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Delisting December 1st 2023/Server Shutdown January 31st 2024


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I'm sitting at 1.36.484 on Race A after spending a couple hours on qualifying time trial last Friday and I'm usually getting poles depending on who is playing Americas region has a lot of hardcore GT fans that don't even need the trophies but have crazy times and constantly play so wins and poles are still a problem with a time like that.

In my experience neither a wheel nor TC or BB are needed at all ABS should stay on default. A manual transmission is a most for the first corner so if you are not used to that you are missing out on precious seconds you could be saving I always advice playing on the view from the hood as well so you can have a better view on were you are hitting the apexes.

You should be aiming at hitting the first sector at the very least 33 seconds with something and the second at around 1:03 or 1:02 if possible and restarting and practicing those sectors as many times till you can hit those times consistently. 

The main problem is people playing dirty so If you start on first you usually will get rammed at the start usually most of my wins are were I start 2nd or 3rd. I'll take the poles I can get but the wins might requiered a much average pole time for me so I'll might switch to Interlagos after my poles or wait till next month races.

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8 hours ago, Abraniell said:


You should be aiming at hitting the first sector at the very least 33 seconds with something and the second at around 1:03 or 1:02 if possible and restarting and practicing those sectors as many times till you can hit those times consistently. 

Oh I've actually been managing to hit that first sector at usually around 33 seconds automatic. Almost always under 34. Had one that was almost exactly 33. It's actually the second one that usually I'm more like 1:04 something. And then the following area just feels like a total crap shoot.  I'm trying to get familiar with it, and slowly building familiarity.  So I'll keep trying to build up that pole time.


And yeah if you play clean you may fair better on race B honestly. It has a lot of good corners to try and maintain a leading position and bait people overshooting when trying to catch you. But I just cannot manage consistency with a car that powerful. So I've focused on A. But I think if I was more confident I'd do B. 


9 hours ago, iXanon said:


You have to do it whilst driving using the D-pad.


Ah okay.

Your video was very helpful by the way because while some of it still seems weird to me, I'm starting to understand some of it more. I was able to drop my time over a full second to 1:38.329!  And I know for a fact that that was on a first sector that was in the high 33s so I can absolutely lower that to 33, and the upward turn that comes shortly after I know I didn't take as well as I can. So that's two areas I know I can improve outside of my struggles with the final sector. 


This is so hard lol! I knew it would be hard but I don't know if I expected this. But I'm committed now. Geez. It's just going to take me much much longer at my skill level.

Edited by Chettlar
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Good morning, friends, I have a small problem and I'm looking for answers, I ended up deleting my save data due to a buggy trophy, and I couldn't recover it using the cloud, as all my progress was erased, and I already had more than 40 victories , the question is do I continue where I left off or will I have to do it all over again?



this is the result now

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5 hours ago, iXanon said:

As estatísticas do GT Sport podem ser temperamentais na melhor das hipóteses ao alternar entre consoles.


Como você está realizando um processo semelhante, pode ser francamente ou/ou - mas obviamente você espera que isso mantenha algum progresso.


Unfortunately no, I'm redoing everything from scratch, so be patient.😞

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Are we positive only the 4 online trophies will be affected?


I started the game again offline on a fresh account to test it and, although I could gain xp and level up, it all reset when I closed the game. I also couldn't even access Brand Central while offline.


As I understand, all progress is saved on the servers. So, unless they patch it by January, each "offline" trophy will need to be achieved without turning off the console.

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1 hour ago, alomurilo said:

Are we positive only the 4 online trophies will be affected?


I started the game again offline on a fresh account to test it and, although I could gain xp and level up, it all reset when I closed the game. I also couldn't even access Brand Central while offline.


As I understand, all progress is saved on the servers. So, unless they patch it by January, each "offline" trophy will need to be achieved without turning off the console.

"As I understand, all progress is saved on the servers. So, unless they patch it by January, each "offline" trophy will need to be achieved without turning off the console."


I really hope some maniac would try to test this but I think they'll just remain unobtainable.

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Taken from this article on GTPlanet:


@alomurilo @LGamerr




“The situation with Gran Turismo Sport is a little more complicated, as the game requires an online connection in order to save game progress. However it appears that Polyphony Digital will revert this requirement, allowing players to keep access to the “offline” game modes.”


“However all vehicles and all world circuits will remain accessible, and it will remain possible to save gameplay progress to unlock cars and items in-game. That will assuage fears, particularly among those players keen on game history preservation, to continue playing Sport in perpetuity.”



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On 11/30/2023 at 5:45 PM, WerneckH said:

The Souvenir trophies are gettable offline, just to confirm.
Just make sure to have the cars, because Brand Central is locked offline.


While this true, I don't think you can get the 100 photos one, because I believe cumulative ones are based on achievements, and the offline warning screen when you go into Scapes explicitly says that the achievement will not be updated. I don't know for absolute certain that the trophy doesn't have its own tracker rather than just looking for whether the achievement is completed, but I wouldn't take that risk for sure. And yeah like you said, Brand Central doesn't work offline. 


So if even simple stuff like taking pictures hardly works offline, I wouldn't leave anything undone before the end of January.

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