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im a costumers of sony since the psOne. i play ps3 since 2012, i lost my data few years ago, im new here since january 2015 , i never came  on the forum part in the past, always on the site for organize sessions stuff like that, it will be change now . Im ready ! im glad to be part of this community.



Im playing Dragon dogma and bound by flame in the moment


psn: DeGrape83


dragon's dogma : http://game.capcom.com/dragonsdogma/m31869.html



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Welcome to the forum hope you like it here.


Why would you use a gif from grey's anatomy then? I think thats the pretty one.

I dont do Grey's anatomy. Too cutesy for my likeing. I'm twisted like the joker. Lol. Plus Heath ledger was the best joker ever. 

More like a big fan of catwoman :P

Well who doesn't love Catwoman. She kicks ass. 

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I dont do Grey's anatomy. Too cutesy for my likeing. I'm twisted like the joker. Lol. Plus Heath ledger was the best joker ever. 

Well who doesn't love Catwoman. She kicks ass. 

Maybe live performance, but no one beats Mark Hamill. And Catwoman kicks ass the ass!

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