss, captain of the Duke of Milan ship, to take them to areas where they could do deep dives. The game also does this thing where when we first meet each of these characters, the cutscene pauses to show us the character's name, important relations to others in the group, and a mini word cloud of key personality traits. 


I actually really disliked most of the group. Julia is the typical spoiled rich girl who has never been told no and as a result is super snobby, rules don't apply to her, etc. She would absolutely go Karen over stupid bullshit. Conrad is the typically rich frat!bro who lives to party and throws money to 'solve' the problems caused by his irresponsible behavior. He thinks that he is a suave and smooth lady's man. 🙄 Alex seems to care about his brother Brad, but at the start of the game tells Brad not to 'embarrass' him in front of his rich girlfriend and her brother - so he only cares about his brother so much, in my opinion. Also, Alex is stupid enough to think it's a great idea to propose to Julia while they are a couple hundred feet underwater, ring and all. What if Julia had accidentally dropped the (presumably expensive) engagement ring? //facepalm 


I decided to add to each character's introductory 'word cloud' with how I felt about them:


Ld9qLrW.png qBK0ldC.png 6jHu9k9.png qV1sHV3.png pIUHipa.png

(FYI, clicking on an image will expand it)




There are two types of collectibles in the game. The 'Clue' collectibles are actually decent, since many of them give more context and details about how/why things happened. The 'Painting' collectibles were pointless, though. When you find each one you get what is ostensibly a premonition of the future, and a glimpse of it should provide clever players with hints or clues to navigate subsequent decisions. Black Paintings show potential deaths, and White Paintings show potential scenes that are not deaths. In reality, some of the 'premonitions' are so brief that they are essentially useless. One literally just shows Brad standing up from the ground in a room on the Duke of Milan boat. Cool story, I guess? 


A few of the premonitions were useful. An important item can be destroyed - okay, I gotta be careful with any QTE related to that item. Brad can die from being stabbed - alright, be wary of any QTE scene or character with a knife. However, overall I found the premonition system to not be very helpful for hints and not even be super interesting in terms of 'teasing' potential futures.


I constantly felt like I had no idea where I was inside the ship. I'd be in one character's POV somewhere on the ship. Next thing I know, I'm now swapping to another character's POV in a different seemingly random part of the ship. Since everything happens in 'real time', it's rare that when you return to a specific character they are in the area where you last left them. And sure, it's possible that the developers thought making players feel "lost" in the ship would add to the tension and suspense of things. It just left me feeling disjointed and annoyed, as if everything happened in isolation instead of being interconnected.




The game has some bonus features that were actually interesting! There is The History of Anthologic Horror, a 9-minute mini-documentary about the evolution of short story horror anthologies, starting with literature and then moving into radio, TV, and movies. Playing the Fool is a 6-minute video focusing on actor Shawn Ashmore's experience doing mocap and playing Conrad. Surprisingly, Shawn Ashmore almost made me want to like Conrad as a character. We also find out that during mocap footage capture, all actors in a scene are present so that they can work off of each other, which honestly should be an industry norm.


Creating the Curator is a 7-minute video that gives us some background on the Curator (his library is the story of everyone's life and death), how they designed the library and his outfit, and details on filming the mocap with actor Pip Torrens. I didn't find it as interesting as the first two bonus features, but it was okay. The last two bonus features are the Secrets of the Ourang Medan - Part 1 & Part 2, two 25-page comic books. They are set a few years before and during the WWII prologue. When you navigate a page of one of the comic books, you are first shown the full page and then you zoom in to navigate through each panel. There is ambient music and the occasional sound effect which is a nice touch, but I didn't read through the two volumes. 




Besides a few of the Bonus Features, there are a few other positive things I can say about Man of Medan.


There are some trophies for getting the game's collectible items, and the collectibles are cumulative across playthroughs. Not a huge thing, but after a game (by the same developer!) like The Quarry where you had to get all Tarots in a single playthrough or all Clues in a single playthrough, it's also not something I'll take for granted. 


There were two moments where they used creative camera angles/framing:

AxUKlMi.jpg 5rAtiUp.jpg


While it can be extremely difficult to make out whether a decision is a HEART decision or a BRAIN decision, at least when you pause you can see if you are still on an uninterrupted streak of picking one choice exclusively in a run (considering there is a trophy for only heart decisions and another for only brain decisions).


9N1XB7U.jpg BOzbl33.jpg



  • The Anthology opening wants to be taken seriously, but it's another thing that ended up making me laugh instead. It's like the opening sequence of a TV show, even featuring a super dramatic theme song ("A Conversation With Death").
  • How do the members of the pirate gang not hear when people are screaming and shrieking at the top of their lungs? Yes it's a huge ship with walls made of metal, and the pirate gang is also hallucinating, but they only seem to accidentally run into the group instead of 'oh I've been trying to follow the screams of the people we kidnapped'.
  • I was initially really annoyed at the presence of rats on the ship since it is allegedly an abandoned ghost ship aka no sources of food for the rats after a short amount of time. The explanation for the events of the game addresses that, though.


Trophy Image:

None. It all felt pretty lazy, just putting different icons on three book cover colors.

Trophy Moment:

28Seca589.png Secrets! Lies! Conspiracies, man! if I had to choose one, I guess.







Edited by pelagia14
fixed incorrect release year
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WOOOHOOOOOO!!!! You have no idea how excited I got when I did my check-in on the cabinet threads and saw somebody properly reviewed this game 😭, and what a relief you put the 9/10 rating early so I didn't feel like I gassed up a game that left people disappointed.


19 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

On the surface, Paradise Killer seems to be just like a Phoenix Wright game (and apparently Danganronpa), but that comparison barely scratches at the truly unique experience that is this game. It’s been - gosh, almost two decades since I played the Phoenix Wright games. I certainly enjoyed them - and have the original trilogy waiting in my PS backlog - but their narratives are fairly linear. Sure, you can sometimes fail to discover an important piece of evidence at a specific crime scene or not confront a witness with the key dialogue option or evidence. However, if I recall correctly, at certain points the Phoenix Wright games essentially gate plot progression until you backtrack and do whatever it is that you missed.


So fun note - I have never played any of the Phoenix Wright OR Danganronpa games. There are just too many games to play and I have to be judicial with my time. I HAVE been able to experience each of them via my favorite weeb streamer Joseph Anderson. It's odd. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the absurdity of the Danganronpa series even if I found the investigation sequences to get a bit laborious. I found the actual court debates in Phoenix Wright entertaining as hell even if much else around them had me a bit bored. I think the wonderful quality Paradise Killer has is the free-flowing ability to actually yanno... WALK AROUND these environments which the other two don't allow for.


19 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

There are also three ability upgrades you can find for Lady Love Dies, though hilariously I didn’t unlock the first one until probably six or seven hours in! I found the footbath near Sam’s Bar early on but was short a Blood Crystal, and then once I had enough crystals I forgot to return back to it for ages. The abilities are Double Jump, Dash, and Meditate (temporarily show icons on your screen for item locations). The number of times I spent struggling to climb up to building roofs with my single little hop only to find nothing up there when I could have quickly unlocked double jump… //facepalm. 😂


lmao do not feel bad whatsoever. I don't know if I mentioned this in my review but I completed the ENTIRE GAME before realizing that you could get any upgrades to your movement ability. I was hoarding these blood crystals because of their finite amount and necessity for fast travel that I didn't want to "waste" them on something I didn't know I would get in exchange for. So you actually did much better than me only taking 6-7 hours 🤣


19 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

The voice acting setup did not mesh well with my neurodivergence. The text dialogue is not narrated - instead, each character has a few recorded ‘stock lines’ of greetings/reactions. Love Dies will have a stock line play while her text appears on the screen. When it switches to Character B, the same happens with their stock line. As the conversation between the two characters progresses, interesting or surprising information might prompt another stock line to play out. I completely understand that a small indie studio probably didn’t have the budget to record the massive number of lines in this game. What really bugged me was that a character’s voice would be saying one thing, but the text appearing on the screen was completely different. And this isn’t like subtitles, where it is the same content just in a different language. I am a very fast reader, but suddenly hearing spoken text that didn’t at all match what I was reading really tripped me up.


I’m fine with needing to spend Blood Crystals to unlock Fast Travel destinations, but didn’t like that it is a finite currency additionally required to use fast travel. If the developers want to encourage people to not use fast travel as much, they could have either created a farmable resource that gets expended when using fast travel or made it something like that you would only be able to unlock all fast travel locations once you’ve collected something like 97% of the island’s Blood Crystals. I was so worried that I might inadvertently lock myself out of the platinum in my playthrough that I didn’t use fast travel at all until I cleaned up missed collectibles right before the trial.


Two gripes I'm very much in agreement on. The characters are reduced to Pokemon with their voiced lines and it's a shame given the personality they provide. In defense of the Creators, I listened to this interview they did and they mentioned rewriting dialogue until VERY close up until release. It simply wasn't practical for their size and scope to have majority voiced dialogue though it is one element that would have made the game age even more gracefully. and yup, I barely fast-traveled until clean-up mode just like you because of the same thing.


19 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

Finally, it’s a little weird that after the trials are over you can walk up to any surviving Syndicate members and just execute them with your gun before you end the game. Perhaps this was intended to allow players to kill people they believed to be guilty but did not have enough evidence to convict, but it really goes against Love Dies’ character. Instead of carrying out justice, now she is committing crimes of her own. The developers definitely wanted to restrict us players as little as possible, but this was one instance where that lack of restriction didn’t make much sense to me. The ending in general was a bit weak compared to the rest of the game.


The ending and trial itself are undoubtedly... slightly disappointing. Though a much better video game designer than me would have to find a solution. I didn't mind the post-trial execution that much since I don't view any of that as cannon, it's more like the creator's way to goofily let the player do whatever they want before resetting and trying again if they truly botched the trial. Though I suppose the fact you can still do that even after getting all the correct suspects is a bit odd.


19 hours ago, pelagia14 said:
  Hide contents

When I thought I was ready for the trial, I still had one item listed in my “Notes” menu screen, though I wasn’t sure where to go for it. I decided to mop up the collectibles I was missing to see if I’d stumble upon it. As much as I hated the Starlight Skin located on the top of the golden Opulent Ziggurant dome (took me ages to get that jump right!), without it I would have completely forgotten about the mysterious depression in the ground nearby that unveils the final secret of Paradise Island.



GIRL!!!!!! Aight. So... I'm 99% sure I wrote about this but that STUPID ASS NEEDLESLY INSANELY DIFFICULT JUMP distracted me SOOOOO much that I COMPLETELY ignored that depression in the ground. I go to the trial, got through the motions, can't get the final convictions without it and wonder what I missed... I go back there and discover TOOTSY FRUITSY ASS THE LAST KISS FOR THE 1ST TIME IN MY ENTIRE PLAY THROUGH SICNE THE INTIIAL INTRODUCTION. I then laughed my ass off at Lady Love Dies commentary when I discover to the left this hidden hole and she goes: "damn... would have been good to find this before the trial".



As for the trial verdicts, it's funny how you mentioned knowing Henry was not guilty because he was the perceived guilty one at the start. It's fun how a mystery game has to navigate the line between the in-game hunt and trying to prevent the player from meta-gaming. As for your accusations, I don't care if it's a bit corrupt, I refused to throw my gal Lydia and best bonesy boy Sam under the bus with accusations. I know there was more evidence against them but... they weren't the BAD guys compared to some of the other elites. I'm happy to hear somebody else took such extensive notes while playing though. I did the exact same.


