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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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You sure are a talkative bunch down there in the lower leagues. Newcomers and returning former members usually put up decent scores the first few fixtures since they might have some extra motivation and energy since the league is brand new or fresh to them. Then you have some other members who have built up a nice backlog of big point games since they obviously weren't using them while they were busy getting demoted in previous seasons. We'll see if you all can keep it up the whole season.  :D


Ichiban, IIRC, you were in the Bronze League a couple of seasons ago with me. Pretty sure I won that league while going undefeated with all DW's. Don't make me get demoted on purpose to come give you a reminder!  :P


This be how it is....



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Congrats on the win Ichiban.

I must say I am really reaching peak performance form, with 3 straight loss and first platinum for the month in the break I feel a clean sweep approaching ...... Bring on the wooden spoon


You've had some bad luck so far considering your first 3 opponents have all scored over 100 points. When counting scores, I thought you might have had your first victory, but Ichiban put up a good fixture. I feel some better luck coming your way after the break. Congrats on the plat, even it did come in the break.  :D

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You sure are a talkative bunch down there in the lower leagues. Newcomers and returning former members usually put up decent scores the first few fixtures since they might have some extra motivation and energy since the league is brand new or fresh to them. Then you have some other members who have built up a nice backlog of big point games since they obviously weren't using them while they were busy getting demoted in previous seasons. We'll see if you all can keep it up the whole season.   :D


Ichiban, IIRC, you were in the Bronze League a couple of seasons ago with me. Pretty sure I won that league while going undefeated with all DW's. Don't make me get demoted on purpose to come give you a reminder!   :P




Huh never seen you enter here before then..

Well Im just playing around.. Cmon.. No need that blaster in point blank directly to me.. >_>



Just check out the results of Seasons 1 and 2. You can see how most of the time I have to buy games that not only will give me enough points, but also make sure that I can complete them within a reasonable time. No point in me starting a 50+ hour game where most of the time will be spent grinding for stuff.



This be how it is....





You better pray that I don't face you in the upcoming fixture lol :P

Edited by GarciaFever
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You still have about 22 minutes of break left. Better drink up that coffee fast, and don't forget to go to the bathroom too!


I'm confused. Wouldn't the break have ended 55 minutes ago? We have been starting fixtures at 7 PM EDT and it's 7:55 right now. Was there a time change that I missed or something?

Edited by MStalker58
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Sorry these are late. Computer issues. Here are the matchups for fixture 4


Platinum League


ToxiKirby v MStalker58
Mystvayne v zajac9999
HcG-_Clawz v Dragon-Archon
HcG-_Terror v Mah2c
xZoneHunter v ReimiSaionji9742
Gold League
Jarethgeason v TheAkittaja123
ShogunCroCop v RalphyLDN
Mike13858 v omar280792
Gregorymany v Kochiya-Shana
Silver League
x9zachattack5x v pureproteinman
man_with_wdjat v Whyfire
X18JELLO18X v the_couchster
Edunstar84 v Hemiak
Wdog-999 v J2V_89
Bronze League
XX_FTW v BlueFireReaper
Ichiban-Hybrid v GarciaFever
DocVoltacon v Obscure_Ale
freddie1989 v cjshaitan
Greenguy81 v me3lingual
Approximate start time: 70 minutes ago
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Sorry these are late. Computer issues. Here are the matchups for fixture 4


Platinum League


ToxiKirby v MStalker58
Mystvayne v zajac9999
HcG-_Clawz v Dragon-Archon
HcG-_Terror v Mah2c
xZoneHunter v ReimiSaionji9742
Gold League
Jarethgeason v TheAkittaja123
ShogunCroCop v RalphyLDN
Mike13858 v omar280792
Gregorymany v Kochiya-Shana
Silver League
x9zachattack5x v pureproteinman
man_with_wdjat v Whyfire
X18JELLO18X v the_couchster
Edunstar84 v Hemiak
Wdog-999 v J2V_89
Bronze League
XX_FTW v BlueFireReaper
Ichiban-Hybrid v GarciaFever
DocVoltacon v Obscure_Ale
freddie1989 v cjshaitan
Greenguy81 v me3lingual
Approximate start time: 70 minutes ago



Wait what!? I thought it started on the 11th at 7pm (according to the EST time? Damn If I would have known that, I would have planned ahead of time before I left for work.

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Wait what!? I thought it started on the 11th at 7pm (according to the EST time? Damn If I would have known that, I would have planned ahead of time before I left for work.


Nope, May 10th at 7 PM EDT, because that would mean May 11 in London, UK. The break did feel short because it went fast.

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Sorry these are late. Computer issues. Here are the matchups for fixture 4


Platinum League


HcG-_Clawz v Dragon-Archon



The battle of the Dutchies uh. Good luck Dragon.

I should just play Operation Abyss and make it a fun match between the same game but im not in the mood to play that game atm. Gotta get those preparations done for making SAO my 200th plat.

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The battle of the Dutchies uh. Good luck Dragon.

I should just play Operation Abyss and make it a fun match between the same game but im not in the mood to play that game atm. Gotta get those preparations done for making SAO my 200th plat.

Awww yeah, the highlight of this season is here, it's all been leading up to this :dance:. Let's make this one to remember Clawz :highfive:, I'll just leave this here to set the mood:



Nice, that's a great milestone :yay:. I'm also thinking of saving that plat for a milestone.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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