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Financial Year Backlog Challenge Thing

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So, I haven't actually checked but how often does everybody update? I thought about it and figured the best thing was just posting an update every time there's actually some stat to be updated, instead of saving everything up for a week.


I've ended up with an "update when there is an actual noticeable progress" schedule. Weekly updates just won't work well for me, seeing as the main game I'm stuck with (SO4) won't be going anywhere for a loooong time.

Anyway, I'm thinking about bringing my retro consoles (and backlog) into all this, seeing as I'm getting close to the 2000 trophies mark and my activity on the PSN will slow down to a careful crawl in an attempt to pop the right trophy as my 2000th...

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 Someone heard I had Trackmania and wanted to trade Ratchet and Clank for it... So I had already played Trackmania but I hadn't played a single Ratchet&Clank yet...

I already lost Trackmania before I actually installed it! :lol:

Don't worry, I'll get it again at some point. At the least when it has a VR upgrade.


So, I haven't actually checked but how often does everybody update? I thought about it and figured the best thing was just posting an update every time there's actually some stat to be updated, instead of saving everything up for a week.

I would have accepted that trade in a heartbeat. :P R&C is one of the few games that I'll actually get a PS4 for once that bloody thing falls somewhere between 100€ and 200€.


Also, I tend to update whenever there is a large change or when I feel like I haven't made an update in a while. No real other constraints.

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Well still spending most of my time on Destiny but last night I was so tilted that I decided to play Rocket League (which is a terrible idea since I'm terrible at Rocket League) and on my 2nd game (JIP both times) and playing with the most toxic players I have yet to meet on Rocket League I finally got the painted item which brings me to 100% in the latest DLC. Now to just avoid the temptation to buy the 3 DLC I need to finally finish the 100%.

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So, I haven't actually checked but how often does everybody update? I thought about it and figured the best thing was just posting an update every time there's actually some stat to be updated, instead of saving everything up for a week.


I update once in a while when i have some new trophies at least :)

Maybe my next update will be in a week or two whenever i have accomplished something big like 100% in Dragon's Crown or maybe when i got all mp trophies in GTA 5... something like that :)


Or when i want to say i bought some games :D


I was talking about Bioshock with a friend yesterday and he asked me if we would complete Bioshock 2 and i said no, i don't own the dlc. i can't reach 100%.... well, now i have :D

Bioshock and Bioshock 2 both Complete Edition plus Bioshock Infinite (damn not Complete :( .... Season Pass on discount pls!!! :D ) for 2,70€ 2nd Hand xD ...


A good cave-in :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:


Hopefully i can start in a week when i have few work to do... unless like this week :(

Haven't played much the last days and haven't got many trophies... nothing in GTA online at least :(

Edited by Evil_Joker88
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Thanks for the replies everyone! So it's a bit of a review your games as well, good to know.

Check my previous post for to see what I mean by a big update.

If that's big, then I should be fine :D I tend to be kind of wordy. I'll make sure to talk about the games I'm playing whenever I have something to talk about, those spoiler tags for me are just the basic info for the OP, not the main deal.
On that account, loving Ratchet&Clank! I just moved away from Ratchet's planet with the both of them. I especially loved the moment when the garage doors opened and I started walking outside, such a grand feel... This is how I want No Man's Sky to feel! Only downside I have with the game is that the story feels a little rushed...

I would have accepted that trade in a heartbeat. :P R&C is one of the few games that I'll actually get a PS4 for once that bloody thing falls somewhere between 100€ and 200€.

For me the PS4 was actually the first PlayStation console I ever owned. Long story a bit shorter: I never go to the next generation within the first few years but now Assassin's Creed was going next gen only so I just had to. Chose PS4 since I was getting annoyed with my X360 and did not want Microsoft's multimedia centre, I just wanted a gaming console. Traded in a load of my X360 games so I only had to pay €200 or so for the PS4. Still loving it :-)


I'm a little bit in doubt these days about getting an X1. It's been on crazy sales recently, and it might be nice to upgrade the living room netflix-apparatus to something that actually has HD (now we're using the Wii, it's the only thing it gets used for). Trouble is, next to Rare Replay, I can't think of anything I would want to play on that damn thing, except replaying Alan Wake...

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Damn it, I updated you, then I kept reading the posts, and updated you again. I don't like doing work, I really don't like doing two lots of work! I'm joking, obviously, but yeah. Hey, you're officially in the thing now I guess then. Also, in terms of when you should update, literally just do what that dragon guy Han said. You can update as often as you want, but I have a baby and limited free time and I'm generally just updating this thing during my lunch break at TAFE (which, just because I'll use that word a lot, it's like further education, but lazier than university, it's like bitch university), so yeah. 