What a lovely review. The images, including the soundtrack at the very start so I could listen and be transformed back to my time while reading was a total treat. you've got me wanting to step up my game with visuals as they add a lot to conveying the atmosphere of the game.


Now play Banner Saga 😇

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2 hours ago, realm722 said:

WOOOHOOOOOO!!!! You have no idea how excited I got when I did my check-in on the cabinet threads and saw somebody properly reviewed this game 😭, and what a relief you put the 9/10 rating early so I didn't feel like I gassed up a game that left people disappointed.


Don't worry, I gotchu. 😉


2 hours ago, realm722 said:

So fun note - I have never played any of the Phoenix Wright OR Danganronpa games. There are just too many games to play and I have to be judicial with my time. I HAVE been able to experience each of them via my favorite weeb streamer Joseph Anderson. It's odd. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the absurdity of the Danganronpa series even if I found the investigation sequences to get a bit laborious. I found the actual court debates in Phoenix Wright entertaining as hell even if much else around them had me a bit bored. I think the wonderful quality Paradise Killer has is the free-flowing ability to actually yanno... WALK AROUND these environments which the other two don't allow for.


I have Danganronpa 1-2 Reload and V3 Killing Harmony in my backlog. I'm glad to hear that you found the 'absurdity' enjoyable! We all have our own tastes for things like humor and wackiness, but most of what I've heard about the games came from friends who are more casual gamers. And yesss, the courtroom drama in Phoenix Wright is hilarious - to the point where I don't even get too annoyed that they completely discard about 95% of the rules and procedures of court! 😂


2 hours ago, realm722 said:

lmao do not feel bad whatsoever. I don't know if I mentioned this in my review but I completed the ENTIRE GAME before realizing that you could get any upgrades to your movement ability. I was hoarding these blood crystals because of their finite amount and necessity for fast travel that I didn't want to "waste" them on something I didn't know I would get in exchange for. So you actually did much better than me only taking 6-7 hours 🤣



Two gripes I'm very much in agreement on. The characters are reduced to Pokemon with their voiced lines and it's a shame given the personality they provide. In defense of the Creators, I listened to this interview they did and they mentioned rewriting dialogue until VERY close up until release. It simply wasn't practical for their size and scope to have majority voiced dialogue though it is one element that would have made the game age even more gracefully. and yup, I barely fast-traveled until clean-up mode just like you because of the same thing.




Yeah, dialogue rewrites totally make sense. I couldn't think of a super great solution either beyond "have more money before releasing the game", as if it's that simple.. Should they have removed vocals entirely? Doing so would remove small bits of personality, which isn't good. "Pausing" the crawl of dialogue whenever a "Pokemon vocal" plays would create its own issues. You could have the two characters greet each other by name as their portraits animate across the screen at the beginning of a conversation, but then that doesn't account for reactions and is a further solution that reduces personality. 


Ooooo, will have to listen to that interview soon!


2 hours ago, realm722 said:

GIRL!!!!!! Aight. So... I'm 99% sure I wrote about this but that STUPID ASS NEEDLESLY INSANELY DIFFICULT JUMP distracted me SOOOOO much that I COMPLETELY ignored that depression in the ground. I go to the trial, got through the motions, can't get the final convictions without it and wonder what I missed... I go back there and discover TOOTSY FRUITSY ASS THE LAST KISS FOR THE 1ST TIME IN MY ENTIRE PLAY THROUGH SICNE THE INTIIAL INTRODUCTION. I then laughed my ass off at Lady Love Dies commentary when I discover to the left this hidden hole and she goes: "damn... would have been good to find this before the trial".


Yes, I read through your review last night and completely empathized with you! It probably took me 40-50 jumps as well. I even pulled up a video to try to find the magic jump spot needed, little good that it did me. And gosh, Love Dies really hit it on the nail there. 😂


Speaking of One Last Kiss - funnily enough, the first thing I did after landing on the island and speaking with Shinji again was climb up the path. I reached but didn't enter the Opulent Ziggurat (didn't visit the Workshop on the left, though) and then descended to explore the Mountain Gorge. After I had some Blood Crystals I kept trying to figure out how to get back up the mountain, but for ages, without fail, I would end up at the bottom of the elevator to Sam's Bar instead (or wind up at the Citizen Apartments/Danchi). //facepalm


2 hours ago, realm722 said:

What a lovely review. The images, including the soundtrack at the very start so I could listen and be transformed back to my time while reading was a total treat. you've got me wanting to step up my game with visuals as they add a lot to conveying the atmosphere of the game.


I'm happy to hear you like the format! I'm an extremely visual person, and screenshots help me recall game memories and moments. Plus it adds a lot of color to a post! 🎨🖌️ I really like how you will emphasize certain phrases or sentences in your reviews by bolding them and adding color - alas, it's not something I'm capable of doing in moderation. 


2 hours ago, realm722 said:

What a lovely review. The images, including the soundtrack at the very start so I could listen and be transformed back to my time while reading was a total treat. you've got me wanting to step up my game with visuals as they add a lot to conveying the atmosphere of the game.


Now play Banner Saga 😇


With Halloween-vibing games (mostly) behind me and just a few more weeks left in the Trophies to Fight Cancer event, I've already started to look ahead to December - I need to start tackling longer games (30h+) more before they are the only ones left in my backlog! It's already a mandate for me in February to replay FFVII Remake in preparation for the release of Rebirth(!!!), but that still gives me two months to tackle a few longer games. I've been eyeing Disco Elysium and perhaps a Yakuza game (since there are a lot of those to play, if I end up enjoying them) - maybe even try Death March difficulty for Witcher 3 PS4 so I can earn the platinum... But gosh, Banner Saga probably has lots of epic Viking vibes that would be really great to play in the winter as well! (And lots of snowy environs, based on screenshots)


Maybe I'll take a page from @Cassylvania's book and use RNG to determine which longer games I play. Or create a system where each month I commit to at least one 30h+ game? Too many games and not enough time to catch up on the backlog - the bane of every gamer, lol.

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Platinum #109 | Little Hope (The Dark Pictures Anthology)


Developer: Supermassive Games, 2022
Country: England
Time Played: 18h
Platinum Earned: 18 October 2023
Rating: 4/10




The Dark Pictures is an anthology of horror games that focus on branching narratives, a cinematic interactive experience, the casts' relationships with each other, and the option to play the stories via co-op.


Little Hope is the second game in the anthology. It follows a group of college students and their professor who end up in stranded an abandoned ghost town after their bus crashed. A mysterious heavy fog prevents the group from leaving the town of Little Hope, and it might also be hiding some dangers. Meanwhile, visions of the town’s history during the Salem Witch Trials seem to hold the key to understanding what is going on in the present. Your decisions will determine if everyone in the group can survive long enough to unravel the strange happenings of Little Hope.





Alright, DPA game #2! Based on the game’s premise and the obvious potential for witchcraft with the Salem Trials, I was pretty excited about this game. I figured that Man of Medan had subverted expectations by (SPOILER) having the ‘supernatural’ events actually be the result of a hallucinogenic mist, and now it was time for real spooks and scares. Up until the ending I was prepared to give this game a rating of around 5 or 6 out of 10, as I was enjoying it a little bit more than Man of Medan. Unfortunately, while I found this game to be slightly better than Man of Medan, I was so let down by Little Hope’s ending that instead of a 5 or maybe 6 out of 10, it gets the same 4/10 as Man of Medan.


(As a side note, I have a friend who actually enjoyed game #3, House of Ashes, but I probably won’t get around to that game until next Halloween season).




There isn’t really anything I can think of that would be a common squick for people outside of what you’d expect for a game with death and violence: some potential deaths involve stabbings, shootings, or even hangings. A few of the supernatural beings look like emaciated corpses, and many scenes have you traversing through a dense fog. I tried doing a quick internet search to see if in my disappointment with the game I forgot about anything, but only found vague comments about gore and dismemberment (but I can’t recall what those would be). 


Honestly, the graphical model for Megan's face was the most terrifying thing in the game...




Mild Spoilers:
Little Hope pulls out some classic scary settings but somehow manages to underutilize most of them. There’s an empty children’s playground where we encounter another Salem vision, and there’s a cemetery where nothing sinister happens. The pervasive fog was the strongest setting, limiting how far your group can see into their surroundings and preventing them from backtracking or leaving the town. It hearkens back to the classic and influential Silent Hill games, but also to stories like Stephen King’s novella The Mist. As you progress through the story, the game teases that supernatural horrors might be stalking the group from the mist, but the game is too scripted to be able to provide the tense, surprise encounters that one might expect with the usage of fog.


I will say I did find the Little Hope Museum to be the game’s best use of horror tropes to build suspense, even though it was pretty tame. Upon entering the Salem Trial-themed museum, to one’s dismay there are wax figures in several areas, and some mannequins used in a reenactment of witch trial hangings. There’s no electricity, so you navigate through the dimly lit area while being paranoid that perhaps some sort of witchcraft will possess one of the human-shaped objects to attack you. (I should also note that mannequins in horror games definitely creep me out!) My expectations were mildly subverted when one of the hung mannequins dropped to the ground, the victim of an old rope that finally frayed out, which made me startle and then laugh afterward.






Here is the game's main cast, for posterity's sake. I didn't feel like writing about them or turning the images into memes because I felt very ambivalent about the characters after I reached the end of the game.







Alright, I definitely went into this game hoping and thinking that it would be more of a traditional scary horror game with monsters or witches or something. Similar to Man of Medan, this game tried to lean into “rational explanations for what seems supernatural” - at least for the most part? I completely respect that, and whenever I get around to House of Ashes I will be keeping that in mind. 


However, the big ‘twist reveal’ that Andrew was the bus driver and has been hallucinating this entire time was SO FRUSTRATING. It completely invalidates the “friendships” I’ve made between members of the group, knowing that “jk they are just figments of Andrew’s imagination”. In my initial playthrough, I felt something close to mild accomplishment when everyone was reunited and Angela said “So the whole crew is back together”. In subsequent playthroughs, that moment felt completely empty. Should Taylor be a supportive girlfriend to Vince or be a jerk? Doesn’t matter, since they are both figments of Andrew’s imagination. Should I try to have Angela be less of a bitch to Taylor? Who cares at this point? 



Taylor: "One thing I didn't see coming - I feel like one of the team. I'm good with that, never happens to me."

Taylor, dear, that's because even now it isn't real...


I totally get that the game is trying to focus on Andrew’s guilt over being the sole survivor of a tragic event that killed his entire family, an event he believes that he accidentally caused. That it is trying to explore an emotional journey between him and family members who were suddenly ripped away from him. I’m even down for the metaphoric demons that haunt him manifesting into real or perceived-as-real demons attacking him. I was still able to find those themes somewhat interesting in my subsequent playthroughs. However, The Dark Pictures as a brand focuses a lot on the interpersonal dynamics of your group, and “everything including the rest of the group is just trauma hallucinations” hollowed out the snippets of vaguely emotional moments I had experienced related to the group dynamic. 


