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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 starts August 1st!

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Both added :) only need 1 more person now! :D

  1. Precision-playy
  2. MeroTheMagician
  3. nexus_x2007
  4. silverstag88
  5. Krazy_99
  6. zajac9999
  7. Hemiak
  8. omar280792
  9. shadowhood1111
  10. STFUxDxD
  11. twaanie
  12. MrCostari
  13. theshywaterguy
  14. XShadowYazukaX
  15. RachP13
  16. Grindcore12391
  17. ExHaseo
  18. DJ-Silver
  19. Mendant909
  20. AdmiralClassy
  21. ShogunCroCop
  22. dragnierkira
  23. HcG-_Clawz
  24. Vacio_Luna
  25. HcG-_Terror
  26. GarciaFever
  27. xZoneHunter
  28. Diddle666
  29. THCBudz
  30. JosuePR_41
  31. Goekie
  32. TJ-Yoshi
Edited by Precision-Playy
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I honestly think that for one single season, a certain game cannot be counted more than once such as a cross save/buy game or at least put it to only doing one per fixture.


Also keeping stats per week such as total points and most points in a week per division would be a cool feature to implement so we can see who's doing the best and have like awards such as MVP for the division of that season.

Edited by Grindcore12391
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Entry is now closed, Please all stand by for the rulings that will be posted later, to hopefully make it more fun for everyone, also shortly the leagues will be released to you all so you can see who you are with and also a season forecast :)

:platinum: PLATINUM LEAGUE :platinum:
shadowhood1111  - 34.26
zajac9999       - 32.05
Diddle666       - 31.39
DJ-Silver       - 27.49
dragnierkira    - 27.34
GarciaFever     - 25.44
MrCostari       - 24.67
Mendant909      - 21.90
:gold: GOLD LEAGUE :gold:
Goekie          - 20.34
HcG-_Clawz      - 19.06
THCBudz         - 18.93
xZoneHunter     - 18.59
HcG-_Terror     - 18.57
JosuePR_41      - 18.45
Vacio_Luna      - 18.26
ExHaseo         - 17.90
:silver: SILVER LEAGUE :silver:
Krazy_99        - 17.70
AdmiralClassy   - 16.94
Hemiak          - 16.42
Precision-playy - 16.04
RachP13         - 15.49
omar280792      - 15.26
STFUxDxD        - 14.77
theshywaterguy  - 14.77
:bronze: BRONZE LEAGUE :bronze:
silverstag88    - 14.32
MeroTheMagician - 14.02
nexus_x2007     - 13.21
ShogunCroCop    - 13.17
twaanie         - 13.16
Grindcore12391    - 12.61
XShadowYakuzaX  - 10.25
TJ-Yoshie       - 04.70

Fixture Forecast.
Fix set 1 : 10th - 14th April
Fix set 2 : 15th - 19th April
Fix set 3 : 20th - 24th April
Fix set 4 : 25th - 29th April
Fix set 5 : 30th - 4th May
Fix set 6 : 5th - 9th May
Fix Set 7 : 10th - 14th May
League Winners Cup brawl : 15th - 20th May
Out Season : 21st and 22nd May
New Season Start - 23rd May
Edited by Precision-Playy
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  1.  Once you have played a certain game in one particular season, you cannot play that game on any other systems or any other versions such as the Japanese version, well you can..but you won't get any points for it. Example: sound Shapes EU version, you play and get points for, if you then play it on vita in the same season, you wont get any points for it. 
  2. if you cross-save a game for the easy points, they will not be counted. 
  3. Games that you complete in under 1 hour, will not be counted. Examples: Detuned, Aabs Animals.
  4. You gain 3 League points for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss.
  5. The points system will be:
  • Bronze : 1 pt
  • Silver : 2 pts
  • Gold : 6 pts
  • Platinum : 12 pts

League Winners cup format.

The League winners cup is exclusive to the 4 players that win their respective League. They will be put into a 4 way frenzy over a 6 day period. After 2 days the lowest scorer will be knocked out and the scores for the remaining 3 reset. Those 3 players will the compete and after 2 further days, the lowest scorer will be eliminated and scores reset again. After another 2 days the player with the highest score of the 2 players left, will win the League Winners Cup.

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Oh i see, i have a generator albrego.


As for timezones, the calculations will be different for every one, however the results will be posted 18 hours (roughly) after the fixture has finished, allowing for all timezones to reach their end time. For those that are massively ahead, like Australia, you know the first fixture is released on the 10th so you know you need to be earning trophies from the 10th onwards, in your own timezone i guess. Scores will be done through what your profile says. If it says you earned a trophy on March 10th, itll be counted                                                                   

Edited by Precision-Playy
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