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-Warning- platinum might lock


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Last update I can find is from Twitter, posted on 12 Jan.


I must say, I'm shaking in my boots a bit. My profile is 100% completion except for the couple of games I'm working on. Although I have high faith they'll fix it, I'd hate to have my profile tainted by a glitch 😕

Edited by Cosmicborne
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15 minutes ago, Deano1337 said:

Does anyone know if there’s any other updates outside the Reddit post, i.e. discord or anything?  Would be good to see if they are any closer to a fix

Until they post on Twitter that the update is ready, there's nothing any of us can do except twiddle our thumbs and wait for the patch to land.

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13 minutes ago, Cosmicborne said:

Last update I can find is from Twitter, posted on 12 Jan.


I must say, I'm shaking in my boots a bit. My profile is 100% completion except for the couple of games I'm working on. Although I have high faith they'll fix it, I'd hate to have my profile tainted by a glitch 😕

I understand your pain.  My past self left 3 games unfinished when their servers went down so most I can ever get now is 99.69% or something.  I’m confident a patch will come, and if not there’s the (terrible) option of playing the disk version at V1.0 I think.

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3 minutes ago, kdogg_gamer_ said:

I think some of you are a bit too worried, they just got Indie Studio of the Year, they acknowledged the issue. It takes time to unbork it. I have confidence it will 100% be fixed. 


The problem will be fixed, we just have to be patient and give the devs time to find the root cause then patch it.

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I like the optimism. I really hope they do fix it- and I think the game has been a big success so I’m hopeful it will be….


However I spent a ridiculous number of hours playing Olli Olli World (which is fantastic) but the trophies were glitched in that and they remain glitched. 

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Hurry up please FurLabs! 

and to make up for this please do a sale on the DLC, otherwise I’m not buying it! I had very intention to buy the DLC full price but after this fiasco I won’t pay a penny until it’s fixed and even then I won’t be paying full price for both pieces. 

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12 hours ago, Azure Kite said:

Trophies broke... That's it. 

The game is still 100% playable. 

A very small minority of people actually care about trophies, and you think you're owed compensation because a trophy won't unlock? 

Entitled much. 

Aww bless you! How sensitive, it was said in jest but yeah I won’t be paying full price for DLC. If the game comes with features they should work. I’m guessing you’re a fan of Ubisoft 😂 


p.s this is a thread in which people are obviously venting about the subject. If you don’t care why are you here.

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2 hours ago, FocusDR said:

Aww bless you! How sensitive, it was said in jest but yeah I won’t be paying full price for DLC. If the game comes with features they should work. I’m guessing you’re a fan of Ubisoft 😂 


p.s this is a thread in which people are obviously venting about the subject. If you don’t care why are you here. Moron. 


Nothing about your comment was made to seem like you were joking. 


Who said I didn't care? 

I'm just saying it's incredibly self entitled of you to expect compensation simply because a trophy broke. 

And you're calling me sensitive? 🤣


1 quick look at my profile would show you that I do Infact likely care. 

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3 hours ago, Azure Kite said:


Nothing about your comment was made to seem like you were joking. 


Who said I didn't care? 

I'm just saying it's incredibly self entitled of you to expect compensation simply because a trophy broke. 

And you're calling me sensitive? 🤣


1 quick look at my profile would show you that I do Infact likely care. 

My apologies, I didn’t mean for it to come off like I was whinging or acting entitled. 

have a good day and happy trophy hunting 

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Off topic but I do think devs care for achievements or trophies. Because LOTS of people play these trash games for platinum. And you cannot say the game is good because it's not. If wasnt for trophies and achievements the game community would be like years before that people only played pirate games, or online and would only be buying AAA games. Only a small amount people would be willing to spend full price on these titles. 

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2 hours ago, k0edb said:

Off topic but I do think devs care for achievements or trophies. Because LOTS of people play these trash games for platinum. And you cannot say the game is good because it's not. If wasnt for trophies and achievements the game community would be like years before that people only played pirate games, or online and would only be buying AAA games. Only a small amount people would be willing to spend full price on these titles. 

Eh, I think people genuinely really like this game and trophies is secondary to it. Me personally, you're absolutely right; I wouldn't have played this game if not for the trophies, and I should probably change how I approach trophy hunting. 


I shouldn't have started this game, because it is fucking trash, no disagreement there. I really only went for this game because of the platinum and look where I ended up. Waiting for this game to be fixed, as if having one bugged platinum wasn't bad enough, now I've got two (this and Fall Guys). 


I'm super frustrated because they bugged it on like the 14th of December or thereabouts, and now it's been a month and no fix. I know it's coming, etc, etc, but the goddamn Fall Guys devs said they were aware of the platinum being bugged and they've done nothing about it, so I'm getting Deja Vu here. 

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8 hours ago, Ashande said:


That’s a whole lot of assumptions and projection right there. Just because you would only pirate things, think the game is terrible, or the only reason to play it is for the trophies doesn’t mean that applies to others. There has always been a market for off beat games, and something you think is terrible may well be someone else’s favorite game or vice versa.


In the case of Power Wash specifically, some folks - myself included - find it meditative and relaxing, and incredibly satisfying to watch fresh clean lines cut across the grime, and find the “story” of the game (in the assorted text messages and mission descriptions) to be quite entertaining, and while having more trophies in the cabinet is nice (though not the Platinum, I fear; I’m not good enough to complete the gold challenges), that’s not the only or even primary reason to play it.

I think you didn't got the point very well for what I just said and tried to point that I was pirate things? Really didnt understand but whatever. You don't need to search hard to know that piracy on computer is huge, just enter reddit.

Yeah always had a market but minority. Lets go back to ps2 era, there are Millions of game people dont know because majority of the known titles were AAA and the bad ones didnt have much to offer. It's not like today that everything become famous because of a youtuber streaming some junk games with friends and people follow it.

Yeah, I can imagine for you it's relaxing powerwashing but we are on a trophy site and mostly of people are just playing it because it was free like my case and it gets really annoying after spending hours and hours grinding a game boring and repetitive.

You cannot play 40 hours straight doing boring and repetitive thing and find it relaxing man lol (if you would can you please come powerwash my summer house backyard? It would be lovely)


But i got your point and agree with you in many ways, but that's it. If you are a trophy hunter, this addiction might take us to do some things we are not willing to do much just for a "plim" 🤣

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