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Will trophies still be obtainable after the servers will shutting down in the future on the PS3?


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Well, now i'm curious about what you're going to post. Because it's common knowledge that the servers are shared.


EDIT: please don't tell me it has to do with the recent PSP news: they didn't shut down the servers, only the PlayStation Store from the PSP.


EDIT 2: or perhaps some crap in the Terms and Conditions? We already discussed about that. It has nothing to do with that.


...and a certain someone fails to follow through on their claim. 

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Im sure the ps3 servers won't  be shutdown for atleast 2years minimum,think about how mad people will get if they bought a year of ps now when it was on sale and than the ps3 servers got shutdown sony will most likely lose alot of people to xbox(atleast the smart people) 


Sony is pushing ps now to hard for them to shut down ps3 servers anytime soon especially when they continue to add more games to the service,like today they just added they DMC hd collection to the ps now service and they can get more money from the ps now service a year than even the ps plus service,ps plus $50 a year,ps now $200 a year or $100 when its on sale,i have no problem paying $50 every 3months for this service though i wish i had got it when it was on sale.


I guess its kinda silly when i hate paying $50 a year for ps plus and its recent crappy IGC though i only started to use ps plus consistently when i bought a pn vita.

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Im sure the ps3 servers won't  be shutdown for atleast 2years minimum,think about how mad people will get if they bought a year of ps now when it was on sale and than the ps3 servers got shutdown sony will most likely lose alot of people to xbox(atleast the smart people)

2 years is highly unlikely. The last PS2 console was made in late 2012. 2 yrs from now, Sony is almost certainly still going to be making PS3 consoles. They aren't going to shut down PSN for PS3 while still making the console.


I would say 5 years after the last console ships at least. Even then, it makes very little sense to shutter the service, even for a legacy console. This is not the same as keeping online MP servers going, the cost is probably much less, and then you have the mess of pulling all the PS3 content off the store.


It's going to be years. Long after the console dies. Long after the last game comes out. It would have to be at the point where PS3 content sales and traffic become almost non-existant.


The Vita is likely to die long before the PS3, and even that seems unlikely in the next 5+ yrs.


Bottom line - this is a non-issue. Not happening any time soon.


A more likely scenario would be Sony going under as a company, but that is a different topic for discussion.

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Im sure the ps3 servers won't  be shutdown for atleast 2years minimum,think about how mad people will get if they bought a year of ps now when it was on sale and than the ps3 servers got shutdown sony will most likely lose alot of people to xbox(atleast the smart people) 


Sony is pushing ps now to hard for them to shut down ps3 servers anytime soon especially when they continue to add more games to the service,like today they just added they DMC hd collection to the ps now service and they can get more money from the ps now service a year than even the ps plus service,ps plus $50 a year,ps now $200 a year or $100 when its on sale,i have no problem paying $50 every 3months for this service though i wish i had got it when it was on sale.


I guess its kinda silly when i hate paying $50 a year for ps plus and its recent crappy IGC though i only started to use ps plus consistently when i bought a pn vita.


What are they going to shut down exactly, if there's no such thing as "PS3 servers"? Only the game servers will shut down. Disabling online access on PS3 would be a disaster, a whole generation of titles cancelled from existence. Also, even if it's mostly unnoticed, they're still releasing titles on that system. And more are coming in the next months (or even next year and more, who knows... minor releases but hey, they're real)

Edited by Lance_87
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I think we will always be able to sync our trophies. Maybe you cant on ps3, but when you will log in on ps4/5 or something, they will sync (i.m not sure of this, because at this moment i only own ps3). But will take long time to shut down ps3 servers. They still doing a lot of money with that console.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys!


My question could be its own thread but i think its not that important. You talked about what would happen with servers shut down etc. so my question somehow relates to that.


At a not known point in the future, when the ps3 support is done and dusted, will I still be able to access the things i downloaded from the ps3 store? E.g. I bought LBP online, downloaded it, but will I be able to play it until my ps3 doesnt work anymore or only until Sony cancels all support for the ps3?


Kind regards

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Hi guys!


My question could be its own thread but i think its not that important. You talked about what would happen with servers shut down etc. so my question somehow relates to that.


At a not known point in the future, when the ps3 support is done and dusted, will I still be able to access the things i downloaded from the ps3 store? E.g. I bought LBP online, downloaded it, but will I be able to play it until my ps3 doesnt work anymore or only until Sony cancels all support for the ps3?


Kind regards


No one knows. It's a total mystery, but I'm going to say no. If they manage to shut off the servers just for PS3 stuff, they'll probably shut off the servers for ALL PS3 stuff, otherwise, why just shut it off for some things an not others? That would be completely idiotic and pointless.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It'll never happen... PlayStation Network is strong and active

I agree, i have a 360 and xbox one, most games i have played dont have many players, like bioshock 2 but when i play bioshock 2 on my ps3 many people still play it. i dont see why they would shut down the trophy synch 

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I think maybe in 7-10 years will shutdown the trophy sync on PS3, but maybe, they release update on her ps4 (or ps5), that will allow users connect ps3 to ps4/5 by usb and sync the trophies. Because they know the trophies is 1 feature that 90% users want and always want.

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I think maybe in 7-10 years will shutdown the trophy sync on PS3, but maybe, they release update on her ps4 (or ps5), that will allow users connect ps3 to ps4/5 by usb and sync the trophies. Because they know the trophies is 1 feature that 90% users want and always want.


Connecting consoles to each other by USB would require a whole new thing that would have to be engineered for the PS3 and the again for the PS4/5. Then it would a PITA because the USB ports on the PS3 are (I believe) low-speed, throwing another wrench in the system. It would be absolutely insane since the PS3 already has wifi AND ethernet. USB would be the worst possible way to connect consoles.


No, I don't even think your suggestion is in the realm of reality. If Sony were to make the call to not let PS3 sync trophies on it's own, Sony isn't going to provide another way either. They'd just cut the whole thing off, which they won't.

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