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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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Best of luck to everyone. I've got something approaching a strategy cooked up but I have a test tomorrow so I need to make some headway in studying for that first. It definitely complicates things having to use games with a top 50 time of 6 hours.

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Hmmm.....was ready to bet my life savings on Andrea but I'm going to lose that betting on Dragon in his race it seems :P so I'll just bet a penny on her and since that is all I will have to my name that is a big deal......So no pressure or anything dood

The year isn't over yet dood :awesome:.


YYYYYYEEEEESSSSSS!!!! The dream retirement 0-9 season is no longer a dream, going out like a true G :pimp: Free doughnuts for everyone to commemorate my number of wins this season doods ;)

Awesome, congrats :yay:. Thanks for the doughnuts dood.

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Once again, no sign of life in the Bronze League. Kind of spooky how more than half of that league vanished right in time for Halloween. As score admins, we thank you for making our jobs easier. As human beings, we are kind of worried about your all's well-being.

Just so you guys know, I am alive. I knew I would be too busy to compete towards the end of the season, so at one point I just decided to cut my losses and save my trophies for upcoming events. Congrats Andrea on taking over the Bronze League. Good luck in the CWC!

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She did all of this while still finding the time to fix some delicious apple biscuits and other baked goods that may or may not have been used as bribes to the admin staff. That's a winner in my books!  :) 

THOSE WERE DELICIOUS! Yeah we don't accept bribes so that's unfortunate.



I mean, the last Bronze League champion to not when the CWC was some complete scrub who wasted all his points in early rounds and embarrassingly fell short in the finals. Can't remember his name, but he was definitely a scrub.

Hmmm... this could be me because, not last time, but the time before that, I wasted my points at the CWC early rounds as bronze league championship..

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She did all of this while still finding the time to fix some delicious apple biscuits and other baked goods that may or may not have been used as bribes to the admin staff. That's a winner in my books!  :) 

THOSE WERE DELICIOUS! Yeah we don't accept bribes so that's unfortunate.

How come I didn't get any?

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Good luck to all CWC participants!


Bronze League

jem12345 (0) - (60) bladesoframen
Obscure_Ale (0) - (0) XX_FTW
ShogunCroCop (0) - (0) VASORAT13
LucasV9991 (4) - (0) DocVoltacon
Superunknown9281 (15) - (0) Ichiban-Hybrid


Wow, some fierce fights in the Bronze League this fixture  xD

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Just a reminder for the CWC participants. You only have 2 hours to sync after each round. If you are going to be busy during that time-frame at the end of the round, remember to sync when you get the chance.


Hmmm... this could be me because, not last time, but the time before that, I wasted my points at the CWC early rounds as bronze league championship..


Nah, I was making fun of myself. IIRC, you lost to zajac in the season before I joined and then I lost to Toxi in my rookie season. After that though, it's been all bronze with pureproteinman, Obscure_Ale, and you winning last season.


Gold League:

Promoted: Pureproteinman, HcG-_Clawz


Uhhhh....Clawz got promoted? Guess I have an ass-kicking coming my way next season.  :huh:


Hmmm.....was ready to bet my life savings on Andrea but I'm going to lose that betting on Dragon in his race it seems :P so I'll just bet a penny on her and since that is all I will have to my name that is a big deal......So no pressure or anything dood


Well that wasn't a smart bet. Everyone knows that Dragon has absolutely no chance at winning that race. Think you might have a winning bet with Andrea though. That'd be my pick too but it could be a tough battle since all 4 of them can put up monster numbers if they have the time and motivation. 

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