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よろしくお願いしましす - Nice to meet you~


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i'm actually not new to the forums but i've been focusing soley on getting plats and being a Trophy hunter so i didn't give any time for the forums but whateva. just thought that it might be better to check out and edit my profile as possible i can (because i suck at programming stuffs) and kinda boring without any fellow trophy hunters to talk with. so be sure to add me ;-;

planning to be premium member once i know how to buy things online since i'm not on a right age to have like credit cards but anyways, i try to be active and complete my 100th Platinum project and that's still far for being a elite. nice meeting you ~

Edited by Eyedgrim
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hmm about why i only have 99% is because of inFamous Festival of Blood. i can't connect to the ugc server ended up not achieving the "Collect all powers" and "Play 20 ugc missions" i don't know why i can't connect? even JINTEI-T-01 don't have these two trophies a japan region player. seriously i can't get those two common trophies? hahaha

i can wait for it until they fix this problem and oh thanks ~

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hmm about why i only have 99% is because of inFamous Festival of Blood. i can't connect to the ugc server ended up not achieving the "Collect all powers" and "Play 20 ugc missions" i don't know why i can't connect? even JINTEI-T-01 don't have these two trophies a japan region player. seriously i can't get those two common trophies? hahaha

i can wait for it until they fix this problem and oh thanks ~

It must have something to do with the region, because I recently got 100% on Festival of Blood again on my second profile. That sucks though, hopefully it'll be fixed sooner or later (that's why I hate trophies to do with anything with online <_<).


ようこそ to the forums too! hi-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862508 

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You could just put "Nice to meet you" or "Hello, I'm new here.", instead of using another language on the topic title. Totally unnecessary. Anyway, I'm not trying to be rude to you. Welcome. 


How rude.



Welcome *just woke up* to... the forums *headesk and falls asleep again* merry christmas... (Hey ! I am the forums permanent raccoon for now)


You just woke up? It's 10pm xD I thought I was lazy 

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よろしくお願いします。 PSNPようこそ! ヾ(^∇^)

I'm not sure but imo へ could more appropriate...




You know that, right?




Anyway, welcome OP!


こんな 簡単 な こと を Google  は 必要 ない と 思います

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