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RPG Mania 2024 - Trails of Final MegaDimension-verse: Echoes of an Alchemists Sceptre/Staff/Book VI

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If you want to mix things up make the 100% RPG games with no platinums worth more than a game with a plat. People who are concerned with points would have to really play outside their comfort zone because there are games like Tokyo Jungle and Eternal Ring that require a decent time investment to finish but are rarely played because there's no reason to seek these games out due to their lack of points. There's also a ceiling because these games are in the dozens while RPGs with a platinum are in the hundreds.

Edited by Sendai-Horatio
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5 hours ago, acasser said:

Didn't Mistover get delisted from PS4?

Unfortunately yes, so you'd have to get a physical copy if you want to play it. I got mine from Playasia a few years ago, but I am not sure whether they still have it in stock.

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I should probably get this piece of bookkeeping out of the way:


Triple Point Game:  The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie

Double Point Game:  The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Double Point Game:  The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure


On 3/26/2024 at 1:56 AM, AppleKratue said:

Unfortunately yes, so you'd have to get a physical copy if you want to play it. I got mine from Playasia a few years ago, but I am not sure whether they still have it in stock.


Guess I'll take a look for myself and see if I can find a copy at a price point that works for me.  I've had this game on my radar, but getting de-listed made me feel like it would be impossible to play and plat.

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On 3/18/2024 at 10:06 PM, Leon Castle said:

Sign me up for this year too. Already decided on my Triple Point Game.


Triple Point Game: Sand Land


Still need to think on what my Double Point games will be.

Have decided what my 2x games will be


Double Point Game 1: Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution

Double Point Game 2*: Azur Promilia


*No release date yet. If it ends up coming out on/after 2025 April then I change my 2nd 2x game to another RPG in my backlog or upcoming.

On 3/19/2024 at 6:43 PM, Psy-Tychist said:

Tough choice although I would say that the PS4 version probably has some QoL improvements over the PS3 version. Or say to Hell With It and do Both!

Then I do the PS4 version. Get more points that way and saves me the trouble of looking for the disc somewhere at home or at my mom's.

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Before I also forget, here are my double and triple point games:


Triple points - Class of Heroes 2G

Double points - Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky

Double points - Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God


6 hours ago, TenebraZero said:

The contest start tomorrow April 1st right?


Yes you are correct and depending on what timezone you live in it could start earlier for you like how the east coast which would start 4 hours early.

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Hi, all! Since the event starts in less than 24 hours, I figured I'd declare my double and triple point games:


Double Points:

1. Star Ocean: The Second Story R

2. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness


Triple Points:

1. Star Ocean: The Divine Force


If there are any issues, please let me know! Otherwise, good luck everyone, and Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! :)

Edited by InfinateEternity
Corrected the title on my first Double Point game.
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Triple points: Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness - already started at 33% (3 Silvers, 16 Bronze)


Double points #1: Star Ocean Second Story R


Double points #2: Ys 9: Monstrum Nox


@AppleKratue Nice choice of games, especially Atelier Ayesha Plus. I remember getting stuck on them game for months and months. I couldn't figure out how to alchemize the best weapons for the 4 dragons. Muramasa Rebirth YIKES!! That 1 hit playthrough....Good luck :D 

Edited by Edunstar84
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have fun everyone with rpg games tommorow start the event.

i'm finishing crisis core final fantasy 7 reunion ps5 chapter 10 preparing for the final boss fight and the secret boss fight aswell almost unlocked the platinum trophie from the game just 8 trophies left!

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7 hours ago, AlterArchuria said:

Before I also forget, here are my double and triple point games:


Triple points - Class of Heroes 2G

Double points - Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky

Double points - Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God



Yes you are correct and depending on what timezone you live in it could start earlier for you like how the east coast which would start 4 hours early.


Thanks a lot

Anyway the game you have choose for double and triple are a big pain in the ass 🌝

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Welp, just played Super Sentai Princess Peach for my nieces and sharing meat with them for Easter. My sister said that the dessert course was "better than sex", but I dunno - anything with a nut crust on it, in my honest opinion, is never better than making love... not like I ever slept with a woman or even kissed one in my life. :lol:


With that R-rated embarrassment out in the open, I want to give a list of games that I will definitely plan to work on at the start of the event. In fact, I have one being prepped now: Final Fantasy XIV - PS4 list. I finally got 999 levequests(though I went over 1000 due to having to unlock a levemete or two) and now that the Horizon Potion Market went bankrupt I ended up hanging in The Tam-Tara Deepcroft with the ugliest group ever to get 99 guildhests completed. 😛 


I also am working on mining, harvesting, and fishing as much as I can to get the 1000 mining, botany and fishing trophies ready. I'm doing this all on the free trial so I can pop those trophies when I upgrade the account.


There are other games, though: Secret of Mana, Legend of Mana and Trials of Mana are all on the docket(since I put them in my list for the Spring Backlog challenge) and I am really hoping to get the PS3 version of Ni No Kuni started soon. (My dad bought a used PS3 and I had to delete the accounts on it.)


