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Rainbow Six: Siege - "Season Pass" details

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So, Ubisoft have announced a Season Pass in a multiplayer game. 


"Fantastic", you might say, tongue firmly in your cheek while you do so, "Great way to split your community dumbasses!"


Well hold on sir or madam! That's not what's going on here. 


Firstly, Ubisoft are promising that they won't split the community. All maps will apparently be free, as will the 8 new "game changing" operators that they will be adding to the game. 


So, what is the point in a Season Pass you ask?


Well, the video above describes it as a "VIP Experience". With the Season Pass, you will get:


  • 1 week early and "instant" access to the 8 new operators as they are released;
  • Exclusive "Porter" weapon skin;
  • A permanent renown boost (XP boost, apparently 5%) which will "get you what you want, faster";
  • The animal inspired Safari bundle of 5 weapon skins for all of your weapons;
  • Extra daily challenges to "earn even more renown" (an additional 2, giving you a total of 5 daily challenges compared to 3 for non-SP players);
  • Some in game currency (R6 Credits), $5/£3.30 worth.


As far as I can see, there's no detail how much the Safari skins will cost separately, if you choose not to get the season pass. 


It will cost $29.99, or about £20.






I'm mixed on the renown boost, which appears to be the main draw of the season pass.


On the one hand, it will split the community to a degree, because some people will be able to unlock everything quicker than others. But, then again, there are always those guys in every MP game who seem to have unlocked everything just a couple of days post launch anyway.


If someone wants to unlock everything faster, then I don't really have a problem with it. They're only cheating themselves out of play-time, and no amount of unlocks will make a bad player into a good one. Plus, 5% doesn't seem to be enough of a renown boost to be significant. 


Good that Ubi aren't splitting the community across maps. 


Early access to operators seems a little pointless to me. Sounds like the "instant access" to the Han Solo blaster in Battlefront - you'll be unlocking it anyway, so do you really need to be paying more for it? Have a little patience. I'd like to know why they qualified the early access with the word "instant"... will non-season pass players need to jump through some other hoops to play as these operators, like achieve a certain renown level or something?


£20, especially as it doesn't appear to be giving you anything that you wouldn't be getting anyway, apart from a few skins... seems a little expensive to me. 

Edited by StrickenBiged
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Wow, that has got to be one of the most worthless season passes I've ever seen. :|


That is not good value o.o


I'm willing to bet that it will sell like gangbusters anyway... I get the impression that there are a lot of players who will go and get their copy of the game, not read or understand what they're buying, but just think to themselves "Oh, well I do want the full game so I suppose I have to buy it".


The guys in GAME seem to be very good at pushing the extras these days, although I rarely go in there anymore except to check out whether their sales are cheaper than Amazon...

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Wow, that has got to be one of the most worthless season passes I've ever seen. :|

That is not good value o.o


I assume they'll be introducing the weapon XP bonuses seperately for limited times under the cost of R6 credits, so I guess if you're playing long term that perma 5% bonus might get you somewhere


But yeah... Season passes are becoming a little too worthless nowadays

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I suppose it's good they don't want to split the community. This "season pass" sounds like something they'd put in just for the sake of having something to sell to people, no real value or effort. Still, i'd rather have them ask me to pay 29.99 for something i don't want than something i actually need.

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  • 2 months later...

I loved the game so much I ended up buying the season pass, even though it appears to be not worth it. It's worth it for me because I don't have the time to put 200 more hours into it (8 x 25), especially because I love new weapon skins. Just want to comeback when each season rolls out, enjoy it again for few weeks and then wait for the next update.

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I'm glad I have the season pass too.  25,000 renown for each dlc character?  I love the game but damn that's expensive.

It's really not that much... I'm not much of a gun skin person (never could understand people paying actual money for them) so i just got the few 10k ones for the operators I use the most. A few hours of Ranked will easily net you the 25k you need unless you absolutely need to unlock every attachment/skin for every gun and every op. Also the 5% boost you get is what? 1-2 rounds worth of renown less for the 25k, didn't see a lot of people with boosters past the first week when everyone got the complimentary one

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It's really not that much... I'm not much of a gun skin person (never could understand people paying actual money for them) so i just got the few 10k ones for the operators I use the most. A few hours of Ranked will easily net you the 25k you need unless you absolutely need to unlock every attachment/skin for every gun and every op. Also the 5% boost you get is what? 1-2 rounds worth of renown less for the 25k, didn't see a lot of people with boosters past the first week when everyone got the complimentary one

Time is money. If you're gonna be a regular player all year of course the season pass is not the great, but if you just want to play occasionally it's useful.

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Time is money. If you're gonna be a regular player all year of course the season pass is not the great, but if you just want to play occasionally it's useful.

nah by all means it's your money do what you like I just still get games for the pleasure of playing them no matter how little or much time i have. and i really can't justify paying actual money for weapons skins e.g. useless 'items' that have no impact whatsoever... other season passes at least include new maps/characters/weapons etc.

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nah by all means it's your money do what you like I just still get games for the pleasure of playing them no matter how little or much time i have. and i really can't justify paying actual money for weapons skins e.g. useless 'items' that have no impact whatsoever... other season passes at least include new maps/characters/weapons etc.

I hear you. Instant access to dlc characters is the only thing of possible real value. Anyway, I meant I was using my renown for weapon skins, not that I wanted the few weapon skins available for season pass holders.

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