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How do so many people have the Platinum already?

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It definitely isn’t an 8 with all the new strategies discovered. I’m confident most people can achieve this with enough Optinoob studying, and it’s a direct sequel so the playerbase are people who are already invested. Same reason Trails titles always have such high rarity %

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17 hours ago, Xillynoc said:

10% luck, 20% skill, 15%...honestly, I don't know past that point. Probably demonic bargains involved for most of them.

I have you know I did three Demonic Bargains to do my plat in 1 month and one day. VR Missions suck >.>

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I played this game throughout all of March. It was practically all I played. From 29th Feb to 31st March I played it and got at least 1 Trophy a day. So that's probably how I managed to get the plat already. And it DID take me a while. When I beat the game I was 120 hours in. I was 170 hours in when I got the plat - though it was probably closer to 150 because I kept the game idle longer after I beat it.

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I didn't did the platinum but I'm sure there a lot of final fantasy fans that are doing every final fantasy games that are coming out. Most of them are very good and have experience. For the time well... Alot of people even with a job they play alot. I'm only playing weekends as I don't have PS5 during weekdays I usually play 24 hours per weekend and usually play only 6pm saturday to 4pm sunday straight. Peoples playing video games alot and even when they are busy, they usually don't sleep and game instead. I will probably not sleeping during all the next weekends that are coming and I'm not the only one. Platinum achievers commited themselves to this platinum and didn't give up.

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FF fans are crazy. The X platinum sits at 10%, while being a 200+ hours game. Then you have a random trophy in Mortal Kombat where you need to enter the practice mode at 3%.


Also, a very important thing that I talked in another post a while ago: The auto-updates doesn't work anymore, so it's only tracking the most "hardcore" players, that actually use the site. In the case of FFX is legit, since it's a decade old game, but this one should be way lower.

Edited by Jeanolt
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I am 300 hours in, according to PS5, and there are 285 hours on my save file. I am on chapter 4 of hard mode and I've already beaten chapter 12 when I was cleaning up quests in hard mode for manuscripts. I was at 200 hours almost exactly when I beat the game originally. That includes all the Intel, Gilgamesh (was level 50 and beat him in two tries, only saw that I was supposed to be 70 later) and all mini-games and in-game challenges, excluding the advanced coliseum fights (they become available post-game) and brutal / legendary challenges (didn't want to overlevel for the final boss, so I quit when I saw how much experience it gave me). Almost none of this time was spent on retries or game overs, but I can't say I hurried through it all either. I just explored pretty much everything I could find and experimented with character mechanics.


Post-game I redid all the quests on hard and all the remaining battle challenges. Some of them took me a while! Those being Bonds of Friendship and a couple of coliseum battles (then again I did them on hard for personal challenge, which you don't have to).


It's weird to me how some people just fly through the game in 100 hours, but I bet those same people think that taking 200 hours to beat it is crazy. But here's the thing - I play primarily to enjoy games (and with this game I absolutely do), the trophies are just a nice bonus on top. At this point in chapter 4 I am still enjoying it, I am not skipping any cutscenes and looking forward to redoing the whole thing again as it's still just as fun as it was the first time. Now, FFXVI on the other hand did test my patience! I was ready for it to be over long before it ended. I got the plat, but it felt like an immense slog.

Edited by ShaNagbaImuru777
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5 hours ago, Jeanolt said:

FF fans are crazy. The X platinum sits at 10%, while being a 200+ hours game. Then you have a random trophy in Mortal Kombat where you need to enter the practice mode at 3%.


Also, a very important thing that I talked in another post a while ago: The auto-updates doesn't work anymore, so it's only tracking the most "hardcore" players, that actually use the site. In the case of FFX is legit, since it's a decade old game, but this one should be way lower.


That's a really good point about the auto-updates, how long have they been broken and do we know when we can expect a fix?

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21 hours ago, Jinkelz said:

When I look at the leaderboards and see oh so many trophy I have a hard feeling that the top players are bots (metaphorically speaking), so there is your answer:

dont take your habits as the default, that doesnt appliy to the invested gamers who are quite a different bunch of people.


I wouldnt share my account with someone to farm trophies on a single account to accumulate them faster.

I wouldnt invest money into getting 2 consoles to "share accounts" and fast play or however it does work.

And at first I thought "really, there are people doing that?" followed by a quick "that explains a lot".


So simply said: just because you dont do it or deem it impossible or unlikely, this doesnt mean it is either, in fact whenever there is a scoreboard, you better believe there will be people doing whatever they can think of to climb that top spot - within or without the boundaries of any given rules - either because it is entertaining, or because they can, or because it is addictive, or because something that I cant fathom.

I never said it was impossible for people to get the Platinum this fast, it's the sheer quantity of people that already have it that baffles me. 

19 hours ago, NathanW18 said:

The people with the earliest plats probably got early copies.