Anyways, good luck to you Peeps(I mean people, not the marshmallow chickens :lol:) tomorrow when the event begins. Ciao for now! ;)

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18 hours ago, acasser said:

Guess I'll take a look for myself and see if I can find a copy at a price point that works for me.  I've had this game on my radar, but getting de-listed made me feel like it would be impossible to play and plat.


Good luck with finding a copy! If you care about 100%, the game has a DLC with trophies. My copy included a code for the Taiwanese store, but I am not sure whether all copies include a code for the DLC and in the case of used copies whether it is still usable.

Nice choices for your double and triple points :)


7 hours ago, Edunstar84 said:

@AppleKratue Nice choice of games, especially Atelier Ayesha Plus. I remember getting stuck on them game for months and months. I couldn't figure out how to alchemize the best weapons for the 4 dragons. Muramasa Rebirth YIKES!! That 1 hit playthrough....Good luck :D 

Thanks and congrats on your hard earned plat! I hope this experience didn't taint your opinion on the Atelier series. The sequel Escha & Logy is way easier to plat as there are no superbosses required for the plat and the games also got in general easier after Ayesha.

Good luck with the Star Ocean games :)

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4 hours ago, AppleKratue said:


Good luck with finding a copy! If you care about 100%, the game has a DLC with trophies. My copy included a code for the Taiwanese store, but I am not sure whether all copies include a code for the DLC and in the case of used copies whether it is still usable.

Nice choices for your double and triple points :)


I know I can find new or new-ish copies through E-Bay; I did a cursory search on that one last night.  Didn't go delving into the DLC, but the anal-retentive completionist in me will drive me to do so soon enough.




I was hoping to have Disgaea 6 done by tonight to stash into the 2023 competition, but it's simply too much mindless grinding.  So it's going to be a similar scenario to my intended experience with 9th Dawn III from last year, in which I have a handful of trophies to finish up and hopefully they can be done reasonably quickly.  Of course, given my experience roughly 12 months ago, I've just finished backing up my saves to a USB out of an abundance of caution paranoia.  😜

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I'll put down my double and triple point games before the month concludes.



Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles



Unicorn Overlord

The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero


Maybe this year I'll actually play one of these things. Good luck and I'll surely be in the middle of the points leaderboard again

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My plan was to April Fool's you all, but... I April Fooled myself as I posted in last year's RPG Mania thread. Oops. :lol: Can't believe that thread isn't shut down yet, guess this event has to start first...




Hopefully the first game on the list will be Final Fantasy XIV, the PS4 edition. I plan on getting the trophies almost all at once. Today I will spend all day working on some of the more grindy trophies. I plan on getting the real stinkers done when I upgrade. Yes, this version is on the Free Trial but I will upgrade to one month of game time just to get the platinum and then deleting this version and deleting my account connected to it, because I already have a dedicated PS5 FFXIV account and don't want to pay for the PS4 version. I plan on buying a level and story skip to get straight to the important trophies by having a Level 80 Warrior just rip and tear through those annoying dungeon runs. ;)

Edited by ProfSeajay7
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Completion #1


First blood goes to...




Hatoful Boyfriend


75 + (0xG, 2xS, 15xB) = 94 - 21.74 = 72.26 × 3 (triple point game) + 50 speed run (69th/9741) = 266.78


Amazing game, a worthy holder of the 'Role Playing' tag on PSNP. Glad I got this in my PS+ library before it got delisted years ago.

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Quick question: since no stacking is allowed, can I choose which stack of a game I do is the one I count for points or do I have to count whichever one I get done first? I ask since I'm working on the four versions of Sorcery Saga at the moment and I want to get the NA plat before I move on to any of the other versions, but I'm considerably farther in that version (61% compared to 8-11% on the other three stacks), so I'd like to know if I can safely just get the NA plat, not submit it, and then just submit one of the other three versions, or if I have to hold off on the NA plat to use any of the other versions.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Walt the Dog said:

Quick question: since no stacking is allowed, can I choose which stack of a game I do is the one I count for points or do I have to count whichever one I get done first? I ask since I'm working on the four versions of Sorcery Saga at the moment and I want to get the NA plat before I move on to any of the other versions, but I'm considerably farther in that version (61% compared to 8-11% on the other three stacks), so I'd like to know if I can safely just get the NA plat, not submit it, and then just submit one of the other three versions, or if I have to hold off on the NA plat to use any of the other versions.


Generally I would say that the first completion is the one that would be valid. In your case, I know you like to do all stacks available so I will allow one of the four stacks to be submitted as per your choice. My only caveat is to know which stack you are going to choose for points beforehand.


On 3/25/2024 at 11:21 PM, graphic_violins8 said:


star ocean the last hope


On 3/19/2024 at 5:31 PM, TenebraZero said:

3x points game: Star ocean till the end of time

As both these games are on the Most Wanted list and worth a 5x bonus, they cannot be your Triple Points games. Another option please.


Edited by Psy-Tychist
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