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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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League tables are updated and also some news. Due to some recent personal circumstances I will no longer be able to run the league after this season. I'll still be around the site, gaming, and that jazz I just won't be able to consistently give the time and effort needed to run the league.


As for the future of the league Clawz said he maybe able run it alongside someone else if someone can split the work with him so if someone wants to run it alongside him or if you want to run it yourself message me and let me know so we can begin the transition process after the season ends .I've enjoyed running the league and wish I could continue running it but I sadly won't be able to anymore doods 

Sad to see another runner step down, but hey,  it's only natural that someone else needs to take the place of another. Long live the Prinny Regime.

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League tables are updated and also some news. Due to some recent personal circumstances I will no longer be able to run the league after this season. I'll still be around the site, gaming, and that jazz I just won't be able to consistently give the time and effort needed to run the league.


As for the future of the league Clawz said he maybe able run it alongside someone else if someone can split the work with him so if someone wants to run it alongside him or if you want to run it yourself message me and let me know so we can begin the transition process after the season ends .I've enjoyed running the league and wish I could continue running it but I sadly won't be able to anymore doods 

That is sad news indeed dood, thanks for all your work. We should throw a farewell party, THL's second anniversary is also coming up too.

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Thanks doods! It has been a pleasure running it and seeing you guys enjoy the league made all the work worthwhile. Also have to give a big thanks to Precision for providing me the tools to run the league and all the admins during my time because without them the prinny regime wouldn't have been possible.


Congrats Prinny, can only imagine the workload involved in this league, all the best in your future endeavours.

I wish you the best of luck Prinny, My first season here and I'm enjoying it a bunch. I would want to leave as well instead of put up with CJ in the next season :)

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Wait... wouldn't it have ended now instead?


Not that it matters much for me because I only earned one trophy in that time. :P

Daylight Savings Time started in EU, the clock has been moved forward an hour. Since the THL competitions are based on GMT+0, it ends an hour earlier for American gamers.

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Daylight Savings Time started in EU, the clock has been moved forward an hour. Since the THL competitions are based on GMT+0, it ends an hour earlier for American gamers.

Welp, in that case, I think ppm and I may have had the closest match yet. Going by my count, I think I won by one point.

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League tables are updated and also some news. Due to some recent personal circumstances I will no longer be able to run the league after this season. I'll still be around the site, gaming, and that jazz I just won't be able to consistently give the time and effort needed to run the league.


As for the future of the league Clawz said he maybe able run it alongside someone else if someone can split the work with him so if someone wants to run it alongside him or if you want to run it yourself message me and let me know so we can begin the transition process after the season ends .I've enjoyed running the league and wish I could continue running it but I sadly won't be able to anymore doods 


I understand your situation. Its kinda sad leaving your duty. We will never forget you and your prinny spirit that you gave us dood. I hope our rematch comes someday. Cheers..

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Well, I probably lost, like usual. Less time for games and laziness to blame here. Could have gotten an extra point if I was a few hours earlier. Oh well, I don't have work tomorrow and with this season done, I'll have less pressure when I finally finish up Borderlands 2 for the plat. My new computer also is expected to arrive on Monday, so I'll be able to visit the site regularly (and when I mean regularly, I mean not through my iPod touch).

Edited by BlueFireReaper
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Wow, I really made it ^^

I'll have you know that I'll score a zero during the first round of the CWC, having made it here is big enough, considering I've never been so busy in my life.....I guess that's made me more efficient xD

Best of luck to all CWC competitors!!

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IIRC, I had 159 points and I know I had two plats instead of one since I popped the Bigfest platinum soon after the fixture started (it was 8 PM my time, so even if it started at 7 PM instead for some reason, that would still be within the timeframe for me) and got the Taco Master platinum afterwards.


At least Tentacle didn't count so I could get that definitive win. :P

Edited by Walter-kun
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Congrats to all of the league champions and good luck in the CWC.  :)


Looks like Mystvayne passed me up for a promotion spot to the Platinum League. Guess I'll be sticking around the Gold League for another season, which is fine by me since I'd probably get my ass kicked in Platinum. Congrats Mystvayne and everyone else who earned promotions this season as well. 

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IIRC, I had 159 points and I know I had two plats instead of one since I popped the Bigfest platinum soon after the fixture started (it was 8 PM my time, so even if it started at 7 PM instead for some reason, that would still be within the timeframe for me) and got the Taco Master platinum afterwards.


At least Tentacle didn't count so I could get that definitive win. :P


Still not really sure about your score though, i kept getting different scores everytime i recounted.. your list was really confusing to count lmao. But at least you're right with the 2 plats must have missed it i guess.

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HcG-_Clawz (2) vs HcG-_Terror (6) vs omar280792 (0) vs pureproteinman (0)


Well in the lowest scoring round in CWC history no one is eliminated since there is a tie for the lowest score during that round but now the 2 people with the lowest score at the end of round 2 will be eliminated. Round 2 of the CWC has begun doods.

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Nice one Prinny, but you are a day late for April Fool's. Like we are really going to believe that those 4 only put up a total of 8 points. Oh wait, you are being serious?  :facepalm:


Looks like everyone used up all of their points during the season. Either that or everyone decided to sandbag and save their points for the later days of the CWC since omar already said he was putting up a 0 on the 1st day.  :hmm:

Edited by MStalker58
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I think I messed up. I actually got a trophy but didn't sync because I thought it wouldn't make a difference......dang it!

It's late night here so I won't be able to sync in a few hours but I take it it changes nothing now, doesn't it? >_<'

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