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Financial Year Backlog Challenge Thing

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Same here :D  ... in the last sale i saw Virtue's Last Reward on discount but resisted the temptation because i didn't have enough cash on my psn acc :D



Yeah it's a lot easier to resist those temptations when you can't just buy it with two button presses. :D


Sounds familiar. It was Everybody's Gone To The Rapture for me. I like it that The Witness and Firewatch are on sale as well but they have to drop more than that if they want me to pay attention. The opposite is happening with Talos Principle... Thought it was too expensive at first but it is on sale so often that I'm afraid now that if I buy it, it will be on sale again for a lower price...


I might have bought something if I actually had some money on my account but I like to think that's not the only thing holding me back, even if it was true once or twice in the past few months.

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I'm really glad that even after looking at the whole list of games reduced in price in the "Summer Sale" i'm not interested in even a single game :D :D :D


I wish I could say that I was also not interested in anything from this sale.. but Dragon Age Inquisition GotY for €15, did feel tempting, since that's close to the price range that I wanted for that game.. but other then that, there wasn't anything interested (or at an interesting price) for me.. or I closed my eyes to not see them.. (I mean, there was The Witcher 3, but I'm convincing myself to wait for a complete edition on Disc, before I buy it..)


I will also drop my 2 day update..


So in the last 2 days I finished :platinum:  Natural Doctrine, quite an interesting game from a gameplay perspective and really forces the player to think, even tough some stuff seems scripted or it's possible to make the AI do the same things in the same order in some places, so we can learn from each time that we get a game over and try something different, kind of trial and error like Demon's/Dark Souls, but in a strategy game..


And I'm back to Thief again.. did 2 more chapters along a miscellaneous trophy, currently going around the city stealing stuff before continuing with the story.. I also got dizzy while playing it again.. I really can't play in first person, even if it's a slow paced game like this one..


I also played a bit of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 when I got dizzy.. end up getting a lot of loses and losing 2 ranks, but it's only natural when I jump directly into online ranked after not playing for almost an year (I think the last time I had played Tekken was before my other PS3 got YLOD, and that was on last September..). This is something that I will jump on now and then to chill a bit..

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So in the last 2 days I finished :platinum:  Natural Doctrine, quite an interesting game from a gameplay perspective and really forces the player to think, even tough some stuff seems scripted or it's possible to make the AI do the same things in the same order in some places, so we can learn from each time that we get a game over and try something different, kind of trial and error like Demon's/Dark Souls, but in a strategy game.

So... are you glad I advised you to buy both games? :D

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I already own Unravel, but they made a physical edition that comes with a real YARNY!  I'm trying real hard not to cave, but I don't know...


In terms of playing, I've been trying to force myself to play Uncharted 4, but I keep rage quitting. Otherwise, it's just been Minecraft... only three trophies away from a plat. :D

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I already own Unravel, but they made a physical edition that comes with a real YARNY! I'm trying real hard not to cave, but I don't know...

I didn't know it was going to have a physical release. I already own it on PSN so I won't be getting it but that's very cool. There are several guides floating around the Internets on how to make your own Yarny, it's pretty easy :)

I Did Not Buy: A.W. Phoenix Festa, Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force, Headlander, or Hyper Light Drifter. Nor did I buy ADiOS or Color Guardians or any of the half dozen point-and-click adventure/puzzle games on sale this week. I was extremely tempted by Earth Defense Force 4.1 for $20 - I added it to cart and then deleted it like 5 times. Man, I want that game. But it'll still be there at the end of the challenge and I already have like dozens of timesink games in my backlog. I can wait, dammit!

I've been playing a lot of Star Ocean V still. Finished up all the item creation and synthesis trophies, only have to beat Ethereal Queen (3x) and Gabriel Celeste twice more to finish up the bestiary and get the feathers to make the last two things. Aside from that I just have to level to 255 - I'm close, like 230ish - and then I'm good to do the Universe and Chaos mode runs. Then, then I only have to grind out like 850,000 more hits for the last battle trophy ;_;

Also started up Norn9, and I've got the good endings for 4 routes. Nanami is easily my favorite heroine so far. It's interesting enough, kinda neat how you learn as much about characters by doing other routes as you do choosing their own. Hiyokos freak me out a little bit, can't fault Akita there.