Bioshock stuff.

With Bioshock, I played the second and it didn't grab me, and then I played Infinite and that didn't grab me much either. With the updated version coming to current gen soon, I'm confused with one thing. So they said that the whole trilogy would be coming over to the Xbox One via backward compatibility in addition to the remastered versions, I'm hoping they'll include a code for those to download with the updated versions as they often do and if they do, I'll definitely have access to them from someone, so... if I do get the whole set for free... is there an order I should play them in? Like, 1 is supposedly good, 2 is a bit dodgy depending on who you ask, and 3 is the shit apparently. So is there a flowing story or can I just play them in any random order or what? Ideally I'd go 1, Infinite, and then 2, just because I'd like a change of scenery between games.




So I started up Assassin's Creed for 360 on the Xbox One and the cutscenes look like horse shit, but the in game visuals are actually still half decent for a game from nearly a decade ago. I'm digging it so far, I've never actually bothered to complete AC 1 before too, I was more into AC PSP in the day anyways, when I finish this I'll probably try to platinum Assassin's 2 on PS3 just because I'm pretty close as it is and that's probably gonna be the only plat I get for a while. At least until Disney Infinity 3, the girlfriend picked this up for my birthday last night, being the cheap skate I am (look at the thread I'm posting in) I refused to pay 100 bucks for it at launch, although that was mostly because I did that for DI 2 and it was cheap as shit every where right after which was annoying, but anyway, I'll be playing that in September, I already think it's gonna be a better game than Battlefront 2015.


Speaking of the above bit, with the Bioshock code, hopefully they do that, but even if they don't, here's what I've got coming up in terms of free codes for games for me,


Modern Warfare Remastered PS4. October 4/5/whichever one it is, plan on fucking EB by ordering Infinite Warfare, getting the MW code, then canning the preorder.

Stick of Truth PS4. A friend has the new one ordered and they don't want the remaster as they're happy with the old one. I still haven't finished the PS3 one but I'll take it.

Halo Wars Deluxe Edition Xbone. Halo Wars 2 comes out early next year, and it's the same situation as South Park, the old one remastered is included and a friend don't want it.

Bioshock 360, hopefullly, is outlined in the first bit.


I love free shit.

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With Bioshock, I played the second and it didn't grab me, and then I played Infinite and that didn't grab me much either. With the updated version coming to current gen soon, I'm confused with one thing. So they said that the whole trilogy would be coming over to the Xbox One via backward compatibility in addition to the remastered versions, I'm hoping they'll include a code for those to download with the updated versions as they often do and if they do, I'll definitely have access to them from someone, so... if I do get the whole set for free... is there an order I should play them in? Like, 1 is supposedly good, 2 is a bit dodgy depending on who you ask, and 3 is the shit apparently. So is there a flowing story or can I just play them in any random order or what? Ideally I'd go 1, Infinite, and then 2, just because I'd like a change of scenery between games.



Modern Warfare Remastered PS4. October 4/5/whichever one it is, plan on fucking EB by ordering Infinite Warfare, getting the MW code, then canning the preorder.

Stick of Truth PS4. A friend has the new one ordered and they don't want the remaster as they're happy with the old one. I still haven't finished the PS3 one but I'll take it.

Halo Wars Deluxe Edition Xbone. Halo Wars 2 comes out early next year, and it's the same situation as South Park, the old one remastered is included and a friend don't want it.

Bioshock 360, hopefullly, is outlined in the first bit.


I love free shit.


Nice so many free games for you to come :)

I think this sounds as abusing the "gifts are free" rule already :P:D

Well at least you won't spent a buck or two in the next days? xD


To Bioshock

I played the 1st and was awed <3 <3 <3  Story and Artwork were brilliant... even the research thing was nice - i remember running for hours just with the camera up and the enemies were hit only by my defensive shock skill (when they hit me, they were hurt too) :D

But the hacking got boring pretty soon...


After that i played Bioshock 2 and got a ambivalent feeling... Artwork was still the same (meaning good), story wasn't as good and the levels were opened a bit so i couldn't farm as effective as before (in Bioshock i saw more dead ends to plan going room 1, room 2, back 1, then 3 etc)... still liked this a lot :)


Bioshock Infinite - meh :D ... new city? :(  Skyhooks? :angry: I don't like this game :P

Positive is that the protagonist has a voice and is talking to the go who he should rescue... Oh and though the story ending was a surprise, i didn't quite understand it all :(


From my point of view i say play Bioshock 1, 2 and then Infinite on popularity :)

for the story it doesn't matter... but there are a few points to continue from 1 to 2.... but i found nothing in Infinite....

