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Is Naughty Dog Overrated?


Is Naughty Dog Overrated?  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Naughty Dog Overrated?

    • Yes
    • No

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This is ridiculous.

7 people have said yes and all 7 of them said why in the comments.

9 people said no and not even one said why in the comments.

This really says something.


"Ridiculous" might be a bit of a strong word to use here. You seem to be getting a bit defensive about this, when the entire premise of this thread is taking issue with people calling ND "the greatest developer ever," and I've never once seen anyone refer to them that way.


This entire discussion is about people's opinions, and yet you don't seem to want to hear differing ones.


I'm not going to get into the business of saying "greatest," but I will say that they are my favorite. I loved all three Uncharted games and TLoU is the best story I've ever played in a video game. So there, you go - they are my favorite because I like their games - I couldn't care less if they're "the greatest" or not, but if you start the thread on the premise of "people say they're the greatest, are they overrated?" then people are going to agree with you, because calling anyone "the greatest" anything automatically means they are overrated to one degree or another.

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It's not idiotic, I'm not talking about 1 or 2 troll comments or "average users" here, this is the opinion of about 95% of a site with millions of members. Also, do you have some explanation for the poll results too?

You're taking this too serious, i said they are consistently referred to as the greatest game developer of all time by many gamers because evidently, they are.

I'm not "yappin' about it", i just stated my own personal opinion and wanted to hear the opinions of other members in a friendly discussion, whether they agree or not.

:facepalm: Huh...

This is a silly discussion that is being pushed too far.


The poll results stand like this

Majority for No & Minority for Yes


Your question for the poll was whether ND is an overrated developer or not and, according to you asking, "do you have some explanation for the poll results too?", sounds like, don't get me wrong, SOUNDS like you are pissed with the fact that most people are saying it's not cause you believe it does. All the people who have said it's not, don't necessarily think its the best developer or something, they just see it as a good one, as a studio who almost always delivers on the promises they make. That might not mean that they are the best but definitely a good one. But I also understand and can see through the point of view of the others who think it is, like yourself. There are studios that I think are overrated like Bungie. They made Halo, which I admit, revolutionized the FPS genre or whatever but when they decided to make a game which would also come on PlayStation, PS lost it's mind and started these ridiculously aggressive campaigns making it look like PlayStation is the only place where Destiny should be played after seeing what they had done in Halo. But all that is opinion and I respect yours but at the same time, I will stand by mine. That's all there is to it.


As far as overrated goes, what is wrong about ND being overrated? I mean it's been with PS since day one, why shouldn't we love it? For 20 f$#%ing years that PS has existed, ND has too. A developer that have given us something amazing every generation whether it be Crash Bandicoot on PS1, Jak & Daxter on PS2, Uncharted & The Last Of Us on PS3 & continuing Uncharted to the PS4. I don't know about you but if there is any developer that deserves love & respect, it's Naughty Dog :D

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I don't think they are "overrated" because they do very well at creating an excellent single-player (like the always have). If you compare them to the likes of Call Of Duty, EA Sports games, then they are getting the right of amount of praise, not "too much".


Call Of Duty is the same thing year in, year out but it still gets loads of praise, Naughty Dog tries changing the pace by offering an Memorable Single-player experience; yes the multiplayer suffers, but remember they have always made Single-player games so multiplayer for them isn't a huge deal; does help sales though. If we were in a different age of gaming, this praise would not be out of place but we simply as a community; minority or not play a lot of multiplayer games.


I feel that Naughty Dog is getting this amount of praise for all the rights reasons, they set out to deliver a game that has a Immersive Single-player and for that I commend them. 


That is simply why I disagree with them being called "overrated"

Edited by BSAA_Operative
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"Ridiculous" might be a bit of a strong word to use here. You seem to be getting a bit defensive about this, when the entire premise of this thread is taking issue with people calling ND "the greatest developer ever," and I've never once seen anyone refer to them that way.


This entire discussion is about people's opinions, and yet you don't seem to want to hear differing ones.


