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respectable platinums you know


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I feel like Ni no Kuni is at least somewhat respectable and probably the plat I'm most proud of. It took 100+ hours so it was more of a timesink than it was hard. Most of my plats have been on the easier side though and I'm not sure how I feel about that.


It's not about how easy or hard a platinum is. It's about the journey to the platinum and the feeling of accomplishment when you hear that glorious ping. Anybody who makes fun of or looks down on others because of the easiness of their platinum are scum. Trophy hunting should be fun, not an embarrassment because you happened to get an easy platinum.

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It's not about how easy or hard a platinum is. It's about the journey to the platinum and the feeling of accomplishment when you hear that glorious ping. Anybody who makes fun of or looks down on others because of the easiness of their platinum are scum. Trophy hunting should be fun, not an embarrassment because you happened to get an easy platinum.

Exactly! And it's also highly subjective. For instance I have the plat for wipeout hd but found skate 3 way more satisfying. The feeling of accomplishment was just better in that game, don't ask me why...

Edited by Gommes_
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For me, a Respectable Platinum has to meet certain criteria. The platinum cannot come from a bad game, doesn't matter if it's hard, if it's a terrible game, then it's also a terrible platinum. There are a few games I consider to have terrible platinums that any gamer, let alone trophy hunter, should avoid. X-Blades, Anarchy: Rush Hour, Ride to Hell: Retribution, Terminator: Salvation & Damnation are all good examples of terrible, avoid at all costs games.


Respectable Platinums should come from good or hard games. X-Men: Origins - Wolverine is a respectable plat, despite being easy and a Movie tie-in. Because the game is a lot of fun and WAY better than that awful movie >_<. Here's a short list of games with, what I consider, Respectable plats. 


Asura's Wrath



Bioshock: Infinite



Dead Space 2

Enslaved: Oddysee to the West

Fallout 3

Fallout: New Vegas

God of War

God of War II

God of War III




Resistance 2

Resistance 3


The Uncharted series

Unreal Tournament 3

The Walking Dead Season 1 & 2

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Within

X-Men: Origins - Wolverine

Edited by James_Tonto
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well I think that them bad games you said are not bad, well just two I like that being ride to hell and terminator salvation, I got dead space 2 and 3, and fallout 3 and nv and borderlands 1 and 2 and bioshock and a lot more but most games are not all bad, well unless you mean that girl game thing then no that is too much for anyone, also most of them plats are easy if you got the time to go in and do them slowly and not try it and think of getting it in a day kind of thing.

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From personal experience (regarding not only difficulty but also fun while doing so... even if I never got to finish it myself):

  • Borderlands 2
  • Demon Souls (and the other Souls games to a minor extent - first one is always harder for the player)
  • Injustice, DoA5 and the rest of the fighting games gang (I can't find myself playing properly without arcade stick :()
  • Uncharted series (definitely a must regarding story, even though crushing can be frustrating at some points)
  • Warhammer 40k: Space Marine (without boosting it was one hell of an adventure and many long hours in MP)
  • Disgaea 4 (and would also mention the others, even tho I was never brave enough to attempt the plats)
  • Nier (a must for it's story - terribly underrated game tho)
  • Vanquish (urgh challenges)
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Yeah I'm gonna resay Catherine.


Not just because I have it but because everything that I earnt I feel like I rightfully worked for it to get it, sure yeah some of it was a little too hard but everything felt as difficult as it should be, even the babel challenges and when you finally get those trophies it's like "Yeah, I really achieved this, I really deserved this reward".


Idk, just that game was probably the most rewarding thing I've ever done.

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My list is games which I think everyone should play and or try to play:


  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengence
  • Bayonetta
  • Dead Space series (excluding 3)
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
  • 3D Dot Game Heroes
  • Vanquish
  • Final Fantasy X

I cannot think of any hard games, besides Ninja Gaiden, but only because I enjoy hack and slashes. While quality is important, play what you want and don't worry about what other people think. There is nothing wrong on playing easy-medium games, as there are a lot of good games within that difficulty range which people avoid.



