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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Well we already have a bromance going ever since we formed the Dragon-Prinny Alliance against the evil Jellies and Shin-Demons :awesome: (I wonder if you know what I'm talking about).

Those were good times, Dragon. :P It seems more quieter in here than it was earlier in the season, I guess you guys are having more intense battles.

Btw, after some looking, the Dragon-Prinny Alliance started somewhere around page 140 in there. xD

Edited by TheLastSurvivorD
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Those were good times, Dragon. :P It seems more quieter in here than it was earlier in the season, I guess you guys are having more intense battles.

Btw, after some looking, the Dragon-Prinny Alliance started somewhere around page 140 in there. xD

Yeah, I kinda miss those good ol' days (now I feel old :|). The break just started, so that may explain why it's so quiet. That or everyone is having a secret THL party and I'm not invited...again. But this time Prinny keeps me company.


Nice, I can't believe you found it :yay:.


Lol, i'm fine with it being a mystery to me then :P

There you have it: around page 140.

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I really wish the Manganese League would come back

Well we've had like 4 retires already, so come back and being 13 other people and you shall get your wish. :)

I'm aiming for my personal goal of being promoted to, and relegated from, every league. So if we bring back manganese and I finish out this season as poorly as I started it I could bet my shot at being relegated to the mang league. :) Seriously though, this has been a ridiculously close season for me, and I could easily be 4-1 now instead of 1-4 and looking at a 5th straight loss. Bad thing is that my daughter just started up softball again, and next Thursday is my 10 year anniversary, so the wife and I will be out of town for about 5 days. So unless something miraculous happens I'm staring at the bronze league again for sure. :(

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Well we've had like 4 retires already, so come back and being 13 other people and you shall get your wish. :)

I'm aiming for my personal goal of being promoted to, and relegated from, every league. So if we bring back manganese and I finish out this season as poorly as I started it I could bet my shot at being relegated to the mang league. :) Seriously though, this has been a ridiculously close season for me, and I could easily be 4-1 now instead of 1-4 and looking at a 5th straight loss. Bad thing is that my daughter just started up softball again, and next Thursday is my 10 year anniversary, so the wife and I will be out of town for about 5 days. So unless something miraculous happens I'm staring at the bronze league again for sure. :(



I think you've won the fixture we just had ^_^


I ended up playing Never Alone which doesn't count as it's under 4.5 hours, and then I rediscovered Ni No Kuni (which I've been putting off for 2 years) so been sinking some time into that.  I think I managed 2 points total.

Edited by MiniMog
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{2} pureproteinman 115 vs 57 ToxiKirby {1}
{1} Mah2c 67 vs 0 Precision-Playy
X18JELLO18X 17 vs 26 Jarethgeason {1}
Boooda56 53 vs 27 xZoneHunter
ReimiSaionji9742 24 vs 53 HcG-_Clawz

J2V_89 14 vs 76 Kochiya-Shana {1}
{1} Gregorymany 74 vs 17 VASORAT13
sinnriel 2 vs 16 whoadreader
{2} zajac9999 88 vs 41 Somalia99
{1} man_with_wdjat 21 vs 12 HcG-_Terror

Dragon-Archon (23) - (37) ExHaseo
omar280792 (77) - (15) S4V463_F0XH0UND
Hemiak (38) - (13) RachP13
ganryu_pl (38) - (4) BlueFireReaper
TheAkittaja123 (3) - (12) freddie1989

RalphyLDN (19) - (92) Not_like_therest
Raitandrul (0) - (79) x9zachattack5x (1)
Ka-Pi96 (8) - (0) Tristanfun2
Mystvayne (17) - (0) me3lingual
allenbird (15) - (4) NIALLERMANBUZ

1 person played the golden game (ganryu_pl)

Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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It's the new Sound Shapes.

Nope, Sound Shapes is profitable through a mode that has a fixed answer you can look up on the internet, making it literally a trophy printer.

You bet I am earning every single point in Driveclub through effort, suffering, occasional frustration and lots and lots of drifting, drifting all over the place xD

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Are the tables being updated today? ^_^

Yeah I'll be doing them in an hour or so dood

I want to join in, this could be fun!! Please add me or tell me when I may be able to join. Thank you.

I'll add you to the waiting list for next season, next season will be around the 20th of October dood Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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FIXTURE SET 7: Golden Game- Call of Duty Black Ops


Precision-Playy vs ToxiKirby

Mah2c vs Jarethgeason

X18JELLO18X vs ReimiSaionji9742

pureproteinman vs xZoneHunter

Boooda56 vs HcG-_Clawz


J2V_89 vs man_with_wdjat

Gregorymany vs Somalia99

VASORAT13 vs whoadreader

zajac9999 vs HcG-_Terror

Kochiya-Shana vs sinnriel


S4V463_F0XH0UND vs ExHaseo

omar280792 vs BlueFireReaper

Dragon-Archon vs RachP13

ganryu_pl vs freddie1989

TheAkittaja123 vs Hemiak



Raitandrul vs me3lingual

Ka-Pi96 vs allenbird

Tristanfun2 vs RalphyLDN

x9zachattack5x vs Not_like_therest

Approx. Start Time- 32 minutes

Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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