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Lets talk about Playstation Experience 2015.


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Hello ladies and gentlemen. I wanted to talk about Playstation Experience, about my opinion on it. My review some would say.
So maybe you've seen me around, maybe you've seen me spam the Status Updates today. MAYBE you've seen me around the internet on prediction threads and videos. I've been STOKED about PSX this year, waiting since last year and building the hype more and more since the trailer was announced.


What the hell was that.


Seriously, what just happened. I know it was wrong of me to hype up this thing, but damn. WHAT happened.
I know Playstation Experience is a great way to show smaller titles, titles that we wouldn't regulary see. But Playstation Experience is also a good way to show all things Playstation.
We saw one first party game wich was Uncharted 4 A Thieves End. We saw a few exclusives. But the rest was just Third parties and indies everywhere.

Lets talk about my opinion.

The start of the keynote was amazing. More then amazing actually. When I saw Uncharted 4 I got more excited for it then I ever did, Baker and North does it so fucking good together. 
Then Shawn comes up WITH A CRASH SWEATER. WHY DID YOU DO THAT SHAWN, WHY. Let me tell ya, there has to be something with this, it just HAS. Its another Crash 'easter egg' shown by Playstation and Crash has his 20th anniversary next year.
Anyways, we have Final Fantasy VII Remake wich looks dope as fuck. And Im on the side of 'YES they dropped the turn based system' even though I could see it getting a lot of shit.
After that CoD came on, wich was good because I almost had an heartattack. But wow, what a slow and boring show it became quickly.
Third party deals left and right wich was expected, some Vita but not much and a lot of indies.
Its not that I don't like indies, don't get me wrong, its just.. I wanted it to have a little smaller role at that conference.

Speaking of big roles.. Santa Monica comes out last year, announces God of War IV and says 'We'll have a big role in next years PSX'
Wow great, my dream is coming true God of War IV finally fucking happening. THE ONLY NEWS I GOT ABOUT GOD OF WAR IV WAS A NEW LISTING IN UK. Im so sad about it, so sad.. 
What about Bend? They apperently got struggles so they couldn't make their announcement now and is saving it for E3 2016 according to Jason Shreier on Twitter.
But not only that, where was Horizon Zero Dawn, No Mans Sky, Dreams, Sony Japan, Last Guardian, there was nothing in terms of first party almost... Where was Shuhei? our beloved Shuhei didn't even come on stage to talk?


And while were at it, lets talk about Playstation VR. Here's the thing, I want to be excited for it and so does Sony. Please show the real games, the games that makes us want to play it, like for example the announced Gran Turismo, Driveclub and Dreams VR. Or maybe a game like EVE Valkyrie, or announce that No Mans Sky is getting a VR treatment. Not Job Simulator..
Seriously they could've shown a lot better then Job Simulator. I feel like if they market the Playstation VR with a game where you stand in a Tron looking room throwing discs, a game wich is a Job Simulator and a game wich looks like a phone endless runner game, Im getting pretty worried about the VR.

There was five things I enjoyed. Five. Uncharted 4, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Bastion on Vita, Ni No Kuni 2 and Ratchet & Clank.
I've waited for this day basically only reading about PSX, been so bored. And the keynote was just as boring for the majority of the time. 
It feels like Im hating on it, wich I try not to.
God of War gets an listing, its probably being shown there, my expectations is sky high. If not, Bend would probably be there, Disney and Square was there so the KH3 / 2.8 trailer we've been waiting for? But not even Shuhei was on stage.

The biggest problem with this conference wasn't the indie titles, it wasn't the third party games its that it was so incredibly dragged. Like every speech was long, the Ono part was super long (10 minutes or more) every game announcement was loooong, and like the Battleborn part wich looks cool was like 5 minutes talking for a 1 minute trailer. They could've easily have a 1 minute trailer and end it with 1 - 2 minutes talking. 
They dragged out a lot of things, wich maybe was why they didn't announce more stuff, they didn't have time.. The show was almost 2 hours, if it wasn't so unneccesarily dragged out at parts maybe we could've had 40 minutes left of those 2 hours lol.


There is so many questions.. PS2 emulation? How is it going to work, what titles? Where is God of War IV? (PLEASE BARLOG, LEAK SOMETHING AGAIN FOR ME, DO IT FOR YOUR BOY MarsipanRumpan) Where is Sly Cooper wich is getting a movie release.. What problems did Bend have that made them not show their new IP... It feels like the only thing that I got from this keynotes was more questions, a lot of questions. Why did you wear Crash Shawn


Talk to me guys because Im probably going to cry myself to sleep if Barlog doesn't leak anything :P
We will atleast get a pretty awesome E3, God of War IV, Bend's game and maybe even Sucker Punch. Lets cry together guys (Or laugh and be happy if you liked it) What is your opinions on PSX this year?

Edited by MarsipanRumpan
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Shu, please let us change our names. 

Yeah where was that? Where was the OS updates Sony's been talking about for so long.. Atleast the crowd was pretending to like it, PGW was 10 times better and the crowd sucked there lol.


The only game show I watch is Jeopardy. However, I'm sorry they killed your dreams. :(

Edit for auto correct horseshit.

Thanks I appreciate it <3  Just have to suck it up and wait until E3 comes :P


The only game that got me so Hypted was Final Fantasy and ratchet and clank the rest was boring IMO i wasn't interested in indies games also the VR WTF was the worst part of the show

Yeah VR.. I want it to succed but they market it so badly that its hard to, feels like a joke when they spend 2 minutes talking about Job Simulator like wtf. Not even a release date.

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I was happy to hear release dates for Yakuza 5 and Ratchet & Clank PS4, that Yakuza 0 is coming to the west, and that Ni No Kuni got a sequel. Could the show have been better? Yes. Am I disappointed? Not too much since some good came out of it.

Yeah I was too until SEGA said on Twitter that it probably won't come to Europe. So yeah I won't get it anyways.


The best part about the whole PSX show will probably be PS I Love You.

Indeed and their other panel. I also want to see the Story telling panel, because Barlog is on it and I love him, I hope he leaks something again  :devil:

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I guess since the keynote is done we won't get any other announcements,


Overall I am a bit dissapointed. Of course Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank and FF7 remake looks nice. Other than that not to much is memorable to me. Yeah, I may check out some the indie games.


The VR stuff I can do with out. They spent to much time on it and it all looks like crap to me. Come on now Job simulator. Not my cup of tea.

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NI NO KUNI 2!!#@$#%$!#%!#% 


Also, Yakuza 0 and NI-OH looks amazing. Ratchet & Clank also looks good.


It was a pretty good show, there are some really good indie titles in all of those games. only the VR was pretty weak, but at least it was here and not in e3, right? i think they put a lot of cool (and exclusive Nonetheless) games. they have so much games in 2016 and 2017 and we know we going to get even more games at e3, all those really big games like gow 4 and more. hoping for Crash as well.


All in all, pretty good show. 

Edited by Gate_Guard
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Pretty much the most fitting word for this show.

There were only 3 things that actually interested me.

  • Ni no Kuni 2 - PSX winner, without that, I would probably fall asleep
  • Ibuki in SFV
  • I want to say Final Fantasy VII, but it was almost the same thing recycled all over =D Still looks cool.



I knew something was wrong when they used forbidden word "Vita" :awesome: Not once, 6!!!!!! times through the whole stream!

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