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This games too hard for me

Tomoko Kuroki

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That level is a tricky one. You've got to upgrade your weapons especially the Minirocket Tube and Bouncer to help you out. Ratchet games are not difficult if you know waht weapon to use in each situation and there are tons to use and effective to many situations.

Edited by Jiaho24
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I finished this level when I was a kid. Do you have your weapons upgraded? Don't be afraid to grind for weapon upgrades, return to previous planets and grind out xp to level your guns. Same with bolts. Later on there's gonna be an ice planet with overpowered enemies so it's best to get your guns upgraded early. The mini-rocket tube and bouncer are strong as hell if upgraded; so use those if you can. Also you've platted the Souls games and Jak 2, this game is a cakewalk in comparison, you'll be fine.

Edited by Azaan60
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  • 3 weeks later...

Go play Dark Souls, seriously do it.



the 3 soul games were extremely easy, like i vote 2/10 for all of them. not even exagerating, go play nes games or I wanna be the guy and try to die less then 1000 times xD


But yes jak 2 was a serious bitch, it was 100% luck, this level in ratchet screwed me over real hard, ill replay it in a few months maybe lol 


But yea ill probably grind out some upgrades the next time i play, thanks for the advice

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Just alternate between weapons to upgrade them all and buy new ones and armor when available. That should be enough to finish the game. Also strafe during combat by holding  :l1: to move and shoot. Don't rely on cover, because that breaks easily. The only annoying thing for me were the 3 space races and getting the nano upgrade by using the paraglider.

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I have a question, I'm assuming you need to progress the game to unlock new weapons but what about upgrades, is it possible to upgrade weapons fully, as in is there a max level or something and is it possible to max it out if you decide to grind (I'm assuming for a great length of time xD) in the early levels so it makes the rest of the game a little easier, or do you need to progress the game to unlock upgrades aswell.

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Ratchet and Clank 2 was probably my favorite of all the original games but do agree the 3 space races were very hard to get the bolts due to the controls of the ship. Its hard on PS2/PS3 but almost impossible on Vita. Had so many rage quits while playing those challenges. 

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I have a question, I'm assuming you need to progress the game to unlock new weapons but what about upgrades, is it possible to upgrade weapons fully, as in is there a max level or something and is it possible to max it out if you decide to grind (I'm assuming for a great length of time xD) in the early levels so it makes the rest of the game a little easier, or do you need to progress the game to unlock upgrades aswell.

Yes there's a max lvl for every weapon (I believe lvl 3 for R&C2). And during new game+ you can buy better versions and upgrade them even further. Weapons upgrade by killing enemies, so you have to die a lot for them to respawn. As for upgrading them at the start of the game: better weapons are available as you progress through the game and weapons acquired at the start won't do much damage to enemies encountered mid to late into the game.

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Yes there's a max lvl for every weapon (I believe lvl 3 for R&C2). And during new game+ you can buy better versions and upgrade them even further. Weapons upgrade by killing enemies, so you have to die a lot for them to respawn. As for upgrading them at the start of the game: better weapons are available as you progress through the game and weapons acquired at the start won't do much damage to enemies encountered mid to late into the game.

I see thanks for this, should help for when i get round to playing these games :)

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  • 1 year later...

i know this is an old ass thread but i don't even care. i'm just glad i finally found someone who feels the same way i do about this game. it's crazy hard and tedious. the lack of a checkpoint system is BRUTAL since it respawns all enemies but doesn't give you your ammo back, and enemies do a ridiculous amount of damage to you while the nanotech you get from boxes is almost completely worthless

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  • 3 years later...
  • 11 months later...

This game can be challenging at times but if you just keep trying you'll eventually get past whatever area you're having trouble with. I found a lot of success with the harder planets by strafing using the bouncer and rockets especially their upgraded versions.

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  • 1 year later...

These older Ratchet and Clank games have been tougher for me too. Like the auto-targeting is not the best but at least there’s strafing in this one. I found that saving or farming bolts for the RYNO completely changed the game. The RYNO is definitely OP and has good targeting. It makes the game way easier.

Edited by criscoboi
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