Also, how is Andrew able to hallucinate in two locations simultaneously?! (IE, the chapters where he is not present)




Y’all, I’m still confused about this game. I totally get that the characters in the Prologue are Andrew and his family in the past, and the ‘present day’ group uses the same family members because Andrew hallucinates them into a college professor and fellow students. I get that the Salem Trials happened in Little Hope’s past, and there was a fucked up priest who used satanic panic and Mary to blame fellow villagers with practicing spellcraft. But like… why are the characters in 1692 also the family members? If the game is trying to imply that the souls of the people in 1692 reincarnated into Andrew’s family, why didn’t it actually give us any hints to imply that? I see some people online say that the 1692 people are just Andrew’s metaphor for processing his trauma, but the graveyard and museum tell us that they were real people. Or if Andrew just visited the town museum when he was younger, saw a bunch of people die in the witch trials who happened to have names starting with the same first letters as his family, and then his brain hallucinated the witch trials to process his trauma, why did the name never make it clear that Andrew had a past connection to the museum? Also, I’m pretty sure when Professor John brings up the Witch Trials early on in the game, Andrew is just as unfamiliar about them as the others. If there is no link to 1692 for his family members, why does the game have several lines of dialogue from various characters that wink-nod to reincarnation? (For example: “I think she was a marine sergeant in a past life.” and No, but I [was a burglar] in a past life!”)


Is there any actual witchcraft?! Sure the priest in 1692 had a bunch of witchcraft scribbles in his Bible, but we don’t actually see anyone from that time period practicing magic. At one point the priest says that someone’s witchcraft is possessing Mary and she then screams and seems to have a seizure, but that can be explained as her being scared (and implied to be abused) by a person with authority and thus she is attempting to play along with what he wants to avoid punishment. In other flashbacks, Mary often acts as if she is ‘possessed by the devil’ by giving evil-looking smirks to the ‘camera’ when townspeople are being killed or sentenced to death, but that doesn’t actually show any satanic magic stuff happening. Are we supposed to conclude that Mary was possessed by a demon who was just really good at playing the tearful innocent card when we get close to the end of the story? The only evidence I have for that is that the game tries to imply that Megan in the 1970s is also possessed, but at the same time, this is the second game out of two in The Dark Pictures Anthology that seems to be focused on debunking supernatural happenings.


A follow-up question, were Mary and Megan possessed? It would explain why Megan seems to be possessed, locked her mom in the bathroom, presumably locked her older sister outside, and started the fire with her doll. However, I didn’t see any evidence tying 1970s Megan to 1692 Mary besides the fact that they had the same face - but we don’t even know if 1692 Mary actually had the same face because it’s all through the bias of Andrew’s hallucinations. Okay, if Megan wasn’t possessed, the Prologue can still make sense - after all, Andrew did turn on the stove and he believes he caused the fire. Maybe the older sister Tanya was trapped on the balcony because the door……….. got jammed by ice in the minute or two since she stepped outside? Or was Tanya just out on the balcony chilling until the fire grew too large, and what we saw of her realizing she was trapped out in the cold and trying to get back inside was just a hallucination from Andrew even though he wasn’t there? Mom Anne might not have been trapped in the bathroom from Megan, perhaps she had been taking a bath and by the time she realized the house was on fire, she couldn’t escape. But then why did Andrew see Megan just standing on the FLAMING staircase laughing as if she was possessed? Andrew seemed to be the only family member who didn’t think Megan was mean or weird, so it doesn’t make sense that he would trauma-interpret her being possessed by a demon to explain the fire - plus he blames himself for the fire, and wasn’t aware that Megan’s doll was the trigger for the house fire. 




When the stairs are on fire, it seems like from Megan’s POV that there is something demonic with her. This makes sense, because otherwise why show us Megan locking her mom in the bathroom when Andrew wasn’t there to see it, so surely that actually happened, right? And it makes sense that ‘possessed’ Megan saw her brother turn on the stove and then used that opportunity to cause the fire. But then what caused Megan to be possessed? The fact that there was a book on Salem Witchcraft stuff in the house? Perhaps her reincarnated spirit is being abused by the reincarnated spirit of the priest, causing the supernatural cycle to continue?


Ultimately, the game doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be. An argument can be made for allowing players to come up with their own interpretation of events, but so much of the game’s collectibles are about providing supporting evidence for the game’s ending - just like Man of Medan. Either everything can be explained by the deus ex machina of hallucinations - but then why do we not have any evidence to show Andrew knew about the Salem Trials, or there is also a supernatural element that is real - but then why is it not clear to us players that Mary/Megan were possessed?


Very recently I discovered a post by @JoaLoft here on PSNP with a really excellent explanation for their interpretation of the game’s story. This was ten times more interesting to me than what the game provided, and incredibly it only requires adding some headcanon/interpretation to the story - nothing really needs to be discarded. The developers could have done something like this, still kept things somewhat open-ended for interpretation but provided us with enough to arrive at a version of ‘what most likely happened’. I also think this would have allowed them to explore the themes related to Andrew’s guilt in a more interesting manner. 


The game's soundtrack was actually pretty good! It also had a good amount of Gregorian chanting which adds to a spooky/witchy vibe. I found the Black Painting premonitions in this game to be more useful than in Man of Medan. They are still short snippets, but I was able to find pieces of information from the short flashes. And sure, what I noticed didn't always end up being helpful, but in the moment it at least felt useful. I really appreciated that the characters were experiencing visions in pairs, which drastically cuts out the amount of “we don’t believe you” stuff that normally ‘has’ to be slogged through.  The game has a black cat! It gets a 2/10 Cat Rank for the brief cat cameos, and the police department including a black cat on their crest.




I found the writing of the dialogue to be really awkward at times. Even worse, it felt like characters would contradict themselves in later chapters. For example, in Chapter 1 Taylor doesn’t want to proceed into the town because everything feels like a classic horror movie, yet in “Confrontations” when Professor John wants the group to move forward she says “Those [horror] movies are dumb”.  At the bar in Chapter 1, John is offered a drink. Somehow, the decision to accept it is the “rational” choice instead of the "emotional" one - how does that make any sense? It’s not like the developers are blind to the influences of alcohol, since making the “rational” choice to have a drink unlocks John’s Reckless trait... 



First we have An Interview with Will Poulter, which was an interesting short watch. I didn’t even realize that Will Poulter was British, his American accent is really solid. For Abraham, since we don’t have audio recordings to know how New England pilgrims sounded, it was decided that a Northern English accent would be the closest approximation to it. Will said his Abraham accent was a riff on his father’s Yorkshire accent, which I thought was pretty funny. He also talks a little bit about the difference between traditional acting jobs (where it would take several weeks to film 4-5 deaths) and mocap work (where, by lunchtime, 4-5 deaths have already been filmed). 


The other video was Designing the Demons, which is exactly what it sounds like. The detail I found most fascinating was that the “Crushed Demon” (the one for John/James/Joseph) was the hardest to animate as it had no mocap. It was also neat to see snippets of the mocap for Dennis/David/Daniel’s ‘impaled’ demon and how they made that work. Just like Man of Medan, we have comic books in the forms of Secrets of Little Hope: Part 1 & Part 2. The final bonus feature was an Art Book, which also had a few interesting tidbits to discover.


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Little Hope is a game that seems confused about its identity, and in my opinion, has a cheap ending. For the first half of the game, I was mostly happy that this Dark Pictures Anthology game had better movement controls that weren’t in tiny hallways, and was actually trying to add more spook factor beyond "claustrophobic ship corridors". I was also excited to see them lean into more spooky and supernatural tropes - even if this anthology is deliberately not trying to pay homage to various genres of horror movies in the ways that Until Dawn and The Quarry did. In the end, I just ended up being really disappointed with Little Hope. 



Trophy Image:

None. It all felt pretty lazy, just putting different icons on a few book cover colors.

Trophy Moment:

2Sea528e.png Dirty Little Secrets







Edited by pelagia14
fixed half of the post somehow being italicized
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Platinum #113 | Call of the Sea


Developer: Out of the Blue, 2021
Country: Spain
Time Played: 4h
Platinum Earned: 11 November 2023
Rating: 7/10




It is November 1934, and you play as Norah Everhart - a young woman slowly dying from a mysterious illness she seemed to inherit after her mother passed away. Norah’s husband Harry had previously led an expedition to find a cure for your illness, and had written in letters that he believed he was on the verge of discovering it - and then the expedition seemed to vanish, as it has now been months without any word. At the start of the game, Norah has tracked the expedition to an island 74 nautical miles east of Otaheite (Tahiti) that the locals refuse to visit. Armed with just her trusty journal, it’s up to Norah to find out what happened to Harry and discover the strange secrets hidden within the island.






Y’all, I played this game by pure chance and ended up really enjoying it. I was trying to find another game that had orange in its thumbnail for PSNP’s Trophies to Fight Cancer Event, and had seen a few people used this game which they mentioned was part of the PS+ Catalog. I was also in dire need of a brown thumbnail for my PSNP Kaleidoscope card, and figured I had nothing to lose by downloading a game for free which looked like just a couple of hours to platinum. 


You need to solve puzzles in order to explore the island and learn its secrets, and Norah will helpfully sketch down important clues you find into her journal for your later reference. It reminded me of Nathan Drake and his puzzle-solving journals in the Uncharted series… except I didn’t have to deal with enemies and explosions, the puzzles were a lot more interesting, and my character spoke with a Transatlantic accent. 

I went into this game absolutely blind, besides confirming that there were no missable trophies and that the game seemed to have mystery themes and puzzles. The people who played it for the PSNP Event spoke well of it, and it could apparently be completed in 3 hours so I made the rare choice of not looking into it further. This is not a game like Inscryption or Outer Wilds where going in blind is essentially a requirement to truly experience it - but for me, not even being aware of where the developers took their inspiration from meant that I was able to really enjoy the slow reveal of the game’s direction. If you are interested in the game and want a similar experience, then you should stop reading here.


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Norah’s paper companion is separated into two portions - the front half is a diary that summarizes what happens in each chapter, and the back half is where all the puzzle-related info is sketched down. It’s a really small detail, but I love how the journal opens up to the most recent date. I randomly tried to flip to a page backwards and was surprised to find two full spreads of entries providing further details about what I learned in the game’s prologue. I also liked that Norah had read up on Polynesian culture during her trip. I now know that outrigger canoes are called Va’a in French Polynesia, and the carved wooden boards (that reminded me of Planky from Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy 😂) are called Unu.


cXVm9K4.jpg oHQ8arK.jpg




At the start of the game I had zero idea that the developers were heavily inspired by the surreal aspects of Lovecraft’s works, among other things. I figured that the sea would be important to the game’s mystery as it is literally in the title, Norah had the strange underwater dream, and it seemed like her health had taken a turn for the worse when she moved away from the sea to Denver with Harry. While a great deal of Lovecraftian lore relates to the oceans I’ve not gotten around to reading any of his works, so I figured that supernatural elements relating to the sea would be tied into something like Tahitian mythology. 