Star Ocean - 63% trophy completion

Norn9: Var Commons (Vita) - 13% trophy completion

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I think I will have a crack at this, I have a big enough backlog to not need to buy much anyway.


Is it ok if I do my 3 allowed purchases/preorders as we go along as I am keeping my eye on the 'We Plays' and might need to buy when they are announced?


Also how do I do a spoiler??

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Okay, I'm in. I think it's best if I officially start on August 1, much better to do an exact year at the start of a month than nearing the end of one.


Here is my bit:


Games played through:


3 purchased games:


DLC (AUD 20 out of AUD 20 remaining):


Additional cave-ins:


Backlog at 2016-08-01:

PS4    11 games and 20 free games    
PS3    10 games and 29 free games    
Vita       0 games and 10 free games

SNES  23 games


Current backlog:

PS4    11 games and 20 free games    -0
PS3    10 games and 29 free games    -0
Vita       0 games and 10 free games   -0
SNES  23 games                                  -0


Current expenses:



Last update: 2016-07-29


For now I'm not putting in the pre-orders unless SFSP says otherwise, since I think that pre-orders made before the starting date do not count since I already made a commitment to buying them before starting the event. I'll happily add them if need be but I feel like this event means 'only commit to buying 3 games this year in addition to what you already have'.


I am assuming that my PS4 paid backlog will rise with 2 by the way, since I'm planning a trade today and a trade on sunday. The games I get back will be games I already have on my gamercard, but which I have not completed yet.


Edit: trade of today (Transformers Devastation for Fallout 4) went through so I changed the stats above.

I think I will have a crack at this, I have a big enough backlog to not need to buy much anyway.


Is it ok if I do my 3 allowed purchases/preorders as we go along as I am keeping my eye on the 'We Plays' and might need to buy when they are announced?


Also how do I do a spoiler??


I'm guessing that as long as it's 3 purchases it doesn't matter one bit if you don't know yet what those three purchases will be. Not everybody pre-orders :-)



Click the icon left of "Font". Select "Spoiler" as BBC code.

You can also write first, select the whole text, then do this and your text will be placed inside one..

Alternatively, write "(spoiler)" at the start and "(/spoiler)" at the end but with [...] instead of (...).

Edited by BillyHorrible
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So I ended up buying something during that Superhero sale.... Batman Arkham Knight season pass. It's relevant though, since it's a game I'd been wanting to get back into, so when I saw the pass for $9.99 I bought it. It's not caving, ladies and gentleman, it's using up part of my $20 DLC budget for a crapload of DLC for a game from my backlog for the beautiful price of $10.


Also, I'm going on a trip for a week so the PS4 is gonna get some rest for the next week, maybe I'll hop on the Vita a bit.


But anyways here's the stuff I did:


- More Payday 2: Crimewave Edition with the beautiful heisting crew I found here on PSNP. We got through 4 trophies, mostly stealth related (one was gold :) )

- A whopping 29 trophies from Batman: Arkham Knight (see, the DLC has been coming in handy!). Mostly related to the DLCs, but got some from the main game too.

- More Dying Light, and I finally managed to achieve that 7 co-op competition wins trophy by snagging my final 3 wins from random lobbies with randoms (for 2 hours...). Honestly, people barely join these competitions when they pop up in game. Also got the Enlightened trophy, which wasn't too bad. Now that I've gotten all of the online trophies done for this game, I've only got 2 trophies left until platinum!! (Homo Homini Lupus Est + It's All In The Writing are left). I should have it sometime soon after my trip.


Here's the pasting part:



Payday 2: Crimewave Edition (PS4)

Dying Light (PS4)

Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)



None at the moment



Rocket League - 64% 40-platinum.png



0 dollars and 0 cents



Batman: Arkham Knight Season Pass: $9.99

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Oh well, this is why I didn't sign up lol - woke up with an 11% off email (what a strange percentage) for Rise of the Tomb Raider, I mean I couldn't say no for £31 shiny British pounds right? ;)

........ And then I accidentally (read 'I very purposefully and of my own free will') bought the Marvel Ultimate Alliance bund-a-ruu (read in Cartman's voice) for ps4.

At least I've confessed my sins, two months buying no games is a ridiculous new record for me so I'm hoping to get back on the wagon after this tremendous fall / face plant ha ha :D

I got Rise for free. :P


I've been thinking about this contest some more and I would really like to join...


