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Gday to my fellow PSN users!


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Hi all,


New to this site and new to collecting trophies to be honest!


Nothing better than challenging oneself on achieving a trophy, whether it is as easy or ultra rare!


From Australia (Sydney to be more specific), happy to have a chat and "jam" with those also looking at getting the same trophies etc.


Hope to play with some of you guys (and gals) around the world soon!


Peace! :D

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Thanks peeps! :)


Welcome to a fellow Aussie!


Thanks mate!


Welcome to the site :wave:


Always good to see another Aussie join B)


:lol: cheers mate


Welcome - hope you can handle the madness that ensues within these threads... :D


Haha, yep seeing a lot of 'strange' things in these threads :lol:

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