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Bad thing to do to the person above


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Seems obsessed with me, if his last two posts on here are anything to go by. Perhaps I would hide from him and then he won't be able to bask in my magnificence. No, wait, that would be too cruel. Maybe I will just make him Rory's slave for a month.

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^^^ Ok kids settle down or you both of you get a whooping 



Since Neppy and SuperStar fight like bother and sister i had to take the initiative. I waited at night and i drug both of you and i did a body modification of combining both of you together so this why you two have

 but no choice to get along  :awesome:  :yay:  :platinum:

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The only position of me tonight is in front of a dinner table while eating Maso ( steak ) and watching Neppy get roughed up by some women wrestlers and get twisted in to a pretzel. 

  I get my enjoyment and Neppy gets her's  :lol:

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Giving you bad luck every time i comment after you and watch you cry about in laughter.  :eyebrow:


 Damn been ninja'd. LOL


 I force you to marry Susan Boyle Because she is your type of women but i talk her into doing a prenup in case you find some else that's more of a troll. 

Edited by Dimmu-T
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These opposite gender roles sheesh.

May have to the dangerous move by making the woverine(Pyrotheseus) cut off that you know what (basically most of your body) and after that, I will turn you into a suplex city guy where I will suplex you so many times until you give up of making people switch gender roles with that horrifying magic of yours.

Edited by Superstarmaste1r
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These opposite gender roles sheesh.

May have to the dangerous move by making the woverine(Pyrotheseus) cut off that you know what (basically most of your body) and after that, I will turn you into a suplex city guy where I will suplex you so many times until you give up of making people switch gender roles with that horrifying magic of yours.

what gender role. I wasn't even taking about gender swapping. LMAO. the last time.. 


 I just force feed you lies and hypnosis to make you think of what you are but really not of anything of truth of psychotic  psychoses of what you really want to be but really not at this moment in time to be what you really want to be.  And the bad thing is that this whole sentence is to much and your mind will explode. Caution is advised.  :yay:

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