Final Fantasy fans seem to be pretty dedicated completionists. Quite a few of the FF games have highish plat rates. This game also probably isn't an 8/10 with newer strategies to follow. A lot of the hardest fights in the game can be cheesed with Brumal Form. The magic build is very strong as well. The early guides were mostly focusing on physical damage builds and perfect blocking a lot of attacks. That isn't really the case any more.


Now that they've fixed the G-Bike glitch, I'm sure we'll see quite a few more plats in the coming days as well.

Well yes, thanks to Optinoob this may be more like a 7/10 Platinum, but you have to remember that his guides only started rolling out like 2-3 weeks ago - there are plenty of people who already had the Platinum by then so they had to have done those challenges and hard mode on their own. 

19 hours ago, Nick240894 said:

It is truly insane.


I've been playing the game a ton since day 1, and I only got the platinum a few days ago. Mind you, it took me 290 hours to get it. Now I know I'm quite a slow player, plus I did a 3rd playthrough just for fun as I was grinding the VR challenges instead of just doing them all in one go, but still, this is a long ass platinum journey, and I'd expect it to clock in between 150 and 200 hours for most people.


It's also a very difficult platinum at times, and even if you use guides, some strats are just hard to execute and require a decent amount of practice, perseverance, and patience. I used what I thought was a fairly easy build for the Cloud & Zack duo fight, but it still took like 4 hours of practice to actually beat the challenge. Not to mention that many strats require fully maxed blue materia (like Swiftcast or Magic Focus for example) that sometimes need a total of up to 27000 AP to get to level 5.


I used those materia constantly from the moment I got them and they still were nowhere near fully maxed even after 3 playthroughs. It took an additional 4 to 5 hours of AP farming in the Gold Saucer Colosseum to get them to max.


Between all of these factors, and knowing how much time and effort I put into this plat over the course of 5 weeks, I'm honestly stunned that so many people have it already. At first I genuinely thought it might be an Ultra Rare trophy forever. But we're already at almost 6% obtention rate. It's nuts.

290 hours in less than six weeks...that's crazy. 


Yeah I'm not looking forward to that Cloud & Zack fight, been hearing some bad things about it... Also with the materia, I spent over 10 hours getting everything to max. The amount of AP required to max out some of those blue materia is indeed ridiculous. 

19 hours ago, Yadiin said:

I´m 160 hours in now and the only things missing are Bonds of Friendship and 1 more Loveless go through with Yuffie. 


I´ve spent like 3 weeks with the normal playthrough. Then 2 weeks finishing up all the mini games, sidequests and starting VR missions - the normal ones even. The VR missions are such a bad game design that i can´t get myself more then 2-3 hours a day doing even the easy ones. I´ve done 1-2 legendary bouts a day this week.

Honestly, it´s true that the hard ones aren´t even that hard with the builds that are offered out there. They are just inherently annoying and frustrating to learn due to the stupid gauntlet design.


Obviously you can platinum this game in probably sub 100 hours if you know what you are doing and just skip every cutscene even in the first playthrough - but that would be a wierd thing to assume.

The estimate with 150-200 hours and 8/10 difficulty is pretty accurate playing it for the first time not spending a lot of time on guides during the playthrough already. I´m sure the VR missions are not the only show stopper for a lot of people and some design choices are just super bad. 

Right, the only way to do in less than 100 hours would be to skip literally every cutscene and dialogue sequence...I cannot fathom why anyone would do that because that completely defeats the purpose of the game, but I suppose it is possible. Still, the people doing that can't account for more than a fraction of a percent. 

18 hours ago, NandoKpo said:

I´m still missing the Hard mode trophy because I´m playing some stuff on Xbox before starting it but if I´m here it´s all thanks to Optinooby

Yes, all hail Optinoob 🙌🏻

18 hours ago, PolarPhantom said:

I played this game throughout all of March. It was practically all I played. From 29th Feb to 31st March I played it and got at least 1 Trophy a day. So that's probably how I managed to get the plat already. And it DID take me a while. When I beat the game I was 120 hours in. I was 170 hours in when I got the plat - though it was probably closer to 150 because I kept the game idle longer after I beat it.

I've been playing this game almost consecutively since February 29th too and I'm still a ways off from the Platinum - still have 6 Legendary VR challenges to do as well as Hard mode. I expect my final playtime to be 180-190 hours. 

17 hours ago, draqilo said:

I didn't did the platinum but I'm sure there a lot of final fantasy fans that are doing every final fantasy games that are coming out. Most of them are very good and have experience. For the time well... Alot of people even with a job they play alot. I'm only playing weekends as I don't have PS5 during weekdays I usually play 24 hours per weekend and usually play only 6pm saturday to 4pm sunday straight. Peoples playing video games alot and even when they are busy, they usually don't sleep and game instead. I will probably not sleeping during all the next weekends that are coming and I'm not the only one. Platinum achievers commited themselves to this platinum and didn't give up.