Two questions:

- Since my pre-orders mentioned above technically have been (largely) paid for or at least committed to since before I noticed / (hypothetically) joined this contest, can they be excluded? As in, do only bought games count if they have been (pre-)ordered after starting the event?

- What is the opinion on trading games, or selling games and using that money to buy new games?


I currently have a backlog of 21 games for which I paid (25 if we count my pre-orders) and 60 games which were free/ps+, so I really should have enough to do for a year. I'd use the three allowed games for VR and the DLC allowance for VR upgrades of games I have (Driveclub, Ethan Carter etc).

I mean, since they're pretty well taken care of before you joined, they're pretty good. The idea with the order reservation thing was more to try to discourage ordering more stuff *after* joining the thing, so you're right there. 


I'd say it's still spending money on games. I'm meaning to dump a bunch of old crap / stuff I had doubles of on Cash Converters soon, but if I buy a game with that money it's still buying a game.


I might still join this now I have finished with my plat rain day exploits.


My only question is how is it decided whether a person has bought a new game or just didn't have it on their list already? Would we just be going on honesty.

Pretty much, yeah. I mean, there's not really much at stake other than your own wallet, so I'd assume most of us would be honest with it. I picked up another $1 game today, I could easily skip putting it in, but what do I get from doing that?



I'd say even if that money comes from selling a game, money spent is still money spent.

This is just quoted because it's pretty well what I was trying to say to Billy, but worded better than me.

Is it ok if I do my 3 allowed purchases/preorders as we go along as I am keeping my eye on the 'We Plays' and might need to buy when they are announced?

Go nuts man, I'll add you into the list now. :)


Okay, I'm in. I think it's best if I officially start on August 1, much better to do an exact year at the start of a month than nearing the end of one.

If that's what you want, I'll throw your list in the thing in a tick. Welcome aboard!


Batman: Arkham Knight Season Pass: $9.99

Dude, you got the season pass for 10 bucks? I'd grab that in a heart beat, it's 60 here and has been on sale for 40 a couple of times but even that is way too much when I paid not much more for the game on launch day.

Sounds familiar. It was Everybody's Gone To The Rapture for me. I like it that The Witness and Firewatch are on sale as well but they have to drop more than that if they want me to pay attention. The opposite is happening with Talos Principle... Thought it was too expensive at first but it is on sale so often that I'm afraid now that if I buy it, it will be on sale again for a lower price...


I might have bought something if I actually had some money on my account but I like to think that's not the only thing holding me back, even if it was true once or twice in the past few months.

Quoting anything of yours right now.


Yours won't update properly. Like, I've retyped it even a couple times completely (hence a little different formatting and no pound sign since my keyboard doesn't have one) and it looks like how it does now no matter what. I have no idea what's the problem and shit son. I don't like it and I want to stop and go play a game with the girlfriend while the baby's down so sorry, I'll update it (or try to) later.

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Thanks for all the answers.


So just so I'm clear:

- The pre-orders I mentioned have a free pass since I pre-ordered them weeks if not months before joining this event. I'll do the gallant thing and still mention whatever I still have to pay for them under expenses though.

- Trading is fine, selling a game and buying a new game with said money is still going on the list of shame. I'll list games I have sold (if any) under expenses as well.


I've taken a look at the code of your OP and I think I see where the problem is: you're doing bold code aroound spoiler code like so: {b}{/spoiler}{/b}. That might mess it up.


Try copying this. I changed nothing myself at this time, I just copied your OP text and removed the bold where it shouldn't be. I am thinking about doing some additional starting stats, like completion percentage, games played and so on.


BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016





DLC (AUD 20  out of 20 REMAINING):




BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 11 games and 20 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 23 games



PS4 11 games and 20 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 23 games








Also... DAMN! I just googled 20 AUD to EURO and that's less than I thought it was... Only €13,60! Lucky I usually don't care for DLC... I'm guessing the only things I will buy this year are the season pass for LEGO Marvel's Avengers, Jack The Ripper for AC Syndicate, the season pass for Just Cause 3 and VR expansions for games I have like Driveclub and Ethan Carter. Granted that's still much more than AUD 20 but I guess I can save Ripper and Just Cause for a year later. I'll mostly only get VR expansions then but the LEGO pass will probably still be bought since I don't want to keep on to that game for a whole year.


