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Guess I will waste my choice on a game I was expecting to be said all because of the title: Persona 4 GOLDEN



And I was really trying to narrow it down out of:

  • Fairy Fencer F
  • Goddess Black Heart
  • Guilty Gear Xrd
Edited by Kochiya Shana
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Guess I will waste my choice on a game I was expecting to be said all because of the title: Persona 4 GOLDEN



And I was really trying to narrow it down out of:

  • Fairy Fencer F
  • Goddess Black Heart
  • Guilty Gear Xrd


Curse you picking a game I've already platinumed! Same goes for you Clawz! 


I guess I could import one of the other versions...buuuuuuut im too lazy xD

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I've finally got my 44th platinum, Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed, I am so glad it's over, those Lily Ranks were an unholy grind, and I still have the Japanese version to go through  :facepalm: .


What I've earned so far is;

1x  :platinum:

1x :gold:

5x :silver:

5x :bronze:


So, just 33 points so far, I have a lot of work to do... but it's still better than my last fixture at least.

Edited by Lady Blanc
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And I cannot defeat the High Dragon during the Urn of Sacred Ashes. However, I have decided I will come back with Drakescale Armor and some Fire Protection spells and try again, since the guide said to be lvl 15-20, and all of my party is lvl 17, and I am lvl 18.


Arkham Knight, and a PS4, are an hour away from being in my possession as well. So that should help boost my point total.

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I'm right off to Bronze League, YAAAAAAY!! xD

Jokes aside, I see this as a reasonable result, I am glad to be increasing my completion, but obviously that leads to poor scores lol bright side of it all is that I'll face the Dragon next season :D

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And I cannot defeat the High Dragon during the Urn of Sacred Ashes. However, I have decided I will come back with Drakescale Armor and some Fire Protection spells and try again, since the guide said to be lvl 15-20, and all of my party is lvl 17, and I am level 18.

One way to do this at lower levels is to go all ranged, then when the dragon focuses on the highest threat - switch to that person and run away. Eventually it'll focus on someone else, then switch again. Just make sure to spread your people out to start with and don't let them get bunched up. For most of the bigger fights it's all about survival, the damage will come, as long as you can keep people alive you'll win.
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Oh snap the Arkham Knight PS4 bundle has arrived and my Sony tri-force is complete. Whatever league I'm  in is going to get destroyed by my backlog barrage doods MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!


And my opportunity to win our godly race has arrived, thank the lord. xD 









But probably not really. :( Hope you enjoy your ps4 though, I love mine. :D

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One way to do this at lower levels is to go all ranged, then when the dragon focuses on the highest threat - switch to that person and run away. Eventually it'll focus on someone else, then switch again. Just make sure to spread your people out to start with and don't let them get bunched up. For most of the bigger fights it's all about survival, the damage will come, as long as you can keep people alive you'll win.


I might try that. To this point, I have just let them rush the dragon. I noticed when I switched to ranged weapons, it worked better. Maybe I will try this.

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lol I actually dont plan on playing it until I finish Guided Fate because starting Arkham Knight would definitely seal the plat race win for you dood :P


Heh the sacrifices being made just to win the plat race, gotta ask yourself if it's really worth it dood, we both know you wanna play Arkham Knight. ;)

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And I cannot defeat the High Dragon during the Urn of Sacred Ashes. However, I have decided I will come back with Drakescale Armor and some Fire Protection spells and try again, since the guide said to be lvl 15-20, and all of my party is lvl 17, and I am lvl 18.


Arkham Knight, and a PS4, are an hour away from being in my possession as well. So that should help boost my point total.

Since you have Shale, wait until you have a Brilliant Fire-resistanc armour crystal and a Brilliant Spirit weapon crystal. You can also get Fire Salves (not sure if this is the correct name) to increase Fire resistance. Switch regularly between party members and force them to drink potions. It's also best to be at least lvl 20 before taking on that High Dragon.


I'm right off to Bronze League, YAAAAAAY!! xD

Jokes aside, I see this as a reasonable result, I am glad to be increasing my completion, but obviously that leads to poor scores lol bright side of it all is that I'll face the Dragon next season :D

Woohoo, looking forward to that too buddy :highfive:.

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Since you have Shale, wait until you have a Brilliant Fire-resistanc armour crystal and a Brilliant Spirit weapon crystal. You can also get Fire Salves (not sure if this is the correct name) to increase Fire resistance. Switch regularly between party members and force them to drink potions. It's also best to be at least lvl 20 before taking on that High Dragon.



Will do. I am lvl 18 now, and I have plenty to do in Redcliffe to get me to 20. If that doesn't work, I can try visiting The Deep Roads again as I know sometimes darkspawn respawn there after awhile. I am just trying to do what I can to get myself to lvl 20 before The Landsmeet.

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Will batman be your first ps4 platinum? 


The first game i got with my ps4 was knack but i still have it untoched lol. Decided to get inFamous SS as my first ps4 plat. Only bought it because i liked the cover of the game lol.


Most likely will be dood. I would love for the 1st one to be Disgaea 5 but that doesn't come out until fall and I doubt I can wait that long xD

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Will do. I am lvl 18 now, and I have plenty to do in Redcliffe to get me to 20. If that doesn't work, I can try visiting The Deep Roads again as I know sometimes darkspawn respawn there after awhile. I am just trying to do what I can to get myself to lvl 20 before The Landsmeet.

Ok, there are a couple of main and side quests in Denerim before the Landsmeet starts. So if you're still missing some xp, you can do those too. The Landsmeet will start once you travel to a specific location.

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My Choice for Golden game is White Knight Chronicles

Boooo! I bought this game like 3 years ago, I hated the combat so much I sold it back the next day.

I do have Child of Eden and Xillia in my possession already so those both get thumbs up.

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Boooo! I bought this game like 3 years ago, I hated the combat so much I sold it back the next day.

I do have Child of Eden and Xillia in my possession already so those both get thumbs up.


WKC is so unbalanced too dood. You have a limited range in which you can attack enemies but enemies can attack you from any distance as long as they are locked on to you 

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