I really love how this game ever so slowly introduces the Lovecraftian themes at first. At the start of the game a strange, alien voice says “Nogephaii wgah’nagl, mgepr’luh fhalgof’n…”. After completing the game, I learned that this was the Cthuvian language Lovecraft created called R’lyehian, and so the handful of phrases in that language can actually be translated. (This first phrase would be ‘return home, lost daughter’. When I first saw the carned Unu boards on the island, I noted that one of the symbols seemed to represent a powerful creature or god that seemed to have tentacles. Then Chapter 2 shows us that the previous inhabitants of the island seemed to do some weird ritual shit, but Chapter 3 was when the Lovecraft vibes started becoming unavoidable. 







Chapter 1 sees Norah arrive at the island, where she is greeted by six carved Unu boards, among other things. I spent about 25 minutes just looking at the carvings, trying to understand their messages and put them in a coherent order. (Of course, after about ten minutes I realized they were literally numbered. 😂) Anyways, I found it interesting what I came up with in that very early part of the game, and so I'm documenting it here for future reference.


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  • Unu #1:
    • Carvings:
      • Top: 8 people
      • Bottom: 3-peaked mountain [aka ISLAND/our location], highest middle peak has a diamond. 
    • Interpretation: 
      • Since Norah had visions of the island, perhaps these people were similarly drawn there?
  • Unu #2:
    • Carvings:
      • Top: Person + crosshatch area + Person, all on beach. (Deity?) in the waters below.
      • Bottom: (Deity) on land, surrounded by 8 flowers and 4 people
    • Interpretation:
      • I assume the large figures with 6 curly (probably tentacle) limbs are one or more deities. There is just one eye, so the face is probably a side profile with their jaw open (instead of just having cat ears on top). Not sure about what would be coming out of their jaws, though. Another reason to assume they are deities is that they are always carved as almost three times as tall as the human carvnings.
      • The crosshatching in the top panel probably shows that the people had barren land while deity was in the ocean. When the deity visited them, it blessed them with fertile land.
  • Unu #3:
    • Carvings:
      • Single Panel: At the top are four people arranged into two columns on the left and right. In front of/below them are two boxed off areas or pillars that each have 4 diamond. In the center middle is a person with a tall stick extending from their forehead, and their torso has a triangle (maybe they are a priest?). At the center bottom is a (deity). 
    • Interpretation:
      • After looking at Unu #4, I think that (priest) might actually be (leader) instead.
      • Perhaps the deity bestowed leader with a journey to ISLAND? Not sure what to make of the tall stick extending from the head, though.
  • Unu #4:
    • Carvings:
      • Top: Left has three people with spears, right has one unarmed (priest/leader).
      • Bottom: ISLAND, followed by person on a va’a boat, followed by a lone mountain peak island.
    • Interpretation:
      • The one unarmed (leader?) leaves the warriors behind and travels to/discovers ISLAND.
  • Unu #5:
    • Carvings:
      • Top: One person on a boat, followed by three people on land, all unarmed. Interestingly, the three people have squares on their torsos.
      • Bottom: ISLAND followed by 3 boats carrying armed people, followed by lone mountain peak island.
    • Interpretation:
      • Leader came back, told everyone about ISLAND, then had warriors travel to ISLAND.
      • I feel like the triangles and squares on torsos indicate different castes/ranks, but warriors do not have a torso symbol so I’m unsure what the square torso means.
  • Unu #6:
    • Carvings:
      • Top: Left has 3 people, I assume wounded by javelin spears. Middle has spears being thrown at those on the left. Right has 6 people with square torsos, two still brandishing spears.
      • Bottom: Presumably a depiction of the wooden gate in front of me. (Deity) is in front of the entrance. On the "rampart" section of the gate are four unarmed people, and the center has two crossed spears.
    • Interpretation:
      • First part seems pretty clear, the Lone Mountain warriors killed whatever natives lived on the ISLAND. 
      • The second part is less clear to me. Is it showing that after the natives were killed, the warriors welcomed the (deity) to the island they had taken over?




  • Chapter 2:
    • Totally called that the deity thing might have tentacles! An audio cassette made mention of a sea creature.
    • Okay, the eye thing in the ritual area was fucking disturbing
    • iI2uLqa.jpg
    • Then there are the murals right next to it...
      • Left mural shows priests sucking out the (souls) of bound (slaves)?
      • Right mural is a triptych. On the left are six (priests), on the right is one (leader), and in the center are 3 people with “kawaii” eyes and stars above. 
        • Are these people having visions? Are they sitting in a river? The ritual area IS right next to a waterfall and pond…
        • RKtapfW.jpg
    • Alright, apparently these people had the genius idea of injecting the black ooze shit straight into their eyes, hence the kawaii sparkles on the murals. I’m just glad that Norah was able to see the resulting constellation using a specially-modified telescope (Tillinghast Spectactles Leens Aligner), as I am super squeamish when it comes to eyes!
  • Chapter 3:
    • Yo okay so first of all, Norah can’t stop her legs from walking. But more importantly, there’s a great sea creature in the far distance?! 
    • Then the vision/dream whatevs has us underwater, two big red glowing eyes… I love the mysteriousness of all of this.
    • Okay on the stormy beach I see 3 sets of tiny blue eyes on rocks in the distance…. that’s creepy af. 
    • Organ puzzle makes no sense. I tried closing all the ‘organ pipes’ except for the three frequencies that I got from the floating stones on the ship. I tried have those three frequencies closed and all other ones open. Finally had to pull up a guide for the solution, and I still don’t understand it unless the devs made an error.
  • Chapter 5:
    • Abzu, lol
    • fMPN9ox.jpg
  • Chapter 6:
    • Okay, so the full story is revealed. Harry deceived Norah into thinking he had died, so she would go to the island and become a mermaid. All because he knows that she loves him too much and would pick a slow death over the transformation. I get that it’s probably supposed to be romantic, but I hate that trope because it’s someone else making a decision for you, in a weird mix of selfishness and patronizing “they know what is best for you”. Harry broke his promise to never lie to her. ALSO, from July through November he knew she would think he could be bead, and knew that would cause her a huge amount of worry. So the plan is basically to betray her by lying, let her spend her last few months as a human full of anxiety and stress, then after she learns about her heritage try to force her decision for her. Brilliant. /s





  • The little crosshair pointer is TINY. I wished there had been a setting to increase its size slightly, or at least how thick its shape was. 
  • The game lore has an artifact that references the mythical lost continent of Mu and the supposed superior Naacal civilization, which is some hilarious pseudoscience from a century ago.


Trophy Image:

20S277841.png Written in Stone
Trophy Moment:

11Sa5750e.png Deep Cut




Spoiler Screenshots:





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My Outer Wilds Experience


Surprise! My Outer Wilds review has a secret third part, which is to preserve my blind playthrough experience for future me!


This post will have massive spoilers, both via text and screenshots.


Shortly after completing the game, I fleshed out the short bullet points I jotted down during gameplay. I’ve also added some commentary/clarification [from post-endgame Pel].


Disclaimers: I totally used the setting where time was paused while reading things. Also, in retrospect, I’m sad I didn’t document how many/few short loops I had (with a few notable exceptions) because I killed myself trying to land in ill-advised areas. Most of the “numbered” loops below are just the visits in which progress was made - I went through a lot more than 36 loops! 




One benefit to having this game in my backlog for quite a long time was that I went into the game basically only knowing or remembering the following:

  • The game had a time loop that was 20-ish minutes long. (I did not know or remember why there was a time loop mechanic)
  • The ‘objective’ of the game was something along the lines of seeing how close you could get to the center of the universe. As I played the game I would discover secrets/shortcuts that would let me make further progress each time.
  • One planet had terrifying waterspout tornados.