I'm not going to get into the business of saying "greatest," but I will say that they are my favorite. I loved all three Uncharted games and TLoU is the best story I've ever played in a video game. So there, you go - they are my favorite because I like their games - I couldn't care less if they're "the greatest" or not, but if you start the thread on the premise of "people say they're the greatest, are they overrated?" then people are going to agree with you, because calling anyone "the greatest" anything automatically means they are overrated to one degree or another.



i'm yet to play a naughty dog game i haven't liked 



No, I don't believe they are an overrated developer. They consistently produce fantastic gaming experiences with interesting characters, stories, and environments while pushing the limits of what the PlayStation can do. I can count on one hand the amount of bugs I've personally experienced in Naughty Dog games as well. 


I play games to have a good time and Naughty Dog make some of the most enjoyable games on the market, simple as that. 




Do you see anyone here calling Naughty Dog "the greatest developer of all time", Goro. NO

If people on a certain site have said so, you should probably take this argument there cause it will do you much more good & I don't think there is anyone stupid like that on this cool site B)

Edited by Lovejinder_LJ
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It's not idiotic, I'm not talking about 1 or 2 troll comments or "average users" here, this is the opinion of about 95% of a site with millions of members. Also, do you have some explanation for the poll results too?

You're taking this too serious, i said they are consistently referred to as the greatest game developer of all time by many gamers because evidently, they are.

I'm not "yappin' about it", i just stated my own personal opinion and wanted to hear the opinions of other members in a friendly discussion, whether they agree or not.


If you wanted to ask "are ND the best video game developer of all time?" or "do you think that calling ND the greatest video game developer of all time is overrating them" then you should have asked that. From the comments, I'm guessing that the poll would be completely different had you asked those questions.

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If you wanted to ask "are ND the best video game developer of all time?" or "do you think that calling ND the greatest video game developer of all time is overrating them" then you should have asked that. From the comments, I'm guessing that the poll would be completely different had you asked those questions.


That wouldn't have really change the question's meaning. It still asks the same thing.

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I don't think they are overrated.

They release very good games... mostly (I'm looking at you Jak X), that tend to define the experience on PlayStation for a couple of years.


The consistency of the quality of the games they make are what makes them so highly regarded. They are not the only ones, though, and I don't think they are the best ever, but when you hear Naughty Dog is going to release a new game, you can't help but feel the hype as to where they will guide you to (emotionally) next.

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I don't think Naughty Dog are overrated at all. They may not necessarily be the absolute best, but they are definitely one of the best and deserve all the praise they get as far as I'm concerned. I've enjoyed every game of theirs that I've played up to now and that's good enough for me.



You make a good point but remember that Naughty Dog has two development teams. One that is working on U4. And the other one was doing DLC for TLOU. We can only assume that TLOU team is plotting their next big project. It could be TLOU2 or it could be a completely new IP.


On topic, I don't think they are overrated. I have thoroughly enjoyed every single game that has come from Naughty Dog. I understand some people have different tastes, but I really have enjoyed every game they've made since the days of Crash. Their games might be simple in ideas, but the depth of the worlds and lore that they craft is completely immersive to me and they've only gotten better at doing that as the years move on. I understand others will feel differently but I don't and i'm sticking to it.


Agree with both of these comments. To answer the question, no I don't think they're overrated. Just like many others have already said I have enjoyed everything they have released and can't wait for Uncharted 4 and their next release from their other team. They're partly the reason I'm still gaming today. I'm a playstation guy but last gen I got a 360 first, and not trying to bash them or anything but I had little fun, then I got bored. I got so bored that I even thought I was gonna give up gaming. Once I saw Uncharted 1 then Uncharted 2 (& other games like God of War 3 & etc.) I knew I needed to hurry & get a ps3 lol. IMO they're 1 of the best/greatest, along with Rockstar, Kojima, etc.


Also I don't have a problem with their MP, I think they're good too. Especially TLOU MP.

Edited by AceKinq85
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Alright, people are getting the wrong idea about my intentions here, i genuinely don't mind what you think on the matter, i'm certainly not "pissed off" or anything like that.

I stand by what i've said but i guess i should have left my detest of Naughty Dog's received admiration where it started on N4G instead of bringing it onto PSNP. 

As i think this thread will only lead to more unnecessary arguments, i'm going to go ahead and lock it. Sorry if i've acted like a douche, it was certainly not my intention.

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