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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 starts August 1st!

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I have begun shaping the tables for next season, it is a Work In Progress (WIP) but for anyone that is interested, feel free to have a look. When you click on the link you will see that there are now tabs between season standings  :rolleyes: . Please do not ask me what everything means, i do intend to add a fully key in a separate tab before the start of season 2  :yay: 

Edited by Precision-Playy
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looks like a great Idea tbh, i'd Like to Sign up for Season 2 but i don't know if there are any requirements to Join ??


The only requirement is me having space, which unfotunately i have none of :/ i can put you on the waiting lists waiting list, but i couldn't tell you how long you'll be there for, as there are already 3 people on there  

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The only requirement is me having space, which unfotunately i have none of :/ i can put you on the waiting lists waiting list, but i couldn't tell you how long you'll be there for, as there are already 3 people on there  

Cool m8 even if i didn't make it to Season 2, i am ready to wait and Join Season 3, i like trophy competitions makes trophy hunting much more fun imo.

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Just a quick thought.  If you hate it I won't be offended.


Going in this season we all knew it was a Beta and things would be changed and modified on the fly.  We were all put into leagues based on our current psn level as a base predictor of our performance.  What this lead to is a wide variety in performance even within respective "leagues"  My suggestion is that from the first season to the second, the divisions could be assigned based on Season One point totals. Current members would be evenly divided into Plat, Gold and Silver based on this seasons' performance.  I know there are people in the Platinum league who would probably prefer to drop down a league for a better sense of competition, and there are people in Bronze and Silver who should probably move up more than one league at this time. Obviously after things get more settled moving up or down one league will work perfectly and give people more incentive to work towards a good record.


I hope I'm explaining this properly.  If you don't want to mess with it Precision I totally understand, I was just thinking this might work for the first Season transition.  Thanks if you actually take the time to read this ramble.

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Just a quick thought.  If you hate it I won't be offended.


Going in this season we all knew it was a Beta and things would be changed and modified on the fly.  We were all put into leagues based on our current psn level as a base predictor of our performance.  What this lead to is a wide variety in performance even within respective "leagues"  My suggestion is that from the first season to the second, the divisions could be assigned based on Season One point totals. Current members would be evenly divided into Plat, Gold and Silver based on this seasons' performance.  I know there are people in the Platinum league who would probably prefer to drop down a league for a better sense of competition, and there are people in Bronze and Silver who should probably move up more than one league at this time. Obviously after things get more settled moving up or down one league will work perfectly and give people more incentive to work towards a good record.


I hope I'm explaining this properly.  If you don't want to mess with it Precision I totally understand, I was just thinking this might work for the first Season transition.  Thanks if you actually take the time to read this ramble.


Firstly i would like to say, i feel i need to point out, that i read all ramble... no matter how rambley ;) . Secondly, it is a good way to sort things out, but there is fault to every method. I like the idea, however, if say for instance, zajac had been in the gold league and played HcG-_Clawz and THCBudz, would he still be looking at 5 wins of 6? equally, if mendant909 had been in the bronze league, would he still be patiently awaiting a first victory ? this season it all partially came down to luck of the draw, who you ended up with in your league, and because of the expansion of the league and due to no relegations, some people will struggle again next season, but if you lok at the way promotions and relegations will be next season that is where the real sorting will begin. this season thanks to promotions maybe 7//32 players will be closer to where they need to be, but next season that figure is going to be closer to 18/40 it always takes a couple of seasons to sort a new league of this fashion, but would it be worth me re-juggling another building block that i have had in place since the very start of the season just for tables that will still only be, at best, good for around half the players? since we have another 10, whos skill we a yet to establish, joining in.  

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Yes man, when do you want to do it? HcG-_clawz wants to do it aswell, soo we could do it together :D


We joined the same Blops 2 gaming session earlier this week but the host never showed up. Yeah we could do that I'll send you a FR!

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Grinding, so won't be doing much this fixture. But the grind will be worth it. Should net me the rest of the Madden 13 trophies I need by the start of next season, which are 9 silvers, 1 gold, and the plat. In sacrificing points for this season by grinding a handful of games, I am setting myself up nicely for next season.

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