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Rockstar has "tremendous success" with PS2 titles on PS4


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Great news! I think it's safe to say a lot more Rockstar games will be coming soon to the PS4: GTA Stories, The Warriors, Red Dead Revolver and a few Midnight Clubs for sure! They were all released as classics on PS3 so they're a given. Lesser known games like Smuggler's Run and State of Emergency seem unlikely I'm afraid but you never know. Manhunt 2 is also a tough one to bet on. It caused a lot of headache for Rockstar at the time and they haven't touched it again since.

Take-Two could also get their 2K division on board though. The first Mafia game would be a good pick, just in time for the new one (I know it was actually a Gathering game but they merged into 2K).

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As with a lot of people, I've bought the GTA Trilogy and Canis Canem Edit. These games are just too good to not get on PS4!


I'd love to see more games though... it seems as though the PS2 to PS4 hype has died down a lot and I think other developers need to take a leaf out of Rockstar's book and get in on the nostalgia that everybody is craving in this day and age.

i don't think it had died, because the re-releases are still selling pretty well, it's just that since apart from rockstar and a few others sony has been mostly re-releasing ps2 games originally published by them which most of them are either niche or unpopular for the general audience like mark of kri, okage, war of the monsters, kinetica, etc. once other companies or sony themselves start making more deals with them and we begin to see more well known franchises and games like silent hill, tomb raider, need for speed, etc the "hype" or sales will increase more.


The outdoors are really fuzzy with a very tiny draw distance, I played bully on Ps2, Wii and the 360. If it was a common problem on the ps4 than more people would have said something by now. It's the only ps2 title on ps4 that runs like this for me.

that's weird, i don't remember looking and running that bad outdoors, have you tried uninstalling it and downloading it again?


They should move into PSP titles with trophies, it would definitely benefit the vita

definitely, would also love to see ps1 titles as well, although i would like to see both of them being available on ps4 too since they will make more sales that way too. i don't know if that might affect vita's sales if those emulations were also available on ps4, but i also don't see much people buying a vita just to play old ps1 and psp titles, but i guess it will help a little.


Great news! I think it's safe to say a lot more Rockstar games will be coming soon to the PS4: GTA Stories, The Warriors, Red Dead Revolver and a few Midnight Clubs for sure! They were all released as classics on PS3 so they're a given. Lesser known games like Smuggler's Run and State of Emergency seem unlikely I'm afraid but you never know. Manhunt 2 is also a tough one to bet on. It caused a lot of headache for Rockstar at the time and they haven't touched it again since.

Take-Two could also get their 2K division on board though. The first Mafia game would be a good pick, just in time for the new one (I know it was actually a Gathering game but they merged into 2K).

i agree with this man who i never met in my life :)


Still not impressed by PS2 games on PS4. Be able to play them on Vita would've been nice. I'm sure it would be possible but no one really cares about the vita. PS1 games would've been so much better.  

technically you can play them on vita using the remote play function, i mean you can just buy them on your ps4 and use your vita to play them. i think if you have 3g you can also leave your ps4 on at home and keep playing them in your vita in another place.

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Good, now port over Red Dead Revolver and you'll get my money.


As someone who never played Red Dead Revolver, is really that good? I mean I watched some videos of it and maybe it's because I only played Red Dead Redemption that I wasn't impressed from what I saw about Revolver.

I liked Redemption, should I play Revolver if it gets re-released on PS4?

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As someone who never played Red Dead Revolver, is really that good? I mean I watched some videos of it and maybe it's because I only played Red Dead Redemption that I wasn't impressed from what I saw about Revolver.

I liked Redemption, should I play Revolver if it gets re-released on PS4?


Never played it neither, but I like to play every game in a series, and I adored Redemption so I want to see where it all started, the same with Mafia, I want the first one on the PS4 as well, I can get them on the PS2 but I do love my trophies :D

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Of course they're making money, you've got


. 5 genuinely fantastic games in the GTA trilogy, Max Payne, and Bully

. Mega fans who will pay anything for the classics

. Trophy hunters who want to plat their faves

. A way higher than reasonable price, ensuring they make a pretty penny from every sale

. The sense to put them on sale so you suck in people like me when the games are around 10 bucks and you don't mind buying them again

. A whole bunch of people who were too young to be around when GTA 3 came out who are just now taking their first steps in Liberty City

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Didn't really like Vice City Stories or Liberty City Stories when they were out originally.

Would like to see The Warriors be released on PS4, always wanted to play it but never had the chance.

despite if they were good or bad i think they will sell very well if they get re-released, considering that they are GTA games and rockstar is having "tremendous success" with them and bully which is also similar to the GTA games, and on top of that both Stories were PS2/PSP exclusives so there might be more people interested on playing them than on playing vice city for example.

not saying that the warriors doesn't have a chance to be released, but i think both Stories have a higher chance or more priority after what take two said.


Of course they're making money, you've got


. 5 genuinely fantastic games in the GTA trilogy, Max Payne, and Bully

. Mega fans who will pay anything for the classics

. Trophy hunters who want to plat their faves

. A way higher than reasonable price, ensuring they make a pretty penny from every sale

. The sense to put them on sale so you suck in people like me when the games are around 10 bucks and you don't mind buying them again

. A whole bunch of people who were too young to be around when GTA 3 came out who are just now taking their first steps in Liberty City

but dem missing songs!! dem price tags!! no one is going to pay 15 dollars for them so that's why they are being a failure!! billy jean isn't on vice city so that's why no one is buying them!! the mobile games are better so no one is going to buy this ps4 versions!!