Edit: so I thought I'd replace "[...]" with "(...)" but apparently a "b" with a ")" is a smiley with sunglasses on so I had to change it a bit.

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Thanks for all the answers.


So just so I'm clear:

- The pre-orders I mentioned have a free pass since I pre-ordered them weeks if not months before joining this event. I'll do the gallant thing and still mention whatever I still have to pay for them under expenses though.

- Trading is fine, selling a game and buying a new game with said money is still going on the list of shame. I'll list games I have sold (if any) under expenses as well.


I've taken a look at the code of your OP and I think I see where the problem is: you're doing bold code aroound spoiler code like so: {b}{/spoiler}{/b}. That might mess it up.


Try copying this. I changed nothing myself at this time, I just copied your OP text and removed the bold where it shouldn't be. I am thinking about doing some additional starting stats, like completion percentage, games played and so on.


Also... DAMN! I just googled 20 AUD to EURO and that's less than I thought it was... Only €13,60! Lucky I usually don't care for DLC... I'm guessing the only things I will buy this year are the season pass for LEGO Marvel's Avengers, Jack The Ripper for AC Syndicate, the season pass for Just Cause 3 and VR expansions for games I have like Driveclub and Ethan Carter. Granted that's still much more than AUD 20 but I guess I can save Ripper and Just Cause for a year later. I'll mostly only get VR expansions then but the LEGO pass will probably still be bought since I don't want to keep on to that game for a whole year.


Edit: so I thought I'd replace "[...]" with "(...)" but apparently a "b" with a ")" is a smiley with sunglasses on so I had to change it a bit.

Could be the bold, removed that and it didn't work though.

Copied yours and it didn't work either.

Moved the post into a different spot just in case because I'm out of ideas, nothing.

Put a spoiler around the spoiler, that got it. Go figure.


With currency conversions, it's kind of shitty, but it's kind of shitty both ways, meaning someone may spend 20 bucks in America on DLC and their prices will not only be cheaper, but their dollar will be worth more than mine, which seems to be what you're running into. I mean, everyone kind of agreed on the conversion thing unfortunately, but I feel you, I mean, if you do go over, big whoop right? It's just an online forum thing anyways :)



Sorry I've been even less active than usual. It only occured to me the other day that I hadn't earned a trophy in over a month and I was actually a little proud of the lack of care I have now. I feel like a recovered drug addict, only without all the horrible stuff that comes with such a thing. Anywho, I've since clocked Warriors again and my God, I knew it was a good game, but holy shit was that a fun game. Power went out as well one night so me and the missus spent the night roaming Coney Island on PSP ad hoc multiplayer beating up everyone and mugging hoboes and shit, good times. 


Also, I caved again today. I was in Cashies and bought a couple of CDs and Assassin's Creed 1 was in their bargain bin and it's backwards compatible on Xbox One and it was a dollar and I gave in. I mean, odds are I won't play it any time in the next year anyway, but a dollar's a dollar yo. So far I'm doing pretty good considering my usual inability to resist a bargain.

Oh right, I meant to say that later that night I popped one while playing Blops 3 online without knowing and was bummed about breaking the streak, then I played some San Andreas and got another. Oh well, still a pretty sweet streak.

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Could be the bold, removed that and it didn't work though.

Copied yours and it didn't work either.

Moved the post into a different spot just in case because I'm out of ideas, nothing.

Put a spoiler around the spoiler, that got it. Go figure.


With currency conversions, it's kind of shitty, but it's kind of shitty both ways, meaning someone may spend 20 bucks in America on DLC and their prices will not only be cheaper, but their dollar will be worth more than mine, which seems to be what you're running into. I mean, everyone kind of agreed on the conversion thing unfortunately, but I feel you, I mean, if you do go over, big whoop right? It's just an online forum thing anyways :)



Sorry I've been even less active than usual. It only occured to me the other day that I hadn't earned a trophy in over a month and I was actually a little proud of the lack of care I have now. I feel like a recovered drug addict, only without all the horrible stuff that comes with such a thing. Anywho, I've since clocked Warriors again and my God, I knew it was a good game, but holy shit was that a fun game. Power went out as well one night so me and the missus spent the night roaming Coney Island on PSP ad hoc multiplayer beating up everyone and mugging hoboes and shit, good times. 