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Damn it, I updated you, then I kept reading the posts, and updated you again. I don't like doing work, I really don't like doing two lots of work! I'm joking, obviously, but yeah. Hey, you're officially in the thing now I guess then. Also, in terms of when you should update, literally just do what that dragon guy Han said. You can update as often as you want, but I have a baby and limited free time and I'm generally just updating this thing during my lunch break at TAFE (which, just because I'll use that word a lot, it's like further education, but lazier than university, it's like bitch university), so yeah.


If I post an update and I noticed you haven't done my previous one yet, I'll just edit the old one to say you should keep on reading then, shall I? :-)





Don't kill me guys... I could not stand Bioshock.


It might be that I just got that game much too late (2010 or even 2011, don't know for sure because I was still playing offline back then), but I thought the story was uninteresting, the setting did not look believable and the gameplay was boring. I tried the game again a year or so later but put it away again, once more after playing an hour or less. Decided to give it a real last try in 2013 and played for a few hours but I just did not care for it.


I completely ignored 2, and then come Infinite I decided I should give the series a chance again, and this setting looked more appealing to me. The setting did indeed feel more fun but about halfway through the game I realised that I was very very bored with it and I put it away again.


A useful addition probably is that I do not often play FPS, especially if we don't count FPP (first person puzzle) like Portal, QUBE, Magrunner and the likes, which occasionally have a 'weapon' of some sort but not for shooting enemies, and if we don't count stuff like Alien Isolation, which has weapons but shooting is really not the point of the game. Since I started on team PlayStation, I played through and enjoyed Wolfenstein: The New Order, Grand Theft Auto V in first person mode, Bulletstorm. That's it, that's all the FPS which I liked enough to manage to play them through in over two years.


Gaming update:




Played some more Ratchet & Clank now and I'm really liking it. I don't think it's the amazeballs piece of work everyone says it is, but it is entertaining enough. It feels like a spiritual successor to the first Jak & Daxter, even though it's got more action and less platforming just like the J&D sequels. Even the elevators look like the ones from J&D1!


I also like how the spaceship I can pilot looks a bit like the one from No Man's Sky, and that this game is putting me on weird planets with bizarre animals as well. As if I'm preparing for next week...


The story still feels rushed in the cutscenes, but I'm not bothered by this, at least not a lot. It's "just" a small game anyway, not something even day one buyers had to pay €65-€70 for (though I don't recall exactly what the starting price was). Don't know if anyone else had this but how much I will forgive a game depends in part on how much I paid for it. I got Watch Dogs fairly quick when it was €50 used and I did not like it one bit. I'm sure that once I play through it again, if I get it for €5 or so, I will like it much more, or at least dislike it much less.


Seeing as playing Ratchet & Clank is all I did, gaming wise, there's no update on the stats for now. I will probably finish R&C tomorrow.

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Nice so many free games for you to come :)

I think this sounds as abusing the "gifts are free" rule already :P:D

Well at least you won't spent a buck or two in the next days? xD


To Bioshock

I played the 1st and was awed <3 <3 <3  Story and Artwork were brilliant... even the research thing was nice - i remember running for hours just with the camera up and the enemies were hit only by my defensive shock skill (when they hit me, they are hurt too) :D

But the hacking got boring pretty soon...


After that i played Bioshock 2 and got a ambivalent feeling... Artwork was still the same (meaning good), story wasn't as good and the levels were opened a bit so i couldn't farm as effective as before (in Bioshock i saw more dead ends to plan going room 1, room 2, back 1, then 3 etc)... still liked this a lot :)


Bioshock Infinite - meh :D ... new city? :(  Skyhooks? :angry: I don't like this game :P

Positive is that the protagonist has a voice and is talking to the go who he should rescue... Oh and though the story ending was a surprise, i didn't quite understand it all :(


From my point of view i say play Bioshock 1, 2 and then Infinite on popularity :)

for the story it doesn't matter... but there are a few points to continue from 1 to 2.... but i found nothing in Infinite....

It is kind of abusing it, but I mean, I'm not gonna say no to free games, although odds are, aside from Modern Warfare, I won't even touch them until well after this ends anyways.


Fair enough, cheers for the pretty detailed rundown.



 Don't kill me guys... I could not stand Bioshock.


