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ABagofPotatoes has joined the lobby!


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ooooh a talking bag of potatoes... (heh and some people thinks a talking and walking goldfish is weird) can I get one and bake it when I got home?


anywayyy... hello and welcome.. panda-emoticon-78.gif?1292863523hope to see potatoes in guides and threads... panda-emoticon-64.gif?1292863520

Edited by JeieeM
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ABagOfPotatoes joined the lobby

Killed by ABagofPotatoes

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ABagofPotatoes is down

ABagofPotatoes left the game

That's almost as funny as 10AngryFatKids! xD Anyways, welcome. I like potatoes to!

Lol, why was I thinking the exact same thing! I had a friend whose name was A_Clown! Who would kill a clown? xD



I love potatoes, but cheesy potatoes are the bomb! Hopefully you enjoy the forum as much as potatoes.

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Lol, why was I thinking the exact same thing! I had a friend whose name was A_Clown! Who would kill a clown? xD



I love potatoes, but cheesy potatoes are the bomb! Hopefully you enjoy the forum as much as potatoes.

Anyone who wouldn't hasn't seen IT, and been traumatised by it.

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