  • Timber Hearth: Visit 1
    • Lmfao, I died less than 2 minutes into the game. Was curious about the water geyser in the center area, got caught by it and launched into the sky, and then died from the resulting impact when I landed. 😂
      • Nxp8087.jpg mvtmZWZ.jpg
  • Timber Hearth: Visit 2
    • Ooooh, a museum with little tidbits about our solar system!
    • The intact Nomai statue was found by Gabbro the flute-player in Giant’s Deep.
      • [Ironically, despite making the above note, I would not meet Gabbro until at least 10 hours into the game. Too many interesting things to explore, so I kind of forgot about him… 😅]
    • Just as I finished exploring the settlement area I died.
      • [Future Pel knows it is because of the supernova, Past Pel was wondering what she accidentally did to die so quickly!]
      • Interesting how the Nomai statue ‘recorded’ my memories during the loop, it’s awesome to see how the developers have integrated the repeating loop into the narrative.
  • Loop 1: 
    • Attlerock (Moon): Visit 1
      • Huh, Feldspar’s harmonica signal is in two locations - somewhere in outer space and Timber Hearth, at the same time. 
      • Some sort of blue flames killed me? 
        • [I was facing away from the supernova, and I'm pretty sure my POV happened to be looking at the ground in that moment!]
      • [While I revisited Attlerock once or twice just for the nostalgia, I had found everything of note in this first visit.]
  • Loop 2: 
    • Giant’s Deep: Visit 1
      • I thought about exploring Dark Bramble, but wasn’t clear on where I could land, so came here instead. 
      • HOLY SHIT THE TORNADOS. SO MANY WATER TORNADOS. (technically they are waterspouts, but still)
        • Lmfao, as soon as I get out of my ship in the area that has some Ghost Matter and a frozen jellyfish, I accidentally get out my signalscope instead of my scout launcher. Randomly got the Harmonic Convergence trophy as my first one without even meaning to.
      • I reached [Statue Island]
        • The first time I crossed the second set of gravity stones, one of the tornados blew me into outer fucking space. 
        • Almost died getting back to my ship.
        • Managed to reach the Nomai ruins in a second attempt. 
        • There are purple icon/tiles of tornados… do they protect us from being flung out into space if the tornado comes onto land? 
          • [I still wonder what exactly the purple tile spots were for…]
          • T3ifv7y.jpg
        • Wait, there was a little land bridge leading to a raised area with trees. I died right after I reached it - was there something toxic there?! 
          • [Ah, I was still so naive…]
  • Loop 3: 
    • Ember Twin: Visit 1
      • Okay, found the first Nomai escape pod. Two of the 3 Nomai headed to the planet’s core due to strange sounds they detected…
        • There seem to be lots of planets with strange sounds in their cores…
      • There’s a warning that sand in the caves rises gradually. That’s delightful, and not at all terrifying.
        • What’s definitely terrifying is the GIANT Anglerfish skeleton I discovered…
        • Dammit, I got to the entrance for the Sunless City but I got distracted by a detour that had Nomai writing so I got crushed by sand before I could enter. 
  • Loop #4: 
    • Ash Twin: Visit 1
      • Oh, the dark pillar/stream connecting Ember and Ash together is like a gravity thing. Well, my first trip to Ash was super short, now that I've been sent to Ember Twin!
    • Ember Twin: Visit 2
      • Huh, found a short cave that talked about a strange [Quantum] rock that is sometimes here and sometimes at the 'Lakebed Cave' to the north. 
        • Holy shit, I turned around and now see the strange rock that wasn't there a moment ago. For a split second I thought it was like a blob monster jumping out for a surprise attack or something. Damn “wandering rock”! //shakes fist 😂
      • There’s a tracker to a Quantum Moon?! Also, the implication that it visits a sixth location in this star system, when we only know of 5 planets, is fascinating! 
      • Wait a second. I looked up at Ash Twin, and now there is a giant antennae thing and towers on the planet?! Where did all that shit come from?!
        • [At this time, I hadn't put 2 and 2 together that the 'dark pillar' connecting the planets was a transference of sand]
      • I died… was my death from the ice comet thing crashing into Ember Twin?!
        • [I’m shocked that I still haven’t put two and two together about the supernova. I blame it on all the constant mysteries I’m discovering and trying to understand.]
  • Loop #5: 
    • Ember Twin: Visit 3
      • Side note, this time when I “reincarnated” or whatever, I noticed how hoarse/startled the GASP of breath is upon waking up. To be fair, remembering your death and then waking up again in a time loop has to be pretty jarring.
      • Alright, hopefully this time I can reach the Sunless City! 
        • I ended up in the caves MUCH earlier than last time, so it was pretty confusing to try and 'retrace' my steps earlier in the loop. Nevertheless, I made it!
        • Apparently the Nomai were building the Sun Station to power a mysterious Ash Twin Project here.
      • Later I was killed by crushed sand as I was exploring some abandoned ruins in the city. Alas, the sacrifices we make for science.
  • Loop #6: 
    • Ember Twin: Visit 4
      • As I’m landing on Ember, I’m realizing that Ash Twin gets all the extra shit when the sand is completely moved over to Ember Twin. It's just initially buried beneath the sandy surface.
      • The sand is a lot darker in the pillar than on the two planets, is there some sort of physics/Quantum thing being applied to it?
        • [Probably just the developers trying to show how there are millions of tiny pieces of sand, and then the darkness of space behind it. And the game engine's lighting wasn't advanced enough to make it properly transparent so that when your POV has one of the Twins behind parts of the pillar, that would change the background color.]
        • Pde8xcK.jpg
    • Ash Twin: Visit 2
      • Made it over here with my ship, this time the planet is half empty of sand..
      • Goddammit, found a Nomai scroll at one of the towers to translate but died from falling from the sand pillar before I could read it.
      • Note to self: there is a fuel canister by the glowy yellow spiral runes.
  • Loop #7: 
    • Brittle Hollow Visit 1:
      • Oooooo, a Gravity Crystal Workshop?! Are we gonna be able to manipulate some of the gravity crystals we come across? 
        • Ah, nope, this is just where the Nomai worked on them.
      • Wait wait wait, there’s a Tower of Quantum Knowledge?! I like knowledge, and this game is all about hoarding knowledge. What secrets are within this tower?!
        • [Future Pel: Almost nothing. 😂]
        • Hm, there are mosaic strips that seem to be the ‘stairs’ up, but they are broken. 
      • Okay, game is paused and I’m super confused. I was standing on top of the Tower and looking at my map screen. I exit out of the map and I’m suddenly 16km away from my ship, just floating in Outer Space?! There’s no way I have enough fuel to get back to it.
        • Found a space station thing nearby, almost missed it due to the lack of light out here. There’s an Ember Twin Projection Stone, whatever significance that holds. 
        • OH. I am at the White Hole station. I must have (somehow) fallen into the black hole on Brittle Hollow while I was in my map.
          • [Somehow I had the terrible timing to pause and look at my map exactly when the Tower of Quantum Knowledge dropped into the Black Hole. What (good+bad) luck!]
      • Finally realized that the occasional ‘blue flames’ that would kill me was the sun going supernova. 
  • Loop #8:
    • Interloper - Only Visit
      • Let’s explore the tiny little comet! //excited
      • Holy SHIT it is difficult to land on this tiny little comet… //annoyed that the comet has practically no gravity
        • Let’s just say if you fail to land on the comet right away, don’t continue to try to land on it when it’s near the Sun, which obviously has much greater gravity…
      • Alright, after a few false starts and loop resets, I’m finally here. 
        • Kinda cool that you have to wait for it to be close to the sun for the ice to melt so you can explore within. 
        • This comet is the origin of Ghost Matter in this system? Its somewhat-sinister name makes more sense now.
      • Saw my first real Nomai face! Interesting how they seem to have three sets of ‘horns’ around their face, where the statue in the museum has like two half-horns. Maybe the other horn parts were broken off, or maybe Nomai space suits are just kind of weird. 
        • The number 3 seems to be a recurring pattern with the Nomai. 3 eyes, a triangle shape of horns or space mask, 3 emergency shuttles… With some of the projection stones, I see three statue masks that glow purple…
        • [I love how some things that I thought would become relevant were either red herrings or just me overanalyzing everything, haha]
  • Loop #9:
    • Timber Hearth: Visit 3
      • Yeah - I dunno how, but I have only just realized that I can land my spaceship elsewhere on the home planet. //facepalm
        • (Previously I had only used my Scout Launcher to view in the four directions of the planet’s surface.)
      • Woah woah woah. There’s a Dark Bramble seed here on Timber Hearth! That means this planet is gonna get devoured by the seed. 🥲 (Well, if the solar system had more time)
        • Sending my Scout into the seed is really cool but also really fucking eerie. Some sort of ghost mist thing… is that what’s waiting for me at Dark Bramble?! 😱
        • Interesting how the seed seems to duplicate Feldspar’s signal. There’s one little piece of the mystery solved.
      • There’s a broken bridge leading to “Mining Site 2B”. 
        • The Nomai are awfully considerate of native life forms in this system, that’s sweet.
      • …………Goddammit. I’ve only JUST discovered that my ship has a med station that also lets me refuel.
        • I blame it on doing a full examination of the ship before I ever launched it, and since I was at full health/fuel it didn’t show me the interact icon.
  • Loops #10-17
    • Brittle Hollow: Visits 2-8
      • It may have taken me seven loops, but I managed to explored the Hanging City!
        • Though dear LORD I kept falling into the Black Hole. Sometimes I fell into it twice in a single loop. 🥲 
        • BBat0d2.jpg
  • Loop #18
    • Brittle Hollow: Visit 9
      • Found the Southern Observatory! 
        • 7tdZHJX.jpg
      • I’m starting to get tired of the frequent visits to White Hole Station, so I might start referring to a guide soon.
  • Loop #19
    • Brittle Hollow 10 to Ash Twin 4 (and back)
      • Yeah, time for a guide. Especially since the Black Forge needs to be activated in Brittle Hollow but then I have to go to Ash Twin to visit it. 
      • Made it to the Black Hole Forge!
      • AKASDFKL;JDSAF. First thing I did was use my jetpack to travel more quickly to a Nomai rune. Didn’t realize that gravity stones were keeping me to the surface (though it makes absolute sense in hindsight), SO I FELL INTO THE BLACK HOLE AGAIN. 😭
  • Loop #20
    • Brittle Hollow 11 to Ash Twin 5 (and back)
      • Huzzah, successfully explored the Black Hole Forge!
      • I’m really not looking forward to Giant’s Deep and Dark Bramble, so I’m going to continue referring to a "spoiler-light" walkthrough to help guide my explorations when needed.
  • Loops #21-22
    • Ember Twin: Visit 5
      • Discovered the High Energy Lab on this trip!
    • Ember Twin: Visit 6
      • This time I found the Lakebed Cave!
  • Loop #23
    • Ash Twin: Visit 6 to Sun Station
      • It’s awesome that there is somewhere in the game where we can see how much time there is to the supernova. Sadly, since the Sun expands pretty large towards the end of the cycle, it’s not very practical.
      • I’m also aware that there’s a tough trophy for landing on the Sun Station with my ship. I knew there would be a small landing zone (it’s bigger than I thought, though) but shit this station fucking books it around the sun.
  • Loop #24
    • Orbital Probe Cannon
      • The final place I can explore before I finally have to return to Giant’s Deep.
      • Damn, it took the 9,318,054th launched probe to find the coordinates to the Eye of the Universe…
  • Loop #25
    • Giant’s Deep: Visit 2
      • I’m straight up gonna be a coward and just follow the guide on this planet. For some reason, in videogames I have a mild, weird sort thalassophobia with videogames and so I don’t want to be on this planet longer than I need to. 
      • Bahahaha I totally forgot that I hadn’t met Gabbro before. 
        • Apparently I can learn to meditate from him, which I’ll have to do next time. Would have saved me some time in a couple of previous loops. There were a couple where I forced my jetpack to run out of fuel so that I could then use oxygen to power it so that I could suffocate, in order to end the loop quicker… 😅
        • It’s also interesting to meet a second person in a time loop with the Nomai statues! Poor guy is stuck here with a spaceship, though. 
        • asdlfksdjas; While talking with Gabbro a tornado decided to fling our island into outer space. I would have freaked out if I hadn’t seen Gabbro chilling on his hammock. We smashed back down onto the oceany planet surface. Less than 3 minutes in and already I cannot WAIT to be done here. 
          • I reluctantly admire how well the developers have made me dread this planet. 
      • Ah! I’m back at the island I visited way back in…. damn, Trip #2: Statue Island! 
        • Okay, there being 3 Nomai “memory” statues explains why some Projection Stones show me 8 or so Nomai masks with only 3 of them glowing purple.
  • Loop #26
    • Giant’s Deep: Visit 3
      • Time to finish this planet. 
      • All I have to do is deliberately fly into a counterclockwise water’nado… so that I can go deep underwater towards the planet’s core. Delightful. 
        • I’m only somewhat joking in wondering if this should be labeled as a horror game or even a non-horror game that nonetheless contains horror elements, lol.
      • Well, the electrical barrier I’m expected to get through almost distracts me from my intense uncomfortableness being in this deep underwater realm, lol. 
        • Aaaaaaaaaaaah, first time I tried to enter the jellyfish failed. I knew that I had to enter from the bottom and try to avoid the electrical tentacles, but right around the ‘head’ there are so many UNNECESSARY LAYERS of jellyfish frills that I guess I hit the outer shocky areas. 
          • Honestly, what evolutionary purpose did all those frilly layers serve for these jellyfish? There aren’t any fossil remains of other aquatic species, there’s no debris in the water that needs to be kept out…. Though that brings to question what the jellyfish eat. Unless there are invisible…. electroplankton or something?
          • At82VqO.jpg
        • Phew, made it into the jellyfish and then into the core of the planet on my second jellyfish-traversing attempt. 
  • Rumor Evaluation
    • At this point I’m around 14h into the game. The big mysteries I still need to solve:
      • What exactly is the Eye of the Universe, and where is it? 
      • Where is the 6th location of the Quantum Moon? (I’m assuming the Eye, but then how do I get there?)
      • Where did the seed that destroyed Dark Bramble come from originally?
      • How do I enter the Ash Twin Project?
  • Loop #27 
    • Dark Bramble: Visit 1 
      • Nothing left but to explore the creepy as fuck Silent Hill-esque Anglerfish planet. Gonna be fun times…
        • This is another planet where I would be too scared to explore without a guide to hold my hand. Sometimes I marvel at people who are willing to play through scary games before a guide exists…
      • Thank goodness we can take advantage of Dark Bramble’s duplicate signal feature to use Scout for navigating these mists. 
        • Okay, as much as this place really creeps me, it’s super cool how the seeds are like matryoshka realms stacked within each other. 
        • Successfully found Feldspar and the frozen jellyfish!
        • I am really curious how a Giant’s Deep jellyfish came to be inside here. Especially since there aren’t any Bramble seeds on Giant’s Deep, as far as we can tell. 
        • Also curious as to whether the Anglerfish are native to these seeds, or just a happy convergent evolution type of thing that allows them to live and breed in here. 
  • Loop #28
    • Dark Bramble: Visit 2
      • Now we get to follow the eerie siren-like distress signal into the fog, wooo….
      • Alright, found the escape vessel and the Nomai graves. 
        • It’s sad that they went to the wrong distress signal, though I suppose they wouldn’t have had enough oxygen to make it to the farther one where their ship was.
      • Dammit, was entering the seed to the vessel room and somehow I accidentally hit the inner walls of the seed. Was eaten up by an Anglerfish right away. 
  • Loop #29
    • Dark Bramble: Visit 3
      • Okay, made it past the first 3 fish successfully. Thought I was close enough to the red fish eggs to use my booster (I was about 1.6km away from Scout) but I guess I was still close enough for them to hear me. 
        • [Note from future pel: Whenever I replay this section of the game in the future, once my scout was 1.5km away it was safe for me to use a small bit of booster/thrust]
  • Loop #30
    • Dark Bramble: Visit 4
      • Successfully made it to the vessel!
  • Loop #31
    • Quantum Moon: Visit 1
      • I’m confused. I landed on the moon successfully. Happened to see the Quantum Shrine right ahead of me, so before I exited my ship I decided to send my Scout out to photograph it. A few seconds later I had a ship hull breach and died? Maybe it’s a weird glitch I stumbled upon.
  • Loop #32
    • Quantum Moon: Visit 2
      • Alright, made it to the Quantum Shrine in one piece. 
      • Excellent, right away the planetary panels seem to confirm that the Quantum Moon’s sixth location is the Eye of the Universe!
        • The murals are a nice reminder of what we’ve learned about Quantum Laws, though I already anticipated that I would need to use Quantum Entanglement to reach the Eye. 
        • I remembered that the Quantum Moon always likes to “greet” people at its southern pole, but I was initially confused as to why I couldn’t exit the Quantum Shrine at the Eye. Without a guide, it probably would have taken me some time to realize that I needed to bring the Shrine as far north as I could at each destination, versus playing whack-a-mole in case the Eye was like a maze where only a few specific spots work. 
      • Woah. I was not expecting to meet a Nomai! 
        • Interesting to see how Solanum writes, seems to be a process of visualizing/thinking of your message and then pressing the ‘walking stick’ tool to a surface to generate the text. 
        • Ooooh, we get to play 20 questions with some symbols and verbs. 
        • Dammit, after just a few questions I’m hearing the “heads up, less than 2 minutes left” music warning.
      • Interesting! Instead of seeing the supernova explosion/blue flames, a Nomai-esque geometry scrawled across my screen. 
        • This must mean that when the Nomai masks were destroyed by the supernova, since my consciousness is linked to it or something, I still die even though the Quantum Moon at the eye wasn’t destroyed. Or maybe since I’m kind of Quantum Entangled, I’m both everywhere and nowhere in the solar system?
        • Would explain why Solanum thinks they aren’t really alive - they probably were Quantum Entangled on the Quantum Moon during the supernova, so they died in 5 out of 6 possible locations. 
  • Loop #33
    • Ash Twin Project: Visit 1
      • Needing to stand in the “eye” of the sand stream/pillar to see Ash Twin’s center of gravity (being outside of itself) is super awesome. The design of Ash and Ember Twin and how they work together is my favorite planetary “level” in the game. 
      • It’s so cool how all the pieces of knowledge I’ve obtained have fit together. This knowledge-discovering, paradigm-evolving adventure has been absolutely phenomenal. 
  • Loops #34-36 
    • Eye of the Universe - Attempt 1
      • I was worried that I was getting too close to the 22-minute mark and ended up trying to rush sooner than is safely allowed in the Nest Seed. Unsurprisingly, I turned into Anglerfish food.
    • Eye of the Universe - Attempt 2
      • I couldn’t remember exactly what time it was when I started this loop, so once again I made the error of trying to be a tiny bit faster inside Dark Bramble to make it within time. 
      • Didn’t help that the Seed to the Nomai Graves was on the far left this time (the only time that happened for me in my many visits to the planet!) and there was an Anglerfish near it, so it felt like I was crawling at 1m/s by the time I reached the Seed entrance. 
      • Dunno how I was supposed to enter the seed with zero boost, since the tiniest bit of it woke up the Anglerfish. 
    • Eye of the Universe - Lucky Number 3
      • This time, I made sure to have a timer running on my phone. Ended up going into the Nest Room around 17 minutes, so I had plenty of time. Though I also made sure to accelerate a good amount right before entering the Nest room. 😂
      • Ooooh, we don’t get a cutscene - there’s a final bit of the game to explore?!
        • Okay, I don’t like how spooky the Eye is around its north pole, if directions are even a valid concept here. 
          • The pitch-black sky and streaks of lightning are causing quantum rocks and trees to constantly appear and disappear around me, and the part of me who has played horror games keeps bracing for it to be an enemy preparing an attack. 
          • huyl0fj.jpg
          • I sent my Scout forward because I refused to use a guide for this last section of the game but was super creeped out about what unknowns awaited me. And then I lost connection to my Scout, which upon reflection makes sense. But now I feel BLIND not being able to use my trusty Scout to scout ahead of me for dangers. RIP Scout. 🥲
        • While my fall (into? inside?) the Eye was neat (where I am maybe in some sort of Quantum Realm, all the other pillars could be completely different Eye instances for other solar systems), hurray for returning to something more familiar and cozy from my Hearthian subconsciousness. 
          • Not only is this presumably a coping mechanism for my Hearthian to understand whatever they are experiencing beyond their comprehension, it extends to being a more familiar and thus less scary environment.
          • The stars in the sky turning into a forest with little galaxy lights was a fucking awesome moment. 
            • Fj1JWlP.jpg
          • Alright, seems like I’m putting together a band. Music is pretty creative, so I now really appreciate the emphasis on each Hearthian having a unique instrument. 
            • So much for this being a less scary environment…
            • BHhaRIT.jpg
          • And then of course there is a wall of sinister-looking red eyes. Great. I don’t know what the protocol is for fucking creeper eyes!
            • [I legitimately just stood there for a few minutes as I tried to figure out what to do, since the game had not presented me with creeper eyes before. I had no idea how dangerous they could be, and I also had no idea if I could die in this Quantum Realm whatever-place.]
          • Awww, the Nomai skeletons working together to help me get an instrument to represent them was cool. 
            • [The Nomai have been a big influence shaping my understanding of this universe, so it’s really neat that my Hearthian subconscious or whatever is happening acknowledges that they have a little bit of influence in this newest round of creation.]
          • Gosh, talking to each person and having their instrument join the chorus of melody was a beautiful moment. And the song itself made me feel emotional. I think it’s the first song I heard when I launched the game, and now everything has come full circle back to it.
            • HPZAwdx.jpg
        • The cycle repeats. What a gorgeous game. 
        • (Also hello Scout! No wonder I lost connection to you!)



