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Wins Are Easy Again!!!!


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8 minutes ago, timpurnat said:

alright, thanks, although the game crashed for me during the loading screen 2 times already hahahah


man this fucking sucks, i love this game but every crash I get more pissed and dissapointed

I started with the PS5 version, so I’m getting off easy I’d imagine. I'm already dreading the issues I’m about to potentially run into when I start the PS4 version lol. 

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1 minute ago, HoorayForTyler said:

I started with the PS5 version, so I’m getting off easy I’d imagine. I'm already dreading the issues I’m about to potentially run into when I start the PS4 version lol. 

I tried everything, played on ps5 then switched to ps4, and had a bunch of crashes. Honestly making a backup after every match or two is the only solution

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Finally done with this broken shit, on PS4 Pro how I stopped the crashing was to not let the AI get passed the first objective which is pretty easy, it didn't crash once in the last 30 games, I tested one more game and let the AI get passed the first section and it cashed when it ended. Not sure if this will work on standard PS4.


Also on Reddit someone says when the game ends press the PS button to go to dashboard and wait for the match to fully end. That stopped it crashing for them, so that's something else to try. If this game isn't fixed then Sony should be ashamed for allowing this. 

Edited by GUDGER666
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1 minute ago, GUDGER666 said:

Finally done with this broken shit, on PS4 Pro how I stopped the crashing was to not let the AI get passed the first objective which is pretty easy, it didn't crash once in the last 30 games, I tested one more game and let the AI get passed the first section and it cashed when it ended. Not sure if this will work on standard PS4.


Also on Reddit someone says when the game ends press the PS button and wait a for the match to fully end. That stopped it crashing for them, so that's something else to try. If this game isn't fixed then Sony should be ashamed for allowing this. 

Honestly, I will stop idling matches because for me it crashes almost every time it loads into the next map, this is hell. I will give the Reddit tip a try, thanks

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On 07/05/2023 at 5:14 PM, timpurnat said:

does anyone know if you can leave in offline before the next match starts when you win? Or do you need to wait for the next match to start? 


I just want to be sure progress saves, as I want to make a backup every other game

The game counts as a win towards trophy progression before new map is loaded so you can actually leave if you want to. I've done it before and hasn't caused problems. Trophies track fine. 

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5 hours ago, Stars_of_Sirius said:

The game counts as a win towards trophy progression before new map is loaded so you can actually leave if you want to. I've done it before and hasn't caused problems. Trophies track fine. 

thanks for confirming :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay finishing up my last 25 wins trophy here is the way I did each map. First, there is no 100% way to AFK these win trophies, offline practice will switch maps after a match ends so you will need to be monitoring the game and if this is the way you go it'll take about 25 minutes a game depending on the map. Secondly, choose the Vanguard - Devastator class. His main axe can one shot enemies with :r1: and holding :r2: will one shot multiple enemies with its swing. Thirdly, the AI is actually really good at pushing objectives, except for 1 or 2 objectives they get stuck on as they would rather fight your teammates or gets stuck on walls. Lastly, the time for each objective is flat. For instance the first objective might be 5 minutes and the next will be 10. It doesn't matter how long or short you defend the 5 minutes for, the next objective will always be 10 minutes. So don't try to defend hard objectives in hopes to defend for less time for the next objective.


Dark Forest - This one is going to be the hardest one to win. Set the enemy amount to 16. First spawn in as the attacking enemy and destroy the barricades, when one is left switch over to defending. Now let them destroy the last barricade and defend the push. This should take 11 minutes. If you fail defending, the third objective should be easier and if not the fourth objective is where they get stuck. If you get to this point it will take 15-20 minutes.


Coxwell - This one is the easiest, shortest, and really only one you can AFK. Set the enemy amount to 24. At most this may take you 12 minutes but majority you'll be looking at 9 minutes. The AI will destroy all 3 doors first before trying to hit the first objective. When all 3 doors are destroyed there is a big chance they will get stuck at the entrance of one.


Lionspire - This one is the longest or can be the hardest. If you want to try to stop the cart set the enemy count to 16 if you want to go the more consistent and long route set the enemy count to 24. You can attempt to defend the first push with the 2 carts. When one is at the top you only have to defend one. If you succeed it'll only be 8 minutes but I thought it was too hard as your teammates can get stuck on some things making it inconsistent. If they reach the doors let them destroy it because if they interact with the ram for a second they will hit the doors and it only takes a handful of hits. This is where the AI gets stuck sometimes as fight each other rather than getting on objectives. If they get to the courtyard you can AFK and hope they don't take it or fight them off if you see them taking it. If they take it then its the same scenario they go for the rest of the objectives or fight. This can take 15-25 minutes.