24 hours a weekend that's insane 😂 I'd get burned out on gaming if I gamed like that. 

17 hours ago, Jeanolt said:

FF fans are crazy. The X platinum sits at 10%, while being a 200+ hours game. Then you have a random trophy in Mortal Kombat where you need to enter the practice mode at 3%.


Also, a very important thing that I talked in another post a while ago: The auto-updates doesn't work anymore, so it's only tracking the most "hardcore" players, that actually use the site. In the case of FFX is legit, since it's a decade old game, but this one should be way lower.

LMAO which MK is that out of curiosity? 


Auto-updates don't work anymore, really? This is news to me - how long has this been the case?

12 hours ago, ShaNagbaImuru777 said:

I am 300 hours in, according to PS5, and there are 285 hours on my save file. I am on chapter 4 of hard mode and I've already beaten chapter 12 when I was cleaning up quests in hard mode for manuscripts. I was at 200 hours almost exactly when I beat the game originally. That includes all the Intel, Gilgamesh (was level 50 and beat him in two tries, only saw that I was supposed to be 70 later) and all mini-games and in-game challenges, excluding the advanced coliseum fights (they become available post-game) and brutal / legendary challenges (didn't want to overlevel for the final boss, so I quit when I saw how much experience it gave me). Almost none of this time was spent on retries or game overs, but I can't say I hurried through it all either. I just explored pretty much everything I could find and experimented with character mechanics.


Post-game I redid all the quests on hard and all the remaining battle challenges. Some of them took me a while! Those being Bonds of Friendship and a couple of coliseum battles (then again I did them on hard for personal challenge, which you don't have to).


It's weird to me how some people just fly through the game in 100 hours, but I bet those same people think that taking 200 hours to beat it is crazy. But here's the thing - I play primarily to enjoy games (and with this game I absolutely do), the trophies are just a nice bonus on top. At this point in chapter 4 I am still enjoying it, I am not skipping any cutscenes and looking forward to redoing the whole thing again as it's still just as fun as it was the first time. Now, FFXVI on the other hand did test my patience! I was ready for it to be over long before it ended. I got the plat, but it felt like an immense slog.

Anyone who did this in 100 hours did not care at all for the story and had to have skipped every cutscene and dialogue. That's literally the only way, furthermore those people fall into a very tiny sliver of the playerbase. 


Really? FF16 tested your patience? FF16 is a walk in the park compared to this Platinum. Comparatively I got the FF16 Platinum in just a couple weeks and I didn't have to play like a complete maniac the way I am with Rebirth.

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20 hours ago, KILLjuice008 said:

I got my platinum this week. My job is typically 5-7 days working in a row, then 5-7 days off in a row. Those off days allowed me to crush some Rebirth. I was efficient with my time, I didn't backtrack, I cleared everything as I went. My save file says 155hrs but my PS Profile had me at 162hrs. I am also a little shocked that the platinum is sitting at a 5.49% obtained. Without knowing, I would have guessed we would be closer to 3% platinum only 1.5 months after release. PSNProfile does have a selection bias in their numbers because the most dedicated trophy hunters use this website. The causal masses don't sign up for trophy websites.

But anyone can search for any account and then that account gets measured with the same trophy ratio, no?

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1 hour ago, SuperSaiyan3985 said:


Really? FF16 tested your patience? FF16 is a walk in the park compared to this Platinum. Comparatively I got the FF16 Platinum in just a couple weeks and I didn't have to play like a complete maniac the way I am with Rebirth.


I kind of get what that person means. It comes down to how much you enjoy the game, I think. Yes Rebirth is a much longer and more difficult platinum, but I love the game, so my 290 hours with it were mostly a joy. It didn't really test my patience because when I'm having this much fun, I have all the patience in the world.


But with FF16, I just found the game quite boring and easy. The combat was very simplistic and the entire game is just so barebones that it's honestly mind-numbing on the 2nd playthrough. Final Fantasy mode was nothing but spending 15 minutes at a time beating up bosses that have way too much HP without ever even coming close to dying myself. That's just not engaging to me. The 2nd playthrough was such a slog that it did kind of test my patience, even though I got the platinum at about 140 hours (and I'm sure it can be done much faster).


So yes, shorter and easier than Rebirth, but if you find 16 to be as bland, boring, and tedious as I do, then it makes sense to enjoy the Rebirth journey more.

Edited by Nick240894
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5 hours ago, ZombiJoel_Tlou3 said:

But anyone can search for any account and then that account gets measured with the same trophy ratio, no?

