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It appears I have registered here in 2011, but I have no recollection of that. I was hoping I hadn't, 'cause I would've liked to use another screen name on here but it matters not. You will know me as ID-69, so be it. 


What brings me here? Well, currently I'm bored with another PlayStation board where I've been posting actively the last 6 years .Also, I love trophy hunting so I bet I will fit in just fine. 


Tool is one of the greatest bands of all time. 

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Thank you all for your kind welcomes! 


Hmm.. I'll consider changing my screen name, but ID is fine, just not digging the digits. Thanks anyway prarpin! 

EDIT: I don't have a permission to change my screen name...

Still figuring out how everything works. I just tried to resize attached images with no luck. 


I'm a bad Finn. I hate sauna and I rarely drink.  ;)

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OK, I've been here one day and looked around. Here are my pros and cons (so far):
+ The community seems nice and welcoming.

+ and active.
+ We have a separate subforum for every PlayStation game. 
+ Swearing is allowed. PERKELE!


- How do I resize pictures? Seriously.

- The Off-Topic section is a bit shallow for my liking. Every topic is like "What's your favorite color?". There doesn't seem to be any serious topics being discussed.

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OK, I've been here one day and looked around. Here are my pros and cons (so far):

+ Swearing is allowed. PERKELE!


- The Off-Topic section is a bit shallow for my liking. Every topic is like "What's your favorite color?". There doesn't seem to be any serious topics being discussed.

That seems to be a new swear word teach me more.


I know what you mean, but I don't think anyone cares enough to have serious discussion here, its a trophy forum. I considered starting up one, but it would likely just end up in arguments.

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That seems to be a new swear word teach me more.


I know what you mean, but I don't think anyone cares enough to have serious discussion here, its a trophy forum. I considered starting up one, but it would likely just end up in arguments.

It's the word we use when there are foreigners around, to impress them. I think it's the trilled r sound that makes it supposedly intimidating. You know, the "Spanish r".

I only mentioned swearing because I come from PlayStation and Nintendo communities where swearing is prohibited.


Yeah I guess there is a place for everything, and this isn't the best forum to discuss politics and religion and ethics and all stuff of that nature.

Nothing wrong with ending up in arguments as long as it's not a blatant flamewar.

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I cant believe that people are getting prostituted for swearing on the Nintendo community - but I suppose that explains how the make all their money...


Anyway welcome to the forum.  You wont see much of me though unless you fancy talking a lot of shit in the forum games section.

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