Edited by pelagia14
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On 12/23/2023 at 4:34 AM, pelagia14 said:

Platinum #113 | Call of the Sea


How do we have such a similar taste in games?? 


On 12/28/2023 at 1:37 AM, pelagia14 said:



Finally - been waiting for this for days!


On 12/28/2023 at 1:37 AM, pelagia14 said:



Escall (which autocorrects to "Escalation" on my phone, by the way) has a lot to answer for!


On 12/28/2023 at 1:37 AM, pelagia14 said:

While Timber Hearth provided the best ore (it burned much longer than ore from other planets), the planet’s ore was only mined for their most important project so as to not completely deplete the planet of resources for when the Hearthians would evolve into more intelligent life. Some Nomai were also concerned about how their projects impacted local environments and flora, or hesitant about the consequences of the Sun Station for the solar system’s life forms should the project fail. I even loved little details like how the Ash Twin construction that holds the warp cores has a design reminiscent of a plant with leaves and roots!


These were great details, I agree!!


On 12/28/2023 at 1:37 AM, pelagia14 said:

14.5 billion years in the future sees a cello joining the song of creation, showing how they will add onto the influences of the Hearthians, who have added onto the influences of the Nomai and however many cycles before them


Completing the DLC before the end of the main game adds another character and instrument!


On 12/28/2023 at 1:37 AM, pelagia14 said:

(Funnily enough, I was more annoyed by having to sit through the 2-8 seconds (estimate) of the Nomai "memory rewind" animation than I was by spending maybe 10 seconds getting back to my ship and the subsequent time to return to my destinations!)


Same 😅


On 12/28/2023 at 1:37 AM, pelagia14 said:

It's the spiel about how "it's the journey that matters, not the destination". Humanity has long questioned what the meaning of life is, and Outer Wilds responds by saying that while there is no grand purpose to our lives, that doesn't mean that our lives have no purpose. 


A message that usually irritates me greatly (unfortunately - Mass Effect 3 is an example for me 😔), but it was beautiful in Outer Wilds.


On 12/28/2023 at 1:37 AM, pelagia14 said:


This trophy took me around 3-4 hours to achieve over the course of two days. Goddamn, but I felt like an absolute victor once I earned it. 


There's a harder one in the DLC!


On 12/28/2023 at 1:37 AM, pelagia14 said:

I'm trying to wait a little bit before playing the DLC


It's very good. Don't expect much re the Dark Bramble, but it's very good. There's a more spooky tone, so be ready for that. 


If you're trying to extract the maximum lore and experience from this DLC (as opposed to pure trophy hunting, as like the main game, the trophies don't require full narrative completion), it will take about as long as the main game.


As a negative, it's the first time that I became frustrated by the time loop mechanic and having to start back on Timber Hearth, but hopefully I'm not leading the witness too much by saying that.


On 12/28/2023 at 1:37 AM, pelagia14 said:

One musical detail I learned: the “Timber Hearth” song is timed to start with that planet’s sunrise and end with its sunset.


Err I completely missed this!


On 12/28/2023 at 3:04 AM, pelagia14 said:

Loop 1: 

  • Attlerock (Moon): Visit 1
    • Huh, Feldspar’s harmonica signal is in two locations - somewhere in outer space and Timber Hearth, at the same time. 


Mmm! This was an early discovery for me too thanks to the scout launcher and signalscope.


I also found this to be such a "human" / "emotive" side quest as well. It was a little prickle in the back of my mind and, for me, it was the most important of all of the non-lore unanswered questions on my written "unanswered questions" list. Was great to solve that one. Best side quest for me for years.


On 12/28/2023 at 3:04 AM, pelagia14 said:

There are purple icon/tiles of tornados… do they protect us from being flung out into space if the tornado comes onto land? 

  • [I still wonder what exactly the purple tile spots were for…]



You had it right the first time. That's exactly what they do. Gravity spots.


On 12/28/2023 at 3:04 AM, pelagia14 said:

Holy shit, I turned around and now see the strange rock that wasn't there a moment ago. For a split second I thought it was like a blob monster jumping out for a surprise attack or something. Damn “wandering rock”! //shakes fist


Anything involving a Quantum mechanic deeply disturbed me. Deeply. Like seeing a ghost or an alien or being sent back in time; a change in the fabric of my reality. 