It might be that I just got that game much too late (2010 or even 2011, don't know for sure because I was still playing offline back then), but I thought the story was uninteresting, the setting did not look believable and the gameplay was boring. I tried the game again a year or so later but put it away again, once more after playing an hour or less. Decided to give it a real last try in 2013 and played for a few hours but I just did not care for it.


I completely ignored 2, and then come Infinite I decided I should give the series a chance again, and this setting looked more appealing to me. The setting did indeed feel more fun but about halfway through the game I realised that I was very very bored with it and I put it away again.


A useful addition probably is that I do not often play FPS, especially if we don't count FPP (first person puzzle) like Portal, QUBE, Magrunner and the likes, which occasionally have a 'weapon' of some sort but not for shooting enemies, and if we don't count stuff like Alien Isolation, which has weapons but shooting is really not the point of the game. 

See, I'm in a similar boat, I played a bit of number 2 and it didn't grab me, then I thought Infinite's setting would be more my thing, then it turned out I was bored after a few hours and couldn't bring myself to drag my way through the rest of the game. But for free, and because it's something to do, I'd give it another go, I'm hopeful but I don't know how good I'll actually find it.

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See, I'm in a similar boat, I played a bit of number 2 and it didn't grab me, then I thought Infinite's setting would be more my thing, then it turned out I was bored after a few hours and couldn't bring myself to drag my way through the rest of the game. But for free, and because it's something to do, I'd give it another go, I'm hopeful but I don't know how good I'll actually find it.


Bioshock 2 and Infinite have already been on PS+, so unless Sony is going to do 'repeat of games that were on PS+ four or more years ago' more often... But 1 has never been on PS+ so that might still come in the close future.


If I'd get 1 or Infinite for free, yes I would give it a chance again and try to play through the story.



In other news, I think I know what my 3 games will be. I already knew Farpoint and Batman VR were contenders (I don't think I'll be tempted to buy anything before VR gets here) but today I found out that Rise Of The Tomb Raider is getting story DLC which will be playable on VR...


Also the Driveclub VR update should be released on launch as well so I guess that will be my first DLC purchase.

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Well, I'm no longer struggling to play Thief, and probably will not struggle with it for a bit, since I dropped it again... I did most of Rainbow Moon story, and really liking it, although I have been just doing the bare minimum to advance the story (and I don't know why I didn't plat this sooner, since the game is quite interesting).. I also continue to play TTT2, really need Tekken 7 (with Kunimitsu in it..).


I think that's all for my activity..

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I did most of Rainbow Moon story, and really liking it, although I have been just doing the bare minimum to advance the story (and I don't know why I didn't plat this sooner, since the game is quite interesting).. 


Rainbow Moon gives off this "there are idiots everywhere, and I have no idea how they are able to safely exist in this crazy world where everything is trying to kill you" vibe. The story is nothing special, and the characters are flat, yet in my head it all turned into something special, because the imaginary character dynamic is hilarious.

I've used Baldren all the time, and he ended up becoming this ultimate party member that can do everything, who is always rushes into the heat of the battle (well, he ended up being the fastest, so its a given), risks himself for others and writes snarky journal entries about the idiocy of all the quests. He is a bit crazy and a Blood Knight, because every rational being, after getting stuck on the Rainbow Moon, will go crazy, and when your only solace is killing things, becoming a Blood Knight is a given.

Trisha is annoyingly chipper and always "tries to help", but her primary function is healing Baldren after he jumps into the biggest pile of monsters avaliable or decides to act as a living shield for everybody else again. And again. And again.

Dozeru is strong, but sloow. He mostly was just standing there, and is quite happy to being relocated to the sidelines, because that means he can drink until the pink elephants come. Together with Gorodo, because guess who is the primary source of booze in the party. Serena just reads books all day.

Zelorus hates everyone and everything and broods 24\7. His job is protecting Trisha, because Baldren runs off to slice monsters as soon as the battle starts. Does his function well, until the monsters come close... then he starts squealing like a girl and running all over the battlefield.

Their disfunctional alliance makes the grind and other boring bits bearable. Shows that the strong imagination really can turn things around.

I think I'll pick up the game again after the Star Ocean. Still need to finish the post-game.

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 Don't kill me guys... I could not stand Bioshock.


Go away i don't like you anymore :P :P :P


Nah, just kidding :)


There's always games you like and some you don't... better play more games you like i think :)

But i tend to finish more games in the past year even if i don't like it (much)... such goes for Bioshock 2 - i bought the Complete Edtion for a reason :devil:

xD xD xD .... but why has it mp trophies? :(



It is kind of abusing it, but I mean, I'm not gonna say no to free games, although odds are, aside from Modern Warfare, I won't even touch them until well after this ends anyways.