I'm not exactly sure how the numbers on the website work, but I was under the impression that the percentage you see be default on PSNprofilles only takes into account PSNProfile users. When you hover over the number it gives you the actual percentage amongst the entire Playstation users. Meaning 5.64% of PSN users with FF7Rebirth on the profile have the platinum, but only 0.6% of total players (Those who sync with PSN and those who do not) have the platinum. I could be completely wrong, I haven't been on this website that long.

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I got the platinum a few days ago. I work full-time and it took me a month to finish in real-life time. My in-game timer at the time I got the plat was 194 hours. This plat was no joke, probably the hardest one I've done. I would typically spend my free time after work and on the weekends playing Rebirth so it can be done within a month like I did. Lots of frustration along the way since this was a difficult platinum, but it comes down a mix of RNG and skill.

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11 hours ago, Nick240894 said:


I kind of get what that person means. It comes down to how much you enjoy the game, I think. Yes Rebirth is a much longer and more difficult platinum, but I love the game, so my 290 hours with it were mostly a joy. It didn't really test my patience because when I'm having this much fun, I have all the patience in the world.


But with FF16, I just found the game quite boring and easy. The combat was very simplistic and the entire game is just so barebones that it's honestly mind-numbing on the 2nd playthrough. Final Fantasy mode was nothing but spending 15 minutes at a time beating up bosses that have way too much HP without ever even coming close to dying myself. That's just not engaging to me. The 2nd playthrough was such a slog that it did kind of test my patience, even though I got the platinum at about 140 hours (and I'm sure it can be done much faster).


So yes, shorter and easier than Rebirth, but if you find 16 to be as bland, boring, and tedious as I do, then it makes sense to enjoy the Rebirth journey more.

100% agreed, you get precisely what I meant. FFXVI is much, much easier, but it's so mind-numbingly tedious and repetitive it's crazy - no cerebral stimulation whatsoever. I did it in about 2 weeks of casual play, but I was bored out of my mind, as neither the story, nor the gameplay resonated with me. Which is the series' first, by the way. With Rebirth, on the other hand, it's the first Final Fantasy game since FFXII that I unabashedly love in its entirety. The mini-games, the gameplay, the story, the battle system, even the legendary challenges. It was all such a joy. So I don't really care how long the platinum takes as a result.

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13 hours ago, Nick240894 said:


I kind of get what that person means. It comes down to how much you enjoy the game, I think. Yes Rebirth is a much longer and more difficult platinum, but I love the game, so my 290 hours with it were mostly a joy. It didn't really test my patience because when I'm having this much fun, I have all the patience in the world.


But with FF16, I just found the game quite boring and easy. The combat was very simplistic and the entire game is just so barebones that it's honestly mind-numbing on the 2nd playthrough. Final Fantasy mode was nothing but spending 15 minutes at a time beating up bosses that have way too much HP without ever even coming close to dying myself. That's just not engaging to me. The 2nd playthrough was such a slog that it did kind of test my patience, even though I got the platinum at about 140 hours (and I'm sure it can be done much faster).


So yes, shorter and easier than Rebirth, but if you find 16 to be as bland, boring, and tedious as I do, then it makes sense to enjoy the Rebirth journey more.

I died plenty of times and the combat was engaging and not simplistic

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55 minutes ago, ShadowReplicant said:

Honestly, I feel like I'm deliberately putting the platinum off at this point, just because I don't want to say goodbye to this game. I'm 180 hours in, and haven't even started my Hard playthrough.

No rush, you got about 3 years until the next journey ;)

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1 hour ago, ZombiJoel_Tlou3 said:

I died plenty of times and the combat was engaging and not simplistic

Well, I guess all I can say is it was not engaging to me at all. That's just a matter of taste / preference.


I'm happy for you if you had a decent challenge and died plenty of times. I didn't, sadly, because I enjoy a challenge. And I'm no god gamer by any means. I'm not asking for anything crazy.


As for the combat being simplistic, I think that's pretty indisputable. It's just objectively a very simple system. You have 6 abilities equipped at any time and you basically just cycle them as you work towards staggering enemies. There are no buffs / debuffs, no status effects, no elemental affinities or weaknesses, no magic system aside from the basic cast (which is pretty useless), no RPG elements, no strategy, no unique weaknesses for enemies / bosses, no unique ways to stagger enemies, only one playable character, etc... The list goes on and on.


If you compare it to Rebirth, it's night and day. Rebirth has infinitely more complexity and strategy with multiple playable characters, dozens of abilities, spells, and skills, countless possible builds, countless combinations of materia, accessories, and abilities, unique mechanics for each character, multiple limit breaks for each character, synergy skills and abilities, tons of different status effects, buffs, and debuffs, etc...


FF16 is one of the most barebones gameplay systems I've ever seen, the game is frankly anemic. Whereas Rebirth has one of the richest combat systems in a JRPG.