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Never played it neither, but I like to play every game in a series, and I adored Redemption so I want to see where it all started, the same with Mafia, I want the first one on the PS4 as well, I can get them on the PS2 but I do love my trophies :D

Yeah I totally agree! also playing PS2 games with trophies/platinums is a dream come true for me, been wanting that since years! I mean yeah there were remasters of old PS2 titles on PS3 with trophies but they decided to invest money and remaster only those that were popular on the PS2 era, meanwhile now since this is more like an emulation at 1080p rather than true remasters they don't have to invest much money into making them thus Sony can re-release many more games, popular or not, and at a faster time :)

I played the first Mafia years ago and I remember it was really good, hoping to see it on PS4 too!

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@smellslikejavier, So it looks like bully runs fine now, idk what happened, all I can say is it just downloaded and I had just come off 4 hours of blops 3. Whatever the case I played a few hours last night and this game is still hilarious.

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@smellslikejavier, So it looks like bully runs fine now, idk what happened, all I can say is it just downloaded and I had just come off 4 hours of blops 3. Whatever the case I played a few hours last night and this game is still hilarious.

glad to see that it runs well to you now! is a great game and hoping to see more ps2 rockstar's games soon :)

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I'm glad this is working, and I hope other companies with well received PS2 games take note from the success and follow suit.


Personally, I picked up the GTA Trilogy and Bully, and aside from San Andreas lagging up when farming the 50 arrests trophy, they've all run smoothly and I've enjoyed them thoroughly (again). I think unless you've been buying every re-release they've been putting out, on 360/phones etc, then ~£15 for 25+ hours of entertainment is worth it. 

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I'm glad this is working, and I hope other companies with well received PS2 games take note from the success and follow suit.


Personally, I picked up the GTA Trilogy and Bully, and aside from San Andreas lagging up when farming the 50 arrests trophy, they've all run smoothly and I've enjoyed them thoroughly (again). I think unless you've been buying every re-release they've been putting out, on 360/phones etc, then ~£15 for 25+ hours of entertainment is worth it. 

totally, let's hope that sony starts making deals with more external companies, i suppose sony has to tell them how the current games are doing so if those companies are happy with how well they are doing now they will more than likely jump into this ps2 emulation too.


i also think that 15 dollars/euros (and 9.99 dollars/euros for those who doesn't have a platinum, except the weird case of okage) is a nice price, it could be better yes but the majority of people doesn't appreciate the time that was put behind this ps4 ports, like trophies, remote play, share play, streaming, etc... which all of that cost money to add and manually test them. the ps3 ports didn't had any of that so in that case yes the price should be below 5-9 dollars, but i think this ps4's ports deserve the current price tag.

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but dem missing songs!! dem price tags!! no one is going to pay 15 dollars for them so that's why they are being a failure!! billy jean isn't on vice city so that's why no one is buying them!! the mobile games are better so no one is going to buy this ps4 versions!!



Dude, Vice City has one of the best video game sound tracks, hands down. Love me some sweet, sweet 80s.  B)

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Dude, Vice City has one of the best video game sound tracks, hands down. Love me some sweet, sweet 80s.  B)

the setting is pretty well done indeed, you really feel you are in the 80s again! the soundtrack is awesome, but i tend to not appreciate it as much as other games because they are all licensed songs taken from other artists, to me it has more meaning when a game has its own original soundtrack. personally i think the silent hill franchise has one of the most awesome soundtracks out there, specially the non-instrumental songs that are sung by mary elizabeth mcglynn, many of them could perfectly become hits if they were released outside of the silent hill soundtrack :)

but anyways i was just making fun of that dude who didn't thought this versions will be successful because some songs were missing, the price tag was too high and the mobile versions were better, that might or might not be true according to everyone's own opinion but the truth is this ps2 titles are selling well on ps4!


Don't they have the GTA trilogy (GTA3, VC and SA) up for like 15USD now? :o

yes that was the price since the beginning, and they were on sale twice for 8 dollars.

still i laugh of all those people who said this ps2 titles weren't going to be successful because of the price tag and that other systems had better versions, but the truth is they are being successful on ps4.

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yes that was the price since the beginning, and they were on sale twice for 8 dollars.

still i laugh of all those people who said this ps2 titles weren't going to be successful because of the price tag and that other systems had better versions, but the truth is they are being successful on ps4.


I think you missed my point. All three games together, in one bundle, is currently on sale for 15USD... (at least in EU store).

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I played the 1st part of manhunt and I think it runs better than the Xbox version on the original Xbox, which makes sense I suppose with the up-scaling.

I'm also playing it right now and yeah the game runs very smoothly! I haven't played the original Xbox version so I can't compare it but I like how this version runs :)

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  • 1 month later...

The question you have to ask yourself is why haven't they put up 'The Warriors' that game was absolutely amazing.


Still waiting on The Warriors.


Tge Warriors




Please give me The Warriors on PS4 with trophies.


Would like to see The Warriors be released on PS4, always wanted to play it but never had the chance.


and just 47 days later your wishes became true :P

wonder how much will take to see both gta stories on ps4? i assume 1 or 2 months more too if they don't decide to release some other game like red dead revolver or midnight club first.

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  • 1 month later...

The question you have to ask yourself is why haven't they put up 'The Warriors' that game was absolutely amazing.

If it was so absolutely awesome then why didn't you bought it giving that is now available on PS4 since months ago? or did you just wanted to get some likes for your comment?

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