For me, a Respectable Platinum has to meet certain criteria. The platinum cannot come from a bad game, doesn't matter if it's hard, if it's a terrible game, then it's also a terrible platinum. There are a few games I consider to have terrible platinums that any gamer, let alone trophy hunter, should avoid. X-Blades, Anarchy: Rush Hour, Ride to Hell: Retribution, Terminator: Salvation & Damnation are all good examples of terrible, avoid at all costs games.


Respectable Platinums should come from good or hard games. X-Men: Origins - Wolverine is a respectable plat, despite being easy and a Movie tie-in. Because the game is a lot of fun and WAY better than that awful movie >_<. Here's a short list of games with, what I consider, Respectable plats. 


Bioshock: Infinite



Dead Space 2

God of War

God of War II

God of War III


For the Bioshock games, they really are not that hard considering. You might just struggle with FPS, wheres you dominate in another area. However, I would not say they are not difficult. In my opinion, you seem to have good taste in games as those two Bioshock games were the best out of the trilogy. I was really surprised you put Borderlands in there, as that would seem as an enjoyable game. Darksiders is really easy since you can New Game + everything on Apocalyptic difficulty which makes everything easier. Dead Space 2 was really easy too, but the Hard Core mode featured in the game is quite daunting at first, but is easier than Zealot mode(or at least I thought?).


As for God Of War, the only hard one I thought was the first one due to the challenge mode. The only thing which puts you over the edge is challenge # 10 which is nerve-racking to core itself. :facepalm:



High platinum counts shouldn't be automatically considered impressive, it's what they consist of that's determines whether it's impressive 


Quality > Quantity 




 I don't look down on anybody because of their platinum. A trophy is a trophy.


Truer words have never been said. :)


I guess you're just one of those type of people, then


I've played harder games than Raccoon City, buddy


Nice. I've never played Raccoon City, but heard it was....bad.

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Any of the Souls game are pretty respectable, not just since it's tricky, but because most of them require multiple playthroughs and weapon collections which can be easily messed up.

I also have serious respect to anyone that has 100%ed Ride to Hell Retribution, it takes serious amount of self control not to bludgeon yourself to death with the controller while playing.

As one who has all the platinums described in your post, including the 100% on Ride to Hell, I thank you:-)

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Nice. I've never played Raccoon City, but heard it was....bad.


It's honestly not a bad game. People just don't like change. It's a solid game of decent length and has excellent controls and a good weapon customization system. The core concept remains the same: kill the zombies and stay alive. Resources remain difficult to find and the co-op feature is not bad. As I said, people are resistant to change, but they need to get over it. Resident Evil will never be the same, and that is just fine. They can complain all they want, but everyone knows they will buy the next installment anyway. Look at the sales for Operation Raccoon City and Resident Evil 6. They both sold over 2.5 million units (RE6 sold over 4.5 million) despite all the negative criticism which just goes to prove my point further.

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It's honestly not a bad game. People just don't like change. It's a solid game of decent length and has excellent controls and a good weapon customization system. The core concept remains the same: kill the zombies and stay alive. Resources remain difficult to find and the co-op feature is not bad. As I said, people are resistant to change, but they need to get over it. Resident Evil will never be the same, and that is just fine. They can complain all they want, but everyone knows they will buy the next installment anyway. Look at the sales for Operation Raccoon City and Resident Evil 6. They both sold over 2.5 million units (RE6 sold over 4.5 million) despite all the negative criticism which just goes to prove my point further.



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I pretty much respect any platinum, as it's an impressive feat no matter what game it is. The only thing I don't like is seeing people get platinums for multiple versions of the same game, especially if it's an easy one (i.e. The Walking Dead, any of TT Games' LEGO games, Sound Shapes, etc.). The only games I've gotten the platinum for multiple versions of are Grand Theft Auto V and Saints Row IV and it'll stay that way, as those were two games I enjoyed revisiting on PS4 and earning the platinum for, especially since they're really time-consuming and rewarding in the long run and can be challenging at times.

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