Edited by Nick240894
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2 hours ago, ShaNagbaImuru777 said:

100% agreed, you get precisely what I meant. FFXVI is much, much easier, but it's so mind-numbingly tedious and repetitive it's crazy - no cerebral stimulation whatsoever. I did it in about 2 weeks of casual play, but I was bored out of my mind, as neither the story, nor the gameplay resonated with me. Which is the series' first, by the way. With Rebirth, on the other hand, it's the first Final Fantasy game since FFXII that I unabashedly love in its entirety. The mini-games, the gameplay, the story, the battle system, even the legendary challenges. It was all such a joy. So I don't really care how long the platinum takes as a result.

We are very much on the same page! I also unabashedly love pretty much the whole of Rebirth, with the exception of 1 or 2 mini games (Cactuar Crush and I are not friends) and some of the story, particularly the pacing in 1 or 2 chapters. But 99% of my experience was fantastic.


One other big thing I was thinking about in comparison to 16 is the towns. The towns in Rebirth are so wonderful, so full of life. There is chatter all over the place (and a lot of it is charming and / or funny), there are mini games, there are Queen's Blood opponents, shops, side quests, fun NPCs, little nooks and crannies with treasures, tons of wonderful details, etc... I was soaking in the Syldra Inn in Cosmo Canyon last night for example, and it has a lot of cool details. The bed covers have comets and constellations on them, the appropriately named "Starlet Bar" is super cozy and has cosmology books and astrolabes, there is a beautiful terrace with a view of the canyon, etc... And that's just one inn in one town. Every town has wonderful details throughout, the game just oozes charm.


Whereas in 16 the towns are, imo, terrible. They are visually bland (the most beautiful places like Oriflamme can never be explored), completely devoid of interesting content, most of the NPC chatter is dry and uninteresting, there are almost no buildings you can enter, they have no charm or any kind of truly unique identity, no activities, nothing to find, and they are very small. Places like Northreach or Martha's Rest just boggle my mind in terms of how grey and boring they are. Compare that to Kalm or Cosmo Canyon and it's truly night and day. Even smaller towns like Nibelheim or North Corel have more buildings you can enter, more details, and more activities than any town in FF16.


The world is a big part of the appeal of Final Fantasy to me, and 16 totally failed on that front. Its world can be beautiful but it does not feel interesting or alive imo.

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14 hours ago, Nick240894 said:

We are very much on the same page! I also unabashedly love pretty much the whole of Rebirth, with the exception of 1 or 2 mini games (Cactuar Crush and I are not friends) and some of the story, particularly the pacing in 1 or 2 chapters. But 99% of my experience was fantastic.


One other big thing I was thinking about in comparison to 16 is the towns. The towns in Rebirth are so wonderful, so full of life. There is chatter all over the place (and a lot of it is charming and / or funny), there are mini games, there are Queen's Blood opponents, shops, side quests, fun NPCs, little nooks and crannies with treasures, tons of wonderful details, etc... I was soaking in the Syldra Inn in Cosmo Canyon last night for example, and it has a lot of cool details. The bed covers have comets and constellations on them, the appropriately named "Starlet Bar" is super cozy and has cosmology books and astrolabes, there is a beautiful terrace with a view of the canyon, etc... And that's just one inn in one town. Every town has wonderful details throughout, the game just oozes charm.


Whereas in 16 the towns are, imo, terrible. They are visually bland (the most beautiful places like Oriflamme can never be explored), completely devoid of interesting content, most of the NPC chatter is dry and uninteresting, there are almost no buildings you can enter, they have no charm or any kind of truly unique identity, no activities, nothing to find, and they are very small. Places like Northreach or Martha's Rest just boggle my mind in terms of how grey and boring they are. Compare that to Kalm or Cosmo Canyon and it's truly night and day. Even smaller towns like Nibelheim or North Corel have more buildings you can enter, more details, and more activities than any town in FF16.


The world is a big part of the appeal of Final Fantasy to me, and 16 totally failed on that front. Its world can be beautiful but it does not feel interesting or alive imo.

Very much on the same page!


The amount of little details in the game is insane, especially for such a large-scale experience. I can't fathom how much time they spent designing and putting everything together. Just like you, I often find myself just walking around and looking at locations and NPCs.


They also designed 9 characters with completely different fighting styles, with different strengths and weaknesses. Different skills, different attacks and combos, different dodge animations and timing windows, different running speeds. All bosses can be approached like puzzles, which you can solve differently according to your style. You can do crazy stuff with different materia setups or you can face bosses head on, instead relying on parrying, dodging and skill combos. I adore the Odin and Gilgamesh boss fights for example, they both have over a dozen of different attacks with different animations and windups, either can be approached as a Dark Souls / Sekiro boss and handled as a dance. The deadliest attacks, like Shadowy Chains by the certain Virtual someone, can be parried and completely negated, if you learn the timing. Properly timed synergy skills can instantly turn the tide of battle. It's just impressive how well it all works together.


