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Hard drive not enough space


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I have 50GB Free and trying to install EA SPORTS UFC 2, my hard drive is 500gb


The games that I have installed at the minute are:


Batman Arkham Knight DISC

Grand Theft Auto 5 DISC



Uncharted Collection DISC

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 DISC



if it says 50GB Free why won't it install




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Games usually require 2x the space...a download and install file. As far as I'm aware this is the same on PS4. (digital not disk)


So if the game is anything above 25gb your gonna need more real space

Edited by VitalFury
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Games usually require 2x the space...a download and install file. As far as I'm aware this is the same on PS4. (digital not disk)


So if the game is anything above 25gb your gonna need more real space


So because dragon age comes in at 60GB it requires 120GB altogether ??


Sometimes the machine knows there's updates and doesn't count then in the estimate.

Try killing your internet and reinstalling the game, if you can't afford to free up some space.


Thanks its ok i updating my hard drive i just want to wanted to back up my hard drive but i thought it was corrupted because i can't install a 24gb game

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I don't know how people manage to get their HDD full so easy. I got a bunch of games on my ps4 and only takes up like 140GB.


Aside of that as someone said you could delete games that you won't play anymore to free up some space.

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I recently put a 2TB HDD in my PS4 because my 500GB was full. Now I have already around 1.2 TB used up... :dunno:

With no games you only get around 1.7 TB. That's standard across hard drives(HDD makers use 1000MB as 1GB and 1000GB as 1TB where as its 1024MB is 1GB and 1024GB is 1TB- so it's actually around 1.83TB and then the ps4 reserves some for OS/OS updates) somyou must have around 4-500gb of games/apps.

Blame the hard drive makers for this one, advertising works better to say 500gb/1tb/2/tb ect but in the real world it's actually slightly less

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external hardrive


External HDD doesn't work to actually run the games from tho. That's an XBOne feature, but not available on PS4. 


(Assuming you're on about connecting via USB. If you mean an external HDD connected to the SATA port where a HDD would normally sit, than that'd work, I guess.)

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I'm still using a Nyko Databank and a 4Gig 3.5 inch hdd, I haven't had any problems despite the regular negative feedback on the internet. I'll take a screen shot of the storage and dump it on the ps4 screenshot topic, I recommend this product, don't listen to the internet complaints.

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It may not be installing because the game install + updates are larger than 50gb (even if the update(s) will overwrite data on the install, it still counts it as being separate before the updates have been installed).


You're going to have to delete something from your hard drive to make space for it unfortunately. I have to keep deleting game installs regularly now as my 500GB hard drive is constantly getting filled. I'll probably upgrade the hard drive eventually, though I'm notoriously lazy when it comes to that sort of thing. I stuck with my 80GB PS3's hard drive until it died just last month though, after 8 years of use. I doubt I'll ever fill the new PS3's 500GB hard drive.

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