On 12/28/2023 at 3:04 AM, pelagia14 said:

Side note, this time when I “reincarnated” or whatever, I noticed how hoarse/startled the GASP of breath is upon waking up. To be fair, remembering your death and then waking up again in a time loop has to be pretty jarring


Suffocating or drowning always led to a big gasp for air. Such a cool detail!


On 12/28/2023 at 3:04 AM, pelagia14 said:

Kinda cool that you have to wait for it to be close to the sun for the ice to melt so you can explore within. 


Yeah the tablet next to the frozen Nomai ship on the Interloper gave me that clue but I spent far too many attempts on the exterior trying to wait for the ice attached to the NOMAI SHIP to melt. Derp. Obviously, I fell into the sun many times during my failed attempts.


On 12/28/2023 at 3:04 AM, pelagia14 said:
  • The number 3 seems to be a recurring pattern with the Nomai. 3 eyes, a triangle shape of horns or space mask, 3 emergency shuttles… With some of the projection stones, I see three statue masks that glow purple…
  • [I love how some things that I thought would become relevant were either red herrings or just me overanalyzing everything, haha]


And the reverse memory slideshow after every 22 minutes would take place in a Nomai's third eye.


On 12/28/2023 at 3:04 AM, pelagia14 said:

Apparently I can learn to meditate from him, which I’ll have to do next time. Would have saved me some time in a couple of previous loops


Yep didn't know this until after I finished the game. I feel you on this.


On 12/28/2023 at 3:04 AM, pelagia14 said:

I’m only somewhat joking in wondering if this should be labeled as a horror game or even a non-horror game that nonetheless contains horror elements, lol.


That's what I said!


On 12/28/2023 at 3:04 AM, pelagia14 said:

Quantum Moon: Visit 1

  • I’m confused. I landed on the moon successfully. Happened to see the Quantum Shrine right ahead of me, so before I exited my ship I decided to send my Scout out to photograph it. A few seconds later I had a ship hull breach and died? Maybe it’s a weird glitch I stumbled upon


I can offer a suggestion...? Maybe you entered the atmosphere too fast and landed too rough. Crash landing!




Sorry for the reply dump, but also not sorry, because I'm pretty positive that you'll enjoy sharing the experience 😊 


Great read. My favourite from this checklist so far. Congrats on such a crazy experience, Pel!



Edited by Platinum_Vice
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Platinum #115 | Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart


Developer: Insomniac Games, 2021
Country: USA
Time Played: 18h
Platinum Earned: 22 November 2023
Rating: 6/10




Dr. Nefarious gets ahold of the Dimensionator and Ratchet shoots its power core in an attempt to disable the weapon, which results in dimensional chaos. Ratchet and Clank end up separated in an alternate dimension controlled by an Emperor Nefarious. This game gives us twice the Lombax hijinx and Robot shenanigans - Ratchet ends up paired with warbot Kit (KT-7461) and Clank ends up with this other universe's Lombax, Rivet. The two pairs will work to repair the dimensional rifts ravaging the galaxy, defeat Emperor Nefarious, and become better friends, all as Ratchet and Clank seek to reunite.






As I mentioned in my review of Ratchet & Clank (2016), I'm probably not the intended demographic for this franchise. I decided to play this sequel for a few reasons: (1) it was a pretty big launch title for the PS5, (2) my husband owned the game so I was able to play it at no additional cost, and (3) it only required a single playthrough for the platinum, so I might as well experience the story. Just like with the previous game, I thought this one was fun but not high on my list of games to recommend to others. As a result, this review will be pretty short.




I initially had a relatively high learning curve in the 2016 game, but going into this game I was pre-armed with the franchise's philosophy of bombastic and over-the-top gunplay over cautious ammo conservation. Combat was fun - I was pleasantly surprised to see that the game offered mostly new weapons, though that makes absolute sense in hindsight. I did feel like there were less hilariously ridiculous weapons this time around, though the Topiary Sprinkler was decently amusing. 


The game's combat and movement controls in this sequel felt more intuitive to me, with the significant exception of the Skeetle 'snails' that a few levels required you to ride. I struggled hard with Skeetle race sections outside of the initial planet that introduced us to them. When a level or Battle Arena challenge would involve Skeetle racing, I often found that certain turns or moments required seemingly precise movements. I would feel certain that I was driving a Skeetle directly toward the center of an open Rift, only for the Skeetle to somehow crash outside on the Rift's edge. I also had difficulty with the moments that demanded very tight turns from a creature that is great at going straight fast and not much else.


I did feel that the dimension-traveling Rift mechanic was underutilized in the game. There are a handful of story sections or fights that involve the 'seamless movement into a new planet', but otherwise the Rifts were just occasionally used to get from Point A to Point B within a level. The first two or three times that I suddenly "pulled" myself to a different spot of my environment were nifty for how new and different it was, but that quickly faded as the developers didn't expand further on the mechanic. Heck, Phantom Dodge 'grew' to allow you to perform short wall-skates on specific surfaces.


Wur21Ft.jpg Tldw99t.jpg




The story is targeted towards a younger audience. While the overall narrative was pretty predictable (Ratchet and Clank each learn how to be a better friend to each other through their experiences with their "doppelgangers"; Rivet and Kit learn that teamwork is awesome), its execution was fairly decent considering the intended audience. For a while, it felt like only Ratchet and Clank's universe had things to teach to the doppelgangers in the Rivet and Kit universe, but by the end, both universes had valuable lessons for each other. 


Part of the story involves you visiting a planet where the Lombax had built an Archive long ago. I expected that we would learn more about the Lombax here, but they weren't really important to the main story. You can find a dozen lore orbs ("lorbs") about the Lombax, but then you have to sit in your menu to read/hear them. Setting up the planet Savali as a Lombax outpost or whatever and then not integrating that into the story was pretty disappointing. (Admittedly, the speed-skating thing on that planet was fun, though.)


D20jnBa.jpg fnEtMaV.jpg



  • I found Zurkon Jr. narrating the previews for new weapon purchases to be fairly amusing. 
  • The short 'drama' about Rivet discovering Kit's past and how it connects to her was a little annoying.
  • There were a few short levels that had you control a... hacking robot (?) named Glitch who could hack into devices and destroy virus nests. It kind of reminded me of how some Spyro games had levels where you controlled his dragonfly friend Sparx, which were technically tied into the game but just ended up feeling random.
  • I became a Rupee collector instead of a bolt collector in this game! 😂

7qDCRhm.jpg rN5FV9C.jpg zkZBzJA.jpg


Phew, I've at least caught up to my last game of November before 2024 rolls around!



Trophy Image

Pretty meh trophy image list in my opinion. I normally try to avoid picking the platinum, but all the bronze/silver/gold trophy levels had 'gear' shapes which reduced the unique space for each image. 

1Sb9e6e5.png  Masters of the Multiverse
Trophy Moment
There weren't any stand-out moments for me, but I suppose I would pick:

44Sc39365.png Aim to Misbehave





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16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Sorry for the reply dump, but also not sorry, because I'm pretty positive that you'll enjoy sharing the experience 😊 


Quickly jumping down to the end - psh, that's right you better not be sorry! 


16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

How do we have such a similar taste in games?? 


Great minds, Vice. 😉


16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Escall (which autocorrects to "Escalation" on my phone, by the way) has a lot to answer for!


That's hilarious! Also, props to you for posting comments with post quoting via mobile - I hate writing up anything longer than a sentence or two on a touch screen, haha. Then again, I'm that weird millennial who still misses my 2010 LG Cosmos with the slide-out keyboard. I was a goddamn ninja with how fast I could text on that thing. 😂


16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Completing the DLC before the end of the main game adds another character and instrument!


There's a harder one in the DLC!


It's very good. Don't expect much re the Dark Bramble, but it's very good. There's a more spooky tone, so be ready for that. 


If you're trying to extract the maximum lore and experience from this DLC (as opposed to pure trophy hunting, as like the main game, the trophies don't require full narrative completion), it will take about as long as the main game.


As a negative, it's the first time that I became frustrated by the time loop mechanic and having to start back on Timber Hearth, but hopefully I'm not leading the witness too much by saying that.


DLC Comments:


Oooooh, good to know (re: another character/instrument)! When I do play the DLC, I'll make sure to replay the ending to get that extra tidbit.


There's a trophy more difficult than Sunshot?! 🥲


Mkay, so my suspicions about Dark Bramble remaining a mystery seem correct. While I want an answer, it's kind of fitting that we don't have one. 


Oh yeah, I'm definitely going for the full experience with the DLC! Good to know that it will probably take as long.


The only spoiler I know about the DLC is that there is apparently a certain section/level/area where there are enemies you have to sneak past, otherwise you'll die. Something like that - and don't correct me if I'm only partially correct! 😂 Anyways, if I'm correct about there being an area with a stealth component, I can absolutely see how the 22-minute loop would sometimes feel frustrating with the DLC.


(Considering you didn't reveal anything about the contents of the DLC, this witness has not been lead. 😉)


16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

I also found this to be such a "human" / "emotive" side quest as well. It was a little prickle in the back of my mind and, for me, it was the most important of all of the non-lore unanswered questions on my written "unanswered questions" list. Was great to solve that one. Best side quest for me for years.


Yes! Feldspar was so mysterious in the early game. The number of 'firsts' that he accomplished in the solar system was astounding, making it understandable that he acquired a legendary status to the other Hearthians. And then when you do find him, you discover that he found the 'hero worship' exhausting - the mishap with his spaceship just provided him with a great excuse to take a break for a while. 


16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

You had it right the first time. That's exactly what they do. Gravity spots.


Wait, seriously? But... in the one observatory area where the Nomai were studying the tornados and had two mini replicas, I'm pretty sure the tornado 'tiles' were in that underground area as well. I thought that meant there was more to the tiles, since gravity protection against the surface tornados wasn't needed in that area. Maybe it is just to show that the tornado icon is linked to the tornados, so this was another instance of me overthinking things? 😂


16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Anything involving a Quantum mechanic deeply disturbed me. Deeply. Like seeing a ghost or an alien or being sent back in time; a change in the fabric of my reality. 


Yo, the quantum rocks themselves were kind of creepy. Not only their weird shapes and sharp, seemingly-artificial curves, but all the rounded indentations almost looked like dozens of eyes. Describing the Quantum Mechanics as deeply disturbing because it is a literal, unnatural change in the fabric of reality is so spot-on. In a single sentence, you put words to feelings I had struggled to identify!


16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Suffocating or drowning always led to a big gasp for air. Such a cool detail!


OH! I hadn't put two and two together to realize that is why the first breath sometimes sounded different! //facepalm


16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

And the reverse memory slideshow after every 22 minutes would take place in a Nomai's third eye.


I loved how the Nomai were fascinated by the Hearthians having a fourth eye. And the meta-ness of Hearthians being able to "see more" than the Nomai. 


16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

I can offer a suggestion...? Maybe you entered the atmosphere too fast and landed too rough. Crash landing!


Naw, I made a successful landing! After spending a second or so to just take in the visuals of the moon's surface, while I was still sitting in the cockpit I tried to take a photo with my Scout. As soon as I pressed the button to snap a photo, things went wrong! Perhaps I'll try it again when I return to the game for the DLC. 


16 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Great read. My favourite from this checklist so far. Congrats on such a crazy experience, Pel!