I know that problem looking at the past week :(


I would have enough games for Bioshock to be waiting until Christmas no problem xD

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Rainbow Moon gives off this "there are idiots everywhere, and I have no idea how they are able to safely exist in this crazy world where everything is trying to kill you" vibe. The story is nothing special, and the characters are flat, yet in my head it all turned into something special, because the imaginary character dynamic is hilarious.

I've used Baldren all the time, and he ended up becoming this ultimate party member that can do everything, who is always rushes into the heat of the battle (well, he ended up being the fastest, so its a given), risks himself for others and writes snarky journal entries about the idiocy of all the quests. He is a bit crazy and a Blood Knight, because every rational being, after getting stuck on the Rainbow Moon, will go crazy, and when your only solace is killing things, becoming a Blood Knight is a given.

Trisha is annoyingly chipper and always "tries to help", but her primary function is healing Baldren after he jumps into the biggest pile of monsters avaliable or decides to act as a living shield for everybody else again. And again. And again.

Dozeru is strong, but sloow. He mostly was just standing there, and is quite happy to being relocated to the sidelines, because that means he can drink until the pink elephants come. Together with Gorodo, because guess who is the primary source of booze in the party. Serena just reads books all day.

Zelorus hates everyone and everything and broods 24\7. His job is protecting Trisha, because Baldren runs off to slick monsters as soon as the battle starts. Does his function well, until the monsters come close... then he starts squealing like a girl and running all over the battlefield.

Their disfunctional alliance makes the grind and other boring bits bearable. Shows that the strong imagination really can turn things around.

I think I'll pick up the game again after the Star Ocean. Still need to finish the post-game.


Ya, the story is kind of just a big joke around the actual world and the people that live in it :lol: . I'm using the 3 initial ones (Baldren to steamroll over everything, Trisha for snipe+heal or clear maps in places that I'm overleveled, and Dozeru, he's kind of a 50% Baldren.. I kind of use him as a tank and support attacker..). I got around halfway through the last part (missing 1 thing in the 2nd continent after world open up, and currently working on the 3rd continent, since I'm to weak to defeat the boss in the 2nd continent..).


SO4 is a massive grind.. hope you have enough side stuff to keep you distracted while grinding (music was what I used, lots of different music..), the 2x 30k kills are no joke! (although are boring..)

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I will probably finish Ratchet&Clank later today, I will post an update when I do.


I want to decrease my 'recent games on disc' a bit, and when I've done so I'm really tempted to just ignore my backlog for a bit and go play Assassin's Creed Black Flag again, and perhaps some other AC titles too. Looking at trophies I missed as well but also just exploring.


Don't know how much will come from this since No Man's Sky will be released next week, but I've taken two days off of work for that game so I'm thinking that after that I'm already mostly done with No Man's Sky :-) I'll probably keep playing it after those two days for an hour or so per day, and work on backlog games the rest of the time.

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Finished Halo 1 earlier FINALLY. 


Loved the game, decently designed levels, good visuals (even on classic mode), cool weapons, vehicles, and enemies and shit, all that. Good game, especially with it's age considered. However, the story was absolutely shit, not because it was particularly bad, but because it was just so boring. Gameplay wise I loved the thing, but the story was so average it was almost laughable at a few spots. I mean, I've heard nothing but good things about the series going forward, so I'm keen, and the story did a decent enough job that I'm half interested to see what comes next, but in the moment, I mean, it just never really picks up. A few moments here and there it feels like the game is gonna kick it to eleven but then it just slams back to a solid four and sits there for another couple hours. Oh well. I'll start up Halo 2 some time soon and hopefully it improves on the story compared to the first. Either way, it's a decent romp and for a few bucks I'd definitely recommend it. 


However, most of the way through the game, I found myself reminded of Duke Nukem Forever. Now first, I have to say I enjoyed that game thoroughly despite everyone else's opinions, and like, holy shit is that game a Halo clone 10 years too late. It's a tough subject to judge too much though, as Duke had been in development since the mid 90s, I mean, there's early clips from before Halo's release wherein there was similar stuff to the full game, and there was Duke's ego metre in early builds too so it's tough to say what's what. But like, the car in Duke handles just like a warthog in Halo, the two weapon system OBVIOUSLY came from Halo (and all the subsequent FPS's that used it), the regen health could easily be said to have been nicked from Halo as well but like I said earlier, there was earlier evidence Duke already had such a thing in mind too. There's a lot of similar enemies between the games too, however most of them were already in Duke 3D in at least some capacity so to outright give that to Halo would be stupid, and there'd even be a case that Halo's enemy designs may have taken inspiration from Duke 3D as in it's day it was the big daddy FPS not the other way around, and anyway, they're both enjoyable games and I'm okay with that.