I just had to check your list after completely agreeing with what you said and sure enough we share a lot of games, fellow Resident Evil and Soulsborne aficionado!


17 hours ago, ShadowReplicant said:

Honestly, I feel like I'm deliberately putting the platinum off at this point, just because I don't want to say goodbye to this game. I'm 180 hours in, and haven't even started my Hard playthrough.

I am doing the same. I am in the middle of my Hard run, but I don't feel like rushing. Taking my time with pretty much everything. The upcoming 3-4 years waiting for the sequel are going to be tough.

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On 4/13/2024 at 12:24 PM, Nick240894 said:

Well, I guess all I can say is it was not engaging to me at all. That's just a matter of taste / preference.


I'm happy for you if you had a decent challenge and died plenty of times. I didn't, sadly, because I enjoy a challenge. And I'm no god gamer by any means. I'm not asking for anything crazy.


As for the combat being simplistic, I think that's pretty indisputable. It's just objectively a very simple system. You have 6 abilities equipped at any time and you basically just cycle them as you work towards staggering enemies. There are no buffs / debuffs, no status effects, no elemental affinities or weaknesses, no magic system aside from the basic cast (which is pretty useless), no RPG elements, no strategy, no unique weaknesses for enemies / bosses, no unique ways to stagger enemies, only one playable character, etc... The list goes on and on.


If you compare it to Rebirth, it's night and day. Rebirth has infinitely more complexity and strategy with multiple playable characters, dozens of abilities, spells, and skills, countless possible builds, countless combinations of materia, accessories, and abilities, unique mechanics for each character, multiple limit breaks for each character, synergy skills and abilities, tons of different status effects, buffs, and debuffs, etc...


FF16 is one of the most barebones gameplay systems I've ever seen, the game is frankly anemic. Whereas Rebirth has one of the richest combat systems in a JRPG.

It's not simplistic at fucking all. All those things you mentioned are rpg game stuff it's not fair to hold it against any game that isn't rpg because then every rpg game is better than all the other games. This was made by the devil may cry guy. You got style switching , enemy stepping, charge buffering attacks which means you can hold down the button while you are doing something else, an actual real parry (not soulslike shit where you just block to parry) a ranged parry, a sword and gun combo (which isn't even in devil may cry btw) , perfect blocking, perfect dodging, meter building into super that heals, another meter for an ultimate attack, air launcher and juggling assist, combo cancels all this and even more without the need for a stupid stamina bar.

Fighting in FF16 is actually fun and much better than boring slow ass soulsborniroring games with r1 button mashing and stamina meter.

All those things you wrote in rebirth was already done in the ps1 game. This shit here had to be made from zero!

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10 minutes ago, GoDBoss173 said:


1. Maybe for you, a lot of people ( I would even claim the vast majority) have a different opinion. If YOU prefer that kind of combat, thats great, I wish you a lot of fun with it but dont try to claim that FF16 has objectively better combat than most soulslike games, because it hasnt. FACT is, that FF16's combat has 10 times more mixed/negative response than the vast majority of souslike games.


2. Why are you even mentioning DMC?  FF16's combat is noticably worse than DMC5. It also has pretty much no challenge. That said, if you seriously died plenty of times in FF16 then I am not surprised that you are hating on soulslike games ( I dont understand why you had to mention them in the first place)


3. Praising the FF16 combat while calling soulsborne's combat buttonmashing? Sorry, but what exactly are you smoking? FF16 is 10 times more button mashing ( even on higher difficulties) than any soulsborne. You must have found some god mode cheats for soulsborne games, otherwise I dont understand how buttonmashing would be even possible. It would  kill you in a few seconds. On the contrary, one of the main reasons why that kind of combat is popular and loved is because brainless buttonmashing isnt possible, unlike FF16 for example.


Then I will be one of the many voices who are mixed and negative about the fromsofty combat oversaturation in gaming. I've seen just as many hate the combat of fromsofty games I'm not alone. They won't be on top for long, times change and folks are already getting bored of the formula!

FF16 isn't button mashing at all you ass, it's got pause combos like dmc. Shit ass souls games you mash on the r1 button to dps and stunlock until you run out of the stupid stamina. The only reason why that stupid souls combat omg I hate that word so much now, is even liked is because it's super simple for the below average player just mashing one button to dps and zug everything. They never have to learn any button combinations, they never have to lift a fucking finger away from the r1 button for a second. 

The faster those games die out the better. Even the ninja gaiden developer is putting more action in their games and less souls shit. 