Also, I caved again today. I was in Cashies and bought a couple of CDs and Assassin's Creed 1 was in their bargain bin and it's backwards compatible on Xbox One and it was a dollar and I gave in. I mean, odds are I won't play it any time in the next year anyway, but a dollar's a dollar yo. So far I'm doing pretty good considering my usual inability to resist a bargain.

Oh right, I meant to say that later that night I popped one while playing Blops 3 online without knowing and was bummed about breaking the streak, then I played some San Andreas and got another. Oh well, still a pretty sweet streak.

There might be a bold BB-code somewhere outside the spoiler that's somehow affecting the text inside. And I mean maybe farther away than directly next to it. Kind of like making a bracket error in programming. In the end you know you fucked up somewhere in there but you gotta find the one place where your bracket is missing.


I kind of only tagged on with that currency converting stuff because nobody seemed to disagree with it but really, I'd like it more if it was a little higher or adjusted to other regions prices as those 13 Euros (used to be 11€ a few weeks ago, one of those currencies seems to be pretty unstable right now) won't get you far at all in Germany. But since I'm not really planning on spending that much money anyways, it's one of my lesser grimes.  

I get the feeling that Xbox games are pretty cheap nowadays. 1AUD is about 50 cents and that won't even get you a pack of chewing gum over here. :P

Just make sure that you don't spend all of your allowance too early since you still have roughly 92% of the challenge ahead of you. At this speed your cave-ins list will fill up pretty quickly. :D




As for the update, nothing for you to change yet SFSG, but I've earned like 6 more trophies in RFO. 

That pacing is pretty weird since you get like 3 story trophies throughout the story and then at the end you get 1, then after half an hour of playtime 3 more all at once and then you get another for beating the final boss to 50% of his HP. :P

And since I've earned some more of these, I can start writing some more trophies for my guide.

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Could be the bold, removed that and it didn't work though.

Copied yours and it didn't work either.

Moved the post into a different spot just in case because I'm out of ideas, nothing.

Put a spoiler around the spoiler, that got it. Go figure.



There might be a bold BB-code somewhere outside the spoiler that's somehow affecting the text inside. And I mean maybe farther away than directly next to it. Kind of like making a bracket error in programming. In the end you know you fucked up somewhere in there but you gotta find the one place where your bracket is missing.



If you click on the BBCode Mode icon (top left) to see the code without the auto-makeup then you'll find that the bolding I talked about is still there.at the start of the spoiler, move the (/b) from after it to before it (and an enter afterwards just in case) and remove the (B)...(/b) around the closing spoiler, that should do it.



On the DLC... I wasn't really complaining, I was just surprised at how little 20 AUD is. I'll catalogue my expenses in € anyways, with just one final AUD conversion at the end which I'll just update with the current conversion.I guess for the 20AUD that's permitted I'll just have to use whatever the rate is at that time.

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With currency conversions, it's kind of shitty, but it's kind of shitty both ways, meaning someone may spend 20 bucks in America on DLC and their prices will not only be cheaper, but their dollar will be worth more than mine, which seems to be what you're running into. I mean, everyone kind of agreed on the conversion thing unfortunately, but I feel you, I mean, if you do go over, big whoop right? It's just an online forum thing anyways :)


I did take a look at how much € are 20 AUD and was shocked.. so little (~13€)...


But after looking at the prices in store, i think we are average to buy things... unlike with the USD :S getting something for 60 USD and 60 Euro isn't the same while looking at the currency converting :(

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Well in the past 2 days I have been playing more Tekken Tag 2 as well as some Thief (now on chapter 5.. scary place.. and I'm getting dizzy event more fast then normal, that's why I'm playing Tekken..), also played a bit of Rainbow Moon, it's probably my next plat on the Vita..


And the weekly update:


Games Played (Games started that I plan to play or complete during the session time):

  • Currently playing:

Rainbow Moon (PS3/Vita)

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 32% Trophy complete, 30 hours into it, somewhere in the middle of the story.

→ 30th of July 2016 - 35% Trophy complete, 34 hours into it, some progress in the story made, I'm looking for the 2nd artifact if I'm not wrong..

Thief (PS3)

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 12% Trophy complete, Chapter 1 complete.

→ 12th of July 2016 - 14% Trophy complete, Just got a random trophy and decided to play actively this game again.