I'm really tempted to just ignore my backlog for a bit and go play Assassin's Creed Black Flag again, and perhaps some other AC titles too.

Hit me up if you wanna have a race to the finish on those fuckers. I've got AC 1, 2, 3, 4, PSP, Vita, and Unity, and I can download the DS ones to the missus' R4 if you wanna go all out. I'm playing through AC 1 at the moment but I'm only an hour or two into it at the moment. Realistically though I'm only gonna be playing through AC 1, maybe gonna go back and plat AC 2, and I might replay AC PSP just because I'm getting into the PSP a shit load lately and it was a solid game in the day.

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Hit me up if you wanna have a race to the finish on those fuckers. I've got AC 1, 2, 3, 4, PSP, Vita, and Unity, and I can download the DS ones to the missus' R4 if you wanna go all out. I'm playing through AC 1 at the moment but I'm only an hour or two into it at the moment. Realistically though I'm only gonna be playing through AC 1, maybe gonna go back and plat AC 2, and I might replay AC PSP just because I'm getting into the PSP a shit load lately and it was a solid game in the day.


I have three platinums and one 100% at the moment - II, Unity, Syndicate, and Freedom Cry. I have not yet done the DLC to either Unity or Syndicate. I have every other console game in my posession. Back in my X360 days, I 100%ed Liberation HD (and II as well, which was my first ever 100% completion). I have a Vita but no other handhelds, nor do I have any of the phone games.


Everything before Unity I played through twice because I already played it on the X360, and wanted to replay it on PS3. It helps that I got my PS3 from a friend, which came with all his games, amongst which all of those AC games except Rogue, Black Flag and Liberty, and by then I had already obtained Black Flag for PS4.


I am now at a point where I feel like playing them again, perhaps looking at trophies as well so I feel like I'm actually doing something instead of just faffing about but I mostly feel like exploring in Black Flag and Rogue, the most recent non-Chronicles AC games which I have not completely played through. I'm not looking at story except for where I still have to get synchronised.


The problem is, which you might have guessed, that I don't like multiplayer. I used to do a bit of boosting but nowadays I just get so damn bored with grinding multiplayer (if it's not racing or couch games) that I just don't even bother any more.  I haven't even done the multiplayer introduction in Uncharted 4, I just did not give any damns... Time will tell if I do anything with the MP part of DOOM before I trade it on again but odds are against it.


So I have all but accepted that I will never get 100% in any of the AC games containing multiplayer.If you want to play solo alongside each other then I could get into that but if you were asking me to do MP then you might be in for a sour evening...


Just in case you still want to play MP, I checked a bit of the MP trophies to see if I would be inclined to do anything at all in them.


Brotherhood: So damn many MP trophies... There are a couple which can be done easily by boosting but a lot is fun-less grinding. Blech.


Revelations: Another large set of MP trophies... much grind work. Another few which should be easily done but I probably don't have the stamina to see these types of trophy sets through to the end.


III: This actually doesn't seem like too much of a bother. Reaching level 20 which the tips say is easily done on Wolfpack (even alone), unlocking a hacked version of a video which should also easily be done with two or more players on Wolfpack, and winning a single multiplayer session. I'm not buying that MP DLC so this would be it for me, should be doable in an hour or two.


Black Flag: Just two trophies I need: Reach level 55, and playing every game mode / using every ability and ranged weapon, for that last one you need to be level 48 at the least. Tips indicate that this should take about twenty hours... Ugh.


So yes, I might do III MP and see if I have any power left from there to do anything about Brotherhood, Revelations and/or Black Flag, but I doubt I will go far beyond finishing III and doing a few easy trophies in Brotherhood/Revelations. If you want to play the story of an AC game I have not 100%ed the main game yet of, I'll probably play alongside you for a bit.


Edit: woops, sorry for the wall of text. I think I already warned people but if not: I can be quite the talker.

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I just meant the campaigns, I don't go for the MP either. I was just suggesting a campaign race, like, start at AC 1, finish AC 1, start AC 2, finish AC 2, etc. 


Good story, very short :-)


Don't know if I would be into that... Would that be starting each game at the same time together of cannonballing all after another no matter how far the other is?