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As others put it, "Final Fantasy" is a popular franchise with "7" especially being one of the most popular entries. There are a ton of eyes and hype surrounding this entry so percentages will already be skewed higher than normal. Not to mention after "Remake", the majority of people who wouldn't have liked "Rebirth" probably skipped out on it, leaving more of the hardcore fanbase around to finish/complete the game. The platinum percentage is rather high, but it makes sense considering the circumstances. If anything, it's lower than it probably should be due to all the bugs breaking quests and the like.

For me, I did get the platinum at around 180 hours, though a good 15-20 hours of that was probably AFK. I did take my time with it and even went out of my way to do some bonus stuff that weren't required for the platinum. Though I got burnt out enough that I didn't bother fully completing it (perfecting the final piano piece, at least 2 missed enemy intels to assess, collecting all Hard-mode manuscripts, etc).

Honestly, I'm mixed on the game. It's perfectly solid with extremely high production values but there are so many aspects that I personally just didn't like. I guess to put it into scores, cause that's the only thing that matters nowaday apparently, I found it to be an 8/10 game dumbed down to a 7/10 experience. Completionist-wise, it's even lower. I think I can say I still liked the game overall and don't regret my experience with it but I'm definitely a bit more wary of where Part 3 might be heading.

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Some people have more spare time to dedicate to their hobby than others and they use all that time for this hobby and this hobby alone. Hardcore dedication to their craft to the point regular people cannot compete. 


Also trophy hunters are not casual gamers. They tend to be better skilled and get trophies done in the most efficient manner possible. 


Combine those 2 things and it shouldn't be a shocker that some can get long games done very quickly. Many hardcore players can plat a Yakuza game in a week while it takes me a month at least. Better skilled players with more time on their hands than I do and I don't ever expect to compete with them. 


Do your own thing, don't worry about what others are doing. 

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On 4/13/2024 at 5:06 AM, ShadowReplicant said:

Honestly, I feel like I'm deliberately putting the platinum off at this point, just because I don't want to say goodbye to this game. I'm 180 hours in, and haven't even started my Hard playthrough.

I couldn't be more different, I can't wait to say goodbye to this game LMAO. 


On 4/13/2024 at 5:09 AM, ZombiJoel_Tlou3 said:

I died plenty of times and the combat was engaging and not simplistic

Maybe he was playing on Easy LOL.


On 4/13/2024 at 6:24 AM, Nick240894 said:

Well, I guess all I can say is it was not engaging to me at all. That's just a matter of taste / preference.


I'm happy for you if you had a decent challenge and died plenty of times. I didn't, sadly, because I enjoy a challenge. And I'm no god gamer by any means. I'm not asking for anything crazy.


As for the combat being simplistic, I think that's pretty indisputable. It's just objectively a very simple system. You have 6 abilities equipped at any time and you basically just cycle them as you work towards staggering enemies. There are no buffs / debuffs, no status effects, no elemental affinities or weaknesses, no magic system aside from the basic cast (which is pretty useless), no RPG elements, no strategy, no unique weaknesses for enemies / bosses, no unique ways to stagger enemies, only one playable character, etc... The list goes on and on.


If you compare it to Rebirth, it's night and day. Rebirth has infinitely more complexity and strategy with multiple playable characters, dozens of abilities, spells, and skills, countless possible builds, countless combinations of materia, accessories, and abilities, unique mechanics for each character, multiple limit breaks for each character, synergy skills and abilities, tons of different status effects, buffs, and debuffs, etc...


FF16 is one of the most barebones gameplay systems I've ever seen, the game is frankly anemic. Whereas Rebirth has one of the richest combat systems in a JRPG.

Coming from someone who absolutely loved almost all aspects of FF16, I agree with you on the point of the gameplay and customization systems being more simplified than FF7's. I was kinda disappointed to see that FF16 didn't really have the same depth as FF7R's combat. That being said, I still think FF16's combat is fun and can stand on its own. Calling it "barebones" and "anemic" is definitely hyperbolic. It may not be your cup of tea but it's far more engaging than a lot of games nowadays. 


On 4/13/2024 at 6:55 AM, Nick240894 said:

We are very much on the same page! I also unabashedly love pretty much the whole of Rebirth, with the exception of 1 or 2 mini games (Cactuar Crush and I are not friends) and some of the story, particularly the pacing in 1 or 2 chapters. But 99% of my experience was fantastic.


One other big thing I was thinking about in comparison to 16 is the towns. The towns in Rebirth are so wonderful, so full of life. There is chatter all over the place (and a lot of it is charming and / or funny), there are mini games, there are Queen's Blood opponents, shops, side quests, fun NPCs, little nooks and crannies with treasures, tons of wonderful details, etc... I was soaking in the Syldra Inn in Cosmo Canyon last night for example, and it has a lot of cool details. The bed covers have comets and constellations on them, the appropriately named "Starlet Bar" is super cozy and has cosmology books and astrolabes, there is a beautiful terrace with a view of the canyon, etc... And that's just one inn in one town. Every town has wonderful details throughout, the game just oozes charm.