→ 14th of July 2016 - 17% Trophy complete, Chapter 2 and events between Chapter 2 and 3 complete.

→ 30th of July 2016 - 27% Trophy complete, Currently on Chapter 5.

  • On and off or on hold:

Rocket League, no paid DLC :platinum:

→ 2nd of July 2016 - 66% Trophy Complete, Have the Platinum and all the Utopian Coliseum trophies, working on the Neo Tokyo trophy set, missing the 2 Certified Item related trophies.

→ 3rd of July 2016 - 68% Trophy Complete, Have the Platinum and Utopian Coliseum and Neo Tokyo trophy sets at 100%.

Race the Sun (PS3/PS4/Vita)

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 19% Trophy complete, Only played a bit, and I’m level 11.

→ 11th of July 2016 - 47% Trophy complete, Got to max level (25) and got the Knight trophy (1.000.000 points) and Circus trophy (touch a cloud).

Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 11% Trophy complete, Story somewhere not far from the 1st heist. Online lvl5

→ 12th of July 2016 - 12% Trophy complete, Just played a bit of online. Now lvl6... and got a random trophy..

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker (PS3) - 58% Trophy complete, online trophies and Story finished

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chains of Memories - 87% Trophy complete, both playthroughs on easy done, need 4 more playthroughs

Bloodbourne, no DLC - 3% Trophy complete, killed 1st story boss..

Muramasa Rebirth, no DLC - 14% Trophy complete, finished story of 1 character

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 :platinum:

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Platinum gotten ages ago...

→ 30th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Some (a lot) online matches..

  • Games Complete (100%):

Ni no Kuni :platinum:

→ 1st of July 2016 - 2% Trophy complete, Currently heading out of the 2nd city.

→ 4th of July 2016 - 8% Trophy complete, Finished the events in Fairyland, along all available hunts and all, but 1 errand. 21 hours played according to in-game clock.

→ 6th of July 2016 - 13% Trophy complete, Story: Got 2 of the 3 stones for Mornstar, finished all available hunts and all errands except 1 (Show 3 Creatures to Derwin, currently evolving the last 4 needed). 95/100 Hidden Treasures, 93 Creatures Tamed (Including Dinoceros). 41 hours and 30 minutes played according to in-game clock.

→ 8th of July 2016 - 59% Trophy complete, Story Finished. Completed all hunts and all errands except 1 (Alchemy related errand). Got all Hidden Treasures and Treasure Chests, 139 Creatures Tamed and 90 different items created. Also got the trophies for getting 500.000 gilder, exploring all areas and buying all VIP stuff in the casino. 66 hours and 50 minutes played according to in-game clock (this includes some hours of idle time…).

→ 10th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete , Story Finished. 100% Tasks and Wizard Companion completion, 90% Creature Compendium complete, 91% Alchemy complete. Got all Hidden Treasures and Treasure Chests. And got the platinum.. 81 hours and 30 minutes played according to in-game clock (so about 80 hours removing some idle time, didn’t took as long as I was expecting to platinum, and the grind didn’t felt all that bad, only 10 or so hours of grinding for the alchemy trophy and then another 6 or so hours of grinding to get the 250 familiars).

Street Fighter x Tekken (PSV) :platinum:

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 98% Trophy complete, Missing 16 missions.

→ 12th of July 2016 - 98% Trophy complete, Missing 4 missions (#4, 17, 19 and 20).

→ 14th of July 2016 - 98% Trophy complete, Missing 2 missions (#19 and 20).

→ 17th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Didn’t took note of the total playtime, but was around 40 hours, 20 of those after this event started.

Street Fighter x Tekken (PS3) :platinum:

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 65% Trophy complete, Missing the grindy part plus 13 missions. Online: 300+ matches played and 50 wins gotten.

→ 12h of July 2016 - 84% Trophy complete, online boost working for 100 perfects, 100 wins and 500 matches played. Cleared most of the missions (missing #4, 17, 19 and 20).

→ 14th of July 2016 - 84% Trophy complete, Missing 2 missions (#19 and 20).

→ 16th of July 2016 - 84% Trophy complete, Missing 1 mission (#20).

→ 18th of July 2016 - 94% Trophy complete, all missions clear and some of the grindy trophies gotten, only missing the 300 Finishers and 500 Uses of Cross Arts and Cross Assaults.

→ 20th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Platinum in about 74 hours.