I might do such a thing once I have deleted some more stuff from my backlog. For now I feel like doing some games on there, and faffing about in Assassin's Creed but not redoing all the campaigns. I don't have Unity and Syndicate in my posession at the moment, by the way.

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Wow, I've actually got something new to report this time instead of rewording "I made almost no progress" all the time. :D


I've managed to plat Rune Factory Oceans after over 200 hours of game time and I can finally focus my time on my guide.

Then it's back to implement grinding in SAO:HF again, but I think this will feel quite refreshing after fishing for 5 hours straight and spamming  :triangle: for another 2 hours to make my character fall unconscious and catch a cold 100 times. At least the relationship system of that game was much nicer than SAOs system and I actually had some fun grinding up my relationship with every character.


As for a short review:


Even though the game is really grindy at parts, at least if you are going for the plat, it's still great fun and the only two grinds I found to be really tedious were the ones mentioned above.

In fact, I've never had so much fun while grinding since my good old WoW times. :D It's quite a big contrast to games like SAO:HF and Final Fantasy X that have grinds that are just plain annoying when you're going for the plat. Another great thing about RFO is the story, which, while not comparable to the likes of Final Fantasy, is really nice for a Rune Factory game and managed to surprise me a little in the end. And while the game is pretty easy, it still manages to be fun for a long time.


I'd really recommend this game of the Rune Factory franchise, even if it's the first game of the franchise you end up playing, to anyone who likes Harvest Moon or similar games and/or maybe thinks they are a little too boring for their taste as this game has a nice mix of this relaxing Harvest Moon gameplay and action based fighting. The game has a lower focus on farming as usual because most of this is handled by monsters that you can capture, and a higher focus on exploration as this game features unique almost Windwaker style ocean and island exploration.


And now some stats:

Difficulty: 5/10 | Longevity: 9/10 | Fun: 8/10 | Action: 3/10 | Replayability: 2/10

Edited by xFalionx
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August 4th Update

I'm still around and still haven't spent any money! Just continue to be extremely busy with work and family life. I've been playing Prison Architect and Letter Quest Remastered, mostly just grinding away at trophies. Been in a bit of a gaming funk since finishing Doom, sometimes I really struggle to get invested in a game and it takes a bit of playing a few different things to find a groove.

Now Playing [Trophy %]

WWE 2K16 [PS4, 57%]

Olli Olli 2: Welcome to Olliwood [PSV, 46%]

Rogue Galaxy [PS4, 21%]

The Legend of Heroes: Trail of Cold Steel [PSV, 15%]

Prison Architect [PS4, 55%]

Letter Quest Remastered [PSV, 28%]

Planned Purchases

No Man's Sky

Final Fantasy XV

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

Completed [Rating]

1. Oxenfree [PS4, 7.2.16, 9.0/10.0]

2. Shütshimi [PS4, 7.4.16, 5.0/10.0]

3. Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma [PSV, 7.8.16, 8.5/10.0]

4. Doom [PS4, 7.22.16, 9.0/10.0]

Breakdowns ($)

Total Expenditures: $0.00

Starting Statistics

Trophy Level: 38

Trophy Count: 9362

Platinums: 154

Completion Percentage: 75.24%

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Edit: You haven't posted these stats SFSG but they're not the most recent any more, so you can safely read on... :-)



Ratchet&Clank (played through story) (obtained 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4)

DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):
Ratchet & Clank (traded)
BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01
PS4 12 games and 19 free games
PS3 10 games and 29 free games
VITA 0 games and 10 free games
SNES 23 games
PS4 11 games and 19 free games   -1
PS3 10 games and 29 free games   -0
VITA 0 games and 10 free games    -0
SNES 23 games                               -0




Another new sale... Some stuff I might have been tempted by but for now I can keep my wallet closed easily.

Gaming update:


Look out, spoilers ahead.
Finished the story in Ratchet & Clank, liked the game enough that I looked at the trophies to see if I could do some more stuff as well.


Final thoughts on the game: This was my first Ratchet & Clank game, if we don't count a couple of multiplayer rounds in one of those games back on my nephew's PS2. I enjoyed it a lot, it reminded me a lot of the first Jak & Daxter (even though the combat is more out of Jak II and there is less platforming). I liked that there were multiple aspects in the gameplay, it kept the game fresh throughout. I do have a few remarks though...