Whereas in 16 the towns are, imo, terrible. They are visually bland (the most beautiful places like Oriflamme can never be explored), completely devoid of interesting content, most of the NPC chatter is dry and uninteresting, there are almost no buildings you can enter, they have no charm or any kind of truly unique identity, no activities, nothing to find, and they are very small. Places like Northreach or Martha's Rest just boggle my mind in terms of how grey and boring they are. Compare that to Kalm or Cosmo Canyon and it's truly night and day. Even smaller towns like Nibelheim or North Corel have more buildings you can enter, more details, and more activities than any town in FF16.


The world is a big part of the appeal of Final Fantasy to me, and 16 totally failed on that front. Its world can be beautiful but it does not feel interesting or alive imo.

I don't think you're being fair here because you're comparing locations from two games with completely different settings. FF16 takes place in a medieval-esc time period whereas FF7 has a more modern-day flare - of course the latter will seem more lively and colorful than the former. I'm not sure what exactly you were expecting out of FF16 given the context of the universe. I agree though that it would've been awesome to visit Oriflamme...or hell, Dhalmekia too. They showed some pretty cool-looking cities but only via cutscenes and from afar. 


But yeah, you're being really harsh on FF16. Saying that the world is "completely devoid of interesting content" and that there's "no charm or any kind of truly unique identity" is just a ridiculous thing to say. It sounds to me like you were never gonna be a fan of FF16 solely based on the premise of the game's theme, so I'm surprised you picked it up in the first place. You're free to dislike it, but your viewpoint is a fringe case because the game is objectively good considering that there's consensus between both critics and gamers. 


4 hours ago, shadowmaksim said:

As others put it, "Final Fantasy" is a popular franchise with "7" especially being one of the most popular entries. There are a ton of eyes and hype surrounding this entry so percentages will already be skewed higher than normal. Not to mention after "Remake", the majority of people who wouldn't have liked "Rebirth" probably skipped out on it, leaving more of the hardcore fanbase around to finish/complete the game. The platinum percentage is rather high, but it makes sense considering the circumstances. If anything, it's lower than it probably should be due to all the bugs breaking quests and the like.

For me, I did get the platinum at around 180 hours, though a good 15-20 hours of that was probably AFK. I did take my time with it and even went out of my way to do some bonus stuff that weren't required for the platinum. Though I got burnt out enough that I didn't bother fully completing it (perfecting the final piano piece, at least 2 missed enemy intels to assess, collecting all Hard-mode manuscripts, etc).

Honestly, I'm mixed on the game. It's perfectly solid with extremely high production values but there are so many aspects that I personally just didn't like. I guess to put it into scores, cause that's the only thing that matters nowaday apparently, I found it to be an 8/10 game dumbed down to a 7/10 experience. Completionist-wise, it's even lower. I think I can say I still liked the game overall and don't regret my experience with it but I'm definitely a bit more wary of where Part 3 might be heading.

That's another really good point, it makes sense to me that a portion of the people who didn't like the Remake will have skipped Rebirth which would reduce the playerbase to be more concentrated on the avid fans, hence, a rise in completion rate. Still, even taking that into account, I'm still surprised that so many people would attempt such a painstaking Platinum. 


How could you have 15-20 hours of AFK? 😂 The game timer stops counting after like 60 seconds of idling on the pause screen. 


Lower than a 7/10? You're out of your mind. Even a 7/10 is definitely too low. I stand by that 8/10 is the minimum any sane person could give this game. 


3 hours ago, mega-tallica said:

Some people have more spare time to dedicate to their hobby than others and they use all that time for this hobby and this hobby alone. Hardcore dedication to their craft to the point regular people cannot compete. 


Also trophy hunters are not casual gamers. They tend to be better skilled and get trophies done in the most efficient manner possible. 


Combine those 2 things and it shouldn't be a shocker that some can get long games done very quickly. Many hardcore players can plat a Yakuza game in a week while it takes me a month at least. Better skilled players with more time on their hands than I do and I don't ever expect to compete with them. 


Do your own thing, don't worry about what others are doing. 

I understand that there hardcore gamers...again, I have to reemphasize this, that seeing this high of Platinum achievement rate so soon after a game's release is definitely out of the ordinary, at least from my experience. You're more than welcome to find me another 8/10, 200-hour Platinum with 6% attainment. 

On 4/12/2024 at 2:07 PM, SuperSaiyan3985 said:

Well yes, thanks to Optinoob this may be more like a 7/10 Platinum, but you have to remember that his guides only started rolling out like 2-3 weeks ago - there are plenty of people who already had the Platinum by then so they had to have done those challenges and hard mode on their own. 

After doing Bonds of Friendship I take it back...this is definitely AT LEAST an 8/10 Platinum and I don't care what anyone says 😂

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