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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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You and me both!!  But I think it is too late for me. I cannot escape the bronze league!!


Don't rule yourself out, 3 DW's could still get you there! 


I think I'd be okay with maybe a DW and a W out of the 3 remaining fixtures, but it all depends on how scores go.....I hope I can survive, pre-E3 has definitely hurt my performance, and E3 will hurt during Fixture 7 lol

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Don't rule yourself out, 3 DW's could still get you there! 


I think I'd be okay with maybe a DW and a W out of the 3 remaining fixtures, but it all depends on how scores go.....I hope I can survive, pre-E3 has definitely hurt my performance, and E3 will hurt during Fixture 7 lol



But But I like the bronze league

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End rant.

No, worries I personally try to sync whenever I can unless I forget due to reasons like sleep or other obstacles but with that said I've never bothered keeping track of opponents as some just don't bother syncing until after the round or what not but if Somalia did actually say that... that is really underhanded of him. 


With that said just how desperate is Somalia to win if he had to resort to that? I suppose when TellTale games start running dry you need whatever you can get to win...

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No, worries I personally try to sync whenever I can unless I forget due to reasons like sleep or other obstacles but with that said I've never bothered keeping track of opponents as some just don't bother syncing until after the round or what not but if Somalia did actually say that... that is really underhanded of him. 


With that said just how desperate is Somalia to win if he had to resort to that? I suppose when TellTale games start running dry you need whatever you can get to win...

Like I said, I don't care how or when you sync. I know everyone has different methods. But I just felt duped in something that shouldn't require trickery of any kind. This season I have been easy to beat because I have been low scoring. Why resort to tricks? Was he that afraid of losing to me? I don't get it.


And I still like Somalia, I just felt I needed to rant on this.

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You cannot be serious, that is some next level shit. Im actually awestruck he told you to synch and then held off himself, its almost hilarious in a way. 

He didn't specifically say that, to be clear. He just strongly implied it based on wording...at least that's how I took it. Here is verbatim what he said:


"I see you're not synching... like I said in the post, it's impossible for me to win. I got destroyed by zach and didnt get a definitive win on Boooda.

If you beat either of those 2, it would be a bigger achievement."


So I took that first part to mean, it was impossible to get a win against me, and that he was worried about it because I wasn't syncing. I very well could have read into it too much, but I felt he was requesting I synched right away, because it didn't matter since he couldn't get the win.


Especially since my reply was the following: "I haven't had time to play GoW yet. That's why I haven't been synching. I don't hold off on synching because my internet is touch and go. Honestly, I am just giving banter in the league thread. I won the matchup I wanted to win (Hemiak). So if I lose to you, it doesn't really matter to me. I was anticipating a drop to Silver League anyway since I am burned out on trophy hunting a bit and have just been taking it easy. I already lost to Boooda and zachattack, but I agree they would have been bigger accomplishments had I beaten them."


Maybe I read it wrong. But it sure sounded like he was asking me indirectly not to wait to sync.

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Going forward, to make everything crystal f****** clear, any points you see me get is what I get. I never use the 12-hour sync window, because it is during times I am usually not playing and sleeping. So when I say I am done earning points, whatever my total is, it is.


Now, granted anyone is free to use whatever method they like. They can choose to wait until the sync window. I get that. That is not what I am disparaging. What I am disparaging is being asked not to wait to sync because "it is impossible for me to get the win," in the words of my opponent. So I reassure that I sync right away as a courtesy, and then it happens to me. Like I said, they are free to do that if they want. I get it. But if you ask me not to do it beforehand, and I comply, I do expect some type of gentleman's agreement on your part too.


So no, I am not mad I lost to Somalia in the eleventh hour. But had I known he was going to sync after I thought he was done (mind you, as of the fixture end, he had no trophies for June 10, when he had been earning them all along, and just not syncing...which is fine, until I saw them this morning), I would have not stopped at 45 points, but kept going. From now on, I will no longer fall for any tricks, as I feel tricks shouldn't be needed to achieve a win in this league. Just obtaining trophies should be enough.


With that said, for my remaining 3 opponents: xzonehunter, MrManBuz, and Shana, I don't wait to synch. With me, what you see is what you get. I don't care if you do wait to sync. Just don't ask me to not wait and then expect me to comply. And if I do stop earning trophies anytime before the fixture ends, know that it's because I have life going on.


Usually I am not bothered by any method a person uses. I just feel the tactics were a bit underhanded this time around. I could be wrong. And I hope I am wrong. But I have never woken up, checked scores, and been this angry about how it all went down.