  • The characterisation is hugely glossed over, the cutscenes feel very rushed. I haven't seen the movie yet but I feel like I have to watch it to actually get the story of this game. Why exactly Qwark switched sides and when is glossed over (we have to believe it when a character states afterwards that it must have been jealousy), Clank leaves for a bit and comes running back at the end of the cutscene without explanation. These are just two of the blatant ones.
  • While the gameplay is varied, it's also all over the place. Often, stuff is introduced to me which I have to never use again for the rest of the game. Early on I get a tutorial about double jumping with a hoover mode and far jumping, neither of which I seem to need for the rest of the game. Even more blatantly, right before the final boss I get told how to drop down to a ledge from another ledge, which I have never done before in the game and now have to do twice just before the end.
  • How ridiculously overpowered is the sheepinator?
Edited by BillyHorrible
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There's no real news from me.. I finished the last quest of Rainbow Moon main story, but haven't been able to defeat the final boss.. after losing to the 1st of the 3 battles I upgraded my gear, but didn't tried yet, and I'm only lvl63, but read that I should be at least lvl70 to beat the final boss..


I'm also contemplating going back to KH:CoM and finish the last grind trophy (Riku to lvl99, he's lvl80+ already) or go back to MK9 and grind some more Fatalities and X-Rays (missing about half the cast if I'm not wrong), this is mainly because I don't want to go back to Thief yet, and am feeling a bit burnt of Rainbow Moon.. I'm also trying to not start new games until I finish more 1 or 2 already started games, but may make an exception and start KH2, since it's the only KH game that I didn't started and seems like not to hard platinum..

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Look out, spoilers ahead.


Finished the story in Ratchet & Clank, liked the game enough that I looked at the trophies to see if I could do some more stuff as well.


Final thoughts on the game: This was my first Ratchet & Clank game, if we don't count a couple of multiplayer rounds in one of those games back on my nephew's PS2. I enjoyed it a lot, it reminded me a lot of the first Jak & Daxter (even though the combat is more out of Jak II and there is less platforming). I liked that there were multiple aspects in the gameplay, it kept the game fresh throughout. I do have a few remarks though...

  • The characterisation is hugely glossed over, the cutscenes feel very rushed. I haven't seen the movie yet but I feel like I have to watch it to actually get the story of this game. Why exactly Qwark switched sides and when is glossed over (we have to believe it when a character states afterwards that it must have been jealousy), Clank leaves for a bit and comes running back at the end of the cutscene without explanation. These are just two of the blatant ones.
  • While the gameplay is varied, it's also all over the place. Often, stuff is introduced to me which I have to never use again for the rest of the game. Early on I get a tutorial about double jumping with a hoover mode and far jumping, neither of which I seem to need for the rest of the game. Even more blatantly, right before the final boss I get told how to drop down to a ledge from another ledge, which I have never done before in the game and now have to do twice just before the end.
  • How ridiculously overpowered is the sheepinator?

This is pretty surprising for me as I did not play the game yet but did play the game that it's based on. So I can't really say anything about the story besides it being a little different than the original R&C and maybe a bit rushed compared to the first game. At least that's what a friend of mine told me. I do think that the story, as far as pacing and characters and so on goes, is pretty good in the original so it's surprising to me that they messed that up. Especially since the future trilogy story is incredible. Also, I think they cut 2 planets from the original game, Orxon and Hoven iirc. The latter was pretty nice while I can happily pass on Orxon. :D Maybe, the Quark boot camp, too but I'm not so sure on that. But that would be a shame since the boot camp is fun. 


Since this is your first R&C game, you should really check out the original trilogy (maybe not the first game since it will feel really dated now that you played the reimagining), especially R&C 3 as that is in my opinion the game with the best gameplay features. The story is also pretty nice, at least if you don't compare it to Final Fantasy and the likes. :P That game also features one of my all-time favorite villains, by the way. :D And if you end up liking those, maybe check out Gladiator/Deadlocked (not as important but still pretty nice) and the future trilogy. These games give lots of backstory to the main characters and are overall pretty incredible. The only sad thing is that they dumbed down the arena... I even heard that there wasn't even an arena at all in the R&C reimagining. I mean the arena is pretty much the best thing in any R&C game, which is also one of the reasons why I love R&C 3 so much.


Also that stuff about simple moves being useless and learning some right before the last boss fight is pretty interesting. I'm pretty sure those moves all got quite a bit of use in the original, while you also weren't learning anything new during the last few levels, really. 


Also I don't remember the sheepinator being that OP in the original. I guess transformation weapons have always been a little OP, but I never used them that often since I prefer things that go BOOM! :D


Anyways, don't let this game discourage you from trying other installations of the series.

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