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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Excited about the next season as well, but I'm kind of glad we are on a break right now. Trophy progress in GRID Autosport is going very S...L...O...W...and I haven't even started the online grind of reaching rank 250.  :facepalm:


Probably should go back and try chipping away at those challenges in P4AU as well since both of these games might be pushed to the back-burner once next season starts.

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Here's a list of members for season 13. I hope to have everything ready and get started in about 2 weeks. (if we have enough members to start :D )


Current Members

  1. HcG-_Clawz
  2. ReimiSaionji9742
  3. ToxiKirby
  4. Mah2c
  5. zajac9999
  6. xZoneHunter
  7. Dragon-Archon
  8. HcG-_Terror
  9. Mystvayne
  10. MStalker58
  11. RalphyLDN
  12. Jarethgeason
  14. Gregorymany
  15. man_with_wdjat
  16. J2V_89
  17. X18JELLO18X
  18. omar280792
  19. Mike13858
  20. Kochiya-Shana
  21. TheAkittaja123
  22. ShogunCroCop
  23. ganryu_pl
  24. freddie1989
  25. Ichiban-Hybrid
  26. me3lingual
  27. pureproteinman
  28. Wdog-999
  29. the_couchster
  30. x9zachattack5x
  31. Hemiak
  32. Whyfire
  33. Edunstar84
  34. BlueFireReaper
New members
  1. cjshaitan
  2. XX_FTW
  3. Obscure_Ale
  4. DocVoltacon
Purged/Retired members
  1. whoadreader
  2. Somalia99
  3. Boooda56
  4. NICK16_06
  5. Ka-Pi96
  6. VASORAT13
So this means there are 2 open spots. If something is wrong or anyone changes their mind please let me know.


So far it seems you have avoided the prinny juice. ;)

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Hey, everyone, it's been a long time since I last visited this thread. How's everyone doing?



Trophy progess has been slow due to not much time. But I'm almost done school, so hopefully I will be better for next season. How have you been?

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@JELLO Pretty good. got my diploma from college around early February , and slowly getting back to my trophy hunting ways.



That's awesome buddy. Congrats :D  What were you taking, if you don't mind me asking?

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@JEELLO Oh nothing much. I finally decided to open up Senran Kagura Estival Versus for the Vita and try to get the platinum.


Just a couple of weeks ago, I came back from my vacation in Thailand and Indonesia. Words cannot describe how much I loved it, especially when it came to the food and the weather. The flight, which was around 21 hours in total (went from Toronto to Shanghai, China, and then from China to Bangkok, Thailand) felt like forever. In that time, I tried my best to platinum Dungeon Travelers 2, but that damn 20k kill count trophy is a pain in the ass. Still didn't get it.

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Hey, everyone, it's been a long time since I last visited this thread. How's everyone doing?


Hey, nice timing :D We are just in need of 2 more people to get the league started and you just started getting back into trophy hunting. This can only mean 1 thing :awesome:

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Sigh... Hell why not. I guess I will join. I know that I must start from the beginning, which is fine by me. Shame that Booda won't be in the THL.


Lastly, I don't expect myself to be as good as I was back when I was in my prime, but I will try my best :)


EDIT: btw I hate you Clawz for making me join lol :P

Edited by GarciaFever
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