It really made me contemplate retiring. But the good thing is, I'll be in Silver League anyway next season, so I'll get different opponents, and it'll be less pressure.


I am not asking for my opponents to sync right away. All I ask is that if you request/ask that I sync right away, I expect the same from you. Because why would I let someone have an advantage that I couldn't get for myself?


End rant.


I feel your pain man....totally.


I think i couldnt even do that anyway, im that kind of person that updates like everytim i get a trophy, i got 20 trophies for jojo yesterday and updated like atleast 5 times i think lol.


What a fucking joke.

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He didn't specifically say that, to be clear. He just strongly implied it based on wording...at least that's how I took it. Here is verbatim what he said:


I see I see, well maybe he can come clear the air sometime today. 

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Maybe this'll help:

From the video description:

Burn 50 soldiers with the Efreet. They all must die by fire!

You can use the Efreet by pressing R1+Triangle. Wait until 5 guards are surrounding you to take all of them out at once. If any of the guards die by anything other than the Efreet you will fail. Take out the Cyclops with your Gaunlet of Zeus right when the spawn. If they kill a guard the Challenge will fail as well.


Imo the challenges from GoW1 are the worst, because you have to do them in 1 sitting.


I got that first challenge with the Efreet completed. The second challenge is giving me issues. I have to go back and watch the video again, and utilize my :r3: to roll away. The only issue is they kind of surround me and I have nowhere to go. I just have to watch the video to see how not to back myself into a corner. I think this is the hardest challenge, because 3 and 5 are just beating all the enemies, and 4 is breaking all the objects. And this challenge I am not allowed to take any damage. Getting the first one bolstered my confidence though.

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I got that first challenge with the Efreet completed. The second challenge is giving me issues. I have to go back and watch the video again, and utilize my :r3: to roll away. The only issue is they kind of surround me and I have nowhere to go. I just have to watch the video to see how not to back myself into a corner. I think this is the hardest challenge, because 3 and 5 are just beating all the enemies, and 4 is breaking all the objects. And this challenge I am not allowed to take any damage. Getting the first one bolstered my confidence though.

Nice, congrats :yay:. You can do it.

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I see I see, well maybe he can come clear the air sometime today. 


In the grand scheme, it doesn't really matter. It's over and done, but just going forward, I'd like not to be tricked. There is no reason for it. Just earn more trophies and be done with it.


And he is the only one in all 7 seasons I have been in the league, that has ever messaged me about our matchup. Another reason why I took it the way I did. All of my other opponents have never done that. They just went and earned trophies. Most earned more than me, some didn't. And I have never had issue with it. It almost makes me think he messaged me to play mind games with me, and that's not cool.

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He didn't specifically say that, to be clear. He just strongly implied it based on wording...at least that's how I took it. Here is verbatim what he said:


"I see you're not synching... like I said in the post, it's impossible for me to win. I got destroyed by zach and didnt get a definitive win on Boooda.

If you beat either of those 2, it would be a bigger achievement."


So I took that first part to mean, it was impossible to get a win against me, and that he was worried about it because I wasn't syncing. I very well could have read into it too much, but I felt he was requesting I synched right away, because it didn't matter since he couldn't get the win.


Especially since my reply was the following: "I haven't had time to play GoW yet. That's why I haven't been synching. I don't hold off on synching because my internet is touch and go. Honestly, I am just giving banter in the league thread. I won the matchup I wanted to win (Hemiak). So if I lose to you, it doesn't really matter to me. I was anticipating a drop to Silver League anyway since I am burned out on trophy hunting a bit and have just been taking it easy. I already lost to Boooda and zachattack, but I agree they would have been bigger accomplishments had I beaten them."


Maybe I read it wrong. But it sure sounded like he was asking me indirectly not to wait to sync.


Personally I'd have taken that bit to mean in the league as a whole, especially as he mentions other match-ups, the results of which have no effect on this match-up, so it wouldn't matter if he had won or lost them if he meant this match, but it's a bit ambiguous so I can understand others taking it in a different way. However I think if you're gonna bother saying anything like that you should make it explicit and obvious to avoid confusion like this.

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I won't lie, in the past I have used not syncing to my advantage because I would sync my 10 measly points while others can gain that no problem as they have much more time to play than I do. Not syncing sometimes let's them think you are inactive and they ease up a bit but mentioning it to you to get a flavour for what is needed is a tad cheap. Somalia, I reckon some love us required pal??

Edited by freddie1989
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