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Trophy Hunters Team League!


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pureproteinman only has 48 posts. and i'm not just pointing that out because he's beating me  :ninja:  :popcorn:

He's not the only person in the league with under 100 posts. Plutia was pretty lenient on this rule. Not following this rule is coming back to haunt most of us now, but since pureproteinman was accepted into the league, the only thing we can do now is try to get more trophies than him.

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He's not the only person in the league with under 100 posts. Plutia was pretty lenient on this rule. Not following this rule is coming back to haunt most of us now, but since pureproteinman was accepted into the league, the only thing we can do now is try to get more trophies than him.

Killing is also another option. I mean, Blood can always take care of him; ain't that right, girl!? *RAWWWWWW*

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I let proteinpureman in (:giggle:) because of his activity in Precision's THL. I've followed the thread, and he has been active there...And as far as I know, he has been cooperative with his team members so I decided to let the rule slip for him and Izularia (which is a similar case, but I'm pretty sure you guys know why ;)).

Also, what Blue said above this and Toxi's post was included on my decision to include him. Since this is the first season, this league hasn't been much exposed and we have barely only 8 teams. I may be more strict on the rule in the future, but for now, I'll leave it there...

Edited by Plutia
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After checking again, you're correct. Must've missed that last trophy. :facepalm:

That's why I made a checklist of my own, so I can keep track of my own trophies, rather than only have you count all trophies for all of us. :P

Gonna suck for you even more when you gotta count the more trophies that people earn throughout the following weeks, huh?

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I let proteinpureman in ( :giggle:) because of his activity in Precision's THL. I've followed the thread, and he has been active there...And as far as I know, he has been cooperative with his team members so I decided to let the rule slip for him and Izularia (which is a similar case, but I'm pretty sure you guys know why ;)).

Also, what Blue said above this and Toxi's post was included on my decision to include him. Since this is the first season, this league hasn't been much exposed and we have barely only 8 teams. I may be more strict on the rule in the future, but for now, I'll leave it there...

Hope you don't regret letting me join!  :highfive:

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:lol: When you post again after posting in the same thread in a certain time frame, your new post is combined with your other one to limit spamming. Still at 49, dood. :P

EDIT: Ok, nevermind. :P

Edited by Plutia
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Sorry about the late response Little Miss, and quote isn't working for me right now so sorry about that too.


I really don't know when the second season is starting . There is definitely going to be a break though....


Thats alright, yeah sure thanks, i'll just try keep track of the thread for some reason even though I followed the topic it has stopped giving me a notification  :|

But I'd definitely like to join next time round I just need to find some people  ^_^

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They will be posted in the next few hours. I already have the first four teams counted but haven't gotten through the last four. Jem is counting another team atm...

wooot... a week already passed?


omg... can't take this... too nervous... *cross fingers*

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