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New profile for 100% :)


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My old profile I had from 2008, I had legit plats for some pretty hard games like GTA 4, Far Cry 2, Killzone 2 and Crysis 2 but I was stupid and cheated on some games like Fuel and Socom which pretty much messed up my profile with 5 minute platinums.


Anyway I have started this new one for 100% all games without using other gamesaves.



Edited by Zombie-Zero-UK
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My old profile I had from 2008, I had legit plats for some pretty hard games like GTA 4, Far Cry 2, Killzone 2 and Crysis 2 but I was stupid and cheated on some games like Fuel and Socom which pretty much messed up my profile with 5 minute platinums.


Anyway I have started this new one for 100% all games without using other gamesaves.



Well that sucks. Anyways welcome to this awesome site and hope you enjoy it here :) what was your old psn btw? 

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I'm thinking about creating a new profile as well when I get the PS4.

1. Fresh start is appealing.

2. I'd like to go for all 100%s.

3. Many of my games are old where the servers are closed or the multiplayer is dead. I'm kind of OCD you could say. Some of these games I have hidden.

4. Last, I can then play a backlog of old games (30+) that should be experienced for PS3 and not worry about certain trophies and completion percentages.

My main concern would be losing work/pride/enjoyment of games that I have (ie GTA IV).

Im thinking about it in the sense of retiring my ps3 psn profile when i move on. Only concern may be what I read about Mass Effect.

Anybody else feel the same way?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had planned to post here a few days ago... Just wanted to say it's a lot more rare to have a profile to your liking (with a solid completion, solid whatever you WANT), then to shoot for a perfect completion percentage that seems to sneak into many of our minds.  I can tell you, from my time of trying do things the way others do that it will wear you out.  Do what you want though and if you want a new profile (Im guilty too a year ago for the ps4) do that shit, but I'll leave you with this.  It's a lot more interesting to me to see someone with a 40% or 76%er, 83, whatever you get my point...  of a profile that has a bunch of sweet games, rare trophies, YOUR favorite games, not just the easiest and safest.  To me while trophies have a rating per category... Some platinums are better than some.  some achievements trumph others on the scale.. while thy each contain the same value.  


It's easy to tell for the most part and it's cool when someone has a list you knew combines talent, time and a remotely care free attitude (I'm trying) than someone who you KNOW plays it safe, is skipping flat out must plays because they have their percentage and profile on their mind. (again I'm guilty) Do what you want, but I'll tell you this there is ALREADY A BUNCH OF COMPETITIONISTs.  If you complete you're goal, great, I hope you do, but in end it will become a chore that gaming in the long run is not meant to be. It's rare to find a 99% or perfect profile that truely plays loosey goosy and tackles the toughest games.  You can smell their fear a mile a way.  I met my fair share in my days, and lets just say they are quite different on jsut about ever level.  That might be a good thing though.  My 2 cents.  GOod luck bloody buddy.


My goal is to enter the 70 percent mark and continue to play games that I enjoy and to start letting loose a little more.  I had fallen into the same trap, you gotta take the good with the bad.  I just hope you find your happy medium.. That's what I'm trying to do.

Edited by SilkyJay86
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I had planned to post here a few days ago... Just wanted to say it's a lot more rare to have a profile to your liking (with a solid completion, solid whatever you WANT), then to shoot for a perfect completion percentage that seems to sneak into many of our minds.  I can tell you, from my time of trying do things the way others do that it will wear you out.  Do what you want though and if you want a new profile (Im guilty too a year ago for the ps4) do that shit, but I'll leave you with this.  It's a lot more interesting to me to see someone with a 40% or 76%er, 83, whatever you get my point...  of a profile that has a bunch of sweet games, rare trophies, YOUR favorite games, not just the easiest and safest.  To me while trophies have a rating per category... Some platinums are better than some.  some achievements trumph others on the scale.. while thy each contain the same value.  


It's easy to tell for the most part and it's cool when someone has a list you knew combines talent, time and a remotely care free attitude (I'm trying) than someone who you KNOW plays it safe, is skipping flat out must plays because they have their percentage and profile on their mind. (again I'm guilty) Do what you want, but I'll tell you this there is ALREADY A BUNCH OF COMPETITIONISTs.  If you complete you're goal, great, I hope you do, but in end it will become a chore that gaming in the long run is not meant to be. It's rare to find a 99% or perfect profile that truely plays loosey goosy and tackles the toughest games.  You can smell their fear a mile a way.  I met my fair share in my days, and lets just say they are quite different on jsut about ever level.  That might be a good thing though.  My 2 cents.  GOod luck bloody buddy.


My goal is to enter the 70 percent mark and continue to play games that I enjoy and to start letting loose a little more.  I had fallen into the same trap, you gotta take the good with the bad.  I just hope you find your happy medium.. That's what I'm trying to do.

I agree with you, those completionists end up making gaming a chore. I sure like platinum trophies, but will I ever have a 100% completition?

Nope, I like adding new plats to my collection 100% or not, and watching the percentage go up.

It seems like a trend these days to start fresh, I have thought to myself about doing it too, but in the end I can't throw away current progress, and avoid games on the new account because i cant complete.

Remeber dude, in the end no one but you cares about your trophies. So my advicer is do not do it just to show it to others.

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I agree with you, those completionists end up making gaming a chore. I sure like platinum trophies, but will I ever have a 100% completition?

Nope, I like adding new plats to my collection 100% or not, and watching the percentage go up.

It seems like a trend these days to start fresh, I have thought to myself about doing it too, but in the end I can't throw away current progress, and avoid games on the new account because i cant complete.

Remeber dude, in the end no one but you cares about your trophies. So my advicer is do not do it just to show it to others.



In the long run or short run with this discussion and to put it simply,  do whatever you think is going to make you happy.  And leo stop rubbbing ur damn profile in my face, dude!!  Do not get rid of that profile!!!  Nevur....   people would kill for those statistics.   :P

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Hey everyone, i posted on this thread here earlier. After pondering over it, I made my mind up that the best for me was to enjoy the game first, then rack up some trophies to show and make it a legitimate effort. When theres trophies that require grinding/chore, I leave it alone. To many games and to much of a backlog. Besides some games I want to play the servers are down or the community to small.

As I see it, grinding some trophies are gonna take time for another game away. For me 40% - 60% is cool now.

When I get the ps4 dec 2015. New system, new profile. Retire the old and start fresh. Then 100% is still not the priority.

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