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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Well, that seemed to be fun. Hopefully,  I can finish up BBS before Season 13 starts (Though honestly, that may all depend on how I do when it comes to No Heart and the Unknown with Aqua and Ventus, and the combat levels for Ven didn't go up - yikes!). Also want to do Skyrim after this, but since I renewed my PS+ again (this time for a year), I may end up mixing that in with the other games I have saved (most specifically Dishonored, I Am Alive, and Yakuza 4).

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I'm beginning the transition process with Clawz today giving him the details of what needs to be done and handing over the keys to the castle so not really sure when the new season will be arriving.

Awesome, looks like an anime fan is taking over :D. I support the Dutch takeover, The Netherlands FTW :awesome:.

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Kinda of exciting to see a new beginning. But will I be in, that is the question.

You will be in, if you are still wanting to join. Pretty sure Somalia said he is retiring for 6 months or so. That opens up a spot for sure and there's always the possibility a couple other members take a break.

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Thats odd.. What happen to this Zajac take over banner fiasco?


While Zajac was failing his silly take over attempts i have kept quite and been working in the shadows for a master plan to take over the league that just couldn't go wrong. And all that work paid off :D

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While Zajac was failing his silly take over attempts i have kept quite and been working in the shadows for a master plan to take over the league that just couldn't go wrong. And all that work paid off :D


kept quite what? 


In other news I'm too busy being a pain and pointing out typos to have time to run the league. :P

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It would seem that without the Prinny regime, this is gonna turn into Anime Watcher's League.

Quick, someone bring a prinny in before it's too late! :o


*phones up Etna and Seraphina* Yeah, I need an army of your Prinny servants, major emergency here. Grab all those slackers and force-feed them a can of sardines then ship them over ASAP! xD


:ninja: What? Wdjat's not the only one who plays Disgaea games for fun, dood! Look at my list - five Disgaea games on it! I am having a lot of fun with 5 now.


*uses his ninja magic to escape before anyone asks questions*

Edited by DetectiveCJ
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