Thanks so much! 🥰


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You know now that you mentioned that the rift thing is under utilized it rang true with my experience too. I guess I just got into the usual groove with the game and forgot that was supposed to be the main gimmick of the game. I guess they just did enough to show off the PS5 then went back to the usual stuff they do haha. Great review!

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On 12/29/2023 at 8:58 AM, pelagia14 said:

Platinum #115 | Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
Rating: 6/10


Oh wow, we've got a low rating coming through! 




On 12/29/2023 at 8:58 AM, pelagia14 said:

As I mentioned in my review of Ratchet & Clank (2016), I'm probably not the intended demographic for this franchise.


This is relatable.


To get a quick foot in the door before reading your review: I was in the demographic for the PS2 games (and loved/love them dearly). The series did not age with me and that original demographic, I have disliked (not 'not enjoyed,' but 'disliked' all PS3 games and the PS4 2016 reboot). That is, until enjoying Rift Apart... but it's not in the same galaxy as the PS2 games to this subjective perspective!


Critics say that Ratchet 2 (PS2), A Crack in Time (PS3), the 2016 reboot (PS4), and Rift Apart (PS5) are the best, so I'm somewhat on the outs with public opinion. I know that the loudest opinion by series fans' is that A Crack in Time is the best of the series. 


Ok... now to get back to reading your opinions...


... uh huh... yep... mmhmm...


Yeah ok. It's clear that you didn't like it so much. I can see that the technical prowess didn't land (I assume you've enjoyed prettier games prior to Rift Apart?) and that the gameplay didn't stand out to you. And I agree: the story is just simply prepared for a younger demographic.


Despite Insomniac having been desperate to build up the Ratchet games to be "playable Disney movies for the family" since the mid-2000s, the themes and narratives have never come close to the clarity, relatability and depth of mid-2000s Pixar movies.


I can't possibly hold it against you that you didn't vibe with Rift Apart even though I think that I liked it a smidge more than you did.


9 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

Then again, I'm that weird millennial who still misses my 2010 LG Cosmos with the slide-out keyboard. I was a goddamn ninja with how fast I could text on that thing.


Ah... I remember the singular-thumb Nokia SMS ninja moves! 


9 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

While I want an answer, it's kind of fitting that we don't have one.


Yes - fitting for the game's themes! I suppose I filed it alongside the Interloper having come from somewhere external. I guess both of those things are no different to the Nomai. Sometimes the things that have the biggest impact on an ecology are internal (such as the playable character's influence on his solar system) or external like those other examples!


9 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

Wait, seriously? But... in the one observatory area where the Nomai were studying the tornados and had two mini replicas, I'm pretty sure the tornado 'tiles' were in that underground area as well. I thought that meant there was more to the tiles, since gravity protection against the surface tornados wasn't needed in that area. Maybe it is just to show that the tornado icon is linked to the tornados, so this was another instance of me overthinking things? 😂


I interpreted the tornado tiles in the lab as being prototypes at the location where they were invented. That was the only instance of the tiles being off of Giant's Deep.

There was definitely a tile on a little island where you could walk horizontally on a wall and read some Nomai texts. There was also definitely at least one tile in an underground cave. I interpreted those as being the places where the player needed to stand on them while going about your exploration/investigations because if you don't stand on them soon after the audio cues, you get thrown around into space/within the cave and die from impact/drowning.


Very happy to be wrong, though.


9 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

I loved how the Nomai were fascinated by the Hearthians having a fourth eye. And the meta-ness of Hearthians being able to "see more" than the Nomai.


This is why spiders can see not just into the future, but also into past. And into my soul. It's the extra eyes. The redback spiders in my shed have seen where Cottoneye Joe came from AND where he went.


9 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

Naw, I made a successful landing! After spending a second or so to just take in the visuals of the moon's surface, while I was still sitting in the cockpit I tried to take a photo with my Scout. As soon as I pressed the button to snap a photo, things went wrong! Perhaps I'll try it again when I return to the game for the DLC. 


Huh, interesting! Let me know if you figure it out!!



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16 hours ago, Super_Mep said:


You know now that you mentioned that the rift thing is under utilized it rang true with my experience too. I guess I just got into the usual groove with the game and forgot that was supposed to be the main gimmick of the game. I guess they just did enough to show off the PS5 then went back to the usual stuff they do haha. Great review!


Thanks for the comment!

Yeah, the Rift was a really interesting mechanic so it was a bummer to see the title gimmick didn't get more time in the game. 


14 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Oh wow, we've got a low rating coming through! 




Psh, a low rating? I'll have you know that my 6/10 ranking currently has the most games of any rank! 

(Though that Tigh gif made me smile!)


14 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Yeah ok. It's clear that you didn't like it so much. I can see that the technical prowess didn't land (I assume you've enjoyed prettier games prior to Rift Apart?) and that the gameplay didn't stand out to you. And I agree: the story is just simply prepared for a younger demographic.


Despite Insomniac having been desperate to build up the Ratchet games to be "playable Disney movies for the family" since the mid-2000s, the themes and narratives have never come close to the clarity, relatability and depth of mid-2000s Pixar movies.


I can't possibly hold it against you that you didn't vibe with Rift Apart even though I think that I liked it a smidge more than you did.


I mean, the graphics were pretty solid - the opening shots of many planetary environments were gorgeous, and I actually had a bit of a tough time narrowing down which ones to include in my favorite screenshots section. However, the game didn't fully embrace either photorealism or a cartoon aesthetic - which it isn't required to - but as a result, I very much appreciated the visuals but wasn't completely blown away by them. 


Had Insomniac done more with the Rift mechanic I would have been more impressed with the gameplay. However, outside of the occasional Rift pull to get a golden screw and the phantom dodge, it really felt like I was just playing more of the 2016 game but with new weapons. Even with the weapons, initially I planned to give a shout-out to my favorite one, but during writing, I realized that while I enjoyed a lot of the new ones there wasn't a specific weapon that I loved so much that it reached max rank early on. 


14 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

I can't possibly hold it against you that you didn't vibe with Rift Apart even though I think that I liked it a smidge more than you did.


Yup, it's absolutely a solid game for younger audiences, and probably adults who have a nostalgia factor as well. A 6/10 is still a good score from me - while I wouldn't recommend it to a lot of people if someone was already interested in the game I'd tell them that it's worth playing. 


I should probably sit down at some point and elaborate a bit more on how I view my rankings, since a 5/10 is is more of an 'average' and 4/10 is when it starts being really harsh. It would also help me with game rankings - right now I just pull up my currently list of ranked thumbnails and put a game where it feels right. 😂 Finally, for a little while I've been thinking about how I need to review my rankings for some readjustments, since when I started this thread I had a lot fewer games completed and a few of them are probably a tier too high or low now. When you did some readjustments earlier this month, all I could think was "great minds think alike"!


14 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

I interpreted the tornado tiles in the lab as being prototypes at the location where they were invented. That was the only instance of the tiles being off of Giant's Deep.

There was definitely a tile on a little island where you could walk horizontally on a wall and read some Nomai texts. There was also definitely at least one tile in an underground cave. I interpreted those as being the places where the player needed to stand on them while going about your exploration/investigations because if you don't stand on them soon after the audio cues, you get thrown around into space/within the cave and die from impact/drowning.


Ah, I like the headcanon of the tornado tiles in the lab being prototypes. That makes a lot of sense for their presence outside of Giant's Deep, thanks!


14 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

This is why spiders can see not just into the future, but also into past. And into my soul. It's the extra eyes. The redback spiders in my shed have seen where Cottoneye Joe came from AND where he went.



(Also omg, I googled what those spiders look like and that was a terrible idea. While I have a weird mild thalassophobia when it comes to gaming, in real life [and sometimes even in gaming] I struggle to deal with spiders without freaking out. And of course Australia is the Texas of spiders.)

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Yoo great stuff, my dude!!


Mass Effect 2, Inscryption, and Outer Wilds are all on my to-play list this year, and your write-up just got me all the more excited.


Just a few quick notes and I'll be on my way!


- Man, I need to steal that thumbnail quilt look, that's dope!


- Venom looks amazing in Spider-Man 2, holy shit!


- The UI award is a great idea! As you say, it's something we only notice when it's done shitty, the devs deserve props when they nail it!


- Damn, I guess Hades needs another bump up in the backlog...


Again, great work!

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Thanks, @YaManSmevz! I'm playing VA-11 Hall-A tonight, and your recent end of the year post is part of the impetus behind that! 😉


The Mass Effect trilogy is something that I hold dearly. I'm very interested to see how it holds up for someone first experiencing it in 2023! 


In regards to Venom, I don't know if I can ever stop gushing over how perfectly Insomniac nailed every aspect of his design. I haven't paid attention to everything from the terrible Insomniac recently, but I would love for them to make a standalone Venom game. 


You've already got an admirable game plan for 2024, otherwise I would encourage you to play Hades this year. The sequel is coming out in PC Early Access sometime this summer, and I'm estimating it will take 2 years to reach console (the first one took a little under 3 years), so 2025 would be a great time to play the first game!

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On 1/6/2024 at 12:29 AM, pelagia14 said:

Every game I played in 2023, organized by thumbnail color:





I am jealous of how many games you've been able to experience this year!


On 1/6/2024 at 12:29 AM, pelagia14 said:


Paradise Killer


You're REALLY selling it. I was so on the fence but I guess it just has to be experienced. Any game getting as much attention as Hades and Outer Wilds is surely worth a try.


On 1/6/2024 at 12:29 AM, pelagia14 said:


Winner: Inscryption


Doubleplusgood! 👊


On 1/6/2024 at 12:29 AM, pelagia14 said:


Which game shone biggest and brightest this year? Time to find out!



  • Hades
  • Inscryption
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Outer Wilds

Winner: HADES


Not only did Hades win several of my "Best Of" awards, the gameplay loop is just so satisfying and addicting. With 6 different main weapons and near-infinite God Boon loadout possibilities, the replayability of this rogue-lite game is sky-high. Anyone who hasn't played it should absolutely check it out!


Wow! For Hades to take it out over THAT competition... all I can say is "dayum!!!"


On 1/6/2024 at 12:29 AM, pelagia14 said:



For those of you who reached the end of this post, thanks! It is rather jumbled together and much more threadbare than I had hoped, but that just means there is room for improvement with next year's awards!


Are you kidding? This was great! Looking forward to the 2024 awards 😄🤩


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On 1/5/2024 at 6:29 PM, pelagia14 said:



That was a quality pilgrimage if I ever saw one :lol: what a great year 2023 was!

Your writeup further convinced me that there's still enough amazing games to play out there. I am very happy with these mentions:

On 1/5/2024 at 6:29 PM, pelagia14 said:

Assassin's Creed: Mirage

  • For the game's lighting and visual details, and a photo mode that was somewhat basic but allowed for aperture control and changing the level of fog.

So glad I wasn't the only one to admire Mirage's surprisingly good graphics :D 

Also the cats! Not linked to the graphics award, but cats!


On 1/5/2024 at 6:29 PM, pelagia14 said:


Which game shone biggest and brightest this year? Time to find out!



  • Hades
  • Inscryption
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Outer Wilds

Winner: HADES

Yeah. I mean yeah. That game is goddamn amazing. It deserves the award!


I only hope that 2024 will top this year regarding games!

P.S. Fine I get the point, I'll play Inscryption :lol:

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