Natural Doctrine (Vita) :platinum:

→ 1st of July 2016 - 0% Trophy complete, Game started, online trophy boost.

→ 2nd of July 2016 - 43% Trophy complete, All online trophy acquired, 2 story dungeons clear.

→ 22nd of July 2016 - 71% Trophy complete, Somewhere around 9/10th of the story done, only trophies remaining are for story stuff (2 are from NG+ only) and the Super boss.

→ 24th of July 2016 - 95% Trophy complete, Story complete, got all trophies except the 2 NG+ ones, and started NG+.

→ 27th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, NG+ complete, Platinum, probably took around 40-45 hours.


Persona 5 (PS4)

Final Fantasy XV (PS4)

Tekken 7 (PS4)


Nothing so far.


Nothing so far

0/13.45 €

Backlog (Games not started yet for whatever reason, although it's mostly PS+ content)

Ar Tonelico 3 - Bought for no reason ages ago (along Atelier Rorona, check my trophies for the date..)

Batman Arkham Asylum - PS+

Batman Arkham City+DLC - PS+ and I bought the DLC..

Beyond Two Souls - To borrow from my brother..

Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut - PS+

Deception IV (PS3) - Bought it for no reason for PS3.. I tough it was the Vita version at the time :/

Dragon's Dogma - PS+

Dragon's Crown (Vita) - PS+

Dishonored GotY Edition (PS3) - To borrow from my brother..

Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) - To borrow from my brother.. (not likely that I will play it.. again)

Hitman Trilogy - bought long ago

I Am Alive - PS+

Lost Dimension (Vita)

Kingdom Hearts II - Bought long ago, only played Birth by Sleep from this KH collection and I want to at least plat Chain of Memories before playing this one

Kingdoms of Amalur - PS+, no DLC

Mafia II - To borrow from my brother (unlikely..)

Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS3) - Bought, part of the MGS HD collection, never played much MGS, except for Peace Walker..

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zero (PS4) - PS+

Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines - PS+

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments - PS+

Sports Champions 2 - To borrow from my brother (unlikely..)

Styx: Master of Shadows - PS+

The Crew - To borrow from my brother..

Watchdogs + DLC (PS4) - To borrow from my brother

Anything that I find interesting from PS+ at any time or that my brother buys..

Change log:

9th July 2016 - Weekly update and add the PS+ game Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines to the backlog.

10th July 2016 - Add a "Games Complete" sub-section to the "Games Played" section and moved Ni no Kuno to "Games Complete".

16th July 2016 - Weekly update. Moved Thief and Street Fighter x Tekken PS3 and Vita to "Games Played"

24th July 2016 - Weekly update. Moved both Street Fighter x Tekken to "Games Complete"

31st July 2016 - Weekly update, Moved Natural Doctrine to "Games Complete", add Tekken Tag Tournament 2 to "On and Off or on hold" and Rainbow Moon to "Currently Playing"


Update for the 1st post:

Games Completed:

Street Fighter x Tekken (PS3) - Platinum/100% complete

Street Fighter x Tekken (PSV) - Platinum/100% complete

Natural Doctrine (PSV) - Platinum/100% complete


Games played:

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - I already had the platinum/100% complete, but I come back to this game now and then for some random online matches, since I already had the platinum/completed the game, I'm not sure if you want to put it in the list..

Edited by Han_the_Dragon
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So, it's August and here are my final starting stats.

DLC (AUD 20  out of 20 REMAINING):
BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01
PS4 12 games and 19 free games
PS3 10 games and 29 free games
VITA 0 games and 10 free games
SNES 23 games
PS4 12 games and 19 free games
PS3 10 games and 29 free games
VITA 0 games and 10 free games
SNES 23 games


The trades went through, so I now also have Fallout 4 and Trackmania Turbo in my backlog.


I thought about introducing some other stats like trophies won, completion percentage, unobtained trophies and the likes but then I realised that I really don't care. The backlog numbers and Games Played list should say enough, I did not just play through Transformers Devastation once before trading it because I love trophies so much.

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The trades went through, so I now also have Fallout 4 and Trackmania Turbo in my backlog.

