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Well, areyouawake?


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I am pretty new to PSNProfiles so I wanted to introduce myself before getting started. I am "areyouawake_", the underscore bugs me a bit but since there is no possibility to change your profile name on PlayStation I pretty much have to deal with it - believe me, I tried a lot of variations and different names - the underscore strikes a balance!




Before buying a PlayStation 4 I primarily played games on my Computer, Xbox 360 and a friends PlayStation 3 (that's the reason I have no records of PlayStation 3 games on my profile >muh trophies!). Back in the days I've owned a lot of home consoles and various handhelds with the PSP being the "newest". Currently I'm playing a lot of FIFA 15 since I can't find the time to continue with Far Cry 4 because uni exams are imminent. That being said I don't like playing games like that for just 20 minutes so I rather jump into a quick set of dungeons in Rogue Legacy or something.


After exams I'm looking forward to finish Far Cry 4 and start with a few games I've bought during sales. Also I'm looking forward to play The Order: 1886 when it comes out, just like Uncharted 4 later this year. I don't think that it'll be out this year for PlayStation 4 but I'm also hyped for the incoming, Xbox One timely exclusive Tomb Raider game (no, I don't own a Xbox One).


If there's anything you want to know about me feel free to ask. Otherwise I'll see you guys around I guess!

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Thanks a lot people!



Welcome bro, what are you going to uni for? ;)


Geographical information science. Looking forward to write my bachelor thesis in the field of photogrammetry and remote sensing next semester :)


Was it hard getting all the trophies for First Light? I'm looking forward to play that as well and planned to play Second Son afterwards.

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Geographical information science. Looking forward to write my bachelor thesis in the field of photogrammetry and remote sensing next semester :)


Was it hard getting all the trophies for First Light? I'm looking forward to play that as well and planned to play Second Son afterwards.

Ahh nice, good luck with all that. Have you checked the job prospects you'll have once you've completed your further education? Also what's the average yearly pay of someone with your future skills, do you know? 


And yeah dude it's incredibly easy, you may have a problem with the Arena trophies depending on your skill at first but it's incredibly easy to get the hang of.. if you really struggle you can look at some youtube videos for guidance but it probably won't come to that. 


It'll take you around 7 - 10 hours on your first time getting the plat. ;)


If you go to get it again for a second time it'll take you around 5 lol. 

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Thank's a lot mate! The job prospects are pretty good since the industry behaves like the whole thing is new. The average yearly pay depends on a lot of things. If you work for the commune you will definately get less than working for the industry and if working for a company the size and such also matter. I guess the first years pay with a bachelors will be somewhere around 30.000€ a year (there will be taxes and dues so you won't get all of it). I'm looking forward to a masters degree so I didn't look after it too much.


Are you visiting uni as well?

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