Rudhelm - Is another easy one. Set the enemy count to 23, so you can get one more fighter than the opposing team, probably doesn't make a difference but doesn't hurt. Fight for 3-5 minutes. If they haven't moves the towers at least 30% of the way you can AFK. Just stay inside of the towers. It'll help contest it and they don't go inside.

Edited by BestUsername----
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Thank you BestUserName for this (+1). I have also been experimenting a bit with the various sieges etc.

My preferred class for all of the below sieges - VanguardDevastator3rd weapon only.  


Rudhelm - Offline Practice - Set the match to minimum spawn amount (16). Because it's easier to deal with less enemies.

Mason (defend) Simply watch both siege towers, and contest which ever is advancing. Easy.

There are also supply crates in between the 2 x siege towers, incase you need them.

If you win, your match will take no longer than a total of 10 minutes


Coxwell - Offline Practice - Set the match to minimum spawn amount (16)Because it's easier to deal with less enemies.

Agatha (defend). As soon as you spawn in as a villager, press all 4 x shoulder buttons (suicide)

Now as a soldier, you can go to the front gates and help defend all 3 x of them. Or you can sit back and guard the 2 x fire pyres.

Another tactic is to camp at the far left gate, and kill the enemies as they spawn from the farm. Very easy.

NPC Villagers are mostly useless, but they do keep the enemy occupied, and are of some help. Plus there's lots of them.

Winning this match will only take you 8 minutes. Easy.


Dark Forest - Stand Alone Server - Host a game, and invite a buddy to your party. Find a dead lobby. Join. Play. 

The lobby doesn't have to be in the same region, so long as your Ping is workable. Use the Empty Lobby filter on the left

Most times the game will be in progress, and it will be at the part where the bush barricades are. Switch to Agatha, defend. Easy.

A good friend of mine (oscar_1073) and myself have completed the Dark Forest in as little as 3-5 minutes sometimes. 

If it's at the start of the match, defend the ground spikes. One person stand on top of them. The other in front.

Or one either side of the wagon. It's easy to defend the ground spikes with 2 x people. Solo is very hard.


Lion SpireOffline Practice - Set the match to minimum spawn amount (16). Because it's easier to deal with less enemies.

All I do here most of the time is just rush the first gate, then switch sides, and defend the Town Square. Takes longer, but works.

Edit - Tested BestUserName's other tactic, and it's much faster, and easy. Simply contest whichever Ram reaches close to the gate.

I did test this  before his post, but at the time it was not consistent. I was losing some battles.

This is my least favorite map for grinding victories. Also, you can also get some Ballista kills on the first objective.


Note - If a random joins any of your online matches, don't quit. You may just win.

Note - If you're doing all 3 x stacks, this is a very big repetitive grind ?


Edited by TheDarkKratos
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  • 2 months later...

Can someone please explain a little more in depth how the saving system works and if the stats are separate on offline and online? I mean like, if the wins I already got on the certain maps on online matches would still be saved and count, when combined with the offline ones. What I understood is that I can go to "Offline Practice", choose the map I need and then just directly farm the map wins like that. Is that correct? 

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/18/2023 at 5:33 AM, Lightshader_HRM said:

Can someone please explain a little more in depth how the saving system works and if the stats are separate on offline and online? I mean like, if the wins I already got on the certain maps on online matches would still be saved and count, when combined with the offline ones. What I understood is that I can go to "Offline Practice", choose the map I need and then just directly farm the map wins like that. Is that correct? 

The map save completions are counted across both online and offline, so both will count towards your total wins. 


I can also confirm that map wins can be done while being afk. I have successfully used a macro to input buttons to start a map and then swap teams in-order for this to run overnight. However, alternatively you can just check back every 10 mins to do it manually if you don't have remote play or the macro program. 


I have found that in an offline match with 12 bots once the map loads if you swap to be on the defending team your team will always win eventually, even if the first 2/3 objectives fail.


While playing in this mode you are never kicked from inactivity and the map constantly rotates without any inputs. 


If anyone wants further explanation on what I did, feel free to message me on PSN: BinkUncia

Edited by BinkUncia
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