Nice, Trackmania Turbo is receiving way too much hate. They removed some of the more useless community features while reuniting the game which was split into 3 parts into a new game, even including a new terrain type (with really weird handling). I've got that game on PC since, sadly, I can't afford a PS4 and it's been pretty nice. Also, if there's a trophy for completing all of the Nadeo maps, that trophy is gonna take a while. There's loads of them. :D


Also, welcome to the challenge. :D Nice to have you with us.

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Nice, Trackmania Turbo is receiving way too much hate. They removed some of the more useless community features while reuniting the game which was split into 3 parts into a new game, even including a new terrain type (with really weird handling). I've got that game on PC since, sadly, I can't afford a PS4 and it's been pretty nice. Also, if there's a trophy for completing all of the Nadeo maps, that trophy is gonna take a while. There's loads of them. :D


Also, welcome to the challenge. :D Nice to have you with us.




I played Trackmania before a bit and it's so tough... No way I'll ever get to those black maps. It is fun though, but I might like it more if it gets the VR expansion without too much delay :-)

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I played Trackmania before a bit and it's so tough... No way I'll ever get to those black maps. It is fun though, but I might like it more if it gets the VR expansion without too much delay :-)

Well it's all about practice. :) It's really fun once you get the hang of it and the maps provided by Nadeo are great to get a feel for the game. The last Trackmania I played before Turbo was TM United Forever, which is still one of my favorite games and I got annoyed when Nadeo said that they were gonna create 3 "new" terrain types and split them up into 3 games that each need to be individually bought... But in the end it turned out that 2 of those environments were basically a copy paste of TMUF environments (Stadium and Valley) and the only real new one was Canyon, which felt a lot like the old Island terrain in TMUF, just without the awesome tropical island vibes.


And even though the controls of the new environments feel weird, especially the new Lagoon environment, I was pleasantly surprised that the game is still as fun as it used to be. There's just more drifting going on now. But really the Lagoon environment is weird. I love the idea of rollercoaster-like magnet tracks but the handling is so extremely sensitive, that sometimes just tapping the left arrow key a few times is already too much for a 90° turn. I've heard that it feels less weird on a controller, but I don't have one that actually connects to my PC. :/


But yeah, regardless of people giving the game mixed reviews, it's still great and most of those bad reviews are fanboys complaining about small and insignificant things.

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But yeah, regardless of people giving the game mixed reviews, it's still great and most of those bad reviews are fanboys complaining about small and insignificant things.


I did a naughty thing today...


Someone heard I had Trackmania and wanted to trade Ratchet and Clank for it... So I had already played Trackmania but I hadn't played a single Ratchet&Clank yet...


I already lost Trackmania before I actually installed it! :lol:

Don't worry, I'll get it again at some point. At the least when it has a VR upgrade.



Here are my new latest stats:




Ratchet&Clank (started)



DLC (AUD 20  out of 20 REMAINING):





Ratchet & Clank (traded)


BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 23 games



PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 23 games








So, I haven't actually checked but how often does everybody update? I thought about it and figured the best thing was just posting an update every time there's actually some stat to be updated, instead of saving everything up for a week.

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So, I haven't actually checked but how often does everybody update? I thought about it and figured the best thing was just posting an update every time there's actually some stat to be updated, instead of saving everything up for a week.


There's no rule about how often we post an update, but I try to post quick update every 2 days to avoid some spam, and also because I normally focus on a single game at a time, unless I'm trying to figure out what to play next, or am trying to play something that for some reason is bothering me (Thief at the moment), so posting more often is kind of irrelevant. Then I post a big update at Saturday or Sunday.


The quick game updates during the week is in normal post style, so people don't need to look through the spoiler tags and look for what's new (I think this also encourages a bit more the actual discussion, then just posting an update with a set formation).


The big update, is when I post with a fix format, and my "currently played", "on and off" and "games complete" get a treatment like a diary, where I do a little entry on what I did (every 2 days). This is also when I tell Super-Fly what needs to be changed in the 1st post. Check my previous post for to see what I mean by a big update..


Again, this is just me, everyone is free to do it like they want, but I think that the main idea of those updates is to generate debate/conversation, not simply a stats update or "checking in" kind of thing..


PS: I keep a word file where I actually update every 2 days, so I just copy past that at the weekend.. only need to do some minor formatting to it before posting because of a minor format bug (the underline goes back to black under the colored text and the dot before that text stops being a bullet list and becomes normal text) when copy/past the text..

Edited by Han_the_Dragon
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