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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Doing alright so far but been pretty busy this fixture. Went out to visit a friend from Friday-Sunday so didn't get too much playing time and have had a cold the last couple of days so haven't played as much as I could've. Luckily Monster Monpiece throws trophies at you, especially the online.

Didn't realize you were so close to 200 plats. Sorry if it's been asked before, but you decide on a #200? Do milestones even mean anything to you since you have so many UR's anyways? xD

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Didn't realize you were so close to 200 plats. Sorry if it's been asked before, but you decide on a #200? Do milestones even mean anything to you since you have so many UR's anyways? xD


I only really bother with every 50th plat and make them a One Piece game, although unfortunately I decided that after I already had 50+ plats so my 50th plat is Ratchet and Clank. :/


Either way my 200th plat will be One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3. :D

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I only really bother with every 50th plat and make them a One Piece game, although unfortunately I decided that after I already had 50+ plats so my 50th plat is Ratchet and Clank. :/


Either way my 200th plat will be One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3. :D


Thats hurtin! There are 4 one piece games too, it would've been perfect...Well have fun with PW3!

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FIXTURE SET 8: Golden Game-Rayman Legends (PS4/PS3/Vita)



ToxiKirby vs Jarethgeason

Mah2c vs ReimiSaionji9742

Precision-Playy vs xZoneHunter

pureproteinman vs Boooda56

X18JELLO18X vs HcG-_Clawz



whoadreader vs Somalia99

VASORAT13 vs Kochiya-Shana

Gregorymany vs zajac9999

sinnriel vs man_with_wdjat

J2V_89 vs HcG-_Terror



S4V463_F0XH0UND vs RachP13

ExHaseo vs BlueFireReaper

Dragon-Archon vs TheAkittaja123

omar280792 vs ganryu_pl

freddie1989 vs Hemiak




Raitandrul vs Mystvayne

RalphyLDN vs allenbird

Not_like_therest vs me3lingual

Tristanfun2 vs x9zachattack5x


Approx Start Time: 22 minutes doods

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Praise our lord and savior RNGesus, for each time he gives us the correct item drop. And do not seek his wrath as he will smite you down with prolonged grinding times.


I stopped worshipping that horrid god a while ago, no matter what I did to appease him he brought me nothing but pain and suffering dood :( .......well except on casino related stuff on games

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I stopped worshipping that horrid god a while ago, no matter what I did to appease him he brought me nothing but pain and suffering dood :( .......well except on casino related stuff on games


Me too dood... Me too...


He is indeed a wrathful god. But he is even more furious towards non-believers.... If you do not give him regular offerings he will bring you misfortune. The only thing you can do is praise him and hope he will grant you your wish and even when it takes a million times you will be thankful for his gifts.

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Praise our lord and savior RNGesus, for each time he gives us the correct item drop. And do not seek his wrath as he will smite you down with prolonged grinding times.

I stopped worshipping that horrid god a while ago, no matter what I did to appease him he brought me nothing but pain and suffering dood :( .......well except on casino related stuff on games

I stopped believing after spending 28 hours in Ni No Kuni to get 5 Scrolls of Truth. 


He is indeed a wrathful god. But he is even more furious towards non-believers.... If you do not give him regular offerings he will bring you misfortune. The only thing you can do is praise him and hope he will grant you your wish and even when it takes a million times you will be thankful for his gifts.

I just praise the sun.


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This makes me sad for the post game grind I have ahead of me :(

Yeah it put a serious damper on enjoyment I got while playing this game, which wasn't that high to begin with. But it seems I'm one of those exceptions who keeps getting unlucky to get ultra rare drops from very rare spawns. There are people who got them in an hour or two, so it really depends on your luck. 

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Yeah it put a serious damper on enjoyment I got while playing this game, which wasn't that high to begin with. But it seems I'm one of those exceptions who keeps getting unlucky to get ultra rare drops from very rare spawns. There are people who got them in an hour or two, so it really depends on your luck. 


I usually have rotten luck with random drops, it took two and a half weeks for my last Uncharted 3 MP treasure to drop.  I've had pretty decent luck though on Ni No Kuni so far, although flagging a bit now due with it to the number of errands and bounties...it's a cute game with a lovely story, but can't help but feel that it's been unnecessarily padded out.

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I usually have rotten luck with random drops, it took two and a half weeks for my last Uncharted 3 MP treasure to drop.  I've had pretty decent luck though on Ni No Kuni so far, although flagging a bit now due with it to the number of errands and bounties...it's a cute game with a lovely story, but can't help but feel that it's been unnecessarily padded out.

There's a guarenteed way to get it if you can get a gold orb to spawn and pick it up with Swaine. His ultimate move always steals the rarest item an enemy can drop, so using that on the gold enemies is 100% succesful (assuming you haven't stolen anything from them yet, because enemies can only drop 1 item per fight). The problem is making a gold orb spawn before you kill them. I used that force/knockback spell and equipped the weakest wand on Oliver and still killed enemies before the orb spawns.

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There's a guarenteed way to get it if you can get a gold orb to spawn and pick it up with Swaine. His ultimate move always steals the rarest item an enemy can drop, so using that on the gold enemies is 100% succesful (assuming you haven't stolen anything from them yet, because enemies can only drop 1 item per fight). The problem is making a gold orb spawn before you kill them. I used that force/knockback spell and equipped the weakest wand on Oliver and still killed enemies before the orb spawns.


I've just finished the main story just now (what a disappointing end sequence!) so the post game grind begins.  I need around 70 more familiars and then everything else, think I should be pretty close to a few trophies but will definitely need to farm drops.

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I've just finished the main story just now (what a disappointing end sequence!) so the post game grind begins.  I need around 70 more familiars and then everything else, think I should be pretty close to a few trophies but will definitely need to farm drops.

Yeah I thought the story was meh too. I needed around 150 familiars after completing the story. Taming them didn't happen often (not surprising though, because it's random  <_< ). 

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Precision-Playy (0) - (21) ToxiKirby

Mah2c (22) - (12) Jarethgeason

X18JELLO18X (19) - (30) ReimiSaionji9742

(1) pureproteinman (50) - (69) xZoneHunter

(1) Boooda56 (121) - (319) HcG-_Clawz (4)



J2V_89 (14) - (3) man_with_wdjat

Gregorymany (30) - (36) Somalia99

VASORAT13 (19) - (0)  whoadreader

(1) zajac9999 (114) - (60) HcG-_Terror (1)

Kochiya-Shana (124) - (25) sinnriel



(1) S4V463_F0XH0UND (124) - (142) ExHaseo (2)

omar280792 (49) - (3) BlueFireReaper

Dragon-Archon (28) - (10) RachP13

ganryu_pl (39) - (28) freddie1989 (1)

TheAkittaja123 (1) - (10) Hemiak



Mystvayne (27) - (70) NIALLERMANBUZ (2)

Raitandrul (0) - (3) me3lingual

Ka-Pi96 (1) - (2) allenbird

Tristanfun2 (10) - (152) RalphyLDN (2) 

(1) x9zachattack5x (168) - (88) Not_like_therest (1)


3 people played the golden game (ganryu_pl, x9zachattack5x, and Not_like_therest)

Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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